Office of Planning and Town of Groton, Connecticut Development Services Town Hall Annex Planning & Zoning Commission 134 Groton Long Point Road Groton, CT 06340 Regular Meeting Agenda 860-446-5970 For Public Participation Instructions Please Visit: https://www.agendasuite.org/iip/groton Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7:00 PM Virtual Meeting via Zoom I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC HEARINGS II.1. SUB20-02 - 55 Starr Street Subdivision, 55 Starr Street (CAM) - Continued III. CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC HEARINGS III.1. SUB20-02 - 55 Starr Street Subdivision, 55 Starr Street (CAM) IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) IV.1. January 21, 2021 V. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS VI. SPECIAL PERMITS VII. SUBDIVISIONS VIII. SITE PLANS IX. OLD BUSINESS X. NEW BUSINESS X.1. New Applications X.2. Referrals a. Referral - ZBA 21-02 45 Essex Street, Wenderoth Residence b. Stonington Referral - Whalers Inn RE LLC, 11 Cottrell Street (CAM) XI. COMMISSION REPORTS XI.1. Report of Chair Town of Groton, Connecticut Page 1 Printed on 02/19/2021 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 23, 2021 XI.2. Report of Commission XII REPORT OF STAFF XII1. Report of Staff XII2. October-December ASP Report XIII. ADJOURNMENT XIII.1. Adjournment Next Regular Meeting: March 9, 2021 Town of Groton, Connecticut Page 2 Printed on 02/19/2021 Staff Summary Sheet APPLICATION #: SUB20-02 APPLICATION TYPE: Subdivision STAFF PLANNER: BL PROJECT NAME: 55 Starr Street Subdivision ADDRESS / LOCATION: 55 Starr Street CAM: WRPD: WETLANDS: Yes No No TERMINAL ACTION DATE: 2/11/21 SUMMARY DATE: 1/21/21 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: N/A SITE AREA: .96 AC 41,695 SQ FT EXISTING LAND USE / ZONING: Single Family Residential / Zone RS-12 SURROUNDING LAND USE / ZONING DISTRICT(S): NORTH: Vacant / Zone RS-20 SOUTH: Residential Zone RS-12 EAST: Residential / ZoneRS-12 WEST: Residential / ZoneRS-12 HISTORY: The Site has been occupied by the existing single family dwelling since approximately 1945. A ROW easement exists on the eastern edge of the property that provides access to adjoining properties. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The parcel is located on the south side of Starr Street at 55 Starr Street in Mystic and is currently occupied by a single family dwelling. The property is approximately .96 acres in size and is located in a RS-12 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing dwelling and subdivide the 41,695 square foot parcel into 3 lots. The proposed lots would be approximately 12,024 square feet, 13,138 square feet, and 16,533 square feet in size and a dwelling is proposed on each newly created parcel. The property is zoned RS-12 and therefore the minimum lot size in the zone is 12,000 square feet. Each lot is proposed to have the required amount of frontage along Starr Street with each lot having a separate driveway access. The subject site is also located fully within the Coastal Area Management Boundary. As such, the subdivision required a coastal site plan application. Waivers: The applicant is requesting a waiver from the frontage sidewalk requirements of Section 4.7 of the Subdivision Regulations. This is discussed further in the following section. LAND USE / DEVELOPMENT ISSUES ANALYSIS: Land Use/Zoning - As previously stated, the proposed lots meet the minimum lot area and width requirements for the zone and also have the required amount of frontage off Starr Street. The applicant is also showing 3 proposed dwellings that meet the other setback requirements of the zoning regulations. Access – Each lot will have access off Starr street though individual driveways. Driveway widths at the right of way/property line are proposed to be 12’ wide. Stonewalls and Trees - All stonewalls on the site with the exception of approximately 12’ for a driveway entrance will remain undisturbed and will be retained. Currently there are 5 existing street trees along the properties frontage. Four of the existing trees appear to be sycamore maples and are located along the southwestern side frontage. The other existing street tree is an evergreen. The applicant is proposing to maintain 4 of the 5 existing street trees, with the exception of the one sycamore maple that is located at the entrance of a proposed driveway. An additional street tree is proposed in the northeast corner of proposed lot 3. Maintaining as much of the stonewall and existing mature street trees will preserve the streetscape and historic and natural features of the site. Open Space Requirement- Due to the size of the lot and limited beneficial open space, the Applicant is requesting a fee in lieu rather than providing 10% of the land area for open space to the town. An appraisal was prepared for the property by a licensed real estate appraiser who determined that the fair market land value of the property is $215,000. The Town’s Tax Assessor also reviewed the proposal and found no issues with the assessment. The applicant has submitted a request to pay the town $21,500 which would amount to the equivalent of 10% of the fair market value of the land prior to the subdivision. If accepted by the Commission, Section 4.9(5) requires that a payment in lieu of open space must be provided in full to the town prior to recording the plans. Utilities – All proposed utilities will be located underground. The site will be serviced by Aquarian Water and public sewer. Sidewalk: The Applicant is requesting a waiver from Section 4.7 of the Subdivision Regulations. This section states that for subdivisions on existing roads, the Commission may require frontage sidewalks along the subdivision’s lot frontage. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Starr Street. Drainage and Erosion and Sediment Controls – The overall impervious coverage on the site is proposed to be increased from approximately 5.3% to 23.8%. To mitigate for this increase, the Applicant is proposing a rain garden on each lot. The grading for the three lot subdivision has been designed to grade away from adjoining properties. CAM- As previously stated, the entirety of the parcel is located within the Coastal Area Management Boundary and a Coastal Site Plan application is required. The existing coastal resources on the site are coastal shorelands associated with the Mystic River which is approximately 471’ to the east. Due to the proposed erosion and sediment control methods, the proposed rain gardens, and buffer distance from the Mystic River, Staff consistent with the applicable goals and policies of Section 22a-92. ATTACH ANY RECOMMENDED ACTION, INCLUDING MODIFICATIONS AND/OR CONDITIONS AND TECHNICAL ITEMS. TO BE REMOVED TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED Starr Street STREET TREE S79° 21' 05"E PROPOSED 71.50' TO BE REMOVED RAIN GARDEN PROPOSED (3 TYPICAL) 4' SIDEWALK S79° 21' 05"E 32.9' 184.50' 25.72' PROPOSED PROPOSED S79° 21' 05"E DRIVEWAY STREET TREE (3 TYPICAL) PROPOSED S79° 21' 05"E 87.28' TREELINE 77.28' (TYPICAL) 50.7' R10' 13.7' (TYP) 10.00' 12.0' S75° 58' 48"E 39.0' R5' (TYP) 30.51' Legend 48.0' 12' EXISTING SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 69.0' MONUMENT S81° 09' 37"E EX. IP / REBAR S24° 14'N24° 01"W 14' 01"E 15.31' 46.0' DRILL HOLE 112.1' UTILITY POLE W/ LIGHT 102.75' PROPOSED 102.75' STONEWALL HOUSE FENCE LINE FF=30.33 WATER VALVE GF=28.5 OVERHEAD WIRES S24° 14' 01"W 35.0' N24° 14' 01"E PROPERTY LINE 32.0' 62.3' ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE N33° 33' 27"E 92.20' 24' INDEX CONTOUR 92.20' 56.0' CONTOUR WETLANDS BOUNDARY/FLAG 24.0' 32.0' 7.0' MEAN LOW WATER LINE 24.0' MEAN HIGH WATER LINE 14.0' HIGH TIDE LINE COUNTY JURISDICTIONAL PROPOSED LINE 12.0' 25.0' 12.8' HOUSE ZONE LINE FF=29.83 EASEMENT LINE GF=28.10 BUILDING SETBACK LINE EXISTING WATER LINE 25.9' EXISTING SEWER LINE NOW OR FORMERLY CATCH BASIN 60.0' TYPICAL 25.0' 85.3' SPOT ELEVATION 141.38' DRILL HOLE 34.8' POINT OF BEGINNING 21 GROVE AVE 1 TEST PIT N/F PERCOLATION TEST AREA 13,138 SF KENNETH B. BLYE, TRUSTEE UTILITY POLE S12° 19' 52"W ACCOUNT #261914430442 DRAINAGE MANHOLE 12.0' V1141/4 SEWER MANHOLE 85.3' MAILING ADDRESS HYDRANT WATER SHUTOFF 67.2' 27582 SILVER CREEK DRIVE SAN JAUN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 PROPOSED PROPERTY IP/DH TO BE SET 92.29' 16.1' 3 92.29' NO. DATE REVISIONS N58° 13' 39"W AREA 12,024 SF S58° 13' 39"E Sidewalk Exhibit 1 S36° 44' 59"W 40.5' N36° 44' 59"E 104.99' 114.99' 55 Starr Street 25.0' Groton, Connecticut 7.0' 25.0' 30.0' Prepared For: 35.0' 55STARR LLC January 29, 2021 126.7' DRAWING SCALE: 1"=10' 0 5 10 20 FEDUS ENGINEERINGLLC CIVIL ENGINEERS Mailing Address: 70 Essex Street Mystic, Connecticut 06355 Office: (860) 536-7390 Fax: (860) 536-1644 Gregg T. Fedus P.E. SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 JOB NO. 20-000914 DRAWN BY: DC CT. License No. 21231 N:\2020\20-000914 - MYSTIC 55 STARR STREET RENEE GALLAGHER 3 LOT SUBDIVISION\ACAD\20-000914 SIDEWALK NAD COMMON DRIVE EXHIBIT.DWG Starr Street S79° 21' 05"E PROPOSED 71.50' RAIN GARDEN (3 TYPICAL) S79° 21' 05"E 32.9' 184.50' 25.72' PROPOSED DRIVEWAY PROPOSED S79° 21' 05"E STREET TREE (2 TYPICAL) PROPOSED S79° 21' 05"E 87.28' TREELINE 77.28' (TYPICAL) 50.7' R10' 13.7' (TYP) 10.00' 12.0' S75° 58' 48"E 39.0' R5' (TYP) 30.51' Legend 48.0' EXISTING SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 69.0' MONUMENT S81° 09' 37"E EX.
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