known as " Uphill Pill," otherwise " SHmridge j at the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the Pill." ounty of Somerset, at Wells; and that on or 3.—To enable the Company to construct the jefore the said 30th day of November a copy of several railways following, to wit—a railway com- so much of the said plans, sections, and book of mencing at or near such pier, jetty, or landing- reference as relates to each of the parishes herein- place, passing from thence through such parish of before mentioned, and a copy of the Gazette Notice, Uphill into the parish of Bleadon, in the same will be deposited with the Parish Clerk of such county, and terminating in such last-mentioned parish, at his place of abode. parish, by a junction with the Bristol and Exeter And notice is hereby also given, that copies of Railway, at or near a certain bridge over such the intended Act will be deposited in the Private railway called or known by the name of Wick Bill Office of the House of Commons on or before Warth Bridge, or the Lower Bridge. Another the 30th day of December, 1854. railway commencing at or near such pier, jetty, or Dated this 1st day of November, 1854. landing-place, passing from thence through such Sewell, Fox and Sewell, ~\ parish of Uphill into the parish of Weston-super- Old Broad-street, London, / Solicitorsfor Mare, in the same county, and terminating at the Henry Dames, C the Bill. Locking Road, near the Bristol and Exeter Rail- Weston-super-Mare. ) way Station, in the town of Weston-super-Mare, in the said parish of Weston-super-Mare ; and also Uphill and Bleadon Road. a railway commencing by a junction with the (Construction of Road.) second-mentioned railway, at a distance of 220 OTICE is hereby given, that it is intended yards from the said pier, jetty, or landing-place, N to apply to Parliament, in the next session, in a field or space of ground called Newham for an Act for all or some of the following pur- Wharf, in the said parish of Uphill, and terminat- poses :— ing at low water mark, at the junction of the 1.—To appoint trustees to execute the provisions river Axe with the Bristol Channel, in the said of such Act. parish of Uphill and the parish of Brean, in the 2.—To enable such trustees to construct a road, said county of Somerset, or in-one of such last- commencing at or near Uphill Lodge, in the occu- mentioned parishes. pation of Thomas Tutton Knyfton, Esquire, in 4.—A pier, jetty, or landing-place at the termi- the parish of Uphill, in the county of Somerset, nation of such last-mentioned railway into the said passing through such parish over Uphill Great Bristol Channel, and to be situate in the said Rhyne, near West Bow Bridge, and into the parish parishes of Uphill and Brean, or one of them. of Bleadon in the same county, and terminating 5.—To enable the Company to construct floating in Purn Lane, at or near a place called Purn Farm, stages in connexion with such piers, jetties, or in such last-mentioned parish, and for such pur- landing-places, and all such stations, works, ap- poses to use and to make turnpike a portion of an proaches, and conveniences as may be necessary or existing highway or public road leading from requisite for the use and occupation of such piers, Uphill to Bleadon, and also an existing drove way jetties, or landing-places and railways, the whole or accommodation road leading from Bleadon to of which said piers, jetties, or landing-places, rail- the river Axe, and to lands in Bleadon Level, and ways and works, will be situated in, or pass from, also a bridge over the Bristol and Exeter Railway, through, or into the parishes of Uphill, Bleadon, for the purpose of such road. Weston-super-Mare, and Brean, and the town of 3.—To purchase, by compulsion or otherwise, Weston-super-Mare, in the parish of Weston-super- all lauds and houses required for the purpose of 'Mare, or some of them, all in the county of such road, and to alter, vary, and extinguish all Somerset. existing rights and privileges which would in any- 6.—To enable the Company to purchase, by wise interfere with the attainment of the before- compulsion or otherwise, all lands and houses mentioned object. required for the purpose of such piers, jetties, or 4.—To cross, divert, widen, alter, or stop up, landing-places, railways and works. whether temporarily or permanently, all such 7.—To enable the Company to levy tolls, rates, roads, streams, and bridges within such parishes, and duties in respect of the use of such piers, as it may be necessary to cross, widen, alter, or jetties, or landing-places and railways. stop up, for the purposes of such works. 8.—To vary, repeal, or extinguish all existing 5.-—To levy tolls in respect of the use of such rights, privileges, or exemptions in any manner road, and to confer certain exemptions from such connected with the .lands or houses proposed to tolls. be purchased or taken, or which would in any 6.—To alter or vary the highway rates and manner impede or interfere with the construction, other assessments in the several parishes before maintenance, or use of the piers, jetties, or landing- mentioned. places, railways and works, and to confer other 7.—To raise money on mortgage of the tolls, to rights, privileges, and exemptions. be by such Act grauted. 9.—To incorporate with the intended Act all or And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- some of the provisions of the following Acts, to cate plans, shewing the line and situation of the wit:—The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, proposed road, and sections, shewing the intended 1845; the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; levels thereof, with a book of reference to such the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; the plans, containing the names of the owners or Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act, 1847. reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- occupiers of the lands and houses intended to be cate plans, shewing the line and situation of the taken; and a copy of this Notice, as published in proposed works, and sections, shewing the intended the London Gazette, will, on or before the 30th levels thereof, with a book of reference to such day of November instant, be deposited for public plans, containing the names of the owners or iuspection at the office of the Clerk of the Peace reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and for the county of Somerset, at Wells, and that on occupiers of the lands and houses intended to be or before the said 30th day of November a copy of taken, and a published map, with the general course so much of the said plans, sections, and book of and direction of the railways marked thereon, anc reference as relates to each of "the parishes herein- a copy of this Notice, as published in the London before mentioned, and a copy of the Gazette Gazette, will, on or before the 30th day of No- Notice, will be deposited with the Parish Clerk of yember instant, be deposited for public inspection such parish, at his place of abode..
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