Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1931 Campus Comment, June 1931 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 4 Number 9 & 10 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1931). Campus Comment, June 1931. 4(9 & 10). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/16 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. <tampus <tomment Success JUNE - 1931 No.9 and 10 YCIL. IY. Orgallizations 101111 Bllckley of Sen- Graduat:~ Hol~i11g Senior Day at Dr. Boyden Tells of Hold Elections ior Class l\farried PosItIons For Maxfield Estate His Twenty-Five The Xormal .-\thletic .-\ssocia­ MarcIl 7,1931 Next Year ill Marioll Years as tion has elected its officers for Four Year Students ohn Buckley surprised his Teaching in Quincy­ Thais Maxfield cordially invited Prillcipal 11ext vea.r as 1011ows: J . many friends in school when he Dorothy Dinegan her classmates to ~her summer Educationally the period from President-Thomas Cullen. Vice-President-Ed"ward \Yelsh. recently announced his marriage Eleanor Hazeltine home, Bay-View Pines, at Mar- 1906 to 1931 has been one of sig­ to l\Iis~ Ruth Marsdon, daughter ion, The invitation was grate- nificant advance, and Bridgewater Secretary-\Yilliam Curley. Barbara Beesley Treasurer-.-\lfred Pimental. of Dr. and 11rs. C. H. Marsdon Ann Connors fully accepted and Marion was has had its part in this move­ Edward \\' elsh has been elected of East Brownfield, Maine. Evelyn Lindquist the scene of Senior activities on ment. .Jlr. Buckley, who g'traduated May 27. captain of the basketba1 I team ::\Iolly Kelley A few striking facts may be of from Bridge\"llater Normal several The setting was ideil; great for next year. Elizabeth McConarty interest. All of the present build­ The officers for Glee Club: years ago, became acquainted Gladys vVilkie green lawns, a pine grove, a won­ ings were erected during this per­ ?hry Bridges-President. with Mrs. Buckley while he was Elizabeth O'Donnell derful view of the ocean from the iod, except the gymnasium, which beach in front of the estate or Ruth :-rugent-Vice President. athletic coach at the Kennett Aubrey Evans was built in 1905. In 1906 the Honora Quigley. _ Secretary. High School at Conway, New Edward Landy from any point 011 the grounds, enrollment was 250, of whom 25 Phyllis Bliss-Librarian. Hampshire. They \vere married Alfred A';erill-Auburn swimming and diving; just per- were men, and 44 were on the Polly Drevinsky-Librarian. in North Conway on March 7, Harold Goeres-Littleton fect ! f our-years course. III 1931 the Officers of the Junior Class: 1931 by the Rev~rend Father Leonard Palopoli-Brookfield Everyone found something to enrollment had increased to 544, FranklYll \Yhite-President. Belford, pastor of Our Lady of Doris Bicknell-Fairhaven do - a baseball game between of whom 76 were men, and 354 Claire Eddy-Vice President. the Mountains Church. For the Virginia Cunningham-Walpole the boys and girls which the boys were on the degree course. The Jean Ferguson-Secretary. present the young couple will live Cecile Giguere-Fairhaven won by only four points, horse- f aCl1 Ity 1las grown corresponding- Loretta Coakley-Treasurer. with Mrs. Buckley's parents in Tillie Jacobson-Hanover shoes, dancing, volley ball, pad- ly, from 29 (17 in the Normal De­ dIe tennis, beautiful "walks, the French Club Officers: East Bro\vnfield. Florence Fournier- partment, 12 in the Training Cerise .-\lm-Presiclent. lela VVarr-Fairhaven five miles to the Stone Estate was School) to 42 (28 Normal, 14 the favorite, swings and see-saws. T Margaret Farrar-Vice President;' Helen RohbiIlS' Mrs. Bacon-New Jersey raining School) _ Of the orig- As a climax a "hot-do~2' roast" . I Rose Kershner-Secretary. Engagement Cora Anger-Quincy '-" ma number there remain. only Irene Roberti-Treasurer. Florence Brown-Quincy and then to New Bedford to the Mr. H. P. Shaw, }VIr. Brene11e s110w, everyone hal)l)Y - a mar- Silvia Biancki-Librarian. AnnOllnCed Ruth Cushman-Quincy - Hunt, Misses 11artha Burnell, Dramatic Club has not elected Hazel Dahlberg-Quincy ve1lous clay. Jane and N eUie Bennett, Flora its officers. but seven new mem- Mrs. Stanley C. Robbins of Helen Duncan-Quincy M. Stuart. M r. and Mrs. C. H. b ers 1lave 1)een selected. they are: Harwich, :Massachusetts recently Dorl's El.;:stl"0111-Qll1·11CY I want to he a seniur Bixby still continue their valua­ Virginia Bulger announced the engagement of her Delia Gaudette-Quincy And with the seniors stand: ble services to the institution. Dorothy Hixon daughter, Helen, to Raymond Norma Johnston-Quincy A fountain pen behind my ear, During these years a gradual GmlYOr Hendrickson Green of New York City. Ella Kelleher-Quincy A notehook in my hand, differenti!:t'tion of courses has Louise Hewitt As yet no definite date has been Lury l'iTcGrath-Quincy I don't want to be an angel come to pass to meet new school set for the wedding, but it is ex- For angels have to sing. A 1thea :\Iock " Gra d nates H 0 ld conditiolls. At first the two-year l)ected that the marriag'e will take I'd rather be a senior Sophie Taylor elementary course for grades 1-8 lUurieJ Hnhi, ld~LC(" in the near futl1i"(' Fa'·.ew.e]Lnan('~, And never do a tbing'. ___!!!!--'''Ifi!i~~~~1!?~~:l:m~':"',li~o5;o~d:t'~:l' r'lIJiIli,w,iYJr,., ~reen is" a; l'ad10 'operator' - On the' eveniii.g of 1it~e sixth advanced ~,-- ward Basement on June Fourth and because' of his work the young the graduates their farewell hera Dranlatic Club " for upper for the new members. couple will make their home in dance. It was indeed a pretty Gradu t grades dpialships. As the New York City. sight for the gym was decorated " a es " jtmiQit' high school developed new Miss Robbins is a member of in such a manner that it pre- Day Student Given Party courses for departmental teaching the A class and lives in Gates sented an ideal background. The " wei-e worked out requiring at Officers are House. She has been quite prom- decorations this year were in A farewell party to the grad- least three years of preparation_ inent in the social affairs of Gates charge of 1'liss Mabel Harris and uating members of the Dramatic Elected In 1921 came the new four-year House and is well liked among her committee who deserve much club of the Normal school wa.s At last the Commuters know course with the degree-granting the classmates who wish for her praise for the "different" decora- given Tuesday evening by the '\vho are to be their leaders for privilege_ the greatest happiness. hans. The gym was transformed under-graduate members, at the 1931-32, and they are well pleased into a place of beauty with a rock home of Miss Adelaide Moffitt New departments were devel­ with the results: Dr. Boyden garden, lattice work, and real the director of the club. The dec­ oped to meet the new demands. Helen Conathan-Presiclent. flowers attractively gl-owing, to oration represented a forest scene The nev,' gymnasium led to cours­ Beatrice Hunt-Vice President. Presented Gift say nothing of the overhanging with a background of ferns and es in physiical ICduca tion. The Barbara Pray-Secretary-Treas- Fronl Studellts branches of the trees. plants ananged with charming State law of 1921 made games and urer. athletics mandatory in all schools, Those in the receiving line were effect. A bouquet of wild flowers One does not appreciate Helen's During the chapel exercises on and a State department of phy­ Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyden formed the centerpiece table. abilities until one kno\ys her well. 1Ionday morning, J nne 8, at which sical education was organized. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huffington Place cards were grleen leaves This year she has been a very ac­ the seniors appeared in their caps There followed a syllabus of min­ Mr. and J\'[rs. Louis Stearns and the napkins had green bor­ tive member of our school. As and gowns, Dr. Boyden was pre­ imum essentials which included Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley" ders. A tiny doll at each place president of Science Club, all sented twenty-five dollars in sil­ thorough physical e:x:aminatiolls~ Miss Lois Decker was dressed in the costume worn agree that she made an exception­ ver in commemoration of his a health prograu1, and active prac­ Miss S. Elizabeth Pope by the members in the recent pre­ al leader. As for her ability as twenty-five years as principal of sentation of "The Merchant of ti.ce in sports, athletic associa­ class "rep"- ask B-l. And who Bridge\vater Normal. The pl-e­ Miss Moffitt's Venice". Each doll held a tiny tions took on new life, field days, sentation was made by Miss Vir- has not hea rd of Helen on decor­ Classes Give diploma telling of its owner's ac­ meets, and play days were inaug­ ating committees? If you haven't ginia Cunningham, the retlnng complishments. A picnic lunch m"ated. Boyden Park became an don't miss the results of the next president of the Student Cooper­ Exllibition was served which was prepared outdoor gymnasium. thee Association. one! a Classes D-1, and D-3 collected by a friend of the club, Miss Ra­ A new biology department was Beatrice or "Bea" is one of our An unusual feature and yet a a great quantity of valuable ma­ chel Burrill.
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