" l " * f rnv **-?y*t!ve w,t % THE PBINOBTON UKION: THtTBSDAY, MAY 26, 9101 s m THE PRINCETON UNION "Old Put" of the Granite Falls ANEUTT JROA£> IMpROrXUttEMS. ' roads. ~l mayor appointed a republican to his To the PubUc. " " BY R. O. OUNN. , Tribune, who has been skirmishing Bob Dunn's two mill tax proposi In some of the older thickly-settled place. This gentleman took the bait I wish to state that I have been in< *«blisH*dl Every Thundar> around in the Indian village near his tion seems to receive a good deal of counties considerable progress is is like a trout goes after a juicy worm, the lightning rod business here for- ^JWMS-SI.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. town for ancient history and other favor-indeed, a good deal more than bei made ana accepted. Time goes on and the five years in connection with my farm> SI.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. fcMntra flno- „™ u*r> : * ^_ . it may deserve. It is estimated that ««owiiB uuo pumn cardinal displays wonderful recuper­ at Long Siding and have installed my things, dug up the information that fche average county would get enough ^ways, but until there is a respec <$PPIOBi FIRST ST EAST OP COURTHOUSE. ative powers. He regains his health system of rods on over 300 of the best lor four centuries past whensoever through this tax to build table state road tax levied, and the 0. 1. STAPLES, TH05«. H. PROWSB money to such an extent that he thinks he buildings and for the best people in Easiness Manager. Bdltor. Halley's comet put in an appearance twenty miles of good roads each year, same is judiciusly expended under the could again serve on the police the country and have not had one there has been several successive As the average county has about a supervision of competent engineers board. A plade is made for him by single complaint from anyone. I al­ Mr. Bryan arises to remark that thousand miles of roads some of us ' the resignation of the president of the ways have and still do make it a seasons of drought. "Put" ought to there will be no general marked im- Theodore Roosevelt could not be will have to wait a long time to get board, Hon. C. L. Haas. Thus the special point to handle only the very know better than to try to scare the provment in the condition of the high­ our roads. With such a tax and the coup is complete and the cardinal best goods that money can buy and elected president of the United States farmers with such stories. money distributed as at present, it is ways of this state. becomes president of the board and install them correctly. These are two were he to run on the democratic certain the money would go on the as usual a republican is playing the very essential points which an inex­ ticket. Nor any other man. Siedel, the socialist mayor of Mil­ main highways where the automobile The consecration of six bishops in role of sucker.—West St. Paul Times. perienced person is lacking and can't waukee, faces a problem which he will travel is greatest. The public high­ St Paul last Thursday by Arch­ • «3» «i« learn in a few days or weeks. I have King George has sworn to support find difficult of solution. The city ways ought to be improved mainly by bishop Ireland was the greatest event Eastou Refuses to Swallow It. now associated myself with Mr. John the constitution, but were war to be comptroller has reported-to him that a tax on the lands benefited, with There is a large sized shadow of a Grything of Milaca, a well known and of its kind ever witnessed in the his­ the assistance of a county and state honorable business man who stands declared between Great Britain and there will be a deficit of something doubt hovering around the statement tax to help pay for expensive bridges tory of the Catholic church in that Emperor William has condemned highly recommended by all who know some other country would he follow like $216,000 in the municipality's r where costly grades are necessary Q America—it was the first time that six the beer-drinking propensities of his him, and we together will continue to the flag? Not if he could avoid it. finances for the current year. Seidel —Todd County Argus bishops were consecrated at once. people. This sounds like an exagger­ serve our patrons in the future in the same courteous way and with the same intends to economize wheresoever he Bob Dunn has not advocated a two- The event was particularly significant ated statement; in fact we wouldn't King Edward has been laid away in hesitate to gamble at least a year's object in view as heretofore, viz.: can and try to make both ends meet mill state road tax. He has advocat­ as showing the enormous growth of the silent tomb and the funeral was Only the best goods, correct work and without this $216,000. Should he suc­ subscription to the leading family ed and favors the submission of a the Catholic church in the Northwest conducted with all the pomp and journal of this city that the man who courteous reliable dealing can abso­ ceed it will be more than any of his constitutional amendment that will —that six more bishops were made lutely be depended on by our patrons: splendor possible—the procession was wrote the statement is a prevaricator predecessors ever accomplished. a guaranty from the factory backed provide for a one-mill state road necessary by such growth. Some to such an extent that it would be safe one glittering array of gold and by a bond deposit in the bank goes tax. sixty years ago, when John Ireland to call him a liar.—Stillwater Gazette. color. It was a funeral befitting a In a speech at a banquet of the with every rod we install. No, we • •$• •$• Admitting that the average county was chosen from a parish school to don't handle the skinflint 10 cent king to be sure, and the downtrodden National Association of Manufactur­ Politicians Not Ail Mercenaries. become a seminarian, there were but trash which unscrupulous strangers taxpayers footed the bill. ers at New York last week Joe Can­ has a thousand miles of roads, no Not every man is in politics for a thousand Catholics in the arch­ are trying to make people believe to non waxed mighty wrath and shot hot sane person presumes that it would what there is in it. In fact, in spite be like our goods at 15 cents. If you The evidence before the con­ diocese over which he now presides. of many things that would seem to in­ missiles into the republican insur­ be possible to convert a thousand dicate the opposite, in all probability compare the two you will find ours is gressional investigating committee in miles of Indian trails and cow-paths At the present time there are 600,000. gents. He declared that shooting most politicians, using the term in the worth three times as much. Beware the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy is in the average county into first-class would be too good for some of them— best sense, are honest, sincere and of those strangers for, without excep­ all in and oral arguments will he held tion, a person dealing with them is that they should be hung. The highways within one or a dozen years, patriotic, and often we find men who beat every time. We can get you rods on May 27 and 28. The sooner the nor could it be reasonably expected | OPINIONS OF EDITORS : in devoting their life to the services speech was perhaps the most fiery like they sell for 9 cents per foot but case is closed the better, for it is giv­ of their party and country by accept­ that Joe ever made—he poured forth that every farmer would have a ing office make a large financial sacri­ we don't keep them on hand as we ing off an odor particularly offensive Tlie.Greatest Menace. a veritable stream of denunciation. macadamized road leading to his consider them unworthy. The greatest menace to republican fice. It is well to keep that fact in to the olfactory organs of the average dooryard, unless he constructed the mind when we are tempted to think And yet, withal, the banqueters cheer­ success this year is the brewery trust Respectfully, citizen. same at his own expense. that every politician is a sort of a ed him. They ought to be ashamed bossism.—St. Cloud Journal Press. The Wetter-Grything Lightning grafter.—Frazee Free Press. of themselves! The total valuation of the state is *$• *•* *5* Rod Co. At Denver the other day a woman— $1,108,605,572. It is safe to assume Neff Discovers the Reason. • • • J. A. Wetter. Miss Ellis Meredith—was elected to Do you know why St. Paul went re­ Insurgents Playing False. John Grything. That old comet of Mr. Halley's that this year the figures will reach the office of commissioner. Seven men publican? It is because the young Political parties are supposed to fooled us after all, even unto the $1,250,000,000. A one-mill tax on that represent the principles of the party Notice to Carpenters—Bids Wanted ran against her and her vote was men of that town have gone into the great astronomers who had been amount would produce $1,250,000.
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