Cornell Alumni News Volume 47, Number 12 December 15, i 944 Price 20 Cents Fletcher '23 Ezra Cornell Memorial Window, Sage Chapel FROM A PLASTIC BAG! tit THE MAN ADRIFT here is drinking sea water. But it is research, devf opment and engineering. sea water that he has made drinkable by chemicals and The impor5 ance of VlNYLiTE plastic in helping to a filter contained in a VlNYXiTE plastic bag*. The plastic solve such vitieί needs as fresh water at sea is typical, in — produced by CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COR- terms of hunus\ progress, of the stature already attained PORATION—has been made possible by the availability of by in any of tNτ * 160 synthetic organic chemicals that synthetic organic chemicals, in which this Unit of UCC CARBIDE AND H!ARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION now specializes. lias in commer al production. But the story behind YlNYLlTE plastics is far more than just the history of another chemical development. *There are good reasons why a J INYLITE plastic is used in desalt- Rather, this unusual substance is indicative of the ing bags. It can't mildew or rust. It is strong and tough, scuff-proof way man can learn—tltrough years of uninterrupted re- and shock-proof. It is clieniical-resistant and sun-resistunt. It is lightweight, transparent and flexible. It is non flammable and search in the basic and applied sciences—to make better cleanable . Engineers and executives interested in this material material than nature. It is one more confirmation of the are invited to ivriΐe for thv booklet I*-12 "Γ inylite Plastic Sheet continuing progress that is achieved by co-ordiiiatirg and Sheeting." BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION 30 East 42nd Street ffiffl New York 17, N.Y. Principal ί/ru'/x in the United States ίnid their Products ALLOYS AND METALS - Electro Metallurgical Company, Hayncs Stellitc Company, United States Vanadium Corporation CHEMICALS-Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation ELECTRODES, CARBONS ft BATTERIES- National Carbon Compaq. !»«-. INDUSTRIAL GASES AND CARBIDE-The Linde Air Products Company, The Oxweld Railroad Service Company, The Prest-O Lit* Company, Inc. PLASTICS-- Bakelite Corporation Volume 47, Number 12 December 15, 1944 Price, 20 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N.Y. Published the first and fifteenth of every month. a business or industry to a four-year Veterans Advisement Center Opens university course. Assignments given so far include training for type- BY ANDREW L. WINSOR, PHD '29, DIRECTOR writer repairman, linotype operator, The new vocational advisement and portation, meals, and lodging are pro- poultryman, specialized supervisors, guidance center, here described by its vided for this purpose for all veterans business manager, and pattern maker. Director, was established in the Uni- whose training or education is to be It is expected that men will be as- versity Office of Veterans Education provided under the rehabilitation signed to professional, technical, man- at the request of the US Veterans Ad- agerial, clerical, sales, service, agri- ministration. laws. A Third Division Infantry private in Upon arrival in Ithaca, the veteran cultural, mechanical, and manual the last war, Professor Winsor was reports to D. J. Cavanaugh, senior work in accordance with their interest wounded in the front lines in France training officer of the Veterans Ad- and aptitudes. In order that the and went through the government ministration, who has offices in the veteran may get the best results rehabilitation program, receiving the same building, for a preliminary con- from his training, supervision of his BS at the University of Utah in 1920. ference. At the conclusion of this program is continued until com- He received the MA at Stanford and conference, the veteran is referred to pletion, at which time the veteran will entered the Graduate School here in the Guidance and Advisement Cen- be placed in appropriate employment. 1927 with an instructorship in Rural Education. Since 1930, he has taught ter for further interviewing and test- Men who are eligible for this service personnel administration in the De- ing. are expected to spend two days at the partment of Hotel Administration and The staff of the Center consists of Center, if necessary, in order that the College of Agriculture; is now profes- the director, with the additional title fullest consideration may be given to sor of Hotel Administration. of vocational adviser; Dr. A. Gordon their cases. Veterans who are not en- Nelson, associate vocational adviser, titled to such service under Public ETERANS Advisement and Law 16, but who would be interested VGuidance Center began opera- who came from the public schools system of Fairfield, Conn.; an as- in finding out what their general tions November 15, when the first ability, interests, aptitudes, and ex- trainee reported for examination and sistant who conducts and scores tests; and the necessary clerical help. periences indicate as a desirable voca- interview. In the first two weeks of tional or professional objective, may operation, while routine was being For each trainee, the guidance officers receive a folder containing the vet- make a special appointment by writ- established, ten trainees were inter- ing to the Ithaca Office of the Veterans viewed. With another two weeks of eran's service record, his scholastic record, and any other information Administration or may apply through experience behind us, the Center their local county service officer. will be able to deal with ten to fifteen that would be helpful as a basis for trainees a week, the load for which it guidance. After analyzing this in- is organized. formation, a program of testing is ar- Reports To Alumni ranged to provide supplementary in- The Center is in the University formation to be used in determining T3EPORT to the Cornell Alumni Office of Veterans Education at 13 the applicant's qualifications as a *^> from President Edmund E. Day East Avenue. To it will be referred all basis for rehabilitation training. A is being mailed with the Alumni Fund veterans entitled to rehabilitation study is made of his interests and de- Annual Report for 1943-44. These are training under Public Law 16 of the sires, his general ability, and his going to approximately 47,000 Cor- Seventy-eighth Congress from ten special aptitudes. nellians in the Western Hemisphere counties of the Southern Tier and who were undergraduates at the Uni- Finger Lakes region of New York Veteran's Ability Determined versity and for whom current ad- State. As an agency of the US Vet- From these data, a "profile" showing dresses are known. erans Administration, this Center will the dominant interests and the rela- The President explains that not- make analyses and recommend voca- tive strength of the candidate's abili- withstanding his yearly reports to the tional objectives for all rehabilitation ties is drawn. This record is then Board of Trustees, as required by the cases as they are discharged from the studied to determine appropriate vo- Statutes of the University, and his services. Although not required to do cational objectives in the light of the usual informal reports to alumni at so, any returning veteran who quali- vocational history, the service record, June Reunions in Ithaca and in fies under Public Law 346, commonly the academic report, and the disabil- speaking to Cornell groups, "I have known as the G.I. Bill of Rights, is ity of the veteran. A specific job ob- never felt that I have succeeded in also entitled to this service if he cares jective or a number of possible ob- giving Cornell Alumni as a whole the to use it. jectives is then indicated and the sort of accounting that they wanted, Veterans from this district return- veteran is sent back to Mr. Cavanaugh and I have come to the conclusion ing with service-incurred disabilities in the Veterans Administration office, that each year I ought to send every will file an application for vocational who makes a definite assignment and alumnus a general report on the state rehabilitation with the US Veterans plans a training program to corres- of the University. In this report, I Administration office at Batavia. They pond. want to tell what happened at Cornell will then be assigned a date on which The training assigned as a result of during the preceding academic year, they are to report at the Center here the tests and interviews may be at and to give my personal slant on some for consultation and counseling. Trans- any level, from apprentice training in of the major developments that have occurred. I hope that these annual To Work With Schools de Seville, Universite de Grenoble, statements will bring forth an in- and the Sorbonne. He shortly re- creased volume of frank commentary turned to business, however, repre- by Cornellians the world over, who, I senting the Burson Knitting Co. of am happy to say, have never been par- Rockford, 111., in England, Europe, ticularly hesitant in expressing their and Africa, with headquarters in views on the situation at Ithaca." Paris and London and travelling from He tells the recent effects of the Moscow to Cape Town. As a hobby, war on enrollment of students in the he has visited scores of universities University, both civilians and in the in the United States and abroad. Army and Navy Training Programs; Professors Hinchliff and Blanchard discusses accelerated instruction and L. Rideout, PhD '36, chairman of the its implications; describes the pro- advisory board for underclassmen in posed new curricula of the School of Arts and Sciences, spoke at teas for Business and Public Administration, prospective students given by the the five-year courses in Engineering, Cornell Women's Club of New York the State School of Industrial and in the Barbizon Hotel, November 11.
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