Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern Southern Accent - Student Newspaper University Archives & Publications 1949 Southern Accent September 1949 - August 1950 Southern Missionary College Follow this and additional works at: https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent September 1949 - August 1950" (1949). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 37. https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent/37 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Publications at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southern Accent - Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .uihern Miss.onai) Cnlleg^ Oillcecdak Ti„„tss,c MptLmbir 21 ''%h7%' eZsf^fToHel'e Career Omqv 400 Registcr by Middle rlirlZfa"',;! Bank» co„tinue7^ Fipst Weck^Peak Not Reached Yet Field School Effort RitKnhoiise Diieuls Regibtration Planb Nen Students and Freshmen Oncnted in Week Program Counseling Directed bj Steen Rittenliouse Speaks Plans for ,:rfSl' somi") 'ittml't.slhetc'nj';'" Repealed '""'i^JlL',"''!';. ,.po,« ,„ .„ Cliiircli Oil Sin Tabemacle i''iu'ss''''to ifillmnfij^coikfie^and ihL iTui^^^^^^ To Project qgluw ukmgiuiiL"tedLnL>T^ Vshlock Conducts Faculty Entertains h„ iopic for ihi momme « Tirst Vesper Ne«' Students in ' Hour "'„°„rp«iiui'Mio«i., k d. ;;',™£° "n™"",,'™,™" m'cjspbn Til fl i ulor.^^^ of^thc Tht dnatul tntliiisiasm of thj ^ Week-end Program d^^^'"L'l"'rcli'' and"&jinh m MiSMOna^ ^^^^J^^ ,n\i's"i?rm'l^ folioiv'c'r''of i„„ lo»i Euphon, d.nalJ bJV'Slfce .nd"',!! ph,.H Will o ,h '"'" °" "'""'''"''""''"'" ;t ,oi-r.r,;u,;° fUlUfltVOIS £°'™*'T.™l;tnr'°"„" Field school win , '^tE", ito,"Z™ i„.d. b, Eld., Academy Relocates Hold Vesper Hour il;d'„r"."dulL'":J~l"3 fc Sabbath School Next Friday Nifiht THE SOUTHERN ACCENT Members join Lyceum Piogianis - - - NeH YoUrS Trulv T/ianks F""' This Year Coll, J,,. F:m iill\ This iiiue of the SOUTHERN AGENT you Cm Keep Resolutions Only Ancitnt Symbol?" fully, (oil w o.plidll, bl,, ,o f. Ab'Tnti.n, B%"^»j'» •ii* l-ThcB.byloni.riKcoU '^ Peamian OrriUllii) v Mr Rjlilon'Hoo'et*formwsiudunt "a Je^ oducaiJd mrrT rLntly "re- '"ob",;' g fhe daily Vohllltr. I lie t»c|)| ."roMly' 'T PKifi°"'3nion''Sl'°^ ''"'''°'''''S!;'"'dSnTlb™l°"i'j 1 College faculty and Staff d L. Greve. Suf tor in Elementa Edward C. Barls, Ass, of Food Se<-y>a AVisZ/l^X pr.nup.'i' thing: tlic-ie- ColIegC tO PrOcllK* '"[irn^'yi ''fnTJrsi.mL8.'''V?ovt'fhs Tecliiiicolor Mo'* it :d..^Hon, English. lanlcy 0. G/r/Sf fur/ittueCp AHe^ To Sorm /iicr, Colleqo Broom Sh( Residents HitU Mock Open Nof Hira T. Curtii, Assistant Prote-.^or Huldrlet ' George B. Doan. Suparvhory In- ^Ruby'^E. ;tfucto, in Sef^ondarv Educatlort, Ransom Jon C. Ludington, ^"'''^"' '^'°- Olivi. Briclma. Dean. Di.fjcto. of feasor of English, ihcy .re so intcrcsling. but you will fasVor of Music lure. A.^aci.tc Pro- . Special Inst.urior , . :, Robert E. Lynn. be li"rmg more .bout hu-r. I them . ^harie, E. Wltt«l,lebe. Professor Spwking of the ofTK., d, ' "' ''^"qi'j"' t^.ry HddoT DieVel, As"ociX Pro- Miller, . " Hardd^A. Professor of "iciToniri;rX"^ori^d"em) '^.R WeTu''^l°°tS £''[.l'ns^). ^"°='*'«' °f ""^-^ f^°^"«^ "*'" """' ,M''^'I",'^'!,7^:i;sor''orBl!iio"s p^^;J; Jeanne Dorsette in hlv[- [h"f bI^n"so bSfwith ^iThis MisTjoJasctn^"*" '!?°'I,.'"" Canadian College . Sylvester Aichibiild S sor of Eng- sl.ucior in Secondary Eduta n 327, MaadeJone5H.il UorioK-.! , 1949. The .osdyn C 1 a bed Phyllis Price ^VM desperalely 's '":;''Tl,?"l,Ii; Jclloricinr^Sd fS puncl'/'f-. '"B;,i"'"pt,tiir''suporvisorv In- Norllleriier TJkr« 'i"^'"' roo,^''';"^rri'M^'L:nS Secondary Education, 1 Scpicniber 23, 19-19 THESOUTHERNACCINT p office.-^ Student President Mensing^ Outlines Elected ror i>l. V. Society ^^^^^^ """ Smooth Faculty-Student Relations " i»«? ;£-py-> '';J'' ot th<. uill ^'Hh assisunts ,u r A vju u^L m wncril ienJk m..Lt paiod.ciU) T) \ „l l', iVL V" JB old s |, j M J arc Up Thesludcnt bod) «.ll inductjmc «jth Prc,,Jtm Wn^hl Dc-an Rilkn 1 Km jnJ Pin, It ,„ M I ^ ^M^ Kl;'H,;;£'t;',ii -iv B|B ; ''' -lV,nton"S'"k I'ol, "j r3Il,"°m,i'hi'l/bcln'M|aTOcd"o dJreE''on'lhI .'I"inVC;r'',Vli'L ' t "ii'^ r^« Llk= iK^Mll"t, IJ hjfL hi, "\ "„ I 'li vv.ll '» miSMonarj eodeavof *j^op a ,|ni itRfL k 'L'"J!irto ,rL't''^'''''^n'inds'o'n r">0"»' ' ^ Ijs^ of Chnsl j" Mill Lh. bctn" icsLrilTd f^r"llK pucpow of S^''^'''' ^'rir ofJ',r''lffir,'!/!n!l''r.rKlrr,!fthe officas and membcri of bod) iiefFcancJ) Ml s, t Ik 'tuJint j1I Lollegt forum Maj this La pcr.od I ^""'="^ ^^"^"- '^'" '^'^^ ''" yn< d riMnbt mu^h more help d^^mcd to d.iLUss.on not of person '^^ '" \]uilini Fcatlire " Chauoce U-b-^h thL .ollcfit thin 11 could possibl, coVstiuclnc nature for thtfiMd of the thc.f icvtral groups Maj (hej com FuUU'e StlldeiltS cffctut ore^niTadon uiiho-t jn student bodj m gcncfil mind the full cooperation of ill stu Dnclors Louis and A<I«n Lud.nMon rcspons.b>lit) of the A rcMsion r>f ihe Cr>njtitut,on and dents so thit the ad mm. St rat .on and I, btn.omc, the ^.^ (^^ p^^j p^^m; ^f ^ j^n born Eckeni'Otll BegillS laws alwa>s think of ^ J.nl Senate to sli that it i; an Bj under ahich this Student the facult) ma) Ihem Salurdai Au;;ust 6 l'J-19 the best co Senate has operated be read) fot is the most cffotue setMce agenq on Luiq lor ptomoling '^M Darc>l Ludington .s residing ^^th Nei» LcCtlire ScricS students ith distribution ler) iftcr the the pcrati^e interests ol the « soon open eampus ,,„ p^fen^ in Atlanta Ge-orgia «hcc( ' I Lou.s ^"''"8'"'"^^''^;^^^ ^^J'[|^['^J^" As!ouT'slrc'll'^''"AliLt«ii'rA*!S HaiiimiU Wins Prof. -^axxUd" Ol JV{ontqotmxu ^^'i'nltmJtrthe^ul.tl "El^^Et^tJ^. ' rlloWship Award *-' ^ f.milj mtroduLtd inlo CoUcRcd.k ministers of tht Scthern Union ^'"'' ^'"'-^ ^^^^ ^'^'^'> Gnndmotlru snd GrandfathLi of^enr-d . senr^ of propliun ItUurra m .n 1 [ I r R L Himmill professor Ckirlc, TMlrr rod ,"l" °d,,™L,l stud, ,n Ibi ofU,nsO,smdurm8tl,ipuls«mn.rr Jamrs b.nrlur 1;" j'-"''"jJ^S'"< ™1',/'»W. lh^Tm''m™£r'h"rVd' llrVk" ""' °"""~" ' " ss; Qr,r, "'S" vj'H't.rj'":ik°T. sii^rbtdrnt'-XiMi." r \''T ',1>'" '."l"! '*"'' M " '" '''' ;ZJd'tT, "mi;;..^/"" "'Tfr'.rrfr^d ,.,lrsM, „l \ '.''H ./riSr "V\h';"';.,:'° U™,.;' ' ,r «'' '." ('itsrraron" PJ^L hTIiI Tdl'" Elb". ;r„t,tTl"ttr™^^^^^ Uw Ufwet UumpUSeS '"jTbr.n ' "- '^""''"' '=''""«'• J" '"' ° Building Program Classes Ballot in ' Hm"°"nr.°'i.... » hk 1,1111 I nV '^^ il imbi" »"d 11(1. Hacklll. in flans , '' " . ^ U^ ^'-"1 •' "l „i" n,, v r\lC- "L" Oni , Comnm »J1 ori Accelerated This Year's Officers ii ' („ i m ii,i li-'lH-e Ilinerarv ™;x "Sws'J lsccZS s.","s ' 2 ,' )' « h" .ppunnei on Stpimibcr „ 1 • Consirudmn has brin lompltird on FoUr Go tO ScnatC wfn'ot ij t: Orhtr Misfs to bi prrsinKd on Iht I tor Ur. Snhrie boJ, bmldiOD ,, a,, „,» fimroom r„,h„„n l,„ „nl,r n,, . lummir .„t.d on Ro.d fj, .cb.o'i ' '!, r. nidrr E r H.U,„ formttr,, 0„p h, i. i'Lp'i' .n,o, ,, J^ D.%tn l^-^''^;:; 1 '-'"hi N ',::i '''""'•°" "tttiotton nnd m.lat.lsnro oo. ll" ''j iC.ston itfc°»rd., JSi?n™ ,s , [,J^, ci'nd Gn,on Na,t!«l M I "i™", "",t "'jlrtro !,' to \ ' L°hool >,",? »t'cnlTudd°fn™' D^tsne",!' ' d Ad' "SJtst m *bt!?oirAi"'°od''nadem'?c, V , p,^,„„ ^'nTtta: Sifnih C"''^" I °fS,n!^ l" b?.™cl."md ""'"" "'"'"'' Nl°;!lrfor'^;™!'ri°n'd''rZ'i'°of ,;r.t;orSls'"ta?rs'"oy,"s r,i'd,n''s ;;™,m';'D;Lr'">°'»"t«''"">>o''"'' Sn'do.fl'"N"'N. "^/L'l'n'Lfrt.n A.,..l l«9 '"" '""' '""" ' " C.n,po. Chrontol.. Angosl H« The Atl.ntn Un.or? Collra, Ltb,,,, \!^ tb°'r,St*o'f'lh'?cnfS'''«""°' [ IN CIRCLES FACULTY ^^,, ,.^,„ ,,. ||?i5!lfpi ^l^iiKi ,'„f Conndl .nd Mr. b T """""* ° ' present ,n rlutie Tl,e n„ facolt, mimKr. «ere Mrs M E ^[^[^j''''" jj,^; ,,, mmn J i. .1 ^JslJlrf |,™,°i S's^Mto'"' ^ olleetion Bill, Stnek ten enun pro ol the e «'> ehosen a, president 1 he C,;. nee, 11.11 , r'rZ'kld'tn'lh n''r\r,'"3°''roo'm ra'Tltsi" Ke CommomS S *''''''"''°' ', '' Bell, Co'mmin" ' '|o"ep°h "''it Ve"reo'o "'th ' .,^;„'°„t['.n'l'diU,"e','' bl'eliTin moTth ' 'l",I \i""l \^"?'e''et!n'of'll'e rile'rIlooTof e'^eh "'""'' in .t "' '"' L Ml'"S™le-s I'kn.'nt j;"m?,'' D T Mr, O S p'oe ',o.'ri.t,or ... " ' " °'Vjfe3E''l'.';ne" Mdints""''. £™ .Ve'lint'l '""''^'""tEZ Etrtor'nll'ttlnto'"' *'"'"" '|";-'"| SiiperMSor, Lrato'J. e'on.miltte iplSnteJ bj ll' 'ii, Miss Berniee pittnun ir^STC mole if I IVi'r"' s', tourie D.mel .od Pe.'bod) College for sjll.beis lor li.e m I .I.'orho,>'lose™"wes"te.ot3,'.n'd Oie'ceorse |^__ „'^, |^„ ,^ „ , ,, ,, |vl'„,.„e Tennessee ileeel.l.on l^^jj;^ I eeonomicll, Te.th.rs .t Nuhsdle THE SOUTHERN ACCENT "Our Student Organizathns at Work" Is )^^ j.^^^.^^. Colleges in ycu Title of Student Senate Pamphlet Northeast States CAN DO IT NOW • 1 .
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