;­ GAVEA­ -BROWN A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese American Letters and Studies Revista Bilingue ols. V-VIII de Letras e Estudos an. 1984 Luso- . 1987 -Americanos CO-DIRECTORESIEditors Onesimo Teotonio Almeida, Brown University George Monteiro, Brown University EDITOR EXECUTIVOIMANAGING EDITOR Carlos Jorge Pereira, Brown University COORDENADOR DE RECENSOESI BOOK REVIEW EDITOR Eduardo Mayone Dias, Univ. California, Los Angeles CONSELHO DE REDACc;.XO/EDITORIAL BOARD Domingos de Oliveira Dias, Brown University Francisco Cota Fagundes, Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst Jose Martins Garcia, Universidade dos A {:ores Donaldo Macedo, Univ. Massachusetts, Boston Nelson H. Vieira, Brown University CONSELHO CONSUL TIVOIADVISOR Y BOARD Alice Clemente, Smith College Manuel da Costa Fontes, Kent State University Gerald Moser, P~nn. State University Mario J. B. Raposo, Universidade de Lisboa Raymond Sayers, University of Winsconsin Frederick Williams, Univ. California, Santa Barbara Govea-Brown is published annually by Gavea-Brown Publications spon­ sored by the Center for Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Brown University. Manuscripts on Portuguese-American letters and/or studies are welcome, as well as original creative writing. All submissions should be accompanied by a self­ addressed stamped envelope to Editor, Govea-Brown Center for Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Capa de Rogerio Silva GAVEA-BROWN" Revista Bilingue de Letras e Estudos Luso-Americanos A Bilingual Journal ofPortuguese-American Letters and Studies Vols. V-VIII Numbers 1-2 Jan. 1984-Dec. 1987 SUMARIO/CONTENTS ArtigoslEssays The United States in Myth and Fact: Two Portuguese Views ........................ 5 John Austin Kerr, Jr. Contracts for Laborers from the Azores Entering Canada in the Early Nine­ teen Fifties ...................................................................................... 12 Grace M. Anderson Ethnic Organizational Completeness: A Discussion of Trends in Montreal's Portuguese Community...................................................................... 17 Victor M. P. da Rosa and Leslie S. Laczko Value Conflicts and the Struggle for Cultural Adjustement-The Case of the Portuguese in Canada......................................................................... 28 Omfsimo Teot6nio Almeida Madeirans in Hawaii. ........................................................................ 35 Edgar C. Knowlton DocumentoslDocuments o doutoramento Honoris Causa do Presidente Mario Soares na Brown University....................................................................................... 56 apresentado por Om!simo Teot6nio Almeida President Mario Soares's Address ................................................... 59 Question and Answer Session Following President Mario Soares's Ad­ dress.............................................................................................. 63 Jogos ou Bringo em Versos de urn Nemesio Menos Estudado ....................... 70 Poema de Vitorino Nemesio apresentado por Joao Afonso Dias de Melo: Porque se Escreve - Porque Escrevo .................................. 77 Na Esteira de Meu PaL....................................................................... 87 Dias de Melo Jose Rodrigues Migueis: "0 Oficio de Escrever"...................................... 90 entrevista conduzida por Jacinto Baptista Urn inedito de Jose Rodrigues Migueis: Sixteen Hours on Secret Mission ..................................................... 101 PoesialPoetry Three Poems................................................................................... 109 Thomas J. Braga One More Harvest, One More Dream.................................................... 111 Art Cuelho No Tumulo de Jorge de Sena............................................................... 113 Joaquim-Francisco Coelho Carta de azul chorada................................................. ,...................... 114' Jose F. Costa A Tua Ausencia................................................................................ 115 Irene Dias Mr. Pinto ....................................................................................... 116 J. F. Hale Despertar........................................................................................ 11'7 Joao LUIs de Medeiros Tres Poemas .................................................................................... 118 Naomi Parker o sol que regressa, Setembro............................................................... 122 Eduardo Bettencourt Pinto Emigrant/Immigrant......................................................................... 123 Manuel Luis Ponte Canto do Grilo ...................................................,............................. 125 Urbino de San-Payo Two Poems..................................................................................... 126 Charles Wayne Santos Lisbon's "Electrico" ......................................................................... 128 Frederick G. Williams Fic~iolFiction Input............................................................................................. 129 Laura F. Bulger o Telefone...................................................................................... 133 Domingos de Oliveira Dias The Franchise..... ...................................................... .......... ........ ..... 137 George Monteiro The Cockpit.................................................................................... 147 Lawrence P. Spingarn o sino da minha aldeia....................................................................... 152 Antonio Barbosa Tavares In the Shadow of the Mill. ................................................................... 153 Nelson H. Vieira Recensoes Criticas/Book Reviews Almeida, Onesimo Teot6nio. (Sapa)teia Americana .................................. 156 Antonio Barbosa Tavares Andrade, Eugenio de. Inhabited Heart................................................... 157 Naomi Parker Avendano, Fausto. (org.) Literatura de Expressio Portuguesa nos Estados Unidos........................................................................................... 159 Vamberto Freitas Brites, Jose. Imigramar...................................................................... 161 Urbano Bettencourt Bulger, Laura. Vaivem ....................................................................... 162 Rafael Gonra/o Gomes Filipe Clode, Luiz Peter. Geneologia da Familia Drummond............................... 165 George Monteiro Correia, Luis de Miranda. 0 Repartido .................................................. 165 Alamo Oliveira Dannett, Sylvia G. and Rosamond H. Burkart. Confederate Surgeon: Aristides Monteiro ............................................................................ 168 Lois Monteiro D'Avila, Emilio. Alma Lusiada ............................................................ 168 Donald Warrin Dias, Eduardo Mayone. Cant ares de Alem-Mar ....................................... 170 Grara Silva Dias Dias, Eduardo Mayone. Coisas da L(USA)landia ..................................... 173 Heraldo da Silva Dias, Eduardo Mayone. A Presen~a Portuguesa no HavaL........................ 174 Edgard C. Knowlton Macedo, Donald P. (editor). Issues in Portuguese Bilingual Education........... 175 David P. Dolson Monteiro, George. The Coffee Exchange................................................ 177 Enid Rhodes Peschel Rollins, Joan H. (editor). Hidden Minorities: The Persistence of Ethnicity in American Life ................................................................:................. 178 Stephen L Cabral Sharrer, Harvey L. and Frederick G. Williams (editors). Studies on Jorge de Sena.............................................................................................. 181 Ronald W. Sousa Silva, F. A. (Jim). (pref.) All Our Yesterdays.••-Tbe Sons of Macao-Tbeir History and Heritage...................................<II..................................... 183 Eduardo Mayone Dias Williams, Jerry. And Yet They Come: Portuguese Immigration from the Azores to the United States ................................................................. 184 Geoffrey L. Gomes ARTIGOSIESSAYS The United States in Myth and Fact: Two Portuguese Viewsl John Austin Kerr, Jr. One of the more enduring myths related to the exploration and settling of American territory concerns the legend of El Dorado or, more properly, of the Seven Cities ofCibola. Propagated in Europe both literarily and popularly by examples of successful immigrants in spite of sometimes adverse conditions in the New World, reflections of the myth are still to be found in contemporary Portuguese (or Luso-American) literature. "0 Viajante Clandestino,"2 by Jose Rodrigues Migueis,3 is perhaps this author's most positive statement in this regard, although the myth is also observable in other works, such as "0 Cosme de Riba-Douro."4 In both of these short stories, however, the El Dorado aspect represents but a portion of Migueis' commentary on the human condition, as the author is certainly no apologist for the United States, preferr­ ing instead to follow his longstanding principle of accurate observation. Therefore, since Migueis is one of the most important contemporary Luso­ American writers (if not the most important one) using Portuguese as a medium of artistic expression, I propose to examine briefly these two short stories not only in terms of their reflections of the so-called El Dorado myth but also, more importantly,
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