JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY KOLKATA – 700 032 August 6, 2019 A D M I S S I O N M.A. (DAY) COURSE IN JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION SESSION 2019 - 2021 It may please be noted that all admissions are provisional. I. The Revised Selection and Waiting Lists given below are provisional and are subject to: the fulfilling of the eligibility criteria as notified earlier. the verification of the equivalence of marks/degree from other universities to those of this university, where applicable. correction in the merit position due to any error, if any. II. If at the time of counselling/admission and verification of marks, it is found by the university authority that a student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, and does not have completed results up to and including 5th semester (or semester up to the Final semester) or Part- I and Part-II of Honours/Major course in the relevant subject, s/he will not be considered for admission, even if he/she is provisionally selected for admission; a student has provided incorrect information in his online application form, his/her application and offer of provisional admission shall be liable to be cancelled; a student had entered incorrect marks in his/her on-line application form, his/her rank position in the selection/merit list provided below shall be revised and corrected accordingly on the basis of actual marks obtained in the examination concerned. III. SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PD quota as per State Govt. rules. IV. No separate intimation will be sent to individual candidate. Number of Seats Category Seats General 27 S.C. 12 S.T. 2 OBC-A 5 OBC-B 4 M.A. JMC 1 Note: As per circular Nos. BC-16014/1/82-SC dt.06/08/1984 & BCD-1, D.O.12017/11/89- SCD(R.CELL) dt.09/01/1990 and letter No.1510-SCW dt.31/05/2007 from the Government of West Bengal, Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes of the states other than West Bengal are not entitled to get the benefit of reserved quota in educational institutions in West Bengal, unless they can produce a domicile certificate of 10-year residency issued by competent authority. The candidates who will be provisionally selected under the OBC- A and OBC- B categories must produce an OBC certificate (the date of issue of the certificate should not be earlier than June 2018) issued by the competent authority that clearly indicates (i) the category (A or B) they belong to; (ii) that they do not belong to creamy layer of the society, at the time of counselling/ admission. OBC-A and OBC-B candidates of the states other than West Bengal are not entitled to get the benefit of reserved quota in educational institutions in West Bengal, unless they can produce a domicile certificate of 10-year residency issued by competent authority. V. Candidates will be required to bring the following at the time of counselling & admission: A print out of the on-line application. 3 (three) recent passport size photographs. Online payment receipt downloaded from SBI server after online payment. All original marksheets, certificates including SC/ST/PD/OBC-A/OBC-B certificates from competent authorities in the names of the candidates themselves, where applicable, are to be shown at the time of counselling for verification. The original madhyamik admit card/certificate (for age verification). Attested copies of all mark-sheets, certificates, madhyamik admit card/certificate are to be submitted at the time of admission. Parents/guardian's income certificate issued by the employer with office seal for the employed person and for others by competent authority. VI. Date and time of counselling of provisionally selected candidates: on August 9, 2019 at 12:00 noon. Venue: Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (1st Floor, Rabindra Bhawan), Jadavpur University (Main Campus). VII. If a candidate fails to appear on the specified date and time for counselling, the next candidate in order of merit will be considered for admission. The candidate absent on M.A. JMC 2 August 9, 2019, will also NOT be considered for admission against vacancy (if any) at a later date. Jadavpur University has accepted in principle that each and every student of the university shall be duty bound during the entire period of studentship with the university to immediately report to the Dean of Students if any ragging is noticed either in university hostel or on university campus. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her from the university. Details of on-line submission of anti-ragging affidavit shall be made available by the Head of the Department at the time of counselling. Print out of the anti-ragging affidavit submitted on-line by the student and his/her parents must be submitted to the Head of the Department within 15 (fifteen) days from the commencement of classes. FEES TO BE DEPOSITED AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION : Rs. 20,360/- M.A. JMC 3 Revised List of candidates provisionally selected for admission Category ± General SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00008 SILVIA BASU 70 2 JMC00464 JOYEE MUKHERJEE 66 3 JMC00487 RIMI SHIL 66 4 JMC00244 RIDDHI BASU ROY 64 5 JMC00392 SNEHA GHOSH 64 6 JMC00187 ARCHISMAN SOM 64 7 JMC00350 PRATISHTHA GHOSH 63 8 JMC00329 AKANKSHA BASU BOSE 62 9 JMC00211 PRERANA BHATTACHARYA 61 10 JMC00420 SAMRAT DEY 61 11 JMC00416 ARITRAA DEY 60 12 JMC00433 SNEHA PAUL 60 13 JMC00121 ANIRBAN SINHA ROY 59 14 JMC00473 RAJESH CHAKRABORTY 59 15 JMC00087 MAHARNAV BHUYAN 59 16 JMC00476 SHRESHTHA CHAKRABORTY 59 17 JMC00167 OINDRILA MUHURI 58 18 JMC00051 SUMEDHA BANERJEE 58 19 JMC00438 SAYANTI SADHUKHAN 58 20 JMC00023 SWARNANKITA 58 21 JMC00251 SANDIP NAYAK 58 22 JMC00361 ANWESHA ADHIKARY 58 23 JMC00101 MADHURI D GUPTA 58 24 JMC00040 ATRAYEE BOSE 57 25 JMC00069 GOPAL SINGH 57 26 JMC00328 RITTIKA MALLICK 57 27 JMC00217 SHREYA GUPTA 56 Category ± SC SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00608 SABYASACHI BISWAS 56 2 JMC00605 AISHWARYA PURKAIT 52 3 JMC00281 SUDESHNA MALLICK 52 4 JMC00253 SUDIPTA MALLIK 50 5 JMC00274 MOUSUMI MONDAL 50 6 JMC00198 SWARNALI BAG 49 7 JMC00334 SRIJITA HALDER 49 M.A. JMC 4 8 JMC00470 TANUSREE MONDAL 48 9 JMC00549 KRITIKA KUMARI 48 10 JMC00269 SURANJAN SARKAR 48 11 JMC00318 MIRA MONDAL 48 12 JMC00656 RIMI ADHIKARY 47 Category ± ST SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00456 KISHOR KUMAR TUDU 41 2 JMC00452 SUMAN SINGHA 40 Category ± OBC A SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00589 SHRADDHA SAIKIA 54 2 JMC00055 MUHAMMED SHAFI PP 50 3 JMC00063 SIDDHARTH KUMAR SAHU 45 4 JMC00343 TITAS MATIN 45 5 JMC00185 AFRIDI MONDAL 44 Category ± OBC B SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00092 ADRIJA GHOSH 52 2 JMC00450 ARIVA DEBNATH 50 3 JMC00390 DEBAMITA DALAL 48 4 JMC00035 MAINAK DEBNATH 48 M.A. JMC 5 Revised Provisional Waiting List Category ± General SL Exam Roll Name Score Remark 1 JMC00238 SAINI MITRA 56 2 JMC00362 APRATIM BHATTACHARYA 56 3 JMC00607 SHREYA SHARMA 56 4 JMC00382 MUMPY CHAKRABORTY 56 5 JMC00457 BANDANA KUMARI SINGH 56 6 JMC00598 RIDDHIMA PAL PAL 56 7 JMC00002 SUDIPTO DAS 55 8 JMC00479 SAYAN MONDAL 55 9 JMC00615 SUCHISMITA GHOSH 55 10 JMC00526 ANIKET BARDHAN 55 11 JMC00627 NAYANIKA DEY 54 12 JMC00620 IRAVATI DATTA 54 13 JMC00014 SNEHA BISWAS 54 14 JMC00282 SAURAV BOSE 54 15 JMC00413 ASMIT BOSE 53 16 JMC00301 BITAN BISWAS 53 17 JMC00091 AGNISHWAR KUNDU 53 18 JMC00551 ARITRA DASGUPTA 53 19 JMC00570 SAYAN PAUL 53 20 JMC00618 SUBHANKAR MAZUMDER 53 21 JMC00052 SHARANYA MUKHERJI 52 22 JMC00295 SUBHASISH CHAKRABORTY 52 23 JMC00111 JOYEETA SARKAR 52 24 JMC00184 SANHYIK GHOSH 52 25 JMC00174 ANKITA PAUL 52 26 JMC00120 SOUMYADEEP BASU 52 27 JMC00180 ARRITRIKA PUTATUNDA 51 28 JMC00400 RUDRADEV BHATTACHARYA 51 29 JMC00190 PRATYAY BHATTACHARYYA 51 30 JMC00278 PREEA ROY 51 31 JMC00267 NANDINI DAS 51 32 JMC00586 ADITYA CHATURVEDI CHATURVEDI 51 33 JMC00564 ANYATAMA BASAK 51 34 JMC00074 AHONA RUDRA 51 35 JMC00447 DIPIKA DAS 50 36 JMC00623 ANIRBAN BANERJEE 50 37 JMC00371 AMITAVA SINGHA ROY 50 38 JMC00391 SANKHADEEP GHOSH 50 39 JMC00498 RIYA NANDY 50 40 JMC00145 AWAIS KHAN 50 41 JMC00626 SOVANA MOHAPATRA 50 42 JMC00489 ANKITA DATTA 49 M.A. JMC 6 43 JMC00427 AKASH DIKSHIT 49 44 JMC00039 AAFREEN LATIF 49 45 JMC00401 ABHILASH GHOSHAL 49 46 JMC00191 ALEPRIYA DEY 49 47 JMC00436 SUBHRA BHATTACHARJEE 49 48 JMC00043 RAI GUCHAIT 49 49 JMC00474 AMAN MALLICK 49 50 JMC00042 DIBYAKANTI KUNDU 49 51 JMC00179 MUSARRAT JAHAN 49 52 JMC00597 RIYA DAS 49 53 JMC00126 SANCHARI BISWAS 49 54 JMC00232 SARADEEYA BANERJEE 48 55 JMC00546 SHIRSHA MUDI 48 56 JMC00258 SUTRISHNA PASWAN 48 57 JMC00306 PRITHA MISRA 48 58 JMC00024 ANKITA MUKHERJEE 48 59 JMC00617 RAINA BISWAS 48 60 JMC00296 OINDRILA DAS 48 61 JMC00305 SUDESHNA KHADDAR 48 62 JMC00419 SWATHI NAIR 48 63 JMC00580 ARUNIMA CHOWDHURY 48 64 JMC00552 RITUPARNA ROY 48 65 JMC00028 SRIJITA DE 48 66 JMC00263 ANUSREE DAS 47 67 JMC00050 ANUPAM PAUL 47 68 JMC00486 NANDINI DEY 47 69 JMC00243 SURAJIT KARAR 47 70 JMC00665 PARAMESWARI ROY 47 71 JMC00596 RAIMA KAYAL 47 72 JMC00283 RITAYANI DATTA ROY 47 73 JMC00327 BILASH CHAKRABORTY 47 74 JMC00478 SHOUBHEEK BANERJEE DHAL 47 75 JMC00277 SOUMYAJIT PAL 47 76 JMC00316 TISHA POREL 47 77 JMC00322 RIYA CHAKRABORTY 47 78 JMC00240 NABOMITA MUKHERJEE 46 79 JMC00150 DEBARSHI CHAKRABORTY 46 80 JMC00272 NILANJAN ADHYA 46 81 JMC00398 SOUMYA MONDAL 46 82 JMC00601 SHRESTHA BHATTACHARYA 46 83 JMC00426 NITESH SHARMA 46 84 JMC00604 ALISHA SULTANA 46 85 JMC00064 NAYONIKA GOSWAMI 46 86 JMC00619 ANANYA RAKSHIT 46 87 JMC00495 SUVADEEP GHOSH 46 88 JMC00298 BITHI SIKARI 46 89 JMC00510 SRIJITA BHATTACHARYA 46 90 JMC00270 SAIKAT CHATTERJEE 46 91 JMC00178 RANGEET DUTTA 45 M.A.
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