~---------------- - -----------------------------------------------------, THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 42: ISSUE 1 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11,2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Students, officials will celebrate Moreau Cell phone Founder of the Congregation of the Holy Cross to be beatified in Le Mans, France reception Dame community. University President Father John By JOSEPH McMAHON "For all of us, it is a very special Jenkins; Richard C. Notebaert, News Wrirer moment," he said. "He was a chair of the University's Board of inconsistent great educator, and during our Trustees; Executive Vice One hundred seventy years time as priests and brothers we President John Affleck-Graves; after Father Basil Moreau found­ have been educators." Associate Vice President Father College wants student nd the Congregation of lloly Cross Warner is a member of the offi­ James E. McDonald; Provost in Le Mans. France, Notre Dame cial party that will be closely Thomas G. Burish; John Cavadini, response to fix problem students. l'aeulty and administra­ involved in the weekend's festivi­ the director of the Institute for tors will travel to the site to cele­ ties. The official party consists of Church Life; and Vice President brate his beatification for three 800 people - 15 from each Holy for Student Affairs Father Mark By MANDl STIRONE days ol' ceremonies to celebrate Cross province across the globe, Poorman. News Writer Mornau's life, beginning Friday. as well as administrators from In addition to the official group, Father Hichard Warner, direc­ each of the Holy Cross schools 65 Notre Dame students studying After cutting ol'f service to tor of campus ministry at Notre and all the Holy Cross bishops. in Europe - mainly in Angers, all dorm phones this sum­ Dame, described the importance In addition to Warner, Notre A banner of Father Moreau mer, Saint Mary's is respond­ of the beatification for the Notre Dame's delegation will include see MOREAU/page 3 waves over South Quad. ing to student complaints that cell phone service is unavailable in their rooms. Students were required to disclose their cell numbers during room picks last spring, though they could opt ROTC program bucks national trend out from having their num­ ber listed on the directory. Information Technology has Applicants for L[niversity's divisions remain high despite ongoing violence in Iraq requested student participa­ tion in a PRISM survey designed to locate problem education through military schol­ By MARCELA BERRIOS areas, said Sandy Handley, arships is the ultimate dealmak­ • Associate News Editor telecommunications coordi­ er. nator. Across the United States, as Army on pace "At this point, the objective is to define the areas that the war in Iraq continues and Capt. Sean Straus, in charge of there are problems in," she the country mourns on the sixth the Army ROTC's recruiting said. "We need to know anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist operations at Notre Dame, said attacks, college ROTC programs he expects to have as many as 30 where the difficulties lie for every carrier.... We are look­ are scrambling to attract incom­ freshmen enrolled in the pro­ ing students. gram by the end of the 2007-08 ing at all the options." At Notre Dame, however, ROTC academic year. No solution will be programs have received steady Currently, he said, there are attempted until student input arrives, so students are rates of applications - generally only 24 new recruits at Notre encouraged to participate, surpassing national averages Dame, but more should arrive since before the war began. next semester- putting the she said. "We understand the difl'i­ Students who consider joining class of 2011 on the higher end a ROTC program must weigh of the program's averages. culties that students are hav­ ing with Lcell phone] service, tuition benefits and an accelerat­ Straus said since 2001, the and we would like to resolve ed career start with likely Army ROTC program has wel­ deployment after graduation. For comed between 20 and 25 new those problems as quickly as possible," she said. some Notre Dame students, a recruits out of more than 200 Students seemed generally sense of duty sounds stronger applicants each year. receptive to the new policy, DUSTIN MENNELLA!The Obse!Ver than any fear of serving over­ "The admissions standards at Members of the Army ROTC salute their superior officer in a drill seas. For others, the chance to in August 2006. make affordable a Notre Dame see ROTC/page 6 see PHONES/page 4 Writers say art transcends all NBC, FIT team up for Nobel Prize winner, New York native discuss homeland, heartland ND conunercial contest By SARAH MAYER News Writer "This is a popular concept these By PUJA PARIKH days," Heisler said. "Go back to the News Writer Superbowl Doritos commercial and Two famous writflrs - one you see a lot of organizations doing an au thor raised in the For the first time, NBC will air a these things. Video is accessible to Dominican Hepublic, the Notre Dame commercial created everyone these days, and everyone other an artist who was born and directed entirely by a has a camera or an editing pro­ in China - came together University student. gram on hi.:; or her computer. Monday to discuss the ways in Students ean enter the contest "Everyone is into making movies which creative expressions through the the Film, Television and videos." can transcend cultural bound­ and Theatre department, which is This is the first time NBC and aries and other borders. working collaboratively with NBC. FTT have worked together in The "Betwelln llorueland The proposed spots, which are 30 order to sponsor a student-made and Heartland" literary and seconds long, are due Friday. commercial. arts event featured author Three scripts will be chosen, "NBC's idea is to target the 18-to- Julia Alvarez and artist Gao greenlighted for production and 24 year old demographic," Hei.:;ler Xingjian Monday in McKenna posted on nbcsports.com - where said. "They are trying to drive peo­ Hall. The presentation kicked fans will be able to vote on them ple to their Web site ... and make it off a !'our-day celebration of and decide the final winner. more interactive to get students the arts that will explore the Karen Heisler, supervisor of the and other people to their web site." concept of home and identity. CHRISTIAN SAGUARDIANfrhe Obse!Ver FTT internship program, is one of Heisler and NBC Sports decided Author Julia Alvarez speaks at the "Between Homeland and the faculty members who will see CULTURE/page 4 Heartland" literary and arts event in McKennna Hall Monday. review the films. see NBC/page 4 ---------------------------------------~-------~ ---- -- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, September 11, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR IDEAL NOTRE DAME TELEVISION COMMERCIAL? Pardon 111e if I svveat It's 10 o'dock on a Thursday which ean only mean mw thing: I am getting dressed and n~ady to go to Fever. What's my higg~~st wmry at the Adam Carlson Chris Vanderhurst Emily Lyons John Mrugala Kate Zinsmeister Mary Frances Popit monwnt'! Will Jesus Cab be avail­ sophomore able'! No. Do I have enough money to junior sophomore senior sophomore junior take a twenty out of tlw ATM'? No. Dillon Knott Pangborn O'Neill McGlinn Welsh Family Will nverymw be Kelly Higgins able to son tho "Nudity." buckets of swoat I "Father Jenkins "It would show "Touchdown "Thurty seconds "Everyone in am inevitably Associate doing a keg the closeness Jesus and First of Brady the student going to leave on Photo Editor stand." and uniqueness Down Moses Quinn. " body wearing this shirt.'! Yes. As of the different a rule, I will most doing pushups Jimmy Clausen likely choose something white or dorms, like at in the stadium jerseys. " black; those garments mask the wet the pep rallies. " with the spots tho host. student Since I hogan going to dances in middle school. I have boen strategi­ section. " cally been choosing my clothing basod on how badly I antieipate my sweat to hn. I gauge my choice on a row factors: temperature outsid!~. number of poopl1~. amount of dancing I plan on doing, and dogree of dark­ IN BRIEF ness. From my experience with my frionds, tlwse are not eonsidnrations The Notre Dame Peace that all girls must make on a regular Fellowship will host a candle­ basis. light prayer service of solidar­ Bocause this fall has benn unusual­ ity on Tuesday at S p.m. in ly warm, I have not had a reprieve front of Stonehenge at the from my bouts with sw1mtinnss. Fieldhouse Mall. Prayers will Although I must say it is comforting be offered for the victims of to look around the Backer at 1 :30 and the 9/11 attacks and their realize 1woryorw is as sweaty as I am, families, as well as for anyone that d1H~s not always make up for my affected by events in the discomlin·t at. the fad that I have Middle East. been this swPaty since I got thern at 11 . I>on 't g1•t me wrong, I am not orw There will be a student of thos1~ people who is sweating next mixer Tuesday nvening at to you sitting in class. I am a motion 6::H) p.m. for nntrnprnneurial­ sweater. The instant I start in on that minded students at Legends. elliptical or I start shaking it on the The mixer will eombine short dancn lloor it starts. First it is my speeches, information tables back. tlwn my dwst. face, and neck. I from the Gigot Center for know I am ollidally out of control Entn~preneurial Studies, MBA wlwn my thighs join tlw party.
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