![It's So Nice to Be Trusted](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MONDAY, AUCWWr 19, 19« Aanrli»0tirr Enntitig Weadier r ParUy tHaaOr. wmrni toalgtt ter (Mass.) Pipe Band, and sec­ with <dianoo o f tlnmdeiMwweie. The Ladlea AuxUlary of ttie Aagma» . laia Low 60 to 70. Tomorrow parOy Sigbth Diatrlct Fire D^Nitt- Kilties Third, ond was Kenmure (N.J.) Pipe Town Band. suqpgr, warm, leoa hnmM. rnent win meet Wedneaday at Taylor Winner in iOa. In st Mda Raonlon Oom- 8 p.m. at flra headquartera, Durlng the season, tbe- Man- Choicest Meats In TownI 14,340 v n mMt W«dMw!^y at Main and HiUlard Sta. diester band was twice en­ M0nehmatm^—f4 C ity o f ViUmge Chmrm .m. at tha boma of SSari In Final Carnes tered In Claas A competition, t p r ic e t e n c e n t s IM SdMOl S t A committee of the Hartford finishing second end third. In MANCHMTBR, CONN, TDB8PAY, AUQUS^ 20, 1968 Manchester Pipe Band fin- ita own CSaas B competition, it X TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! S VOL. LXXXVn, NO. S78 (s n m n m p a g i b — t w o s b c t io n s ) Oounty Federaffon of Democrat­ iahed third in Class A competi­ GhuTjk of Ohriat arin re- ic Women’s Clid> has formulat­ had two firsts, a third and a tion at ()ulncy. Mass., on Satur­ fourth. fo ita racOIarty aebaduled ed plane for "The Impact of day. It was the final competi­ • Chickes Breasts ^ A a • Bible claaaea Wednea- Women in the 1968 BleotipnB." A tion of the season for the Kil­ l ^ l e the band loot ita North B iy at 7 :80 p.m. at tbe churdi. workabop and luncheon will be ties, a Class B band. American Ctaaa B title in n ia lA ilt daea wlU reaume ita held on Saitiioday, Sept 14, at 9 At Quincy, William Taylor, gamea at Mkxville,. Ont, Oan., M "How Wa Got Our a.m. at the State Capitol in the band’s drum major, walked it captured &e International Qames at the TRiousand Islands. • Chicken Lcfs v { Hailfotxl. Members of aU Harb off wltii top honors for the sec­ War Critics Applauded Taylor, who baa been drum ford Oounty Oubs and all wom­ ond weekend In a row. He was Z MB W MATCH A JataoTBh'a Wltneaaea wlU have majoring only a short time, won en interested in the 1968 cam­ flrat at Syracuse on Aug. 10. 0 (linaH 8 liMk Per OwtooHr) ^ groqp fMaeuaelona of a BIMe aid paign win be welcomed. Quest Flnkdiing first among bands first plaoe In tiis final two com­ 'V^daeeday at 7:80 pjn. at 726 speakers and reservation and in Quincy Satraday was WOrces- petitions. n . Main S t, a u Woodbridge St., luncheon arrangements will be 18 Ommhera St, 144 Orifftt Rd. announced at a later date. : HICHUND ^MtK MMiKn : la Bootti Bftedaor, and Frendi 817 iHgiti— s S t.. BlaMlMSter-^hOBe 648-4878 IML, Bolton. At Platform Hearings Liz Humphries A BtUe class will be cMiduct- WAflHINCm>N (AP) — a m . ed Wedheaday at 7:80 p.m. at Exhibits Oils entire stock! Gaotge 6 . MoQovsrn, D-8 J )., r OWvaiy Oburdi. urging immedtete moras to end Mrs. Us Humphries of 218 NORTH END FIREMEN'S tbe Vietnam war, drear op- A Holy Oonununicm service Wells St is having an exhibK Hay Horan photo whil* If tam... M ove Fails (8th tiniitniB DUTBIOT) plause at DemDcraUo ptoltorm wBl be held Wethtesday at lO of some of her oil palnttngs, at Celebrates 90th Birthday heartega today wben be oald, a.m. at St. Mary’s Eptsoopal Mary Cheney Ubrary. The “We mute etop eavtag faoe and Ctanrcfa. To Resolve pelnUnga will he on exhibit Sister Mary Evelyn of Provi­ Plymouth, Mrs. George Subl- PEACH SHORTCAKE otart aaving Mvee." through Sept S in the lobby, dence, R.I., congratulates her sky of East Hartford, Mn. Ray- paddle ’n saddle Crttics of TO nation’s aontlr- Mrs. Ann M. Falkowskl of 68 reading room, Junior room, and grandmothw Mrs. Marie Leduc .mcnd Taylor of Somersvllls, seat Asia polioy had TO fint Alton St aerved as a delegate to card catalog area. of Hanrdville, tormeiiy of Man­ Henry Leduc o f Waltham, Maas. sportswear, s Im s 10-44. ber- FESTIV A L Seat Dispute say ae tha fuU Platform Oom­ .the Daughters of Isabella inter- Mrs. Humptariee was the win­ chester on her 90th birthday. Mrs. Tlteodore McCarthy of mwiBs and pedal pasheis. mlttee opened more of its time OHKIAaO (AP) — A toudiy natlnnal convention held in St. ner of The Mancheeter Herald Mrs. Leduc was bom Aug. Tuactm, Aria., Sylvio Leduc of FIREHOUSE GROUNDS to hearings on TO iooua. Paid, Minn., last week. Mrs. awaid for the "Beat of Show” in Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Fel­ tediesV and gMs’ sleeveless racial fight between oontesUng Secretary of State Dean Rusk IS, 1878 in Quebec, Canada, and OOR. MAIN and HIIXJABD STBKBT8 MtoMasippI delegatlona to the Falkowskl is a member of St. the 1966 Members Exhibition of lived in Manchester and Rock­ la. She also h u 86 grandohU- b lo o s e s. to to preamt TO admlniatration Margaret’s Circle. the Mancheeter Fine Art Aaso- dreh, 79 great-granchildren, Democratic NsBonal Ooerven- case at a apaeWi Marion to- ville for many yean. She now tJon headed for a WMXMnpro- ciatlan. and 2 great-greatgrandchildren. Friday, August 23 makes her home with her girls’ shorts, pedal pushers mtoe showdown today. idgbt The Christian Social Concerns daughter, Mn. Frank F<eUa hi SBBVINO n K B l flSO to S PJL Soma of the 110 comitritiaa- Conunisslon of South Methodist and sliMt sets. ‘Tfs efther us or them." said Haaardville. men Jolnad mambara o f TO Church will meet tomorrow at Public Records both storee than, and frl. idghts till 0! DONATION-^BIJTB 75e, CHlUMkBN 50e Aaron Henry, Negro leader of Tiaii audianca in TO applause 7:80 p.m. at tbe church. Over 188 relatives recently at­ % an integrated 'Tioyal Demo- Warrantee Deeds tended her 90th birthday party. MVSIO and DANOINO—OOOB PBIZEB otoo when McOovam nAed: • 8 locations} downtown main street and orate" olate seeking to unseat “How can wa contend that wa David L. and Mary O. Whitak­ Ifis. Leduc is the mother of IS Mystic Review. NABA, will Mlssiealppt’s predominantly •ra in Vietnam to reduce terror er to Irving H. and Ena H. children, eight of whom are east middle turagike, next to popular matfeet meet tomorrow night at 8 at the This Advt. Sponsored By Farmers’ Cooperative Assn. wfalto regular party dolagation. and death, when our bombera Prentice, property at 88 Teresa • living. They are Adelard Leduc The bedtle, Involviiig otf y 24 Odd FbUows Hall. Rd., conveyance tax 827.60. have d rop ^ more napalm and of Coventry, Joseph Leduc of of the ooovention’a 1,812 dele­ axploalves on little Vietnam, Mary B. Urbanetti to Joseph gate votes, wfll have Mttte effMt R. LupaccMno Jr. and Betty F. North and South, than feU fkxxn on the oholoe next week of a TO aUea on aU TO rntlona of Lupacrdfino, property at 128 presidential nominee to oppose BANK CRB>IT Florence St, conveyance tax W ot« War HT" RepubUoon Richard M. Nbton In McOovam, a candidate for $17.60. November. CAK05 ACCEPTB) Russdl Armogida to Russell tha Damooratio preetdenttol But a CredenUala Oommlttee nomtoatlQii. laid out a propooed and Mary Armogida, property ruling on Mtetisaippl, eeepeoted ARTHUR DRUe at 68 Whitney Rd., no convey­ tonight. Is likely to have a ma­ Vietnam ptonk generally riml- ance tax. jor psychological Impact on Ne­ tar to TO one for which Sen. Eu­ Qnltdaim Deed gene J. MoOarthy is oontanding. It’s So Nice To Be Trusted... Sen. WflUam F^ilbrigiit of Aikanssfi, who is dudr- gro voters os well as many Lucia Abbott Dougan to Rog­ white ones. However, McGovern ito p p u i er Ward Dougan, jiroperty at mnn of (he Senate F(»eiign Relations Committee, And the case sets the etege short of demanding that a oaa^ ULTIMA II 28 Oakwood Rd. ) for a straggle over other con­ tion government be set tq> m Marriage Lleeases today called for a halt in the U.S. bombing of South Vietnam including mem­ COSMETICS tested state ddegntions between Thomas Charles Bruett Jr., That’s Transplant for Eke North Vietnam, Sfieaking before the Demoemtit the two front-numers for the bers of TO National Liberation Upper Moatclalr, N. J., and Pa­ Democratic nomination. Vice Front, the poUtical arm of TO tricia Ann Davies, 879 Center Platform Oommittee. Fulbright also recewnmended Prestdent Hubert H. BUmplirey Viet Oong. WELDON DRUG CO. St., Aug. 24, South Methodist and Sen. Eugene McOoxtiiy of Vice President Hubert H. Church. What inclusion of thB National Liberation Front, politioal Had Been Rejected Mlimeaota. Humphrey haa termed this pro- Michad Barry Lautenbach, 86 NORMAN’S and G-E arm of the Viet Oong, in any discussion of the fu­ Both Humphrey and Mc­ vlslon unacceptable. Seaman Circle, and Lyim Do­ o t By FBAMK GABBY wages tbe greatest struggle ture of South Vietnam. (AP Photoftix) Carthy seaport the duOIenge of McGovern did aay TO United reen Chapman, 168 Sununtt St., AP SoieBoe Writer his life,” said Johnson. tbe Mtesleslppl toyaUst ddega- States should shift Ms support to Aug. 81, North Mothpdist WABHnfOTON (AP) — Doc- "Tbe i«ayers and tbe hopes of tion, which is about evenly qh t what he caUed “ nonOommunist Church. tors attenfing former President aU of us in tbU room—and of all In sentiment for tbe two con­ elements In Soutii Vietnam Dwight D.
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