Ivar Veermäe Born 3.06.1982 in Tallinn, Estonia Lives and works in Berlin +49157 84565437 [email protected] www.ivarveermae.com Solo & two person e !i"itions# 2021 Ha"itat, AV17 Galler , Vilni!s, Lit"!ania 2019 %l& ' (omentum wit" Predra$ Ter%i&, Podroo' Galler , Bel$rade (!lt!ral (enter, )er*ia 2018 )ternal Interests, Tallinn Art +all Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2018 *!e Heat wit" ,iao-en$ .ho!, +o*!se-ea Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2016 +ravity´s Infinite /an0e, Greenhill Galler , Berlin, Ger'any 201/ *en1er Sal&te, Galerie i' T!r', Berlin, Ger'any 201/ 2enter of 4ou"t, Edit" 0!ss +a!s, Oldenb!r$, Ger'any 2012 5re1icta"ility, 3reies 4!se!' Berlin Projektra!', Berlin, Ger'any 2013 *!e 2lou1s of St. +!islain, (it Galler o6 Tallinn, Estonia 2012 6lac7 6ox /ecognition, o.T. Projektra!', Berlin, Ger'any 2012 *!e 5ower of (e1iation, +o*!se-ea Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2011 5ersonal /ecor1 wit" 7arel 7o-li'ets 89Galler , Tart!, Estonia 2011 refles!, (it Galler o6 #:rnu, Estonia 2010 4on´t "e evil wit" 7arel 7o-li'ets (it Galler o6 Tallinn, Estonia 2010 9&tonom,, +o*!se-ea Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2007 insi1e'outsi1e, (it Galler o6 #:rnu, Estonia +roup e !i"itions# 2020 /9:( S592) International %estival o3 2ontemporar, Art, 7aliningrad, 0!ssia 2019 *a e1 to the (a ; <oor1erlic!t International 5!otofestival, Groningen, ;etherlands 2019 %I=) %estival, 3<E)# (!lt!ral (enter, )=o Pa!lo, Bra%il 2019 >&r simple relations!ip with tec!nolog,, Desi$n 4!se!' o6 Bar?elona, )-ain 2019 >pen 2odes. *!e Art of 2odin0, Galler 44B, 4!'*ai, <ndia 2018 /i0a International 6iennial of 2ontemporar, Art, 0i$a, Latvia 2018 Arc!eolog, of the Screen, Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 2018 ? (aterial 4.@, Galler )indel@ngen, Ger'any 2018 +lobal 2ontrol an1 2ensors!ip, (onte'-orar Arts (entre, De*re?en, +!ngar 2018 +lobal 2ontrol an1 2ensors!ip, Galeria Arsenal, BiaA stok, Poland 2017 >pen 2odes. Livin0 in 4i0ital Worl1s, .74, 7arlsr!"e, Ger'any 2017 6I)<ALS:/, (;B (onte'-orBnea, B!enos Aires, Ar$entina 2017 Arc!eolog, of the Screen# )stonian 2ase-Stu1,, Bo%ar, Br!ssels, Bel$i!' 2017 +lobal 2ontrol an1 2ensors!ip, ;ovB ) na$C$a Dilina, )lovakia 2017 +lobal 2ontrol an1 2ensors!ip, Tallinn Art +all, Estonia 2017 *!e 6altic 5avilion# >perative Arc!ive, Desi$n and Ar?"ite?t!re Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2017 5ower, E!ro-ean (onvention (enter L!Ee'*o!r$, L!Ee'*o!r$ 2017 (&n1o Ima0em (&n1o, Galeria +ideo 7o*a as"i, (entro (!lt!ral Fsi'inas, <-atin$a, Bra%il 2017 :Art, Fniversit o6 )t. Gallen, )wit%erland 2016 5th (oscow International 6iennale 3or Coun0 Art, Trek"$orna a 4an!6akt!ra, 4os?ow, 0!ssia 2016 *!e 6altic 5avilion 1/t" <nternational Ar?"ite?t!re EEhi*ition – La Biennale di Vene%ia 2016 2olom"oscope, 3or'er General Post 1H?e, (olo'*o, )ri Lanka 2016 4ata Aesthetics, 1-en*are Bi*liotheek A'sterda', ;etherlands 2016 Art (eets /a1ical >penness 2016: WasteE1FG, 7!nst0a!' Goethestrasse, Linz, A!stria 2016 (&n1o Ima0em (&n1o, Es-aIo (!lt!ral 4ar?antonio VilaIa, Brasilia, Bra%il 2016 >n 4isappearin0 9n1 %or Vanis!in0, Tart! Art 4!se!', Estonia 2016 A!o wants to? rk Galler , Berlin, Ger'any 201/ (onitorin0, 7asseler 7!nstverein, 7assel, Ger'any 201/ >peration (in13&c7, Phaeno'enale, 7!nstverein Jol6s*!r$, Jol6s*!r$, Ger'any 201/ 49*A /:S$; <oor1erlic!t International 5!otofestival, Old )!$ar 3a?tor , Groningen, ;etherlands 201/ %I% - 6elo HoriIonteJs International %estival of 5!otograp!,, Belo +ori%onte, Bra%il 201/ Köler 5riIe 2015, EEhi*ition o6 ;o'inees, (onte'-orar Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 201/ 11th Athens 4i0ital Arts %estival, Di-lareios )?hool, Athens, Gree?e 2012 a3ter0low; *ransme1iale 2014, +a!s der 7!lt!ren der Jelt, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 /)I%, 7Khlha!s, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 Screen0ra" International (e1ia Arts Awar1, Pinna?les Galler , Townsville, A!stralia 2012 %oc&s on %oc&sin0, 7re!%*er$ Pavillon, Berlin, Ger'any 2013 S&rvival Kit 5 – Slow /evol&tion, Latvian (entre 6or (onte'-orar Art, 0i$a, Latvia 2013 2onnectin0 the 4ots, 6t" <nternational )t!dent Triennial, 4a'ara Fniversit , <stanb!l, T!rke 2013 0las7lar milc!i0, 3or!' 3a?tor , Berlin, Ger'any 2013 Introd&ction to +lobal Villa0e, Bak!, A%er*aijan 2013 Wer7sc!a&, 7!nstho?hs?"!le Jeissensee, Berlin, Ger'any 2013 SaraNevo Winter, (it Galler (olle$i!' Artisti?!', )ara5evo, Bosnia L +er%e$ovina 2013 :niversalsprac!en, 7leine +!'*oldt Galler , Berlin, Ger'any 2013 )stonian 5!otograp!ic Art %air, Telliskivi Loo'elinnak, Tallinn, Estonia 2012 5th nama*/)."a "iennial, A?ade' o6 3ine L Vis!al Arts, Tre*inje, Bosnia L +er%e$ovina 2012 Arc!aeolog, an1 the %&t&re o3 )stonian Art Scenes, Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia 2012 *!e 6e0innin0 o3 the )n1, )i'!ltan 3estival 8, Ti'isoara, 0o'ania 2012 Kre&I7assel Zwei, 7re!%*er$ Pavillon, 7assel, Ger'any 2012 +lobal Villa0e, 7!lt!r"!set Broenden, Denmark 2012 (on Ha"ite, .entr!' 6Kr 7!nst !nd Fr*anistik, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 Spee1 of 4ar7ness an1 >ther Stories, Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 2012 Interperspectives, .entr!' 6Kr 7!nst !nd Fr*anistik, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 +lobal Villa0e, Proje?t 072, Alk'aar, ;etherlands 2011 :ltra Social, FA41 Art 3estival, 4!ni?", Ger'any 2011 0atewa,s# Art an1 networ7e1 2&lture, Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 2011 %or =ove not (one,, Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 2010 +/I4 5!oto 6iennale, )o?iale Ver%ekerin$s*ank, A'stelveen, ;etherlands 2007 I, +o*!se-ea Galler , Tallinn, Estonia 2007 Sleep econom,, (onte'-orar Art 4!se!' o6 Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 2006 Artist on the map, 89Galler and 0ael Artel Galler M ;on-Pro@t )-a?e, Tart!, Estonia 2006 I 7now w!at ,ou 1i1 last s&mmer, Galler o6 Estonian A?ade' o6 Arts, Estonia 200/ Livin0 sc&lpt&res, Tallinn Art +all, Estonia 200/ (I*(IK, Tallinn Art +all Galler , Estonia Screenin0s# 2020 eB8& presents )colog, 93ter <ature# In1&stries; 2omm&nities; an1 )nvironmental (emor, www.e9N!E.?o' 2020 %rom (atter to 4ata# )colo0ies of In3rastr&cture, -ost.'o'a.or$, 4o4a we* -lat6or' 2019 *r&th on Screen; 7ai Art (enter, Tallinn, Estonia 2018 /encontres Internationales, +a!s der 7!lt!ren der Jelt, Berlin, Ger'any 2018 /encontres Internationales, Le (arrea! d! Te'-le, Paris, 3ran?e 2017 (e1ia Art %estival Ara1, Arad, 0o'ania 2017 9/S17, Hello Worl1, 4!se!' o6 (onte'-orar Art 7ias'a, +elsinki, 3inland 201/ (e1iate1 Arc!itecture, +a!s der elektronis?"en 7Knste Basel, )wit%erland 201/ )1in"&r0! ArtistsP (ovin0 Ima0e %estival, 3il'ho!se, Edin*!r$h, )?otland 201/ Sim&ltan %estival – *al7in0 to Stran0ers, Ti'isoara, 0o'ania 2012 Wer7leitz; Vi1eorama - solo presentation, +alle O)aaleP, Ger'any 2012 We; *!e )nem,; )&ropean (e1ia Art %estival, Osna*rK?k, Ger'any 2012 a3ter0low; *ransme1iale, +a!s der 7!lt!ren der Jelt, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 31. Kassler 4ok3est, 7assel, Ger'any 2012 >nLocation, 12th Biennial Arts and Te?hnolo$ ) '-osi!', (onne?ti?!t (olle$e, F)A 2012 6rave <ew Worl1, <nstit!t 6Kr alles 4Q$li?"e, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 4i0ital *ransilvania, Tar$! 4!res, 0o'ania 2012 >odaaQ %estival, 0ennes, 3ran?e 2013 )space im (e1ia, )-oro*ole, )her*rooke, (anada 2013 Dn1 International (otion %estival, ;i?osia, ( -r!s 2013 2arneval of e2reativity, )attal Estate, Bhi'tal, <ndia 2012 9"an1on <ormal 4evices %estival, (ornerho!se, 4anc"ester, England 2012 crosstal7 vi1eo art 3estival, B!da-est, +!ngar 2012 >:*VI4)>, 3estival o6 Video Art in Fr*an )-a?es, 8ekaterin*!r$, 0!ssia 2012 6il1er8&t, Berlin, Ger'any 2012 A Virtual (emorial, 4ETA +o!se, Phno' Penh, (a'*odia 2012 Vi1eobites 06 – Lets 1o it, a.a.a, Berlin, Ger'any 5er3ormance# 2012 D@#@@ 21:@@ DD#@@ at 30 10 10 wit" Vanessa Ga$eos and 3red La!r, )0) Berlin 2012 *!rou0! wit" Thia$o Bortolo%%o, Vanessa Ga$eos, 8iannis Pa--as and 3eliE )t!'-6, )0) Berlin 2012 Soun1'(ovement wit" 7r% s%to6 De*i?ki, .entr!' 6Kr 7!nst !nd Fr*anistik, Berlin 2012 i*ouc! solo -er6or'an?e, 4ont" o6 Per6or'ance Art Berlin, A(F> Theater 2012 4ie K&nst nic!t 1ermassen re0iert I& wer1en wit" 0a!'strate$ien 4ont" o6 Per6or'ance Art Berlin, A(F> Theater 2012 4ie K&nst nic!t 1ermassen re0iert I& wer1en wit" 0a!'strate$ien +AF3, +e**el a' F6er, Berlin )1&cation# 2011 9 2012 Weissensee K&nsthoc!sc!&le 6erlin s-atial strate$ies 4A 2002 9 2009 )stonian 9ca1em, of Arts -hoto$ra-" BA 2007 9 2008 4&is"&r0B)ssen :niversity Eras'!s eE?han$e -ro$ra' 2001 9 2003 2omm&nication Sc!ool of *allinn $ra-hi? desi$n Sc!olars!ips & +rants# 2021 Ar"eitsstipen1i&m, )ti6t!ng 7!nst6onds 2017 /esearc! Sc!olars!ip 6erlin Berliner )enat 201/ )lsaB<e&mann-Stipen1i&m 1es =an1es 6erlin O;a3QGP 2012 )1ithB/&ssBHa&s 3or (e1ia Art +rant 2014 3o!ndation o6 Lower )aEony 2012 Wiiralt Sc!olars!ip Estonian 4inistr o6 (!lt!re (em"ers!ips# 2012 3o!nding 'e'*er o6 K&nst Wer7 Sta1t 6erlin e.V. 2007 3o!nding 'e'*er o6 %>K: M )stonian :nion of 5!otograp!ic Artists Artist tal7s# 2020 4isc&ssion R)ner0,# I1eolog,; 2apital an1 4ataS, -ost.'o'a.or$ Parti?i-antsM E'ilija Rkarnul te, Bahar ;oori%adeh, <var Veer':e 4oderated * L!kas Brasiskis and <nga LS?e 2019 <oor1erlic!t International 5!otofestival, Groningen, ;etherlands 2018 OK(, 7arlsr!"e, Ger'any 2016 2olom"oscope %estival, (olo'*o, )ri Lanka 2016 K&ltu&ri7atel, Tallinn, Estonia 2016 +reen!ill +aller,, Berlin, Ger'any 201/ Kasseler K&nstverein, 7assel, Ger'any 2012 )1ithB/&ssBHa&s, Oldenb!r$, Ger'any 5ress & 5&"lications# 2018 )ver,thin0 Was %orever; :ntil It Was <o (ore, review * E'il 4?Der'ott )e-te'*er 2018 iss!e o6 Art0eview 2018 5ower3&l voices 3rom small e !i"itions, review * Elnara Taidre Estonian (!lt!ral ;ews-a-er T)<0#U, 07.12.2018 2018 Cou cannot 1eal without screen an,more review * TVnu Virve Estonian (!lt!ral ;ews-a-er T)<0#U, 12.09.2018
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