12CO ~TCRMlS3TER !'EWTO~. DORSETSHIRE. [KELLY'S SlVinburne-Hanham John Castleman esq. Manston honse, Clerk to the Guardians &. Assessment Committee, Benjamin mandford Cheesman Thornhilll\1ark Bensley esq. Child Okeford, Blandford Treasurer, Cam ~ykes, Old Bank, Dorchestcr Webber Felix Stanley Henry e~q. Shroton house, Blandford Collectors to the Guardians, Relieving, Vaccimtion & \Villiams Monta~ue e'l<}. M.A., v.n.G.s., F.S.A., D.L. Wool- School Attendance Officer!', Stalbridge district, In. Hunt. land house, Blandford Marnhull ; Sturminster district, Arthur Rose. l"iddleford Williams Montag-ue ~cott esq. Woollalld house, Blandford Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Child Okeford dis'- Clerk to the Magistrates, Robt. Sadler Freame,Gillingham trict, Decimus Curme, Child Okeford; Hinton district, Petty• Sessions are held at the Police court on monday,• Duncan Romaine McArthur M.D., C.M. Sturminster monthly, at II a.m. The following- places are included in Newton; Stalbridge district, Theodore Francis Ensor the Petty Sessional division :-Belchalwell, Caundle StOUt'- I,.R.C. p.Lond. Rtalbridge; Sturmins~r Newton district, ton, Child Okeford, Fifehead Magdalen, Fifehead Neville, John Comyns Leach M.D., B. se. The Lin1ens, Sturminster Hammoon, Hanford, Haselbury Bryan, Hinton St. Mary, Newton Ibberton, L~'dlinch, l\hnston, Marnhull, Okeford Fitz- Superintendent Registrar, Benjamin Cheesman; deputy, paine, Shilling Okeford. Stalbridge, Stock GaylarJ, Stoke In. Comyns Leach M.D. The Lindens, Sturminster Newton Wake, Stmminster & Woolland Registrars of Births & Deaths, Stalbridge sub-district, John HIGHWAY DISTRICT BOARD :-H. S. Bower, chairman; A. G. Hunt, Marnhull; deputy, William Hunt, ~Iarnhull; Creech, vice-chairma.n; O<&mSykes, Old Bank, Dorchester, Sturminster sub-district, H. Eo Holdway, Child Okeford; treasurer; B. Cheesman, clerk; T. Taylor, surveyor; the deputy, Mrs. AUce Hol<.hvay board meet at the Swan hotel one wednes1ay in every Registrar of Marriages, John Hunt, :\Iarnhull; deputy, month at 2 p.m WilIiam Hunt, Marnhull INSURANCE AnENTS :_ Workhouse, Rev. M. S. Laing, chaplain; Duncan Romaine • CommeTcial Union, W. Lydford; F. G. Symonds, Dorset- McArthur M.D., C.M. medical officer; George Keates, shire Bank master; Mrs. H. Keates, matron; Miss Annie K. Brooks, General, W. Lydford assistant. matron. Children at.tend the National school Imperial Fire, }t'. G. Symonds, Dorsetshire Ba.nk RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Law Union, H. C. Dashwood Meets at the Union one wednesday in e\'ery month at 12.30. Liverpool & London & Globe, A. G. Creecll Clerk, Benjamin Cheesman, Newton Northern. T. Tarlor, Bridge street Treasurer. Cam Sykes, Old Bank, Dorchester Phoonix Fire, F. G, Symondil, Dorsetshire Bank I Medical Officer of Health, J. Comyns Leach ~I.D. The Lin- Royal Exchange, H. Thorne dens, Sturminster Ncwton :Scotl,ish Widows' Fund, H. S. Senior Inspector of Nuisances, T. Taylor, Sturminster Newton Sun Fire. G. ~. Hoke, Bank SCHOOL AT'fENDANCE CmlMITTEE. West of England, H. C. Dashwood Mtlcts at the Cnion one wednesday in every a~ternat3month at I2.30. PUBLIC ESTARJ.lSHMENTS :- Clerk, Benjamin Cheesman, Newton Cemetery, The Bri 19-e, H. C. Dashwood, clerk to the Attendance, Relie\'mg & Inquiry Officers, Sturminster burial board; Rodber Thorne, keeper Newton district, Arthur Rose, Fiddleford; .l\1arnhull dis- County Police Station. 'Valtcr Devenh:h, superintendent; trict, John Hunt, .l\1arnhull the local force consists of I superintendent & 2 constahles PUBLIC OFFICERS :_ Fire Engine, Church lane, William Young, superint.endent Clerk to Commissioner of Taxes & to the Burial Board, Inland Hevenue Office, Swan inn, Herhert Dyer, Marnhull, Henry Charles Dashwood officer Coroner for Shaftesbury District & Public Analyst for the Stamp Office, Je!'se l\Ieader. distrihutor & commissioner County & for the Poole' & Weymouth Boroughs, John receh'in~ O for affidavits for exchan!!ing,...:. spoiled stamps CLomyns eac11 M.D., D.SC., F.S.C. 'rhe L111dens Dorsetshire Regoiment. 1st ,.olunteel' Battalion (H Com- Deputy Coroner, Edward Comyns Leach 1l.A.camb. The pany), J. T. Knight, serg~ant instructor Lindens, Sturminster Ncwton STURMINSTER NEWTON UNIO:-T. SCHOOLS:- Board meets at th3 union every alternate wednesday at National (mixed & infants). with residence for mas~er, 10.30. built in 1825, for 200 children; average attelld:.lnc'6, 50 AS3essment Committee meets at the union one wednesday in boys, 35 girls & 44 infants; Charles Lay, master; Mrs. the month at 10.3°. F. Pitt, mistress 'Ihe Union comprises the following parishes :-Belchllhwll, National, Bagber (mixed), with residence for mistress, built Caundle Rtonrton, thild Okeford, Fifehead Magdalen, ill 1845, for 40 children; u\'erage attendance, 29; Miss Fifehead :NeviIle, Hammoon, Haselbury HI'yan, Hinton Emily Brown, mistress St. Mary, Ibbel'ton. Lydlinch. JHanston, Marnhull, Oke- I "'esleyan (mixed), built ill 1832, for 200 children & en­ for 1 Fitzpaine, Shilling-stone, or Shilling Okeford, Stal- I larged in 1888 to accommodate 30 extra; average attend· bridge, Stock Gaylard. Stoke Wake, Stnrminster Newton ance. 135; WaIter H. Wilkins, master Castle & Woolland. The pupulation of the uniun in I3S1 Railway ::::itation, Somerset &; Dorset joint line, William was 10,°5°; rate.1ble ,-ulue, £71,771 Henry Owen, station master PRIVATE RESIDE:"TS. Robinson George T. W. Newton Chapman Richard, White Hart family R'lse Mrs. Ri \Oers' corner & commercial hotel, & brclwer neIl Mrs. Portland ('Oft,'lgoC :::>elway :\Iis!', Fern cottage Cheesman Benj. accoumallt & supt. Chp.cscman Benjamm, N,Hvton 8enior Harry Samuel, llunslea house registrar, clerk to school attendance Coa.',e Freder;ck. :"ewtoll house Short 111'8 committee &sanitary authority, &to (~ollins Mrs Spencer John Webb, The Hermitag-e the guarJians&assessmcllt COlllmittee Cree·h Arthur Ger"ard. Xewton Symonds FI·edk. Giles, Dorsetshire Bank Cluett Arthur Georg', br:ck &; tJle Creech Mr,.;o Beech h lllS3 Tal'zewell James maker, Bagber Dashwood Henry Charles Thorne Henry Cluett John & Nathaniel, farmers Ferguson Co A. N.LtiJnal 1>I'orinc;al Young Hobert, Hi"e Cluelt Wm. dairyman &. farmer,llagber Bank of Engla'1rl Coate Ft'ederick, yeoman, Nell tOll ho Goodchild S lInuel John COllIMERCIAL. Coombcs Charles, boot &SrlOe wJlfeho (joodridg~ Miss Aclmns Charles Porter, carpanter Coombes Edwin, baker Gr(H'eS L. Lnckham Adallls Hcnry,marine store dlr.Ncwton CoombesGeorge,farlller,Woodlands frm Guv• Alpxander, Newton Andrews Ell, farmer, Hagber Coombes William, blacksllllth, llag-ber Hallett Robcrt, Ri"er side Ap]J\.n Thlls. Edwd. farmer, Common Cowley 'l'heopllllus, builder Hames Mr<; Ballulll D~ kcs. shopkeeper Creech Arthur Gerrard,steward &; agent Illkpen William Barfoot Ann (:\Iiss), linen draper tu Lieut.-Ven. Fox-Pltt-Rlyerll Knott Ambrose, S3n. II,un;rate hon<;e Bamett J as.MackwarJ,watch&clock ma Crew Albert, pork butcher L 'ach Edward Comyns B.A.The Limlens Barnett & ~un, tailors &. drapers Crocker Nathaniel, Cll wkeeper L3ach John Comyns M.D" ll.se. F.C.S. Harnett Thlltuas William, ironmonger Dawkins James, beer retailel' The Lindens & harrlwarc dealer Dashwood Henry Charles, solicitor .\ Lowndes Rev. Richard lILA. [vicar] B.~ale \\"iIliullI, shoeing smith, Newton cummissioner & clerk tu burial lJvard J\I~Arthur Dnncan Romaine lILD., C.l'of lkmutt Phillip, farmer, Puxey & commissioner of taxes McCollnell ReI"'. Charles JJ.mes [curate], Best John, tinplate worker Davidge Tom, carp.mtcr, Newton The Cottage Brice Edward, veterinary surgeon Dawe .Mary Ann (Mrs.) &. tiOIl, farmers, Newman Daniel Cake Charles, grucer Bagber I'help3 R~v. Thomas [Primiti,e Metho­ Carpenter James. groc3r Dawkms James, beer retai~er, Gll1e hill dist.J, Newton Cemetery (H. C. DJ.shwood, clerk to the Day Charles, dairyman, llagber ronting William, River side burial board; Rolb3r 'fhorne, Devenish WaIter, supermtndt. of police Hake Veorge Sidney, Ibnk keeper), The .Bridge Dent,Allcroft&Co.(branch),glore wnlrs.
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