Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-6-1996 The BG News November 6, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 6, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6081. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6081 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. US. Results H E Ohio Results Preside) It President BiU Clinton 50% Ross Perot 8% Bill Clinton 47% Ross Perot 11% Bob Dole 42% 75 percent reporting Bob Dole 42% 91 percent reporting Congress Congress Democrats Republicans Democrats Republicans Senate 47 51 House 7 11 Issue One: defeated House 204 230 Note: One •other NEWS Wednesday, November 6,1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 83, Issue 192 Clinton reclaims presidency John King The Associated Press President Clinton won a lands- lide re-election and political redemption Tuesday night as voters brushed aside Bob Dole's challenge to his economic leadership and character. Repub- licans tempered Clinton's triumph by holding the Senate and the GOP battled to keep the House, too. Clinton polled strongly in every region for a coast-to-coast victory that made him the first Democratic president re-elected since Franklin Roosevelt. It was a dramatic rebound from the 1994 midterm elections that de- livered Congress to the Republi- cans. "They have affirmed our cause and told us to go forward," Clin- ton said of voters who returned him to office. Still, he acknowl- edged that Americans were bent on splitting the balance of power in Washington. "They are send- ing us a message: Work together," Clinton said. Fireworks erupted after the president addressed a crowd of thousands jamming the streets of Little Rock, Ark. Vice President Al Gore called it a "glorious evening" and Indeed the num- bers were very good for the Democratic ticket. Clinton was on a pace to match if not exceed the 370 electoral votes he won in 1992, and he was close to the majority vote that eluded him in 1992. "I wish him well and I pledge my support," Dole said in con- ceding the race, hushing sup- porters who booed Clinton's name. Dole and other Republican Greg CitMMfTto AsMcLated Pre* leaders took solace in returns President Clinton gives a thumbs up to the crowd after winning re-election to a second wave during an election-night rally In Little Rock, Ark., Tuesday, Nov. 5,1996. See CUNTON, page three. term as daughter Chelsea, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Gore Kaptur savors victory Supporters celebrate incumbent's re-election Amy Johnson and Jack Buehrer TheBCNews TOLEDO - A swarm of sup- porters gathered In the vast lobby of the Toledo Amtrak station to celebrate the re- election of District Nine Demo- cratic Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives over Republican Randy Whitman. Bob Dole (GOP) "We feel very elated and very • 34 states reporting gratified," Kaptur said about her re-election. "I'm very thankful Bill Clinton (Democrat) that the people of our community exercise their rights of citi- zenship." Many of northwest Ohio's most prominent figures in Toledo, Clinton's tails aren't from Mayor Carry Finkbeiner to Dau« KhraMrtky/Tkc BG Nan radio personality Denny Shaffer, Marcy Kaptur waves to a crowd gathered at the Bowling Green Wom- attended the event. Kaptur's past en's Club. Kaptur thanked the voters for their support success and loyalty has earned enough for Congress the admiration of her many con- stituents throughout the district. funds." The BC News moderate. Middle America are too small to count "Marcy is probably the most "She is bright, well-informed, has spoken and they are "Coattails are minlscule grassroots, neighborhood- "My biggest interest responsive to her constituents Despite the predictions of moderate," he said. this far down the ticket. For oriented and tuned-in con- is in the economic and she's totally honest," said many pundits, President Mike Marsh, University Senate and House races, gresswoman of all 435 people in Frank McCullough, acting presi- BUI Clinton's coattails did trustee and chairman of the yes. For prosecutor, no," he Congress," Finkbeiner said. "She future of the country dent of the Medical College of not have enough room for Wood County Republican said. has been a phenomenal repre- because more Ohio. "She works hard for her Democrats to take back the party, said he expected the GOP State Senator Bob sentative for her constituents families are getting district and she's an outstanding Ohio House of Representa- Republicans to maintain Latta said the local Issues both urban and rural" woman in Congress today. She's tives. their 1994-gained majority. provide better coattails Speaking at the Wood County farther and farther in very courageous.'* Chris Redfern, Ottawa "People don't vote than national candidates. Democratic celebration, Kaptur debt." Kaptur promises to continue County Commissioner, said straight party lines any- "I don't think the coat- discussed her future goals. working on the economic future he hopes the Republican more. People who voted for tails go that far. A lot of It "My biggest Interest is in the Marcy Kaptur of the country and concentrating House will not Impede the Clinton voted for Republi- will be dependent on who progress of the president's economic future of the country congresswoman on pension funds in order to give cans for the House and came out for the local is- because more families are get- employees an equal voice over bills. Senate," Marsh said. "Peo- sues," he said. ting farther and farther in debt," their funds. She also said educa- "I hope that many of ple, not parties." Kaptur said. "Pension funds, we tion Is important and will work President Clinton's propos- Wood County Prosecutor Compiled from staff re- have to concentrate on this, be- ment of their pension funds. We for college students. als get through. A Gingrich- Alan Mayberry said the ports from Toledo, Port cause over 90 percent of the peo- have to find a way to give em- Sarah Bednarski contributed to led Congress will be more coattails at the local level Clinton and Bowling Green. ple have no voice in the manage- ployees equal voice over their this report \ Opinion page two Wednesday November 6, 1996 Damage that cannot be repaired If yOU didn't VOte, dOIl't gripe These days, it seems as though more and more A comprehensive list of Lack of time to register day. bad reasons for not voting was was another reason cited for If you did not vote yester- hate aimed at the media is circulating about. With gven by students interviewed not participating in the demo- day, you should feel guilty, lazy explosive, sensationalized shows such as "Hard Copy" r an article in Monday's BG Mike cratic process. Again. I am con- or both. Not only have you and tabloid newspapers such as The National News. My goal is to debunk fused by this Justification of la- failed to exercise a very special some of the myths that stop our ziness. I vaguely remember the right (the majority of the earth's Enquirer" coming at the consumer on a daily basis, it generation from exercising any Wendling minute or so It took to fill out a population has little or no say often becomes hard to distinguish if the media is serv- semblance of control over our voter registration form. in choosing their leaders), you collecUve future. On the other hand, the have lost the right to be upset ing its job as "the watchdog" or merely stepping over "I necessarily don't agree pulse. If all else falls, glance at aimless recreational pursuits with the results of the demo- its bounds to get any story that will sell. with the issues." said one stu- the platforms of the Republican we college students take part cratic process. An occurance which put the media in a less-than- dent, when asked to give a rea- and Democratic parties. If your in are, in my mind, quite vivid. If you do not participate in son why she does not vote. Her Interest is sUll lacking, sched- To say that you do not have the our democracy, you cannot flattering light is the "accusation" of Richard Jewell, statement is baffling. Perhaps ule an appointment with the time to register to vote Is merely complain when tuition costs a security guard at the Olympic games, suspected she does not agree with the way Wood County Morgue. saying that you do not care rise. You cannot express out- in the bombing that took place on July 27 at Centen- the issues are discussed, or the Another infuriating excuse about your nation, your com- rage when a White House scan- particular issues that are be- for not voting was expressed by munity, and your fellow Ameri- dal Involving drugs, sex or both nial Olympic Park. Jewell's name was leaked from an ing discussed, but it is impos- a BGSU senior. cans. To all those who found is exposed in the press. When unknown source which drew a picture of Jewell as sible to disagree with an inani- This fourth year student, something more important cracks In our social services mate, abstract "issue"? on the verge of leaving the Uni- than registering, please die result in children starving, be- fitting the profile of a bomber, implying that he was If.
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