KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method Hartree-Fock It is probably the simplest method to treat the many-particle system. The dynamic many particle problem is replaced by an effective one-electron problem: electron is moving in an effective static potential field. It can be viewed as a variational method where the full many-body wave function is replaced by a single Slater determinant. The elements of the determinant are one electron orbitals with orbital and spin part. It can also be viewed as the lowest order term in perturbative expansion (linear in U) with respect to interaction between electrons. These two views will be substantiated below by equations. But first we will use decoupling method to derive the Hartree-Fock equations. Kristjan Haule, 2009 –1– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method In the second quantization, the many electron problem takes the form 1 2 1 H = drΨ†(r)[ +V (r)]Ψ(r)+ drdr′Ψ†(r)Ψ†(r′)v (r r′)Ψ(r′)Ψ(r) −2∇ ext 2 c − Z Z (1) where Ψ(r) is the field operator of electron, Vext(r) is the potential of nucleous and v (r r′) is the Coulomb interaction 1/ r r′ . We assumed Born-Oppenheimer c − | − | approximation for nuclei motion (freezing them since their kinetic energy is of the order of Mnuclei/me). The Hartree-Fock approximation replaces the two-body interaction term by an effective one body term Ψ†(r)Ψ†(r′)Ψ(r′)Ψ(r) Ψ†(r)Ψ(r) Ψ†(r′)Ψ(r′)+ Ψ†(r′)Ψ(r′) Ψ†(r)Ψ(r) (2) → h i h i Ψ†(r)Ψ(r′) Ψ†(r′)Ψ(r) Ψ†(r′)Ψ(r) Ψ†(r)Ψ(r′) (3) −h i − h i With the generalized density ρ(r, r′)= Ψ†(r)Ψ(r′) the effective Hartree-Fock h i Hamiltonian takes the form eff 1 2 H = drdr′Ψ†(r) + V (r)+ dr′′ρ(r′′, r′′)v (r′′ r) δ(r r′) −2∇ ext c − − Z Z ρ(r′, r)vc(r′ r) Ψ(r′) (4) Kristjan Haule, 2009 − − } –2– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method H is a one-particle Hamiltonian • eff The effective potential is non-local (very different from the LDA approximation) • Higher order terms in perturbative expansion are completely neglected (so-called • correlation part in Density Functional Theory) If we write the field operator Ψ in one electron basis Ψ(r)= ψα(r)cα (5) α X where cα creates an electron in one electron state ψα(r) we get eff eff H = Hαβ cα† cβ (6) Xαβ where eff H = H0 + (U U )n (7) αβ αβ aαbβ − aαβb ab Xab with n = c† c and matrix elements ab h a bi 1 H0 = ψ 2 + V ψ (8) αβ h α|− 2∇ ext| βi Kristjan Haule, 2009 –3– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method U = ψ (r)ψ (r′) v (r r′) ψ (r)ψ (r′) (9) αβγδ h α β | c − | γ δ i If the one electron orbitals ψα are othogonal, we are done. First, we need to calculate matrix elements of H0 and U . Then we can proceed to eff eff construct Hαβ according to Eq. (7) and finally we can diagonalize the matrix Hαβ . In Eq. (7) the sum over a and b runs over all occupied states only (since nab = δabna is 0 for unoccupied and 1 for occupied eigenstates). Weather the orbital is occupied or not, we eff know only after we calculate the one-electron levels, i.e., diagonalize Hαβ by ψ Heff ε ψ =0. Hence, the system of equations needs to be solved h α| − | βi self-consistently by iteration. Kristjan Haule, 2009 –4– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method Interpretation in terms of electron self-energy In many-body problems, one usually defines the so-called self-energy. It is the quantity that needs to be added to non-interacting Hamiltonian to get the interacting effective Hamiltonian eff 0 H = drdr′Ψ†(r) H (r)δ(r r′)+Σ(r, r′) Ψ(r′) (10) − Z From Eq. (4) we can see that Σ(r, r′)= δ(r r′) dr′′ρ(r′′, r′′)v (r′′ r) ρ(r′, r)v (r′ r) (11) − c − − c − Z This term is just the lowest order term in perturbation expansion of self-energy in powers of Coulomb repulsion and its diagrammatic representation in terms of Feyman diagrams is Kristjan Haule, 2009 –5– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method Derivation for beginners We mentioned in the previous chapter (second quantization) that Hartree Fock approximation corresponds to the approximation where one finds single ”properly symmetrized” Slater determinant that minimizes the total energy for the interacting Hamiltonian E = Φn1n2, nN H Φn1n2, nN (12) h ··· | | ··· i We can vary one-electron basis functions with constraint that they are normalized. In previous chapter we called one-electron basis functions uk(x). Here, we called them ψ(x) therefore we will stick to later definition. We remember from previous lecture 0 1 E = ψ∗ (x)H (x)ψ (x)dx + dxdx′ψ∗ (x)ψ∗ (x′)v (x x′)ψ (x)ψ (x′) α α 2 α β C − α β α X Xαβ Z 1 dxdx′ψ∗ (x)ψ∗ (x′)v (x x′)ψ (x)ψ (x′) −2 α β C − β α Xαβ Z Kristjan Haule, 2009 –6– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method We would like to minimize E ǫ dxψ∗ (x)ψ (x)= min (15) − α α α α X Z We look for the best ψβ, so we will vary the functional with respect to ψβ∗ δE 0 0= = H (x)ψ (x)+ dx′ψ∗(x′)v (x x′)ψ (x′) ψ (x) (16) δψ β γ C − γ β β∗ " γ # X Z dx′ψ∗(x′)v (x x′)ψ (x′)ψ (x) ǫ ψ (x) (17) − γ C − β γ − β β γ X Z We can multiply the equation by ψα(x) and integrate over x to get 0 ψ∗ (x)H (x)ψ (x)dx + dxdx′ψ∗ (x)ψ∗(x′)v (x x′)ψ (x′)ψ (x) (18) α β α γ C − γ β γ Z X Z dxdx′ψ∗ (x)ψ∗(x′)v (x x′)ψ (x′)ψ (x) ǫ ψ∗ (x)ψ (x)dx (19) − α γ C − β γ − β α β γ X Z Z Kristjan Haule, 2009 –7– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method or H0 + (U U )= ǫ δ (20) αβ γαγβ − γαβγ α αβ γ occupied ∈ X This is equivalent to Eq.(7). One needs to be carefull and sum only over occupied states γ. This is because in this derivation we worked with fixed number of particles N and all states of the Slater determinant must be occupied. This is hardly a surprise since the minimization gives ground state only, thus, this is zero temperature analog of the above more general perturbation formalism. Kristjan Haule, 2009 –8– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method Nonorthogonal base In actual calculation, the one electron orbitals are choosen very carefully because we would like to get (at least) the ground state with only few orbitals (The computation time increases as N 3, where N is the number of orbitals - solving eigenvalue problem). Those optimally chosen orbitals are almost never orthogonal! One way around would be to orthogonalize basis functions first. This is a time consuming task and also leads to basis functions which are less localized. It is more convenient to generalize the equations to non-orthogonal basis functions than to orthogonalize basis functions. Let us call the non-orthogonal basis functions Φp(r). Further, let us write the transformation from non-orthogonal base to eigenbase-base as ψα(r)= ApαΦp(r) (21) p X We want to solve ψ Heff ε ψ =0 (22) h α| − | βi Kristjan Haule, 2009 –9– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method and using Eq. (21) we get eff A∗ (H εO )A =0 (23) pα pq − pq qβ where O is the overlap matrix O = Φ Φ . This is the generalized eigenvalue pq pq h p| qi problem Heff A = εOA, where H is Hermitian and O is positive definite matrix. The eigenvectors A are not orthogonal, but rather satisfy the relation A†OA =1 which can be deduced from the relation ψ ψ = δ . h α| βi αβ We also need the density matrix in the non-orthogonal base. It follows from ρ(r, r′)= Ψ†(r)Ψ(r′) = ψ∗ (r)n ψ (r′)= Φ∗(r)A∗ n A Φ (r′), h i α αβ β p pα αβ qβ q αβ pq,αβ X X (24) and since n = δ f(ε µ) we conclude ρ = A∗ A f(ε µ). αβ αβ α − qp pα qα α − The total energy of the system is not α εα! The right total energy in the eigen-base is 1 P 1 E = H0 n + (U U )n n = Tr[(Heff + H0)n] (25) αα α 2 aαaα − aααa a α 2 α αa X X Kristjan Haule, 2009 –10– KH Computational Physics- 2009 Hartree-Fock Method In the non-orthogonal basis, the total energy takes the form 1 1 0 1 1 0 E = ε n + (A†H A) n = ε n + H ρ (26) 2 α α 2 αα α 2 α α 2 pq qp α α α pq X X X X Now we sketch algorithm to solve the general Hartree-Fock problem 1 Pick a set of one electron orbitals φp(r) and add them the spin part of the wave function to get Φ (r)= φ (r) s .
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