• ess 1 e -4ntl!rica ~ eked:! Copyrtght 1154 by Unlted Stet., VoL IX. No.5 Friday, November 5, 1954. i"s Cents CONN STATE ASSN. FIDE PROVIDES USCF AFFILIATE FOR 19S5 EVENTS Conduci.-ed by Most recent acquiSition to the Meeting at Amslerdam, the FIDE RUSS ELL CHAUVENET uscr family oC affiliated chess or· General Assembly made a number END solutions to Position No. ganizations is the Connecticut State o( important decisions, many of S 148 to Russell Chl.luycnet, 721 Chess Association, formerly known which were morc important to the Gist Ave., Silver Spring, Mary­ as the Connecticut Chess League. chess organizer and mastcr player land, by Decemher 5, 1954. This Ol'gani:t.ation, which conducts (han to thc average enthusiast. Position No. 148 the Con necticut State Champion· Supplements' No. 3 and No. 4 With your solution, please ship and other events, changcd its were approved as addenda to the send analysis or reasons supporting name to the more appropriate ti· Laws of Chess with two changes in your choice as "Best Move" or Ue of State Association at the an· wording, and at last the chess code moves. nual meeting at which it also vot! oUidaUy covers postal and tele· $Oh"l1o" to Position No. 148 wilt 'p_ ed for USCF affiliation. President graphic notation, and provides {or pur in th' December 20 issft. of the Association is Elliot S. Wolk, blind players in tournament com· NOTE: Do no/ plaer ,oililion, 10 f_ 34 Mansfield Apts., Storrs, Conn. petition. This last was a provision Ixui/ion, .,n Gne C<frd; l>f Jllrl! 10 indicate strongly recommended by CHESS (O'7t(l lIum~r of po,ititln bring ,oIreJ, ANDERSON TOPS LIFE when the new code was in .... J $;"'11' ""mil' 'lilt! .JJ,ts, 0/ ~fyn. thc first stages of being prepared . BD TWO PLAYERS Wbile rejceting the proposal or In the recent International Team West Germany to restore the 30· MAST ERS NAMED WISCONSIN TEAM Matches at Amsterdam, Canadia n move rule on agreed draws, tlle BY FI DE ASSEM BLY Co-oChamplon FTank R. Andcrson Assemhly strongly endorsed dis· TOPS MINNESOTA of Toronto with 13 wins, 2 losses The United State!; was recog· Playing without the services of approval of short., agreed draws, and 2 draws for 82.47 pcr~ n t was calling upon FroE Grandmasters nized in the recent FIDE Congress State Champion Averill Powers awarded a Dutch delll plaque as at Amsterdam by the conferring of and International Masters to set and other strong Milwaukee play· the top scorer on Board Two. On an example to other players. titles upon several outstanding ers (Kujoth, Kampars, Kraszewski, Board One World Champion 'M. American players. Isa"c Kasbdan of etc.), a Wisconsin team eked out Botvinnlk took the top honors with The Women's candidates Tourna· California was at last rccogni7.ed a 191,2·16% vidory over a l\rinne-­ 77.3%; Barcza of Hungary with ment lor 1955 was awarded once as .1Il InternatiQnal Grand Master sota team led by Curt nrasket and 77 % wns high man for Board again to Moscow; the World Junior (an honor thal CHESS LIFE has Slate Champion K. Pederson in an Three; Kercs with the phenomenal Championship for 1955 was sct {or long claimed his due), Arthur W. encounter at LaG:rosse, Wis. Bras­ 96.2% outshone all other on Board France or Belgium with Canada Dake of Oregon was recognized as ke l and Pederson tallied victories Four; Kotov as 1st Reserve had selected 'for 1957. The World Team an International Master, and our respectively over Hugh Myers (for. 71.3%; and Bernstein of France as Tournamcnt will be held in Mos­ "dean of American Chess" Her­ merly of flIinois 'but now a Racine 2nd Reserve with 70%. n14l nn ~elms was proclaimed an resident) and J. Grkavae on boards , cow in 1946. Internalional Judge (or referee). one and two. 101 . Surgies of Wiscon· The 1955 FIDE Assembly will The only American player denied si n drew with~ W. Kaiser on board K. R. SMITH WINS meet in t he USSR as first choice, his application lor recognition was three, while Dr. G. Koelsclle swin· Norman 1'. Whitaker of Shadyside, died A. Eto of Wisconsin out of COUNT·Y EVENTS failing that in Sweden, or failing .Potd:, whose application was not what seemed an easy victory on K. R. Smith of Texas, who has that in Luxembourg. Suggcstions approved by the FIDE Qualifica­ board four. Scoring 5'h-Ph on t he been serving in the Armed J:o~ orces lor Women's Team Championship in England fo r the past three tions CommiUcc. (The announce­ nrst sevell boards, Minnesot.a. lost were tabled for the 1955 Assembly. ment in "Chess" that illr. Whit.a.kcr through lack of sll-ength 011 the years, expects to return to thc was nominated an International lower ·boards. USA this November. He will bring Master is incorrect.) back with him the Lancashire County and Manchcstcr titles in UNITED STATES Others receiving recognition by • addition to his already reported co­ CHESS FEDERATION FIDE were: International Grand­ ROUTINE SETTLED ehampicnship or the SaUord In· masters: W. Unzicker ' CW. Ger­ OFF ICERS FOR MASTER EVEN T vitational in which he sharcd (irst P,nHlmt Frank R. Gra".., many), G. Barcza (Hungary), G. place with International Master R. 20'1 Fu", & Ho"" Stoltz (Sweden), L. Pachman (Czecb­ Since Dr. Reuben Fine cannot Bldg., Ft. Wor th, T ell. compete, the Lessing J . Rosenwald G. Wade. oslovakia). Intcrnational Musters: T'~.JJ .. rtr WIlliam M. Byl.nd Trophy tournament will be a six At Manchester in a 28·player 32... · L aton" A .... Dr. F. Ilohatirchuk (CD nada), R. Swiss, Smith tallied 7·2, losing one Pittsbu rgh U, P •• Toran Albel'o (Spain), G. KJuger player double round rohin evcnt with Reshevsky, U.S. Champion game to runner·up C. llillon, and Major J . B. Holt (Hune-ll ry), JJ. Bouwmeester 3nd H . drawing with D. Crllyson in third Long B ..c h .. I, Kramer (Holland), 1. Balanel (Rou· Arthur Bisguier, former U. S. Sar'lote, Fl •• Champion Larry Evans, Donald and place and .T. Pollitt. Hilton was sec­ M~mkr6hip K.n neth H.rltne" mania), V. Korlchnoi, N. Mejmet­ t3 B.rrow Sfr•• 1 Robert Byrne, and George Kramer ond with 61f~·2lh, while third to . Secret'"' dinov, R. Kholmov, a nd S. Furman as the participants. sixth with 6-3 each were Grayson, New York 14, N.Y. (USSR), B. Ivkov (Yugoslavia). In· F . Whitham, E. Ansell, and A. Hoi· V;u·P,uidenu ternatiOllill Judges: II. Golom.hek J:o~ irst round will be on Dec. 19th land. Rhys W. Hays M'1I P, .. ey (Grcat Ur itain), L. Szabo und Dr. at 2:30 p.m. at Manhattan Chess In the Lancashire Counly Cham· N ew Y ork, N.Y. New York, N.Y. A. L. Club; 2nd rd. Dee. 20th at 7:30 p.m. Vajda (Hungary), Penco pionship, an 8"'plllyer round robin, A. Wyatt Jones Will, Whit, Owens (Italy), Dr. S. Herseth (Nol'way), A. at Manhattan C.C.; 3rd rd Dec. 21 Smith scored 5Ih·Ph, losing onc Shr e"eport, I .', A"on L.ke, O. Nagler (Switzerland), I. Bondarev· at 7:30 p.m. at Manhattan C.C.; game to runner·up Gerald A·bra· E. T . Mc:Co r ",lc:C Or. H . J. Ralston - sky (USSR). 4th rd Dec. 22 at Manhattan C.C. hams, the wcU·known chess aulhor E . Orlnge, N.J . $. n Frlncls<;o, Cal. at 7:30 p.m.; and 5th r d. Dec. 23 who was runner-up in the 1954 Phil J . Mary Dr. Bel. ROU' Automatically as result of tour· Cincinnati, O. TuIS., Okl •. nament performances in 1954, Os· at 7:30 p.m. at Manhattan Chess British Championship, while draw· car l~anno (Argentina) was pro· Club. ing witb T. J. Beach. Abrahams P4Jl P,u;d,nll claimed an International Master The sixth to tenth rounds will scored 5-2 for second. T. J . Beacb, Paul G. G it" I!. A. W....... r, Jr. and Mme. V. Jovanovic.Nedejkovic a former Lancasbire champion, Fayette"i'le, N.Y. Chlc.go, liL (Yugoslavia) and Miss P. A: Sun· be played at the Marshall Chess was third with 4!h.2'-h, while P. C. Herold M . Phillips nucks (Great Britain) International Club with the same pairings and Hoad, 1954 Livcrpool Champion, New York, N. Y. Womcn Masters. colors reversed for the players. placed fourth with 31h-3lh. Finish It The Clever Way,! Milwaukee's version of 30-30 chess is a ga me in which each r/.w USC:;;' 1'olilion No. JJ9 POlifigl1 No. UO player is allotled a total oJ 45 min· Cani l \IS. Schmid By N. D. Grigoriev utes, In which the game must be 1053 (See previous column) comple ted or the player first ()ver­ slel?ping the time-limH loses. In the A/#<ti'," TI:C!enl Munidpal 'Chess Association CALIFO RNIA event at Milwaukee, a nine round Ata5uc!,ro Chess Club Swiss wtlh twenty-two contestants, McetJI Mondays 1:30 p.m. lit Carlton Hotel, lIl&hw"J' 101 a "d Trl fne Wly. victory went to Averill Powers, Address t / O ROY E. Russell, P .O. Uoill chess edilor of the Milwaukee Jour· il, Atuc:adero, C.llf. nal, with 7Y.a- I Y.a. Second was It CONN ECTICUT Abrams with 7·2, third and fourth Connecticut Sllte Ch... Aliloc:lation Formerly known a.
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