Dear All: October 10, 2014 Please note: There will be no eblast next week as we ALL will be at York (I hope). It seems every time I walk into a store there is a new theme being displayed, it’s gone from the Fourth of July to Christmas, not sure where the time has gone! We hope you will visit the WB&A table at York (by the registration counter). The hours will be posted on the table so that you can stop by and say hello, pay your 2015 dues (then have a chance at the $100 drawing), take a chance on the drawing (see below) and let us know how we’re doing. The attached flyer reminds us that we have warriors coming home and many (too many) still abroad who defend and protect the U.S.A. No matter what your political views may be, I hope you can take the time to partake in this event. As a reminder, the eblasts and attachments will be placed on the WB&A website under the “About” tab for your viewing/sharing pleasure http://www.wbachapter.org/index.html. The attachments are contained in the one PDF attached to this email in an effort to streamline the sending of this email and to ensure the attachments are able to be received. TRAIN STORIES BY CLEM CLEMENT I hope you have been enjoying Clem’s York stories, attached is another story from Clem regarding STOMPER. Enjoy! Also, as those of us who know Clem and for those of who don’t, I KNOW you have heard of the mighty STOMPER – in Clem’s words: From time to time, the truthful stories about STOMPER’s exploits come to life from his hideout on goiunkland 34.1(Located in the shadows of history, just past the time/speed location of Eve’s first words...). This report is a bit dated as STOMPER’s current activated are not for human eyes to see... It can be said that STOMPER was involved in propelling Dr. Neil about in the Cosmos series. (If the reader has trouble reading the attached material, try 4‐D glasses... Clem 2015 TCA CONVENTION See http://tcaconvention.org/ 2 TICK‐TICK‐TICK… FALL EASTERN DIV. YORK MEET http://www.easterntca.org/Site/documents/member _10_14.pdf TCA Chapter/Division Newsletters/Websites Remember our friends in other locales and take a moment now and then to visit their websites to see what’s going on. For example, see NORCAL’s website at: http://www.norcaltca.com/. Clem’s Primer can be found on the WB&A website at http://www.wbachapter.org/Clems%20Primer%20O ct14.htm UPCOMING WB&A EVENTS November 1, 2014 – WB&A Members Only Semi‐ Annual General Membership/Swap Meet from 9‐1 p.m. at Saint James Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8 West Overlea Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206, contact Paul Pullen bcrr@netzero.net for more information (swap meet tables will be available on a first come first serve basis) May 9, 2015 – Joint VTC & WB&A (aka NORTH MEETS SOUTH) Great Train Show and Sale at the Eagles Lodge at 21 Cool Spring Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 contact Colleen Hall memberwba@gmail.com for more 3 information, it’s never too early to start planning. We are pleased to announce that Allen Crotts will be the Train Doctor at the show. Know of a layout that would like to set‐up at the Show? If so, please contact Russell for more information at jryouens@verizon.net. 2014 WB&A DRAWING ITEM 4‐6‐2 P47 Blue Comet Steam Passenger set with Proto‐ sound 3.0; Jersey Central 4‐6‐2 P47 Steam Engine (Cab #833), Tender, (1)Baggage Car, (2) 70' Heavyweight Madison Coach Cars, (1) '70 Heavyweight Observation Car Product #20‐3460‐1 MSRP $999.95 If interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Glenn MacKinnon at glen.mackinnon@verizon.net the cost is $5 a ticket or 6 for $25, the drawing will be held the end of December 2014. Just 500 tickets for sale! CROSS‐HOBBYING The next CDC is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22,– 9:30 am at the Fair Oaks Silver Diner. 12251 Fair Lakes Parkway Fairfax, VA 22033 (Corner of Fair Lakes Parkway & West Ox Road.) If you haven’t been before, this is a great opportunity to get out for a couple hours of good food and great company. Very informal, grab a seat and talk with the folks around you: V‐8 lovers, Model A fans and folks 4 with an affinity for trains. Hopefully we will have some real cars attend as well. More information contact Clem Clement at clem.clement@cox.net WEBSITES/LINKS OF INTEREST/THINGS TO DO/BOOKS You can now find the eblasts on the WB&A website at: http://www.wbachapter.org/2014%20E‐ Blast%20Page.htm The Lionel Standard Gauge Guide is in print! Books should be available at the York meet on October 16‐18. Courtesy of the VTC: Newsletter for Piedmont Carolina Chapter; High Green; Harrisburg Rail Review; Oklahoma RR Museum; Trainmaster; Susquehannock; Laurel Lines; Fulf Coast RR; High Iron; The Green Block; Blue Ridge Dispatcher; NRHS Lancaster Dispatcher; and Cape Rail Dispatch; see the news re: “Will the NRHS Survive? Check out the limited run Chessie Afghan at www.chessieshop.com. Norfolk Southern acquires EMD 90‐series locomotives see: http://trn.trains.com/news/news‐ wire/2014/09/norfolk‐southern‐acquires‐emd‐90‐ series‐locomotives; the Susquehanna Valley Railway Historical Society Newsletter The Feedwater Heater can be found at: 5 http://www.trainweb.org/SVRHS/SVRHS_Feedwater Heater_2014_4Q9681.pdf; Neat photo of a derailment at Coopers, WV. Photo was in a basement in Lynchburg, Va (1918‐23 derailment) http://nwhs.org/mailinglist/2014/20141004.Cooper_ WV_Unknown_Date.jpg, and http://www.railsinvirginia.com/ and http://www.pbase.com/railfire (courtesy of Jeff Hawkins) Have you checked out the Virginia Museum of Transportation: http://www.vmt.org/collections/rail.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dgLEDdFddk Louis Lumière Turns 150: Celebrate the Anniversary of the Movie Pioneer's Birth New model RR exhibit is now open in Connellsville, PA check it out at: http://triblive.com/news/2830881‐ 74/display‐connellsville‐building‐construction‐model‐ train‐clark‐railroad‐shallenberger‐site and http://triblive.com/news/2816972‐74/display‐ connellsville‐railroad‐housed‐building‐canteen‐ enormous‐model‐nemacolin‐route#axzz3FTdDsEWl 6 https://www.facebook.com/pages/WBA‐ Chapter‐TCA/1454100528142375 UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS (please send me items to include on the calendar) – if you like to see some other dates from around the country, check out: 1. Check out trains.com calendar of events at: http://trc.trains.com/events.aspx?page=list&type =1&cat= 2. Schedule for Trackers can be found at: www.nattrackers.org 3. 2014/2015 Schedule for Greenberg’s Train & Toy Show can be found at: http://www.greenbergshows.com/schedule.html 4. October, 2014 – Old Dominion Chapter – James River Ramblet in Dillwyn, VA, Buckingham Branch RR contact odcnrhs.org for exact dates and to order tickets 5. October 12, 2014 – Annual Open House see attached Blue Ridge Dispatcher for the annual open house information for the home of Dale and Audrey 7 6. October 12, 2014 ‐ All Brands/Scales Model Train Show/Sale 9A‐3P Hawley Fire Department 17 Columbus Avenue Hawley, PA 18428 (Behind Hawley Post Office) $3.00pp Admission, Children under 12 free w/Paying Adult 7. October 15, 2014 – The Toy Train Paper & Memorabilia Group will celebrate its 20th Anniversary at the October York Meeting from 6‐8 p.m. at the Liberty Fire Company, call Todd 248‐ 214‐8186 or www.ttpandm.com (see 8.8.14 PDF) 8. October 16‐18, 2014 –Eastern Division York Meet, visit the ED website for information http://www.easterntca.org/Site/documents/me mber_10_14.pdf 9. October 16‐19 ‐ NMRA Annual Convention in Hagerstow, MD see http://nmra.org/ 10. October 17‐18, 2014 – in Ohio ‐ Ghost Tours – Dennison RR Depot Museum for more information call 877‐278‐9020 11. October 18, 2014 ‐ 6th Annual Yellin Athletic Booster Club Toy Train and Railroadiana Show 9A‐3P Samuel S Yellin School 111 Warwick Road Stratford, NJ 08084 $3.00pp, $5.00 Family (2 Adults, All children under 14) (NOTE – The flyer for this event states the date above, however it is dated Oct 19 on the sponsor’s website, so unsure which date is correct) 8 12. October 18‐19, 2014 – Rocky Mountain Toy Train Auction, see http://s1109.photobucket.com/user/RMDTCA/li brary#/user/RMDTCA/library/?sort=2&page=1& _suid=1412699201215035990844993943305 13. October 19, 2014 ‐ The Chesapeake Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America makes its Fall 2014 visit to the Baltimore Street Car Museum see: http://www.baltimorestreetcar.org/event1.html 14. October 24‐26, 2014 – Civil War Bus Tours http://www.ncdcr.gov/CivilWarTour?utm_source =cc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BusTou rCC 15. October 25‐26, 2014 – The Great Scale Model Train Show Makin’ Tracks! Cow Palace – Times Sat. 9‐5/Sun. 10‐4 at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, 2200 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093 http://gsmts.com/ 16. October 25, 2014 – Baltimore Street Car Museum celebrates Halloween, see http://www.baltimorestreetcar.org/event1.html 17. October 25, 2014 – 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Buckingham Branch RR www.odcnrhs.org 18. October 25, 2014 ‐ Delaware Train Show 9A‐2P Nur Shrine Temple Rt.13/198 S. Dupont Hwy New 9 Castle DE 19720 $4.00pp Admission, Children under 12 free see www.toyshows.org 19. October 25 & 26, 2014 – Fall Foilage Train Excursions & The Great Pumpkin Express on the Lycoming Valley RR (see 10.10.14 eblast for flyer) 20.
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