November 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2737 year Moore joined Reggie Bryant to host an For all of his hard work, Harrel was rightfully homes, but it benefits our flagging housing in- influential television show called Black Per- awarded at the 35th anniversary of the Big dustry and the millions of jobs throughout this spectives on the News on WHYY public tele- Thicket National Preserve in October. The sector whether it is real estate, construction, vision. Second District of Texas commends Professor or the building supply chain. In 1975, Acel Moore and 43 other newsmen Harrel for his dedication to improving and pre- As a Member of the House Committee on and women met in Washington to launch the serving this dense wilderness area. Ways and Means, I am also proud that this bill National Association of Black Journalists. f expands the carryback of net operating losses NABJ soon spawned a Philadelphia chapter, that was included in the American Recovery and many more local chapters. EARMARK DECLARATION and Reinvestment Act. The Net Operating A quarter century later, Acel Moore re- Loss provisions in this bill will help many busi- flected, ‘‘If I had said in 1975 . that I HON. DON YOUNG nesses offset past losses and reduce their tax thought NABJ would have the impact and im- OF ALASKA liability. Many American businesses are con- port it has today, I’d be lying. There was a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tinuing to struggle in the face of our sluggish feeling among some people that signing their Friday, November 6, 2009 economy. The Five-Year Carryback of Net Op- name on the list [to form NABJ] was a risk, erating Losses results in more capital for that there would be a retaliation for doing Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, these businesses, allowing them to get that.’’ pursuant to the Republican Leadership stand- healthy, contribute to the growth of our econ- NABJ soon spawned a Philadelphia chapter, ards on earmarks, I am submitting the fol- omy, and create more jobs. and many more local chapters. It was an ad- lowing information regarding earmarks I re- I applaud the Senate for sending this timely vocacy group, an employment agency, a civil ceived as part of H.R. 2996, the Interior, Envi- bill back to the House for a vote, as we move rights crusader. Now NABJ has 3,300 mem- ronment, and Related Agencies Appropriations forward on growing our economy and creating bers. It has provided the example for minority bill. jobs for Americans. I support the Senate journalism organizations of Hispanics, Native Project Name: Water and Sewer Improve- amendment to H.R. 3548, and I urge my col- Americans, Asian Americans, lesbians and ments, Kodiak, AK leagues to join me in voting in favor of it. gays, significantly increasing the diversity of Bill Number: H.R. 2996 Title II Environ- our newsrooms, networks and the communica- mental Protection Agency f tions executive ranks. This is no small feat, Legal name and address of entity receiving and it is a tremendous service to the profes- earmark: City of Kodiak, P.O. Box 1397, 710 RECOGNIZING THE DALLAS-FORT sion that Acel Moore loves: A newsroom or Mill Bay Rd., Kodiak, AK 99615 WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT newscast must reflect the audience and the Description of how the money will be spent community it serves or its credibility suffers. and why the use of federal taxpayer funding is Acel Moore had already achieved promi- justified: This project would replace aging HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON nence and impact by the time he and Inquirer sewer and waterlines in a residential area of OF TEXAS colleague Wendell Rawls began their inves- Kodiak, and enable the City to comply with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tigation of abuse of inmates at Farview State Clean Water Act. Friday, November 6, 2009 Hospital. Their series led to awarding of the f 1977 Pulitzer Prize, journalism’s most impor- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. tant award, for local investigative reporting— UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Madam Speaker, I am very privileged today to and to significant changes at the hospital EXTENSION ACT OF 2009 recognize the Dallas-Fort Worth International itself. Typically, Acel Moore was digging hard, Airport as one of the country’s leading green uncovering the truth and providing a voice for SPEECH OF power purchasers. Recently, the Environ- the voiceless. HON. BOB ETHERIDGE mental Protection Agency released a list of the I was honored to attend Acel Moore’s ‘‘re- top twenty local government organizations that OF NORTH CAROLINA tirement’’ party in December 2005 with 250 are green power purchasers in the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colleagues, admirers, movers and shakers at States. Both the City of Dallas and the Dallas- the Moore College of Art. I put retirement in Thursday, November 5, 2009 Fort Worth International Airport were included quotes because Acel wasn’t truly retiring then, Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- in this listing. Impressively, the DFW Airport or in full retirement even today. He has taken port of the Senate Amendment to H.R. 3548. receives 18 percent of its total electricity from up the hobby of painting. But he has never This bill combines vital assistance to unem- green power purchases, and this is equivalent really stepped away from his day job—serving ployed Americans and includes measures to to removing 7,000 vehicles from the road or the Philadelphia community, its underprivi- help get our economy back on track. powering 5,000 homes annually. leged and voiceless, coaxing and grooming Despite some significant indicators that our Green power purchasing is important for a the next generation of communicators to con- economy is beginning to recover, far too many variety of reasons. The Dallas-Fort Worth tinue his life’s work. people are looking for work. In my state of International Airport uses large amounts of en- On the eve of this next great and greatly de- North Carolina, unemployment has risen to ergy, and green power purchases ensure that served honor, I urge my colleagues to join me 10.8 percent, with many counties experiencing this energy is generated from renewable re- in congratulating and thanking a great Phila- rates above 15 percent. This bill will extend sources like solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, delphian, Acel Moore. unemployment insurance to provide critical as- and low-impact hydro. In turn, this leads to a f sistance for these Americans who are strug- reduction of green house gas emissions that will help to create a greener future for us all. PROFESSOR HARREL RECEIVES gling the most. Unemployment insurance AWARD would be extended for 14 additional weeks, While this is a very prestigious honor, it is with an extra six weeks for states like North important to note that this is one of numerous Carolina with unemployment levels over 8.5 distinctions that the airport has received in re- HON. TED POE percent. cent years. As the third busiest airport in the OF TEXAS Other provisions in this bill are critical to world, the Dallas-Fort Worth International Air- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES creating new job opportunities and helping mil- port offers over 1,500 flights per day and Friday, November 6, 2009 lions of Americans keep the jobs they have. serves roughly 57 million passengers in a Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, I would This bill would extend the First-Time Home- year. Despite its busy nature, DFW was like to recognize Professor Richard Harrel of buyers Tax Credit through the end of April named the ‘‘Best Airport for Customer Service Lamar University. Professor Harrel is the re- 2010 and create a new credit of $6,500 for in North America’’ by an Airports Council Inter- cent recipient of the Maxine Johnston Distin- homeowners who have lived in their current national survey of passengers in 2006 and guished Service Award. The biology professor residence for at least five years. The housing 2007. received this award for more than four dec- industry has been hit hard during this reces- Madam Speaker, I am incredibly proud of ades of research, field studies and publica- sion, and creating an incentive for home- the accomplishments that the Dallas-Fort tions that benefited the Big Thicket region. buyers to rejoin the market can lessen the Worth International Airport has achieved, and Harrel is also one of the founding members of drag that this is creating on the economy as I encourage my colleagues to join me in cele- Clean Air and Water Inc., a Beaumont-based a whole. The extended homebuyer tax credit brating this airport as a leader among green environmental organization. not only helps put American families in new power purchasing organizations. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:46 Nov 07, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06NO8.009 E06NOPT1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with REMARKS E2738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 6, 2009 COMMEMMORATING THE LIFE OF fied by the legislatures of 38 of the 50 states, IN HONOR OF MARDI WORMHOUDT KATHRYN BROPHY thereby becoming Amendment XXIV to the United States Constitution, pursuant to Ar- ticle V thereof, and reading as follows: HON. SAM FARR HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO ‘‘AMENDMENT XXIV OF CALIFORNIA OF CONNECTICUT ‘‘SECTION 1. The right of citizens of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States to vote in any primary or Friday, November 6, 2009 Friday, November 6, 2009 other election for President or Vice Presi- dent, for electors for President or Vice Presi- Mr.
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