MML E IT H E R WiU jhw , MyoiA ItMllCr •I Sin iieU High School, will bo the in­ structor of aa adult class of conversation- al Spanish to bs or. naind at the school Tussdajr a t 7 p. m. She is a graduata of the WUBlTtrBltjr Tm turn m ..-Ik ■ ■ Of QrQtrtOmaaA a. Rico. No sot day has Sidney Jones bssn mads for the classes, but the class will decide on the bast Dies Today night for classes, which will bs from 7 to 10 died early this wenlog at bis p. m. Information is barns is G laden ill* after a available from E, S. leas Qlaeae. Douglass, director of He wee bora Kerch S, 1*11 adult sd nation, at tbs la rredeskhsharg, Va. He seh ool administration lived la Aveadels, Md., aad Bar. Lewie D. Balnea, peator building. Washington, D. C., where he T U I SEMINOLE COUNTY SPORTSMAN’S of the Altamonte Springs was employed by the Army First Baptiet Church, Toeeday Judva Voile A. Willie me I t. „ fM] ^ ** unpleasMt* Map Service h r U years he* ASSOCIATION REGULAR MONTHLY wee viadfeeted of chartea Church To Hove fore inovlai Is Sanford U Assort, 1IM. SORTING WILL BE MONDAY NIGHT ifavoring B ^ a group of trustees pj r°°* * ^ takaa the Loyalty Dinner He was a charter member at that time who sought the I ««ort to learn the truth ee It 7:S0 P. M. AT THE COURTHOUSE. reelgnatloa of the minister. actually occurred instead of so By J e s s Ceserihon y In a statement released lm-1 many boalng their optaloue on A loyalty diam r will be mediately following Tuesday** , ubHtM wporto w fct sop- bald at 1:30 p. m. Sunday ONE OF YOU h a a r 1 n r , Tom Southerland,____ _ far ell com muni cants ef the B. Curry, Sanford; hie mo­ Asccnsioa Lutheran Church ther, Grace V. Demeat, two chairman of the prsaent bowd P^ a church and Ita present CAN PICK UP of trustee., said -the suit b**conf tlon would like to ee* ef Ceeselberry at the sew listers, Mrs. Virginia l i f | i been dismissed by «!».«»» ,„ Uai ta church building Just off Over* of the parties concerned ssdji^^j^j thtree who alih t bare YO U R Joseph A. ltusal, 0 , died Work of the church far the at Seminole Memorial Hos­ by onler of the court end the the many anonymous previous reetrainlnf onl« haal^ ^ U).pkoM coming year will he die cuss­ pital today. ed and a film win be shewn SHOTGUN He was born Nov. IS, IMS been revoked. calls to the church parsonage on th* subject ef steward­ Incomplete. Gramkew Funeral A statement front H. B. rcaldencc of Bev. Halnee fat Coeenxs, Italy aad bed ship. Home Is in charge. 'WAYS AND MEANS of supporting tho Littlo mad* hie homo In Sanford Hamby, chairman of tho d*.-1, ^ m ig U Rod Sehoolhouso for mentally retarded eh 11- for the peat S3 yean. He liv­ c o m , made on behalf of the fc drun is provided by Mrs. Polly Jones, Ways and ed at 220S Bel Air Bird. Uicir hearts. Means Chairman or Gamma Epsilon of Beta A veteran of WWI, a re­ School L unch “Ws extend the bend ef 8igma Phi. Mrs. Jones presented Jim Hunt, tired painter and a member J C n O O l u u n e n I Christian feliowthlp to all per- In Quiet Seclusion Of The Country President' of the Seminole Association for Re­ ef All Souls Catholic Chureh, P r o g r a m T o B e k m wining t> abid# by u i. tarded Children with a check for 9204.20, results Ruitl was the father of 11 ■ , , | •• . (decision of tho majority of Just Minutes From Bustling Cities of a recent rummage sals held by the sorority. children. H ig h lig h te d Imembera of tho church and hi- tneraiQ rnow; He Is (arrived by bla wife, . ... „ u , I vlts sll friends to Join heads * ' !$}£/ v • .• J(P v • Albertina ef Sanford and Th* In r e w g n l^ of National ^ U( |n carrying far* followlne children: School Lunch Week, which )u worJu» Mr*. Sim Santllli, Chic*go; THERE'S ROOM Mils Josephine and MUs Marketina School Slated France* of Ishpermlnf, Mich­ igan; Anthony of Hollywood; John of Tarpon Spgs; Henry with the USA In Germany 10 LIVE AND BREATHE Here For Monday Nigh! and David, Joseph, Ronald, The Head of th* Depart­ portent facts concerning the Cacllla and Mrs. Donovan ment of Agricultural Econ­ producer's position and those Tucker all of Sanford. There omic* of tho University of of tho .marketing firm and are IS grandchildren. Florida, Dr. H. G. Hamilton, consumer in present day Funeral services are sche­ PARK ROYAL HOMES will lead the lecture and dis­ marketing. Careful considera­ duled for 3 p. m. Monday at cussion at th* 8cmlnols Coun­ tion should be given by grow­ Briaaon Funeral Home with ty Marketing School next er! si to what the producer Father Richard Lyons of Al Monday night according to can do to meet tbe string­ Souls Catholic Church offi­ Cecil Tucker, County Agri­ ent requirements imposed by ciating. Burial will be In All cultural Agent. this modern day marketing Souls Cemetery, with Bril- SEVERAL This program, third In a system. Dr. Hamilton will ion Funeral Home In charge. STRIKING aerie* of aeven, being held cover many of these and other MODELS each Monday night at the other Important fundamentals GENUINE FORD TO CHOOSE Agricultural Center, will be of good marketing which FROM on "Chain Store Buying and growers* should know and SPARK PLUGS How Chain Stores and Grow­ use," Tucker said. DON'T DEFROST! ers can Co-operate." The marketing school lee* "Growers need to fully un­ lures art held In the Con­ derstand and appreciate mo- ference Room of the Agricul­ 2, 3 and 4 BEDROOM HOMES darn agricultural marketing. tural Center starting prompt­ T R A D E . i To do so they muit have a ly at 7:30 p. m. oath Mon­ GENUINE FORD IV, and 2 BATHS proper concept ef th* lm* day night. ALUMINUM From $10,500 to $14,700 and up MUFFLERS Down Payments from $300 with All - Inclusive Easy Monthly Payments PARK ROYAL HOMES FEATURE: • STREET LIGHTS • CENTRAL HEAT 195241 • SIDEWALKS • LARGE LANDSCAPED LOTS AIR-CONDITIONING AND FORDS • SEWERAGE AND w * t * o WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING (Optional) GENUINE FORD Retain heat longer with SHOCK QUALITY INSULATION ABSORBERS EACH ■hep here far every kind ef laaulation from halt le bleak K. AU are finest saattty . GENUINE FORD OIL FILTERS LOW 57 • <2 Ford A Falcon BA C H M . t f FOB BVMMUf MBSVICS ----- BUILT BY — Cell FA 2-5581 BACH ----- TUB LUMBSB MUMBBB PARK ROYAL HOMES, Inc. See The Largest Selection Of BRING THIS AD OFFERED BY — RECORDS and ALBUMS In TO OUR HILL Seminole County PARTS DEPT. STEMPER AGENCY REALTOR — INSUROR IUM BER.& HARDW ARE CO. STRICKLAND- FRENCH AVE. at 20th ST. (Country Club Road) "SfaMO 1878- MORRISON, INC. FA 2-4991 SANFORD, FLA. SM B. l e t ST. 228 W. Ird St. Sanford, Fla. 118 Magnolia Ave. FA 2-1562 PH. FA 2-1481 Full Brokerage Participation Sincerely Invited i-V r V Newspaper Wetk WEATHER: (kncrally fair through Tuesday. High today, 88*92. Low tonight, 70-75. VOL. 83 J United Preaa Leased Wire Established 1908 MON* OCTOBER 15, 1962 SANFORD, FLORIDA NO. 561 MIAMI (UPI) — a slow-moving squall area Release Of 1 near the Bahamas which threatened to become the year's fifth tropical storm turned more toward the W,". 1 north today. ■ fl Chief forecaster Gor­ j don Dunn said no imme­ Holocaust diate change in intensity waa expected bat it waa "entirety NEW YORK (UPl)-Attor- The Brooklyn attorney, back Donovan, who still is wait­ paset between the two coun­ possible" the tropical depres­ aey James Doaovaa said to­ in New York to do some cam­ ing to hear from Castro ou the tries partly to "many mls- alon would eventually become day that the release of tho Bay paigning In behalf of bis latter's ransom demands said takea" by the Uulted States a tropical storm . n s u o A of Pigs tnvstioa prisoners by candidacy for the U. S. Sen­ he believed relations between during previous administra­ At I t a. m* the squall area Cuban Premier Pldcl Castro ate on the Democratic ticket, Cuba and the United States tions but did not slsborats. blanketed a large area from would be a "first step toward made his remarks In a televis­ would improve markedly once "The United States simply south ef Bermuda to the Ba­ By LARKY VEBSHBL something that would prevent ion interview (Newsmakers— the 1,112 prisoners are treed. has not behaved very Intelli­ hamas and eastern Cuba and I f A P E W RANDOM a general holocaust.’' CBS). He blamed the present 1m- gently," Donovan said. Hispaniola. The center was THOUGHT8... 10 K illed about 49S miles east-southeast MIAMI (UPI) — At least A Sanford resident Irving of Miami and 128 milaa easi- 10 persona were killed In Feinberg got into the Maeklo northeast of Baa Balvaodr. Florida traffic accidents this Bros. Inc. act last week. , . Moderate squalls extended weekend, including three in outward tome 800 to 180 miles j Feinberg sold 60 scree in east one wreck. Volusia for $162,000 to the da- north of .the c a n t a r and velopmeat company.
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