* Roll Call Number Agenda Item Number tt i. Date __uu_Atlglls_t-iQ,)QQl 2006-07 Annual Report from the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation. Moved by to receive and file. COUNCIL ACTION YEAS NAYS PASS ABSENT CERTIFICATE COWNIE COLEMAN I, DIANE RAUH, City Clerk of said City hereby certify that at a meeting of the City Council of HENSLEY said City of Des Moines, held on the above date, KIERNAN among other proceedings the above was adopted. MAHAFFEY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my MEYER hand and affixed my seal the day and year first VLASSIS above written. TOTAL MOTION CARRIED APPROVED Mayor City Clerk yi- A MONUIVIENTAL PLEDGE The Iowa National Bar Association amt the Nalional Bar Association request your generous support 10 build a monument in honor of the founders/incorporators of Ilis Nalional Bar Assodalion. Individual Sponsors OSlep$500 Up - $1,499 Ospeaker's$1,500 - $2,999 Corner iow A Nl\ 'l~IOi"Jl\L BAR ASSOCIA'T'IOJ"-I OFounders$3,000 - $4,999 Circle PU13LIC /'\i-~~r PHCl. r;:c~i~ C¡\PlTUI ILLLL OFreedori$5,000 - $7,499Rings AlACK HistoRY PHOORAM OFree$7,500 al Lesl& above SPOIlSOREO BY Corporate/Philanthropic Sponsors REPIlE5EIlIA,IVE W"VtIF W ODiariond$50,000 + 1\ FEBRUARY I, 2007 Opiatinuri$40,000 + ilEa MfJ1UES. IOWA -- OGOld$25,000 T JVON UJVE.N --~AL /""". ii':'" JOUl~NE V OSilver$10,000 + Nii.\ 1\11'1i1111'1'~:oI.t ,111'1.:'" ,'11.111.1 h"IlI:O'" I...". '.11.... I'un ¡..... i~."t.., Nil \ 1,,,,,,,10,1' ('1"" ...., l. IN it.\ I', ....id. III ''ii-i,., I_..''l~-lllli OBronze$5,000 l /'JB \ I', ....¡....ltl-I.-".'.I "¡"iii:. UIO'II;'" fï, il Hight.. I'¡"li''''i., ,,'ill S. i :Iniiiiiii (iifts me WO% lax deductible. Cniiirihiiiioiis (Jrsi,ooo or moie NIl \ 1'1I'..i ,II," , I ,iiiiii". I-iii,,,"-' .11. will be recognized Oil ll plaque 011 or near the moiiumeiit. 11'111, \ 1\ I 101111111"111 1", ,,11-'-1 1\ 1""lll~I','ll",,,uIOlln i J. lli,i,'hi~i l'lelle make duiialiom l1a)'tible /( I'unl lll.IIi......lIlllli... \"11, IIi' ,v. 1.,,1'11 The Oreiilcr Des Moines CumJ1unity Fmiidaiioii Ili'I'II'''I'IiI¡lii,"., IJ,'h"I',i1. B,'II' Iowa Natioiial Bar Associaiimi M0111iie1i1 Fund 1915 Grand Aveiiue 111":1110 lliii,..,..¡i, l:on SlolIU..llh'li11 ,..."ci \\',,11,,-, Des Moines. Iown 50309 Nil \ SI'I'I.'lnl \ Vlli.ii U"ii'.i".... ll"llli",i'I1ll1ljl,'ll,'I,-1i ¡,¡ill," Name 1(,"1" "..I".li"lh.' .-\1'" 1\ 1111111. Sniii"" 14.~.p t"Ja~~'!I~~._l l\lI~ "....oyh'Ii~~l. Address I. ~~. I~H.. hlh 1'.M..i....~_ ..." a :-H.lU.' .Hh I C. w~.. ::_~ :nCh _L" Hl Cily Slale_Zip_ I' , '.. 5 l ~ :~l'.. _" \... E.mail Phone I!.HIIS Ai:UlIAUOltAHVE I'HOÆCl tJEIWF'EtIti"iimi.i HIE BAA IOA MIBUCI"'llOtl. 1111' U"',loiAI HAM AS9UCI",IIOAlm l.tE wii:ATER llES i.INES PUIIUC MIl FUlIIlOAIIO NATIONAL. IIAH ASSOCIATION iu MONUMENT TIie Joiiooy TIle Idea for the National Bar AssodaUon (NBA) munulnllfl Ofew fr a dialogue hetween Iowa Nalional Bar AssodBtÎon past Geilrude E. Rush presltleni Odell MeGhea and Nalional Bar First Alnun Anulflciiri fiimiiiii Wl;llUSlid 10 pllCUUll6W In lowii Assod8lion past president EvellB Simmons Cheile. P. llnwBnl in 2002 willie allerilng Ute 75" I.. ., . I. lt DIRkø Law 5(;houl Aiinival5ary CelBOrBtlorl tJf Ih8 National Bar Phase I NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION Assocation held In Des Moines, Iowa. OclolJer 2006 - Feliruary 2007 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Establish COnlmlUeas PIoneer African American lawyers dedicated to fight segregaUoii aod legal racIsm began gatheilng lowø NBA MomlfllBll1 COlnmUtes The Puipoe SltuUrng Curnmillea belweeJJ 1890 and 1900 10 begin ihe forinallon of S. Joe &0Y1l To prserve Ull le(Jacy of Mlcan AAi811æn Ai11s1 Selecllon Panet The Nallonal Bar Association. lawyers who founded Bnd InærpOIBled the Fuiilfelshig Chairs This movemenl had a permanenl profound NaUonal Bar AssociatIon In 1925, dedicated LandscBplriU Impact upon a nation thet excluded African 10 lusllæ, equaliy ant dvll ilylils In Ilia legal SUa Salecllon AmerIcan lawyers born the mainstream of soclety and the leysl profession. Thø Df Alokøs PubH LIb", trMfø øffhMil NBA system. Develop Collaborative RelBllonshfps Th8 Natloiial Bar Assoclstlon was founded al Im.iøn.& 10 Onl.ø l1,./r Løw Sc:/O hi ø evmoy 8 Iowa Colored Bar AssocIation conveiilloii held In The Grealür Des Moines PIiLillc Aii Febry ( 200' dtJøfln . room 01 C.tttihf Hil '0 ho.. Des MoInes In 1924. They Incorporated oiie year Fouiidellon 1he (J0i1 thtltlrrM'ø§, Uee MoInes City Council later un Auuust 1, 1925. To creale a vfsuallv Inspliing moriumenl that Grealer Des MoInes Community FoundaUon The rive founders were Iowans: George n. memoilallz.es the strggle of Uie Netlnnal Prhiclpftl River Welk Commllee Woodson, S. Joe Brown, Gertrude E. Rush, James DSM Perks end Recreation B. Morris, and Charles P. Iloward, Sr. The others, Bar AssodaUon founder/lii:orator and N..l1o....1 a..r ......0£0'..110.. ... 110_ U,S. Army CUffie of Engineers lo ieagnlza the Slale of Iowa Wendell E. Green, C. Francis Stredford, Jesse N. Pilnclpttl Financial Corporetlon Baker, William II, Haynes, and George C. Adams 1",on..1 Tha National Bar Association were from Chicago, and Charles H. Calloway, L. nBl5ochUkin "..nctO.....H.'..IV Riverfront Development Commission Amasa Knox from Kansas City. The Inuenully of g&ft.o"con ..._y_.. ..nd l.n.H.... ..pr.....nU..n I'liase II TlIB Concepi ihese Mldweslern lawyers chanyed the cOUlse of 1100 Unllod lSIßICI.. A"le... E..,II..,..I. e.....o1.. To provIde a Frø Speech Platli wlleie March 2007 - OeceinlJer 2007 history. nnd '"e VI'nln the voices of eU cilzens tn the community Ii was a lime when the Amerlceii Bar Fundralslno may he heflrd. Assoclallon and 01her Ilallonal legal assoclaUons Gran! Propo8al!: denla(j membersliip 10 African AmerIcan lawyers Ar1181 Selection hecause (Jf their rBce. Its foundlny wa9 an act of Alllsl Proposals vIsion Bnd promIse. Aillsi Conlract niB Silo I'liiise II The proposed she loction 15 In lIownlown January 2008 - Decem Das Moines, wasl of the Des Mnlnes Police her 2008 I Department on East 1'1 Street and Cour1 Groundbraaklnu AVenue. Construcllon ~ \~ Monument Coinpletlon QHORGI. U. WOODl!ON DedicaUnl1 TlU; NATIOH.lL BAA ...eOOI..TIOH.f1 11111 BudUBl $750,000 - $1,000,000 GREATER DES MOINES PUBLIC AR T FOUNDATION August 15, 2007 Honorable Mayor Frank Cownie & Des Moines City Council Members Des Moines City Hall 400 Robert D. Ray Drive Des Moines, IA 50309 Honorable Mayor Cownie & Des Moines City Council Members: 1915 Grand Avenue On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Greater Des Moines Public Art Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Foundation, i am pleased to submit the enclosed 2006-07 Annual Report, This preliminary report details activities pertaining to projects, governance, BOAR OF DIRCTORS administration, and financial management in accord with the requirements of PRESIDENT an Agreement, dated March 19,2004, between the City of Des Moines and Pamela Bass-Bookey the Greater Des Moines Public Community Foundation, serving as fiscal agent for the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation. VICE-PRESIDENT Willam Friedman, Jr. The Foundation continues to pursue its mission of acquiring the highest quality public art for the City of Des Moines. SECRETARY William Ande"on The following items are enclosed: King Au . Narrative report on activities Alex ßrown . Financial Spreadsheet (2006-07 Ending June 30, 2007) David Dahlquist . Board of Director's Roster Lois Fingennan Christine Hensley On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank you and the members of G. David Hurd the City Council for your continuing support of the Foundation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Jeanne Levitt KristI Lund Lozier Jeff Fleming Respectfully, Paul Mankins Katie Meredith , Gregg Narbcr Mary O'Keefe CONSULTANT John W. Finnan 515.2443322 OFFICE 515.710.1830 CELL 515.285.3345 FAX jwfmga2~o1.com GREATER DES MOINES PUBLIC ART FOUNDATION Title: Untitled Artist: Jennifer Lynn Bates Project: City Performance Report TAB OF SECTION PAGE SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION.....,........,.."............ ..,..... ,......,....,..,.., ,......."..,..,......,... .....".."..,....".. 1 SECTION 2: PUBLIC ART INITIATIVES SUMMARy..,.. ,. ,.,..."...",...."......"......,......,......".."..,....,..".....,..",........".."..,......" '......"." ,2 PROJECTS PENDING"""""""""",.".".",.",.,.,.....,..".".",.,....,."..".,."..""".",..",.",.."".,." ,3 PROJECTS IN PROGRESS.....,...."..........,......,..,..,....,.."........,.......,..,..,..,..,.... .............'..,.." ....4 PROJECT COMPLETED""""""""""""""""""""""",.""""""""""""""""",."."",...""..." ,5-6 SECTION 3: GOVERNANCE & ADMINiSTRATION...."....,...."..,.....,.."....,.."..,........"....,........"..,....",,7 SECTION 4: FINANCIAL CONDITION.......... ...... ....... ......",........,............, .............,.. ,.",.....,..,..".."..8 S ECTIO N 5: 2006 FINANCIAL DETAilS...... ............... ...................... ....... ........... .............................9 S ECTIO N 6: BOARD OF DIRECTORS...... ................ .......... ............ ............ .......... ............. ................ 1 0 Artist: Barrie Lester Exterior Mural: Orchard Place/PACE IQ Location: sin & High Streets SE 1: I I N the most recently completed fiscal year, the Foundation reaffirmed its mission to identify, select, and commission professional artists to create high quality works of art for new or renovated public buildings, parks, lands, and streetscapes. The decisive factor by which artists and works of art are selected is "excellence"; an unequivocal principle considered the core of the Foundation's purpose. The sections that
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