WAYS l DE ENERGY STORAGE STUDY Volume IV - Dual Mode Locomotive: Preliminary Design Study L. J. Lawson L. M. Cook AIRESEARCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF CALIFOR,NIA Torrance CA 90509 FEBRUARY 1979 FINAL REPORT DGCUMEN'T 15 /V&II.ABLE TO TkE PUBLIC TPIROLJGH 7Ht NATICJNA1 TECHNICAL. INFOHMATICIN SERVICE. SPRINGFrELD, VIRGINIA 72161 $1 I Prepared for I1 4C -<I, U,S, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION ?- - ', offj ce of Research and Development ;(TF Washington DC 20590 I975 I il .A47 I AS'SOCIAT~ON AM~<@c~~; fjd&jj,p~7P. F' " L i, t-4, * I :5 IV- I r- x----- '-$-;7% Y I w U>3 aq )P <>..? *F$p p-.?q&' 4 *BECB~~@~C;~I\~g lkdLfi,.&~5+~ 4 \ AESEARC~ TEST CEPAB~,QE,$~- 3 4I PUEgio, ca 81001 ,. NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no I iab i I ity for its contents or the use thereof. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade orrnanufacturers' names appear . herein sol el y because they are considered essential to the object of this report. 1 Technical Heport Documentation Page ......... R.port No. _- R.cipi.nt', Cotolo~ No. l. 2. C;overnmonf Ace.'.'on No. 3. ~~\)9 'I,. 1. FRA/ORD-78/78,IV ,)\)\..- - 4. Titl" ond Subtitl. 5. Report Dote WAYSIDE ENERGY STORAGE STUDY February 1979 Volume IV - Dual-Mode Locomotive: 6. Performing Organiz.atiQn Code Preliminary Design Study --- -_. B.a P• .,fof'minOi O"'Qantza'.on Re~Qr. No. 7. Authorl,) L.J. Lawson and L.M. Cook DOT-TSC-FRA-79-7, IV 9. P.rlormin~ Or~oni zQtion Nome ond Addr ... 10. Work Unit No. (TRA,S) JW816/R8318 AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California 2525 W. 190th Street 11. Contract or Grant No. DOT-TSC-1349-4 Torrance CA 90509 13. Typ. 01 Report ond Period Coyered 12. Spon,o,ing AlI.n~y Nome and Add,... Final Report U.S. Department of Transportation June through October 1978 Federal Railroad Administration Office of Research and Development 14. Spon,oring A~ency Code Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Not .. U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration Under contract to: Transportation Systems Center r"Tnh... .;r1o-p MA 02142 16. AbstlOc! This is the fourth volume of a four volume report entitled the Wayside Energy Storage Study, which comprises the following volumes: Volume I-Summary Volume II-Detailed Description of Analysis Volume III-Engineering Economics Analysis:Data and Results Volume IV-Dual-Mode Locomotive: Preliminary Design Study A preliminary design study was conducted to confirm the technical viability and economic attractiveness of the dual-mode locomotive concept based on the most common U.S. road locomotive, the SD40-2. The study examined the existing characteristics of the base locomotive and ensured that operation ~n the diesel mode would not be compromised by a locomotive which has a pantograph, transformer, converter, and choke added to permit operation from a 50 kV catenary. The study concluded that the concept is technically viable (although some equipment 1.S only available overseas) and ~s economically attractive, the top line modification cost being $217,500. Volume III is available in photocopy or microfiche from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield,VA 22161. 17. Key Wo.d. Transportation, Railroads, 18. Oh"lbutlon Stofement Electrified Railroads, Electric [)(lCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE t'UBLIC THROUGH Tt-IE NATIONAL TECHNICAL Locomotives, Diesel Locomotives, INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIEL.D, Regenerative Braking, Flywheels VIRGINIA 22161 19. Security Clallil. (01 thl' ,epo,l) 20. Secu,lty Clollil. (01 thl' pOllel 21. No. 01 Pa~.s 22. P,ice Unclassified Unclassified 58 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of cOlllpleted page outhorilled o• !, 385.0973 Un3860rd PREFACE This final report summarizes the results of the Dual-~ode Locomotive-­ Preliminary Design Study. It is submitted to the Transportation Systems Center by the AiResearch -Manufacturing Company of California, a division of The Garrett Corporation, in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation Contract No. DOT-TSC-1349, Modificatiqn No. 1 dated August 9, 1978. It is part of the Wayside Energy Storage Study Final Report which comprises four volumes as follows: Volume No. Title 1 Summary 2 Deta i I ed Descr I ption of Anal ys I s 3 Eng i neer i ng Econan ics AnaI ys i 5 Data and Resu Its 4 Dual-Mode Locomotive - Pre! iminary Design Study iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Dual-Mode Locomotive Prel iminary Design Study was conducted by the Al ResearchNanufectur Inq Company of Cal ifbrnia with the corrtl nul nqrass ls'tence and guidance of the Transportation Systems CenTer (TSC) Technical Monitor, Mr. John M. Clarke; the Federal Railroad AdministraTion (FRA), Functional Coord i nator , Energy/Env ironment I Mr. John Koper; and severa I members of the TSC and FRA staffs who were inval uable To The success of the study. Major contributions were made by many U.S. railroads which contributed comprehensive information that was used to establ ish and maintain the necessary data base with particular reference to operating pol ic i es , The following r a l 1- roads have given substantial assistance to AiResearch in the study: Atch i son, Topeka, and Santa Fe Conra i I Denver and Rio Grande Western Southern Southern Pacific Un ion Paci fic Specialist material and equipment suppliers were helpful in defining the locomotive modifications and commenting on the dual-mode locomotive concept. o Those suppl iers contributing to the study were the following: Alco Power Incorporated English Electric Corporation General Electric Locomotive Department General Motors Electro-Motive Division Morrison-Knudsen Company Inc. iv CONTENTS Section Page INTRODUCTION 1-1 C 2 EXTENT OF MODIFICATIONS 2-1 3 CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 3-1 4 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 4-1 5 PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONS 5-1 6 COST VERIFICATION 6-1 7 COMPONENT TESTING 7-1 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENOATIONS 8-1 9 REFERENCES 9-1 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2-1 General Arrangement of SD40-2 Locomotive 2-2 2-2 Characteristics of 077 Traction Motor at 356 kW 2-4 2-3 Power Circuit Transition (a) before 2-5 (b) after 2-4 Variation of Average Adhesion with Locomotive Speed 2-7 2-5 SD40-2 Locomotive-Variation of Tractive Effort with 2-8 Locomotive Speed 2-6 Dynamic Brake Characteristics of the SD40-2 Locomotive 2-9 2-7 Adhesion Values for Motoring and Braking 2-10 2-8 Interaction of Adhesion and Motor Power Limitations 2-11 2-9 Characteristic of the 077 Traction Motor at 536 kW 2-13 2-10 Dual Mode Locomotive-Traction Motor Current and Voltage 2-14 Variation with Locomotive Speed v ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure " 2-11 Dual Mode Locomotive-Secondary (Electric) Mode Variation of 2-15 Tractive Effort with Locomotive Speed 2-12 Dual Mode Locomotive-Primary and Secondary Mode 2-16 Variation of Tractive Effort with Locomotive Speed 2-13 Variation of Brake Effort with Armature Current and 2-18 Locomotive Speed 2-14 Selected Dual Mode Locomotive Power Schematic 2-21 4-1 AAR Ciean Cab (SD40-2) 4-2 4-2 General Arrangement of Dual-Mode Locomotive 4-3 TABLES Table 3-1 Engine Speed Control Trainl ines 3-1 5-1 Dual-Mode Locomotive - Pantograph Performance 5-2 Specification (Pre l iminary) 5-2 Roof Insulator Specification 5-3 5-3 Smoothing Inductor Sizes 5-5 6-1 Dual-Mode Locomotive Cost 6-4 vi SUMMARY This report examines theteasibil ity of the'dual-mode locomotive having both a diesel and an electric capabi I ity. The conclusion reached is that, by careful attention to detail, the concept of the dual-mode locomotive' is tech­ nically feasible. An attempt has been made to reduce the cost of the modifica­ tion by uti! izing as many existing components as possible without modification. Where modifications are necessary they have been kept as simple as possible. The 5040 and SD40-2 locomotives, on whi c h the conversion 15 based, are among the most rei iable locomotives of their type and care was taken not to impact the diesel mode operation. Full uti I ization of the traction motor within its pub! ished current, voltage, and power I imitations results in a higher powered locomotive in the electric mode. Therefore, if the steepest grades are traversed in .the electric mode, above base speed (all railroads contacted provide sufficient power to negotiate all grades above base speed, even for drag operations) a saving in locomotives results. vii viii SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to confirm the technical feaslbl I ity of the dual-mode locomotive (DML) fol lowing Its Identification In the Wayside Energy Storage Study Final Report. That study showed that the DML could be used to enhance the existing rai I road operation and by and large made use of :8xisting equipment. PROGRAM OUTLINE The specific task which was added to the Wayside Energy Storage Study statement of work cal led for the fol lowing: . ' Item 4 - Locomotives - add the fol lowing Paragraph b. b. Conduct a prel imlnary study of the Dual-Mode Locomotive that wI I I inc Iude the fo I low ing: Determine the extent of modifications necessary. Develop prel iminary specifications for new components. Define control requirements. Identify locomotive structural modifications. Prepare prel iminary layouts. " PROGRAM METHODOLOGY The basic concept of the DML previously identified was re-examined to determine whether a more cost-effective. and technically acceptable version existed. The original concept did not take into account the intention of the Association of American Rai Iroads (AAR) to develop the "clean cab", positioning much of the equipment now located In the cab, in the short front hood.
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