EDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 14 NUMBER 239 Washington, Tuesday, December 13, 1949 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE there are no persons with reinstate­ CONTENTS ment priority under § 20.11 of this PERSONNEL chapter. Agriculture Department Pa8e Chapter I— Civil Service Commission (7) Employees on assignment to the See Farm Credit Administra­ Foreign Service as Foreign Service Re­ tion; Forest Service; Produc­ Part 3—Acquisition of a Competitive serve Officers or Foreign Service Staff tion and Marketing Adminis­ Status Officers (Executive Order 9932). v tration. (8) Employees serving in public in­ Subpart B—R egulations Under ternational organizations in which the Alien Property, Office of Executive Order 10080 United States Government participates Notices: Vesting orders, etc.: active duty; continuous service or with the American Mission for Aid to Greece or the American Mission for Dannenbaum, Hermann F. W., 1. Effective upon publication in the Aid to Turkey after transfers under Ex­ and Girard Trust Co. (2 F ederal R egister, § 3.202 (a) is amended ecutive Order 9721 or 9862. ^ documents)_________ ___ 7463 by the addition of subparagraphs (7) and (b) In cases of employees in the cate­ Gemperle, Anna___________ 7468 (8) and § 3.202 (b) is amended as set out gories set forth under subparagraphs Mayer, Elizabeth Fischer, et below. As amended, § 3.202 will read as (1), (2), (3), (5), (7) and (8) of para­ al______________________ 7465 follows: graph (a) of this section a return to duty Okasaki, Mrs. Fukuko______ 7464 § 3.202 Active duty. (a) "Active duty” with the agency before submission of Pollinger, Elizabeth________ 7464 as used in Executive Order 10080 and in the recommendation is unnecessary. Sakai, Chika, et al_________ 7465 this subpart shall include incumbents of Sas ad a, Mrs. Kameyo_______ 7466 2. Effective upon publication in the Schreiber, Ludwig__________ 7465 competitive positions who, on September F ederal R egister, subparagraph (1) of 30, 1949, were in any of the following Shibata, Tsusa____ -_______ 7466 § 3.203 (a) is amended as set out below Sober, Frieda, et al_______ 7464 categories: and new subparagraphs (6) and (7) are Szasz, Laszlo_______ 7465 (1) Employees carried on the compen­ added. As amended, § 3.203 will read Umauye, Kama____________ 7466 sation rolls of the Bureau of Employees’ as follows: Vahlkamp, Otto, et al_______ 7466 Compensation, Federal Security Agency. (2) Employees on leave without pay § 3.203 Continuous service, (a) The Wasserman, Marta, et al___ 7464 granted for educational purposes under continuous service required for con­ Watanabe, Jugoro__________ 7467 version under Executive Order 10080 may - Yamashita, Mrs. Misawo____ 7467 the act of March 24, 1943 (57 Stat. 43); Yamazaki, Sho_____________ 7467 the act of July 6, 1943 (57 Stat. 374); or include any of the following: the act^of July 22,1944 (58 Stat. 284). (1) Intervening military service; pe­ Civil Service Commission (3) Employees on leave without pay riods not exceeding 60 days following a Rules and regulations: because of personal illness of the em­ separation prior to entering military Competitive service exceptions; ployee (including maternity leave) after service and not exceeding 60 days follow­ Federal Power Commission__ 7441 all sick leave has been exhausted. ing the expiration of the 90-day period Competitive status, acquisition; (4) Employees on leave without pay for filing application with his agency for active duty and continuous for any purpose for a period not exceed­ restoration to duty; periods exceeding 60 service------------------------------- 7439 ing 30 work days. days following the expiration of the 90- Farm Crédit Administration (5) Employees in the active service of day period for filing application with his Rules and regulations: the armed forces of the United States agency for restoration to duty when Federal farm loan system; Fed­ and who have statutory or regulatory such restoration was delayed by the eral land banks generally; restoration rights. agency. computing amount loanable (6) Employees who otherwise meet the (2) Periods of absence on annual or to one borrower___________ 7441 terms of the Executive order but were sick leave and authorized furlough or separated from the service or furloughed leave without pay. Federal Power Commission due to failure to enact their respective (3) Periods during which the employ­ Notices : appropriation bills for fiscal year 1950, ee’s name was carried on the compensa­ Hearings, etc.: and who were reemployed in the same tion rolls of the Bureau of Employees’ Florida Power Corp________ 7461 agency within 60 days of the passage of Compensation, Federal Security Agency. New York Natural Gas Corp. such bills or within 60 days from the ef­ (4) One or more breaks in service et al___________________ 7461 fective date of the regulations in this sub­ which total less than 30 calendar days Pollock, Charles R., and L. B. part and who are continued in such (in addition to those due to reduction in Cooper__________________ 7462 reemployment for not less than 60 days, force). United Gas Pipe Line Co____ 7461 *nay be regarded as in an active duty (5) Periods of separation or furlough Federal Security Agency status on September 30, 1949. Such re­ due to reasons set forth in § 3.202 (a) (6). See Food and Drug Administra­ employment is hereby authorized, if (Continued on next page) tion. 7439 7440 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE A numerical list of the parts of the Code German Affairs Bureau Pag® of Federal Regulations affected by documents FEDERAimREGISTER Notices: published in this issue. Proposed rules, as \ »14 if Occupation definitions_______ 7457 opposed to final actions, are identified as Occupation Statute, entry Into such. force_____________________ 7456 Title 3 Page Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Press, radio, information and and days following official Federal holidays, entertainment_____________ 7458 Chapter II (Executive orders): by the Division of the Federal Register, the Property rights, industrial, lit­ 9830 (see T. 5, Part 6)________ : 7441 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Title 5 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ erary and artistic, of foreign proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as nations and nationals______ 7459 Chapter I: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Transitional provisions_______ 7457 Part 3______________________ 7439 Part 6___________________ 7441 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Housing Expediter, Office of mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Title 6 tion is made only by the Superintendent of Rules and regulations: Documents, Government Printing Office, Chapter I: Rent, controlled, in Kentucky: Part 10_____________ 7441 Washington 25, D. C. Housing____________ 7454 The regulatory material appearing herein Rooms in rooming houses and Title 7 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, other establishments_____ 7453 Chapter VTI: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Part 722_____________________ 7441 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Interior Department amended June 19, 1937. Title 21 See Land Management, Bureau of. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Chapter I: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Internal Revenue Bureau Part 141__________________ 7452 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ vance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Part 146___ - ________________, 7452 (minimum 151) varies in proportion to the Rum dénaturation; submission Title 24 size of the issue. Remit check or money and approval of samples of dé­ Chapter VIII: order, made payable to the Superintendent naturants _________________ 7453 Part 825 (2 documents) — 7453, 7454 of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interstate Commerce Commis­ Title 26 There are no restrictions on the republica­ sion Chapter I: tion of material appearing in the Federal Part 187_____________________ 7453 Register. Rules and regulations: Car service; restrictions on coal­ Title 29 burning passenger service lo­ Chapter V: comotive mileage--------------- 7456 Part 523 (proposed)__________ 7456 1949 Edition Justice Department Title 39 See Alien Property, Office of. Chapter I: CODE OF FEDERAL Part 127____ -_____________ _ 7454 Labor Department REGULATIONS Title 43 See Wage and Hour Division. Chapter I: The following books are now available; Land Management, Bureau of Part 162 (see table of contents, Notices : Interior Department)______ 7460 Title 26: Parts 1-79 ($4.00) Idaho grazing districts modified- 7460 Parts 80-169 ($2.75) Title 49 Oregon; restoration order____ 7460 Chapter I: Parts 170-182 ($3.25) Part 95____ 7456 Parts 183-299 ($3.50) Post Office Department Rules and regulations: Previously announced: Title 3, 1948 Supp. Postal service, international ; (6) Periods of absence due to assign­ ($2.751; Titles 4-5 ($2.25); Title 6 ($3.00); m iscellaneous amend­ ment to the Foreign Service as Foreign Title 7: Parts 1-201 ($4.25); Parts 210- ments____________________ 7454 Service Reserve Officers or Foreign Serv­ 874 ($2.75); Parts 900 to end ($3.50); Production and Marketing Ad­ ice Staff Officers (Executive Order 9932). Title 8 ($2.75); Title 9 ($2.50); Titles (7) Periods of service in public inter­ 10-13 ($2.25); Title 14: Parts 1-399 ministration national organizations in which the ($3.50); Parts 400 to end ($2.25); Title Rules and regulations: United States Government participates 15 ($2.50); Title 16 ($3.50); Title 17 Cotton; acreage allotments and or with the American Mission for Aid to ($2.75); Title 18 ($2.75); Title 19 ($3.25); marketing quotas, 1950_____ 7441 Title 20 ($2.75); Title 21 ($2.50); Titles Greece or the American Mission for Aid 22-23 ($2.25); Title 24 ($2.75); Title 25 Securities and Exchange Com­ to Turkey after transfers under Execu­ ($2.75) tive Order 9721 or 9862. mission (b) One or more separations because Order from Superintendent of Documents, Notices : of reduction in force, each not exceeding Government Printing Office, Washington Hearings, etc.: one year between date of appointment 25, D. C. Central Vermont Public Serv­ and September 30,1949, will not prevent ice Corp.
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