New book. Other books i may be renewed Oi Periodicals fo circul; : week. Borrowers keepi specified time i cents per day. A book kept mo : t may be sent f >r, be fined twent/-fiv Books defaced or n.j for by the boirow » Class.© fe No..\ RAW The CELLAR BOOK SHOP 18090 Wyoming Detroit, Mich. 48221, U.S. A. 1 UERARY DISCARD LIBRARY DISCARD Compilation of Notes Most Important Timber Tree Species <» The Philippine Islands. Prepared by \ CAPTAIN GEORGE pf" AHERN, *th U. 5. Infantry. IN CHARGE OF THE FORESTRY BUREAU, MANILA, P. I. 1-for 490 \ %i£/S?2-J3y J& #^ PREFACE This compilation of notes was undertaken after numerous inquiries had been made at this office for information concerning the Philippine forests, char- acteristics of the leading timber tree species, value of same, present and future markets, method of procedure to secure licenses to cut timber, etc. Prelimin- ary investigation by lumbermen will be facilitated by these notes and illustrations, and as the exploitation of these forests will be through American enterprise and capital, the need of a guide to a knowledge of the leading Philippine timber tree species seemed essential. A revision of the Philippine Forest Bot- any is necessary, and will be made as soon as possible. George P. Ahern, Captain gth U. S. Infantry Manila, P. I., January 2, 1901. /;/ Charge of Bureau. CONTENTS. Chaptkr I. Extract from Forestry Regulations, and list of tree species not at present on tariff list. Chapter II. Notes on the Philippine forests and their exploitation. Chapter III. Descriptive notes of fifty important tree species. Chapter IV. The Anay or White Ant. Chapter Y. Strength and Weight of Woods. Chapter YI. Uses of Woods. Chapter YII. Gutta-Percha. Chapter VIII. Authorities cited. CHAPTER L kxtkact from forkstry rkoulations. The following extracts from the forestry regulations are of interest to those contemplating the exploitation of the public forest lands of the Philippines. The Spanish law in force in these islands provided for the reservation of all public forest lands when the proper surveys were made. The practice under said law was to sell the timber at so much a cubic foot. Public timber land was as a rule not sold, but when sold it was done on the approval of the Forestry Bureau and at a valuation by said Bureau. At present forest products are procured from public lands by license granted for one year by the Forestry Bureau in Manila. No charge is made for this license, but a charge is made as indicated below: Article i. Timber shall be classified into six groups as indicated in the tables below. Art. 3. The price per cubic foot for the valuation of State timber shall be as indicated in the following table. The price shall be the same in all parts of these Islands: Superior Group 14 cents per cubic foot. First " 10 " " " " Second " 8 " " " " Third " 3 " " ' " " Fourth " 2 " " " " Fifth " -. 1 " " " " Art. 12. The woods of groups 3, 4 and 5 only may be cut for fuel. FORESTRY BUREAU Art. 13. Classification of woods as per first article: 1. SUPERIOR UROITp. POPULAR NAMES. SCIENTIFIC NAMES. NO.! IOPULAR NAMES. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS 1 Calant&s. Cedrela Toona, Roxb. 7 Molave. Vitex littoralis, Done. 2 Camagon. Diospvros discolor, Willd. H Narra. Pterocarpus indicus, Willd. 3 Dungon. Heritfera silvatica, Vidal. 9 Teca. Tectona grandis, L. 4 ; Kbano. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 10 Tlndalo. Afzelia rhomboidea, Vid. lull. Afzelia bijuga, A. Gray. 11 Yacal. Hopea plagata, Vidal. Maneono. Xanthostemon Verdugonianus, Naves. 12 Urung. Fagrnpa fragrans, Roxb. LIST OF TURK SPECIES NOT ON TARIFF LIST. TO RE PLACED IN SUPERIOR GROU roiTI.AR NAM KM. SCIENTIFIC NAMES. NO. POPULAR NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS. Barit or Palo do Metroslderos vera, Rumph. 3 Narra or Maga- Ptorocarpus tantaliuus, Linn, hierro. ? layao. Narra pulii. Pterocarpus Vidalianus, Rolfe. II. FIRST GROUP. POPULAR NAMKS. SCIEN1 IFIC NAMKS. POPULAR NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS 1 Aole. Pitheoolobinni Aolo, Vidal. 10 Betis. Azaola Botis, Blanco. 2 Alahan. Diospyros sp. 11 Camuning. Murraya exotica, L. 3 Aleanfor. Cinna'momum camphoratum, BL 12 Cubi. Artocarpus Cumingiana, Treoul. t Alintatao. Chloroxylon Swietenia, DC. IS Haras. Garcinia Cowa, Roxb. ;» Anubing. Artocarpus ovata, Blanco. 14 Lane to. Wrightia ovata, A. DC. 6 Bansalaguin. Mlmu8ops parvifolia, Br. i;> Malatapay. Alangium octopetalum, Blanco. 7 7 Batiouling. Litsea obtusata, F. Vill. ia Calamansa nav Terminalia Calamansanay, Rolfo. 8 Katitinan. Largerstrremia Batitinan, Vidal. 17 Tamauyan, Gymnosporia ambigua, Vid. ? 9 Rayuco, 1st. Artocarpus nitida, Tree. LIST OF TREE SPECIES NOT ON TARIFF ,IS'1\ TO BE P ,.\( IN FIRST (iROFP. POPULAR NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS. POPULAR NAMES. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS. 1 Agubarao. Vitox trifolia, Linn. var. obovata, 3 Talanggubat. l>iospyros embryoptoris, lVrs. (Benin. 2 ; Dalandon. Tectona Hamiltoniana, Wall. III. SECOND ftltorp. POPULAR NAMES. SC IK NT IFIC NAMKS. POPULAR NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMES. Agoho. Casuurina equisetifolia, Forst. 2.~i Mad re cacao. Gliricidia maoulata.Benth.ot Hook. Alalangat orBaguiroro Adenanthera pavonina, L. ? 26 Malacadios 1st. Myristica sp. 3 Alpay or Alupag. Nephelium glabrum, Noronh. ? 27 Malaoapon. 4 i Halopac-amo. Nephelium Lit-chi, Camb. 28 Malacatmon. Dillenia Reifferschiedia, Nav. f» I Amuguis 1st. Odtna speciosa, BL 29 Malarubat na pulfi. Eugenia cymosa, Lam. 6 ! Aranga. Homalium luzoniense, F. Vill. 30 Mangachapuy. Vatioa Ma'ngachapoi, Blanco. 7 Banana. Lagerstrcemia Flos-ReginH\ Retz. 81 Mangasinoro. Shorea sp. ? Banitan. X ylopia Blancoi , V id. 32 Mangasirique. Quercus ovalis, Blanco. Si Batino. Alstonia macropbylla, Wall. 83 , Marang. Artocarpus sp. 10 2d. I Bayuco Artocarpus sp. 34 Mulauin aso. Premna nauseosa, Blanco. 11 Banuyo. sp. ! Albizzia ;W> Nangca. Artocarpus intogrifolia, Li. 12 Bilolo. ; Eugenia sp. 36 Nato. Sterculia rubiginosa, Vent. 13 Bolong eta. Diospyros sp. 37 Varan. Quercus Blancoi, A. DC. 14 ! Call man tao. Evoaia sp. 38 Paitan. Eugenia sp. ir> 1 Calingag. Cinnamomum Moroadoi, Vidal. 39 Palayen. Quercus Jordaniv. Lag. i« Cafta fistula. Cassia Fistula, L. 40 Palo Maria. Calopyllum inopbvllum. Linn. 17 Catmon 1st. Dillenia philippinensis, Rolfe. 41 Pasac. Parinarium corimhosum, Mi«| i 18 ! Doll tan. Palaquium sp. 42 Pusopuso 1st. Litsea chinensis, Lam. 19 i Dungon-late. Heritiera littoralis, Prvand 43 Romero. Podocarpus costalis, Presl. ? 2/ I Guijo. Shorea Guiso, BL 44 Sirique. Quercus Vidalii, F. Vill. 21 i Guipato. ? 45 Supa. Sindora WallichiL Bontb. 22 Guisihan. Ratonia mont ana, Bent ham et Hook. 46 Tanguile. Shorea Talura, Roxb. Lanutan 1st. Thespesia campylosiphon, Rolfe. 47 TooborTua. Biscofia javaniea, BL Macaasin. Eugenia sp. 48 Tucan-calao. Sterculia sp. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. SECOND GROCP—CONTINCKD. LIST OF TREK SPECIE? NOT ON TARIFF LIST. TO BE PLACED IN SECOND GROCI POITI.AK NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS J1HTI.AK NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAME*. 1 Agho. Leueuna glatica, Hentli. 19 Hoja cruz. Cresoontiaalata, II. II. ot Knt. 2 Ampupuyot. ttomalium panayauum. F. Villar. 20 Langil 1st. Alhixxia sa)Kitiaria, HI. :? AmuguisJd. Odina speciosa, HI. var. multijnga, 21 LangUid. Albizxia rctusa, Benin. I Vid. 22 La nut an 2d. Saccopctalum longipe*. Vidal. 4 Kagarilao. Anthooephalns Cadamba, Miq. iTt Macaasinpula. Kugenia leptantha, Wight. •"» Ragarilao na itiiu. Nauclea purpurea. Roxb. 21 Macabiugao. QuerciiK Llanostl, A. DC. «') Balagnan. Calophyllum V Mali I, F. Vill. 25 Malarayat 1st. Gymnosporia molilalia, Roxb. 7 Balongcauit. Cedrela taratara, Blanco. 2»i Malaruiiat 2d. Kugenia ojH-rculata, Hoxb. « Baneal. Sarcoeephaluscordatus, Miq. 27 Malatumbaga. Crudia Blancoi, Rolfe. it Batieulin MaraiiK Litsea magnitica, B. et II. 2K Mamalis. Pittos)H)i-um fcrrugtucum, Alt. 10 Batobato Litsca villosa. Bl. 29 Ma in bog 1st. Stephegyne speciosa. Korth. 11 Kitauhol 1st. Calophyllum Wall iehiaiium. Planch :ui Pahohotan. Mangifera odorata, Griff. [et Triana. ;n Pahotan. Mangifera laurina, Bl. 12 Cabiqui. Mimusops Klcngi. L. :J2 Palo Mariaug gubat. Vidalia Navesli, F. VIII. 13 Caeana 1st. or Olayan. Quercus Soleriana, Vidal. &3 1'USO-pUSO 2d. (Juereus Castcllarnauiana, Vidal. 11 Casay. Pitheeolobiuin nioiitanuin. Bentli. i 34 Suransurau Gordonia luxonica, Vidal. [var. mierophvlla, Bcuth. 35 Talang talaitg. Myristiea braeteata, A. IK.'. 15 Caeana 2d. ijuereus Campanoana, Vid. .% Taealae, Talaeatae and Castanopsis philippinensls, Vidal. 16 Catmon2d. Dillenia indica, Linn. [I<ovlau 1st 17 Cipres. Podocarpus eupressina, K. Br. 37 Mam bog 2d. Stephegine parvifolia, Korth. 1* Hindurugo. Mvristica eortieosa, Hook. f. ft Th. :w Tubli. Mllletia splendens, W. et A. THIRD CaiOllV S'O. POITI.AK NAMKS. SCIENTIFIC NAMKS. Kll't'I.AK NAM KM. Hf'IKNTIKir NAMKH. 1 Abilo. Garuga tioribuuda. Dene. w Gatasan pula. (iarcinia vunulosa, ('hoisy. 2 Alagao. Premna vestita, Schaucr. to Guyonguyon 1st. Gratoxylon (loribundum, F. VIII. 3 Alamag. Aporosa sp. ? 41 Hagadhad. DIpterocarpUHHp. I Aden parang. Aibizzia sp. ? 42 Lauan. AniHoptera thurifera, Bl. :") Anagap. Pithecolobium lobatum, Bcnth. 43 Libato puti. Cumingia philippincnsis, Vid. ti Ananaplas. Albizzia procera, B. 44 Luc ban gubat. Citrus sp. 7 Anobllng 1st. Talauma angatensis, Vid. 45 Lunibang. Aleurites moluccana, Willd. 8 Anonang. CurdiaMyxa, F. VIII. 46 Magarapalc. Termlnalla sp. 9 Anlatau. Ochna fascicularis, Blanco. 47 Magarilao. Nauclea sp. 10 Apitong. Dlpterocarpus grandlflorus, Blanco. 48 Malaauonang. Hhorea Malaaiionau. HI. 11 Bagarilao. Nauclea sp. 49 Malabayabas. Gardenia obseura, Vid. 12 Kagarilao na itiiu. Termina'.ia sp. ? 50 Malacadios 2*1. Myristica sp. 13 Baguilumboy. Syzygium
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