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CONTENTS· INHOUD No. Page Gazette No. No. GENERAL NOTICE . ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING 184 Local Government: Municipal Structures Act (117/1998): Municipal Demarcation Board: Delimitation of municipal wards: Moses Kotane Local Municipality (NW375) . 3 6791 184 Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Strukture (117/1998): Munisipale Afbakeningsraad: Afbakening van munisi- pale wyke: Moses Kotane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit (NW375) 11 6791 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 JUNIE 2010 No. 6791 3 GENERAL NOTICE NOTICE 184 OF 2010 MUNICIPAL DEMARCATION BOARD DELIMITATION OF MUNICIPAL WARDS IN TERMS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES ACT, 1998 Municipality: Moses Kotane Local Municipality (NW375) In terms of Item 5(1) of Schedule 1 to the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act NO.117 of 1998) ("the Act") the Municipal Demarcation Board hereby publishes its delimitation of wards for the above-mentioned municipality. Particulars of the delimitation are listed in the Schedule. In terms of Item 5(2) of Schedule 1 to the Act, any person aggrieved by a delimitation may, within 14 days of publication of this notice, submit objections in writing to: The Municipal Demarcation Board Private Bag X28 Hatfield 0028 Fax: 012-3422480 E-mail: [email protected] The attached form MDB5 must please be used to object. The form is also available on www.demarcation.org.za Notice number 72 published in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No 1780 of 12 April 2010 is hereby withdrawn. LANDIWE MAHLANGU CHAIRPERSON: MOB SCHEDULE In terms of Section 18(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998) the MEC responsible for local government has determined that the municipal council consists of 62 councillors. After having consulted the Independent Electoral Commission, The Municipal Demarcation Board has delimited the municipality into 31 wards in terms of Schedule 1 to the Act. The number of registered voters ineach warddoes notvaryby more than fifteeripercen( from the norm. the norm was determined by dividing the total number of voters on the municipal segment of the national common voters roll, namely 121167 voters on 12 February 2009, by the number of wards in the municipality. An overview map of the boundary of the municipality, with the boundaries of the wards within the municipal boundary, and a map of each ward are attached. In case of a discrepancy between a map and this schedule, the map will prevail. The ward numbers, the voting districts and voting stations in each ward, and the number of voters are as follows: 4 No. 6791 PROVINCIAL GAZElTE EXTRAORDINARY, 14 JUNE 2010 WARD 1 comprises of a total of 3886 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990046 WELVERDINED COMMUNITY HALL 525 Rfi990057 NAKATPAYA COMMIJN1TYHALT, 35R 869Y0068 OJ3AKENG COMMUNITY HALL 50? 86990372 MAUD/ZlBI PRJMARY SCHOOL 239 86990507 DE BRAK COMMUNITY HALL 419 86991126 DWARSBERG COMMUNITY HALL 516 86991676 MOLATEDI TRIBAL OFFICE 806 86991889 LANGA LA SEMBO HIGH SCHOOL 338 86992149 DITHOTENG P.SCHOOL 178 WARD 2 comprises of a total of 4171 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990024 SEDTJMEDIPRJMARYSCHOOL 962 86990035 NALEDIYAMASA PRJMARY SCHOOL 483 Rfi990462 KATNFGAT, COMMIJN1TY HAIJ, 4R5 86991452 MONTSANA COMMUNITY HALL 306 86991508 PITSEDISTJLEJANG TRIBAL OFFICE 647 86991632 KHA YAKHTJLU COMMUNITY HALL 576 86992015 RAMOKGOLELA COMMUNITY HALL 412 86992565 MOTLHAJWE PRTh1ARY SCHOOL 300 WARD 3 comprises of a total of 3546 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990451 VOORDONKER COMMUNITY HALL 369 86990473 MANAMELA COMMUNITY HALL 529 86990484 MMATAU TRIDAL OFFICE 649 86990530 13AMAAKA TR.D3AL IIALL 534 86990552 MOUBANA TRIBAL OFFICE 721 86992161 LEKGATLE 2 P. SCHOOL 692 86992442 MASEKOLOANE COMMUNITY I·TALL 52 WARD 4 comprises of a total of 4413 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86Y90518 MOKGAUTS1 PRJMARY SCHOOL 1158 86990529 MOKGATLA PRJMARY SCI-100L 1747 86990855 SEFUTSWELO MIDDLE SCI-IOOL 406 86991621 UITKYK TR.D3AL OFFICE 1102 . WARD 5comprises.of Cl total of~38.14 registered voters ..' .. .. Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990079 DISAKE COMMUNITY HALL 1187 86990080 KRAALHOEK COMMUN£TY HALL 1705 86990125 BAPTIST CHURCH 922 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 JUNIE 2010 No. 6791 5 WARD 6 comprises of a total of 4485 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990136 KAMEELBOOM COMMUNITY HALL 364 86990350 MOTLHABE COMMUNITY HALL 1405 86990361 NKOGOLOWE COMMUNITY HALL ]92 86990383 MOLORWE COMMUNITY HALL 479 86991261 MAPAPUTLE COMMUNITY HALL 406 86991463 RAMOSHlBITSWANA COMMUNITY HALL 132 86991913 MOGODITSHANE COMMUNITY HALL 4)0 86991957 MANTSHO COMMUNITY HALL 432 R699220() MOGORE COMMlJNTTY HATJ. 290 86992217 RAMONOTWANA P SCHOOL 335 WARD 7 comprises of a total of 4179 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters R6990147 SWARTKTJP MlNF, C HOSTEL 1072 g6990170 MAKUKA MIDDLE SCHOOL g17 86990]8] SEFlKILE PRlMARY SCHOOL 1849 86992228 SEFlKlLE TENT 441 WARD 8 comprises of a total of 4229 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990091 RAMALElWE INTERMEDIATE SCIlOOL 349 86990103 MELOTO PRIMARY SCHOOL 821 86990114 MMAMODIMOKWANA PIUMARY SCHOOL 1172 86990305 RAMATSI-IABA PIUMARY SCHOOL 542 86991249 MAGONG COMMUNITY ICIALL 1172 86992453 ATLARELANG-BANA PRE-SCHOOL 173 WARD 9 comprises of a total of 3869 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990248 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 818 86990259 DUTCH REFORMED CI-nmCH 640 86990260 (Portion) REOLEBOGE SPECIAL SCHOOL 918 g6991250 LESETLHENG COMMUNITY HALL 545 g6992385 ZONAL OFFICE 948 WARD 10 comprises of a total of 3764 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86')91980 SANDFONTEIN COMMUNITY FIALL 1294 . 86992295' PIllLADELPIIlA MINlSTRIES,.~· .. .. .~ 976 87060023 DtTTCH REFORMED Cm.mCH 1494 WARD 11 comprises of a total of 4411 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 8699180J BO.TATINGPRIMARY SCHOOL 1262 Ri'i991R23 MMOROGONG COMM1JNTTY HAl ,L 1204 g6991979 OKOMELANG PRIMARY SCHOOL 1945 6 No. 6791 PROVINCIAL GAZETIE EXTRAORDINARY, 14 JUNE 2010 WARD 12 comprises of a total of 3852 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86991799 KWENATLASE HlGH SCHOOL 1842 86991812 MANAKE EARLY LEARNING CENTRE 950 86992004 prIADI COMMUNITY IIALL 700 86992251 RAMOKOKA P SCHOOL 360 WARD 13 comprises of a total of 3835 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86992026 EDUCAnON AUDJTORUJM CENTRE 125 87060012 BORJTE PRIMARY SCHOOL 1682 87060034 1M NTSlME HlGH SCHOOL 1388 87060045 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 640 WARD 14 comprises of a total of 4083 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 8699] .!~30 StJJ>J CITY SPORTS .At·,fD SOCL~L CLlJB 1042 86991553 BAKUBUNG TRIBAL HALL 2037 86991564 BAKGATLHENG CRECHE 1004 WARD 15 comprises of a total of 3704 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 869903J6 LEROME COMMUNITY IIALL 1340 86990327 MOKillNEPillMARYSCHOOL 1425 86990338 (Portion) HAPPY DA Y CARE CENTRE 520 86992464 TEMPORARY VOTING STATION (LEROME SOUTH) 419 WARD 16 comprises of a total of 3385 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 869900]3 DJKWEIP1 PRIMARY SCHOOL 811 86990338 (Portion) HAPPY DAY CARE CENTRE 250 86990349 WELGEVAL COMMUNITY I-IALL :2324 WARD 17 comprises of a total of 3906 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990271 BAKGATLA PH.JMARY SCHOOL lJ 19 86990293 NTHEBE PmMARY SCHOOL 2019 86992273 THARABOLOLO HALL 239 8699243] PHOLAPARK 529 WARD 18 comprises of a total of 3343 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990574 BOILHALE PmMARY SCHOOL 611 86990585 GOITSEMANG MIDDLE SCHOOL 835 86990608 BAKWENA-BA-MORARE TRIBAL HALL 1391 86992284 TAPOS PRIMARY SCHOOL 506 BUITENGEWONE PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 JUNIE 2010 No. 6791 7 WARD 19 comprises of a total of 4003 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990596 MORARE HIGH SCHOOL 1436 86991227 GOBUSAMANGP~YSCHOOL 410 86992172 PELLA CHURCH 287 87050011 MADIKWE TRC 1870 WARD 20 comprises of a total of 3603 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters 86990631 KGOSI BODIBA MIDDLE SCHOOL 1043 86990653 BA TLOKWA TRIBAL OFFICE 1108 86990664 LESEDI APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN SA 1452 WARD 21 comprises of a total of 4321 registered voters Voting District Voting Station Number of Voters R6990561 VREDF, COMMIJNTTY HAT,T, 1219 86990619
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