4. Luxembourg Times Businessrun Gesamtergebnisliste

4. Luxembourg Times Businessrun Gesamtergebnisliste

4. Luxembourg Times BusinessRun Gesamtergebnisliste Platz Startnr. Name Team Firma m/w.-Pl. Zeit 1. 237 Parrico, Anthony Arcelormittal 3 ARCELORMITTAL 1. 0:17:23,8 2. 2894 Louis, Corentin United International Management - Air Force 1 United International Management S.A. 2. 0:17:40,4 3. 3174 Abdelkader, Zhghbib #Team Chambre des Métiers 3. 0:17:49,2 4. 231 Grairi, Emir Arcelormittal 3 ARCELORMITTAL 4. 0:18:10,9 5. 3165 Berg, Sven FEUERLOFT Herren Feuerloft s.à.r.l. 5. 0:18:16,8 6. 424 Sünnen, Daniel BIP BIP BCL Loisir BCL Loisirs 6. 0:18:25,4 7. 293 Maire, Alexandre AUCHAN 3 Auchan Retail Luxembourg 7. 0:18:28,4 8. 3081 Schramm, Cédric Radio Mélodie Radio Mélodie 8. 0:18:30,8 9. 1515 LEROY, Antoine AAA for Lalux Groupe Lalux 9. 0:18:32,6 10. 1860 Antoine, Yannick LUXHUB 1 LUXHUB SA 10. 0:18:52,6 11. 2716 Mataigne, Damien SNHBM 2 SOCIETE NATIONALE DES HABITATIONS A 11. 0:19:00,6 12. 1356 Moreira, Antonio GIO-FRIENDS FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 12. 0:19:03,2 13. 277 Hay, Thomas AUCHAN 3 Auchan Retail Luxembourg 13. 0:19:14,0 14. 1349 Balon, Arnaud GIO-ONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 14. 0:19:18,6 15. 2407 Koch, Yves POST-Runners 1 POST 15. 0:19:20,3 16. 1287 Vilella Cologan, Juan Spain 2018 European Investment Bank 16. 0:19:21,0 17. 1003 Lang, Olivier Credit Suisse 1 Credit Suisse Fund Services 17. 0:19:24,9 18. 225 Dolle, Guilhem ArcelorMittal 1 ARCELORMITTAL 18. 0:19:26,2 19. 1448 Merten, Kai Blitz Gerüstbau Trappen sàrl 19. 0:19:29,3 20. 1268 Kobel, Frederic Spain 2018 European Investment Bank 20. 0:19:31,6 21. 1358 Ribeiro, Filipe GIO-STONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 21. 0:19:34,4 22. 2417 Zanon, Vincent POST-Runners 1 POST 22. 0:19:34,8 23. 1272 Martinez Enrici, Pascual Spain 2018 European Investment Bank 23. 0:19:36,3 24. 1353 Fortunato, Jose GIO-STONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 24. 0:19:41,1 25. 1787 Riaux, Maxence Team 2 Lapithus Management sarl 25. 0:19:48,4 26. 1135 Haumann, Hendrik Kühne&Nagel/Inco Logistics DMH 26. 0:19:50,3 27. 977 Morch, Filip d'Coque 4 COQUE 27. 0:19:51,0 28. 2406 Kayser, Franky POST-Runners 1 POST 28. 0:19:52,0 29. 243 Da Silva, Loic Arco team 1 Arco Architecture Company 29. 0:19:52,4 30. 423 Poirel, Thomas BIP BIP BCL Loisir BCL Loisirs 30. 0:19:54,8 31. 885 Arellano, Hugo les Schnecks CMS Luxembourg 31. 0:19:55,6 32. 1593 Depeauw, Olivier The Run Addiction Hôpital Intercommunal Steinfort 32. 0:19:56,1 33. 1190 Wahlen, Christoph DZ PRIVATBANK 2 DZ PRIVATBANK 33. 0:19:56,1 Luxemburg, 20.09.2018 www.sifi-timing.de 1 4. Luxembourg Times BusinessRun Gesamtergebnisliste Platz Startnr. Name Team Firma m/w.-Pl. Zeit 34. 3079 Glock, Sébastien Radio Mélodie Radio Mélodie 34. 0:19:59,5 35. 2804 Sullet, Yoann CRM RUNNERS State Street Bank Luxembourg 35. 0:20:04,5 36. 371 Gonderinger, Eric BCEE 1 Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat 36. 0:20:04,8 37. 2072 Lammar, Thomas MAEE 2 Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes 37. 0:20:05,7 38. 3080 Allard, Romain Radio Mélodie Radio Mélodie 38. 0:20:07,5 39. 1004 Marx, Thomas Credit Suisse 1 Credit Suisse Fund Services 39. 0:20:08,8 40. 1947 Hamdi, Nordine Mahle performance Mahle S.a.r.l 40. 0:20:13,2 41. 1782 Mabry, Patrick Team 1 Lapithus Management sarl 41. 0:20:16,7 42. 234 Hug, Gilles Arcelormittal 3 ARCELORMITTAL 42. 0:20:17,1 43. 2472 Larrieu, Arnaud PwC Chick'n run PwC Luxembourg 43. 0:20:18,5 44. 1505 BIREN, Alain AAA for Lalux Groupe Lalux 44. 0:20:21,3 45. 422 Miel, Cyril BIP BIP BCL Loisir BCL Loisirs 45. 0:20:21,6 46. 2130 Candassamy, Cédric Nissan CAR Avenue 1 Nissan CAR Avenue 46. 0:20:23,0 47. 346 François, Thibaut BAM LUX BAM Lux SA 47. 0:20:24,5 48. 2479 Murat, Aurélien PwC garde la pêche PwC Luxembourg 48. 0:20:26,0 49. 1352 Ferraz, Mario GIO-ONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 49. 0:20:26,9 50. 1913 Wiesen, Michael The Warburg Turbo Snails M.M.Warburg & CO Luxembourg S.A. 50. 0:20:28,6 51. 1243 Macys, Gediminas Auditors on the run European Court of Auditors 51. 0:20:36,4 52. 3140 Schilz, Jens Wagner Tech 52. 0:20:37,6 53. 2071 Grün, Raoul MAEE 2 Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes 53. 0:20:37,7 54. 2131 Driant, Pascal Nissan CAR Avenue 1 Nissan CAR Avenue 54. 0:20:38,0 55. 2221 Locatelli, Maurizio Nordea team 1 Nordea Investment Funds S.A. 55. 0:20:38,3 56. 2074 Raach, Jeff MAEE 1 Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes 56. 0:20:39,2 57. 235 Kieffer, David ArcelorMittal 1 ARCELORMITTAL 57. 0:20:43,9 58. 1826 Scharfe, Bob The Bar-Men Luther Luxembourg 58. 0:20:44,3 59. 393 Mores, Antoine Raiffeisen 6 BANQUE RAIFFEISEN 59. 0:20:45,2 60. 2615 Verchère, Jocelyn SECO Runners Secolux 60. 0:20:46,8 61. 2783 Fievez, Benoit Los Corredores State Street Bank Luxembourg 61. 0:20:47,6 62. 2931 Gonry, Christophe We run for cookies! VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA 62. 0:20:49,9 63. 1242 Lavigne, Thierry Auditors on the run European Court of Auditors 63. 0:20:54,5 64. 248 Bernard, Michael Atemnot Alfbachtal 1 Atemnot Alfbachtal 64. 0:20:54,8 65. 806 Maas, David Les Fous Clearstream 65. 0:20:57,2 66. 226 Evelette, Jean ArcelorMittal 1 ARCELORMITTAL 66. 0:20:59,0 Luxemburg, 20.09.2018 www.sifi-timing.de 2 4. Luxembourg Times BusinessRun Gesamtergebnisliste Platz Startnr. Name Team Firma m/w.-Pl. Zeit 67. 191 Schumacher, Mike Advanzia CCPRO Advanzia Bank SA 67. 0:20:59,1 68. 2402 Queiros Martins, Manuel POECKES_TEAM 3 POECKES SARL 68. 0:21:04,1 69. 822 Mollière, Christophe Les Fous Clearstream 69. 0:21:04,3 70. 2475 Mélot, Corentin Los PwC Crossfitanos PwC Luxembourg 70. 0:21:08,8 71. 766 Grabarek, Cédric TAX ATTACK Clearstream 71. 0:21:09,9 72. 272 Friand, Pierre AUCHAN 4 Auchan Retail Luxembourg 72. 0:21:10,4 73. 192 Schyns, Geoffrey Advanzia CCPRO Advanzia Bank SA 73. 0:21:10,6 74. 1948 Menil, Jean-Jaques Mahle performance Mahle S.a.r.l 74. 0:21:11,6 75. 398 Sommer, Yves RAIFFEISEN 1 BANQUE RAIFFEISEN 75. 0:21:12,1 76. 2403 Zander, Stéphanie POECKES_TEAM 3 POECKES SARL 1. 0:21:14,6 77. 1304 Schöb, Manuel ESM Supersonic European Stability Mechanism 76. 0:21:16,0 78. 1351 Ferr.barros, Antonio GIO-ONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 77. 0:21:16,1 79. 2494 Schmidt, David PwC garde la pêche PwC Luxembourg 78. 0:21:19,8 80. 3012 Roussel, Maxim W-Conseil S.à r.l. W-Conseil S.à r.l. 79. 0:21:21,0 81. 1357 Pinto, André GIO-STONE FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 80. 0:21:21,5 82. 890 Petit, Clément les Schnecks CMS Luxembourg 81. 0:21:24,7 83. 1292 Baran, Jaroslav ESM Ultra Speed European Stability Mechanism 82. 0:21:25,0 84. 1298 Hillebrand, Martin ESM Supersonic European Stability Mechanism 83. 0:21:25,0 85. 3005 Stachowiak, Julien WAGNER Tech 16 Wagner Tech 84. 0:21:27,1 86. 703 Attia, Nordine Pleasure seeking Clearstream 2. 0:21:32,3 87. 364 Alberty, Pit BCEE 1 Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat 85. 0:21:32,7 88. 3011 Raboteur, Gary W-Conseil S.à r.l. W-Conseil S.à r.l. 86. 0:21:34,2 89. 386 Joucken, Georg RAIFFEISEN 1 BANQUE RAIFFEISEN 87. 0:21:35,3 90. 855 Seyll, Philippe Clearstreaming08 Clearstream 88. 0:21:38,7 91. 3168 Ditzler, Cédric LAST - not LEAST Sogeti 89. 0:21:39,0 92. 3074 Kieffer, Alexander GABBANA 1 GABBANA s.à r.l. 90. 0:21:39,2 93. 1821 Hein, Etienne The Bar-Men Luther Luxembourg 91. 0:21:43,6 94. 1768 Matias, Leandro KNS sàrl KNS sàrl 92. 0:21:44,6 95. 1241 Fians, Marco Auditors on the run European Court of Auditors 93. 0:21:50,7 96. 3071 Lorge, Florian GABBANA 1 GABBANA s.à r.l. 94. 0:21:51,6 97. 1655 Vanden Haesevelde, Jordy The P. Hunter IF GROUP 95. 0:21:53,3 98. 2757 Goergen, Marc Spuerkess Walfer Spuerkess Walfer 96. 0:21:53,9 99. 2398 Marx, Emile POECKES_TEAM 1 POECKES SARL 97. 0:21:54,9 Luxemburg, 20.09.2018 www.sifi-timing.de 3 4. Luxembourg Times BusinessRun Gesamtergebnisliste Platz Startnr. Name Team Firma m/w.-Pl. Zeit 100. 1354 Goncalves, Antonio GIO-FRIENDS FELIX GIORGETTI SARL 98. 0:21:57,1 101. 2771 Brennenraedts, Frederic Fifty Shades of Awesome State Street Bank Luxembourg 99. 0:21:57,6 102. 2749 Piccoli, Michael Sopra Steria Team 1 Sopra Steria 100. 0:21:58,1 103. 1788 Tarant, Sean Team 2 Lapithus Management sarl 101. 0:22:00,2 104. 1083 Jenkins, Graeme Deutsche Bank Team 1 Deutsche Bank Group Luxembourg 102. 0:22:01,6 105. 1818 Bretnacher, Maximilien The Bar-Men Luther Luxembourg 103.

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