BER 8, 19S6 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC fÂIEÎËfcH MM —— our arrests, court procedures, im- prisonments, executions, proba- German Hierarchy Pittsburgh Circle of International CHURCH MUSIC tions and paroles are only scratch>- Federation of Catholic Alumna« ing the surface as far as th* so- Not Compromising! Beside her husband she leaves DI0CI8AN ©tlURCH MUSIC COMMISSION lution of the crime problem is con- three sisters: Mrs. J. Frank Me cerned." Kenna, Mrs. William Loeffler and R«v. C. A. S»nd«rh«ck, Secretary Mrs. William B. McKenna, and "By religion," he asserted, "we Grievances as Serious as Ever, 108 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh two brothers, William J. Heyl and strike at the very root of the evil, Nazi Godlessness Is Again Alexander Heyl, all of Pitts- namely, the perverse will of nun! Condemned in Pastoral burgh. and by religion that will is di- OFFICWL etc. Any hymn or motet select- rected and gradually trained In The pastor of Sacred Heart ed for the Exposition may be Amsterdam, Sept. 22 Mistaken John B. McCartney good habits that make lor good Church, Pittsburgh, is not com- started as soon as the celebrant interpretations of the recent joint Requiem High Mass for John E. moral character. Religion alone has opened the tabernacle. Pastoral of the German Hierarchy McCartney, retired Pennsylvania plying with the Diocesan Regula- can really reform the malefactor The rendition of the above in the secular press have made it Railroad employe, who died Satr tions concerning the Organist. and make good people better." mentioned hymns and motets is appear as though the Bishops of! urday morning at hhi s home 251 Annual Meeting clearly suggested not only by the (lU'inanv had expressexpr d their will-i Dunseith St. was ¡; ung Tuesday The following annual meetings meaning of the words and phras- ingness to reach a compromise in St. Agnes' Church. of the organists and choir direc- es of the text, but primarily by N.C.C.W, Prepares with the Nazi regime by giving up Mr. McCartney retired a year 1 tors have been called by the Dio- the solemnity of the liturgical fundamental Catholic principles ago as yardmaster, after having cesan Music Commission: moment which recalls the Eleva- National Meeting land joining the Hitler Govern worked for the railroaJ more than Freeport Chapter: St Mary's tion of the Mass. At tne Bene- I ment in a united front against 50 years. He was a life-long resi- parish Hall, Monday evening. Oct diction Service the Blessed Sac- Sectional Meetings, Panel I Bolshevism. dent of Pittsburgh and was a 12, at 8:00 o'clock. rament is exposed for the adora- I The text of the pastoral dispels member of the Brotherhood of tion of the people. Nothing, Conferenceg Planned For Rai 1 road Trainmen. Charleroi Chapter: at St. Jer- I all such notions. The German therefore, that may disturb the Galveston Convention j Bishops have left no doubt that He is survived by four sons, ome's Parish Hall, Monday eve- piety and devotion of the faithful, their grievances are as serious as Francis X., of Harrisburg; John ning, Oct. 12, at 8:00 o'clock. nothing that may take their at- Washington, Oct 5 With sec- ever, and they have once more E., Joseph R., and Clyde M. Mc "Since its principal office tention away from the altar tional meetings and luncheon c< m- expressed their strong protest Cartney; six daughters, Mrs. (Sacred Music's) is to clothe should take place in church dur- ferences arranged to deal with against the manifold obstacles put James McDonough. of Glassbon- with suitable melody the litur- ing this sacred function. All the such subjects as study clubs, the in the way of the Church by Nazi ough. N. J.; Mrs. Walter Costella, gical text proposed for the un- hymns and motets mentioned youth movement, industrial prob- author ities. On the other hand Mrs. J. E. Lechnar and Florence. derstanding of the faithful, its above are nothing else but hum- lems, international relation s. the they have availed themselves of Irene and Mildred McCartney; proper aim is to add greater ble invocations and intimate ex- Catholic Parent-Teacher move- the opportunity to call the Span- two brothers, C. A and William efficacy to the text, in order pressions of faith, of devotion ment and family and parent edu- ish disorders to the attention of McCartney, and one sister. Mrs. that through it the faithful may and adoration before the majesty cation, the 16th annual conven- those in power in their own coun- Marv Fladd. be more easily moved to devo- of God truly present. Since the tion of the National Council of try. making it plain that Godless- tion and better disposed for singing must be a reflection of Catholic Women, to be held at ness remains forever allied with these various sentiments, it should Galveston, Oct. 17 to 21. will con- Bolshevism. Accordingly, the Nazi Father Thillman Dies the reception of the fruits of grace belonging to the celebra- be done softly, calmly (tempo stitute a practical institute of regime which claims to be in the South Bend, Ind., O'et. tion of the most holy myster- Moderato: M.M. 63 to 72) with Catholic affairs for Catholic wo- forefront of a worldwide mover 6' Rev. John P. Thillman, C.S.C ies." (Pope Pius X in his Motu the organ in subdued tone. men. ment against all Communism . one of the prie 'ts who founded the Uni- proprio on Church Music.) The following English transla- Katherine R. Williams of Mil- , should see its way clear to sever versity of Portland. Ore., suc- tion of the "O salutaris Hostia" waukee, national president, will the ties with its own Godless Hymns for Benediction cumbed /to a heart ailment yes- and "Adoro Te Devote" will give preside at a luncheon conference and anti-Christian supporters. In the general principle men- terdap after three days* illness. an idea of the general character in the Galvez Hotel Monday, Oct. tioned above, that tne music must It remains to be s< en whe UM' He was 74 years of aee. of all the Eucharistic motets 19. that will deal with "Interna- be suitable for the liturgical text, the Nazi Government, which has more commonly used for Benedic- tional Relations." At the same is found the norm by which to de- so far always countenanced the tion Service. time Mrs. Thomas J. Horrigan of cide whether Latin hymns and I :i rt I'oiislble activities of ai< the O Salutaris Hostia Meriden. Conn., will preside al a j radically anti-Catholic elements motets are appropriate or not for session on "Family DEATHS (pp. O Saving Victim, opening and Parent ¡n Germany, will reach the same the Benediction service or for any Education." other church use. A melody is wide conclusions as the Gsmian B : sh- Later in the afternoon four OF THE WEEK "suitahle" for the sacred text The gate of heaven to man ops round-table meetings will be held. when "it reflects, with sobriety below. (cresc.) Sore press our foes from Mrs. Alyce Grubb of Birmingham, MHUSON. Rob •rt, Oct. 1. and gravity (to quote the Motu \I»iU AN. Ala., will preside at a meeting on Student Council Elected Ben J. -1026 Ì inn Proprio) the meaning of the every side; Ort 2 A vp. "Study Clubs"; Cecilia Yawman, words and phrases." In this re- (p.) Thine aid supply. thy "OX ROY. Annie, Sépt 30 Rochester, N. Y., on "Industrial Latrobe. Oct. 6 Officers and spect, Gregorian Chant is consid- strength bestow, (I KT IN, Ali,,. McCli iski'v Ori 1 Relations"; Mrs. Thomas Dignan.j members of the Student Council DONNEELY. Elizabeth i it k ountain ered by the Church as the . su (cresc.) To Thy great name be St.. Oct. 2. Glasgow, Mont, on ''Extension of j of St. Vincent's College were elect preme model of music not only endless praise, DORAN, Gerald I», 5518 Row. ! St., Religious Education," and Mrs. W. ed last Friday by members of th< Oct. 3. for the different parts of the tm.f.) Immortal Godhead. One In J. Hotz, Omaha, on "Parent- i three upper classes. Perry Camp DOKNBEKOEIt, 4752 Liberty Ave.. Mass, but also for hymns and mo Three Sept. 30. Teacher Associations." bell, a senior, was elected presi- ENOEL, Andrew W., 1703 Concordia tets at Benediction or at any idimin.) Oh, grant us endless St., S.pt. 28. Two important meetings Tues- dent; Simon Shaker, a junior, was other church service. Hence the length of days. FOLEY, Patrick .1.. Oct. 4. day will be a youth luncheon, at chosen a vice-president and Fran- OOEKL. John ()., 4738 Penn Ave following general rule laid down ip.) In our true native land, with which time Anne Sarachon Hoo- cis Campbell, a sophomore, was Sept. 30. by Pope Pius X in the Motu Pro- Thee. (.REOO, Joseph, Hit Grant Ave., Mill- l y of Kansas City will preside, made secretary. vale, Oct. 1. prio to distinguish liturgical from ) Amen. e PP and a meeting of the youth sec- ILAKSEI NOK II, Victoria, Ml Ohislett unliturgical modern music: "The Adoro Te Devote Other members elected to the St.. Oct. 1. tion. at which Miss Hooley and more closely a composition for (pp.) o Godhead hid, devoutly I council were Thomas Herron, IIOIIAN. John .(.. 1105 Dorme 'lit A Vf . Anna Rose Kimpel of Washing- Richard Whatton and Peter Waiter. Sept. 28. church approaches in its move- adore Thee. HOFFMANN, Joseph, 1903 Federa! ton D. C., field secretary for! ment, inspiration and savor the Who truly art within the forms A representative of the freshman St.
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