
THE VANDERBILT (PLEASURE TIME) THEATRE Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians on the stage of the Pleasure Time ( Vanderbilt) Theatre. For years one of the top ranking bands of the country, the Pennsylvanians play to a radio au,dience of more than 20,000,000 Chesterfieldfans every week. PLEASURE TIME THEATRE (N. B. C. VANDERBILT) Monday s through Friday s Five nights e ve ry we e k 106 N . B. C. STATIONS • COAST TO COAST PRESENTS PLEASURE TIME FRED WARING AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS THE ORCHESTRA THE GLEECLUB /!IJ,orlttral11 FREDWARING .9'/2J,iJlrrl 1r FRED CULLEY BOB SHAW f!lj',,,%, J(((JY,( '/'J HARRY SIMEONE HAWLEY ADES VIRGIL DAVIS ROY RINGWALD '"o.-o/J,. <toa.J: t DONNA DAE DAISY BERNIER JIMMY ATKINS PATSY GARRETT POLEY McCLINTOCK ERIC SIDAY JANE WILSON STUART CHURCHILL RAY SAX FERNE GORDON GOODMAN PAUL OWEN TWO BEES and a HONEY THE FOUR SQUIRES The makers of Chesterfields welcome you to Pleasure Time. We hope you'll enjoy it .. and we hop e you'll tune in to Fred Waring ... Monday through Fr iday on any of the NBC stations listed on page 6. ~ JdS WHp(~ .r.iWH .A IN PLEASURETIN\E EVERYW EEK MILLIONS POLEY McCLIN­ TOCK drum s with TO COAST ENJOY CHE a twinkl e in h i s eyes, croa ks cho ice remark s in a frog voice, and is adept at a " not me , teach­ er " expres s ion. Poley playe d dr ums in th e Tyrone, Pa. Boy Sm ut Fife and Drum Corps which Fred Warin g led at the age of twelve. DONNA DAE, Little Girl Blue, loves to co 111cdown with a broken hea rt in ba llad s, th en r e­ cover by swinging a choru s. Donna is official sweethea rt ofrnan yaco llcgeca mpus. Wh en shca nd Pat sy team up and " take off" as Swing­ urcttcs, maestro Waring ju st closes his eyes and pray s for a phot o finish. PATSY GARRETT of Virginia seems to THE FAMOUS PLEASURE TIME GLEE CLUB spend her life on the bri nk of a giggle, causing he r nomi­ To milli ons of radio listeners all across the countr y the nati on as Number One cometlienne of name Freel Warin g has come to mean "Chesterfield Plea­ th e gang. " Hep Pat" sure Time." Throu gh the nights of t·he week an amazing han dles any rh ythm , you will no te, as i I' it were second nature. variety of musical features is produ ced by the versatile TWO BEES ANO A HONEY (Hal-Daisy­ Warin g "gang" of musicians and singers "for everybo cly's Murm y) plan their own harm ony blends and original lyrics whi ch mak e pleasure." One night half-forgott en American folk songs their voca l flippancies on Pl easur e are recalled. Another evening is high-lighted hy the Glee Ti111e a real delight. Daisy' s "in per­ son"' pant omime is show-stoppin g. Club singing a beloved hymn. Then each of the feature soloists and instrumentali sts takes a whirl at doing some grand old song in his own sweet way- Round Robin night. Each Frida y is College Night when Fr ed introdu ces a new fight or alma mater song which he has written in re sponse to petitions from stud ents. !Ill · . WttdSWHP (~ LISTENERSFROM COAST ~ .,-i IN PLEASURETIME ERFIELDPLEASURE TIME "Y oun g Man With A Hymn " is STU­ ART CHURCHILL who is kn own as " th e one who sings Ave Mari a." To be sur e, he has sung ii thousands of times and , as a s tar, man y other beloved songs. " St u" can play any instrum ent on th e ba nds tand . and very well. JANE WILSON'S s weet colo ra t ura soprano soar s high ove r th e Glee Clu b when the Pl easur e Tim e s po tli ght is foc u s e d o n t hi s aLLr·aclive P enn syl­ vanian from Ohi o. Jane designs her own cloth es wit h a professional touch that the audi ence admires. PAUL DOUGLAS Th e thr illing tones Announcer · of FERNE'S violin ar c as d is tin c ti ve to P le as ur e T ime lis teners as an u n­ Behind the Pennsylvanian s' perfor mances is the produ c­ for ge ttable vo ice . f tion staff of Warin g's Broadway work shop where the Th a t's wh y "t h e lo,·ely lad y of the ~ pro gram ideas are developed. Freel confers with arran gers violin" h as been a s tar of Wa rin g's who pr epar e the scores which are rehearsed every after­ mu sical s tock company since it br ought its varied pro gram s to the radio pu blic. noon, all afternoon, as a prelud e to the short fifteen min­ SCAMP MOORE, LUMPY BRANNUM, utes of air time. Many musical ideas are rehearsed and JACK SMITH and RUSS BLACK met al a discard ed in the constant searc h for top material. part y anrl outdid each olher trying to be th e life of it. Th at chan ce m eeting Thou gh Warin g is famous for his general showmanship, laun ched the FOUR SQUIRES' career. his developm ent of Glee Club singing is his most famou s achieve ment. "So ngs are writt en to be fiung" is Fr ed's credo, and this belief is re flected in every show. But the curtain 's going up and. as Paul Douglas says ... " It 's Chesterfield Pleasure Tim e! ,. FOR SMOKING AND LISTENING PLEASURE il l ~ WITH FRED WARING AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS ON THE FOLLOWING STATIONS ALA. Birmingham WBRC ILL. Chicago WMAQ MONT. Billings KOHL Wilkos-Barro WBRE Mobile WALA IND. Indianapolis WIRE Bozeman KRBM York WORK Mont gomery WSFA Butto KGIR A. I. Providence WJAR IOWA Dos Moines WHO Holena KPFA ARIZ. Phoenix KTAR S. C. Charleston WTMA Safford KGLU KANS. Wichita KANS NEBR. Omaha wow Columbia WIS Tucson KVOA KY. Louisvillo WAVE N. H. Manchester WFEA Florence WOLS Yuma KYUM Greonvillo WFBC LA. New Orleans WSMB N. MEX.Albuquerque KOB Greenwood WCRS ARK. Little Rock KAAK Shreveport KTBS N. Y. Buffalo WBEN TENN. Bristol WOPI CALIF. Fresno KMJ ME . Bangor WLBZ New York WEAF Los Angeles KFI Chattanooga WAPO Portland WCSH Schenectady WGY Kingsport WKPT San Francisco KPO MD. Baltimore WBAL N. C. Asheville WISE Knoxville WROL COLO. Denver KOA Charlotte wsoc Memphis WMC MASS. Boston WNAC Raleigh WPTF Nashville WSM CONN. Hartford WTIC Worcester WTAG Wins.-Salem WSJS TEX. Amarillo KGNC DEL. Wilm ington WDEL MI CH. Detroit WWJ N. D. Bismarck KFYR Corpus Christi KRIS D. C. Washington WAC Grand Rapids WOOD Fargo WDAY Dallas WBAP MINN. Duluth WEBC OH IO Cincinnati WLW El Paso KTSM FLA. Jacksonville WJAX Fl. Worth WBAP Lakeland W LAK Mankato KYSM Cleveland WTAM Minneapolis KSTP Toledo WSPD Houston KPRC Miami WIOD Rochester KROC San Antonio WOAI Pensacola WCOA OKLA. Okla. City WKY Weslaco KRGV Tampa WFLA St. Cloud KFAM Tulsa KVOO St. Paul KSTP UTAH Salt Lake C'y KDYL GA. Atlanta WSB ORE. Portland KGW MISS. Hattiesburg WFOR VA. Norfolk WTAR Savannah WSAV Jackson WJDX PA. Altoona WFBG Richmond WMBG Harrisburg WKBO HAWAII Honolulu KOU Laurel WAML Johnstown WJAC WASH. Seattle KOMO IDAHO Boise KIDO MO. Kansas City WDAF Lancaster WGAL Spokane KHO Pocatello KSEI St. Louis KSD Philadelphia KYW W ISC. Milwaukee WTMJ Twin Falls KTFI Springfield KGBX Pittsburgh KDKA Superior WEBC Chesterfield also pr esents GLENN MILLER'S Moonl ight Serena de eve ry Tue sday, Wed­ llf'Srlay and Thur srh1y on 97 C:.B. S. sta tions from coast to coas l.. Glenn ·s band is one of th e foremost on the air today as well as being a new screen favorite. His record­ ings lead the na tion 's best sellers. Yo11·11 enjoy th e Miller arrangemen ts, perfect pre­ cision and blend, and whethe r you like sweet or swing, Glenn is right there with eith er in a distinctive sty le that will thrill you. Be sure and tun e in every Tu esday, Wed nesday and Thur sday. VELVET, for the pipe smoker or the man who likes to roll his own, is "t he right word for smooth smoking." The new blue seal on the pocket tin always keeps Velvet factory fresh. Velvet also comes packed in the useful Hurni-Seal ~lass jar and in 8- ounce anc~1-pound tins. --:: ::;:j -~ ._c..__..-- .:....P--' :a GRANGER . fine mellow Kentucky Burley at its best ... is manufactured by the exclusive Wellman Process that no other tobacco can use. Every time you pack your pipe with Granger pipe tobacco you get a smoke that's mild and cool .. more fragrant and long- lasting. It's the right tobacco for your pipe and pocketbook. Chesterfield salutes with Millionsof Fans THE GOLDEN JUBILEE of America', mod popular ,por t BASKETBALL Sc,ytimc I I Irs hesterfleld~ ~ ••• for Milder Better Taste Over 90,000,000 is Basketball'• for Cooler Smoking yearly attwda11ce ... taps for a11y America11 sport ... a11d this year 11wrks the celebra, li1 at's what millions of Chesterfield smokers get tio11of iu Golden Jubilee. The game was every time they light up ... and that's why these millions fo1111ded by Dr. James Naismith cmd had its are saying Chester.fieulg ives me more pleasure than any modest slClrt i,i 1891 ir, Spri11gfield, Mass.
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