Preparatory Survey for Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase ll Final Report Chapter 6 Examine measures to reduce the project cost and shorten the project period 6.1 Mechanized Construction of Track Works The track works are classified mainly into following 3 methods. Man Power Method: In the method, man power is used as much as possible. Organized Mechanization Standard Method: In the method, each step of track and civil works is mechanized as much as possible, and each mechanized step is efficiently organized each other. The method is called as “Organized Mechanization Standard Method”. Large-Scale Mechanization Method: In the method, such major track works as (1) roadbed formation, (2) ballast renewal, (3) replacing of rail and turnout, and (4) replacing of sleeper are carried out by “mechanized works trains”. There are generally used two types of machine trains, which are (1) Formation of Roadbed and Ballast Renewal Machine Train and (2) Rail and Sleeper Renewal Machine Train. Other works besides above works of (1), (2), (3) and (4) are carried out by the same method of “Organized Mechanization Standard Method”. The method is called as “Large-Scale Mechanization Method”. As [Man Power Method] is not proper to be considered in this project, the two methods of [Organized Mechanization Standard Method] and [Large-Scale Mechanization Method] are picked out for the discussion. Items to be discussed are as follows. Explanation and comparison of the two methods. Comparison of the working efficiency between the two methods. Economic comparison between the two methods. 6.1.1 Explanation and Comparison of [Organized Mechanization Standard Method] and [Large-Scale Mechanization Method] As the theme is not easy to be understood by only language explanation even if pictures attached, a long explanation and comparison chart with pictures and explanation phrases is attached (Figure 6.1.1) 6-1 Preparatory Survey for Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase ll Final Report Figure 6.1.1. Working Chart of [ Organized Mechanization Standard Method ] and [ Large-Scale Mechanization Method] Large gate type crane at base Motor car for material carrying (1) Carrying in and out machines & tools (Gate type crane, Ballast hopper, Welder etc.) Storage of (2) Carrying in and out new materials (25m Rail, Sleeper, Ballast and Others) Machines & Tools and Materials (3) Removed materials (Track panel, Ballast and Sleeper etc.) : Dumping or Reuse. Working Preparation for (1) Pressure welding work (25m rail * 7 pcs =175m) Base Site Works Preparation Works * This welding stage is called as [The 1st welding (flash butt welding)]. for Maintenance and Disposal (2) Assembling 175m track panels. Works of Removed Materials (3) Storing unusable ballast after screening at site, and carried our for dumping. Track Preparation Works Carring in and storing in the side of track [the earth and sand for new roadbed] and [the ballast for new track bed]. Installing the rails on both sides of track for moving of gate type crane. Maintenance at Site (8) Laying 20 of 175m-track panels to make 3,500m (13) Expansion joints are welded to both end (1) Survey (2) Removing and carring out of old track panel (12m/panel). (3) Removing and screening old ballast. (4) Removal of old roadbed. (5) Laying new roadbed. Companction. (6) Spaying new ballast and reuse ballast. (7) 175m track panels are carried from base to site, and are installed. (10) Primary track maintenance. (12) Resetting of CWR. (14) The 2nd track maintenance. (15) Rail grinding. (16) Completion of one CWR section. extension. (9) Supplement ballast is sprayed onnew (11) By welding 20 units of track panels, 3,500m continuous welded rail of CWR. track panels. is made. * Expect to carry out 30 panels (360m of track) per one carring out working. Works Site at Site 1.Supposing the rail temparature in the itermediate between the Maintenance Works Center line survey 1. Lifting old track panel by crane truck. (1) Removing ballast by road/rail back hoe. (1) Removal of old roadbed by road/rail back hoe. (1) Laying new roadbed by road/rail back hoe. (1) Laying ballast by road/rail back hoe. (1) New track panels are carried in by trolly from base. One continuous welded rail is 3,500m. Supplement of ballast is carried and The 2nd welding (Frash butt welding ) The 3rd welding (Flash butt welding) By malutipul tie tanper (MTT). By rail grinding car. highest and the lowest at the site. sprayed by Hopper car and road/rail Maintenace by Multiple tie tamper (MTT). Leveling 2. Loading the track panel onto the trolly on old track. (2) Screening old ballast at site. (2) Loading old road bed onto trolly on the old track. (2) Compaction by compactor. (2) Compation by compactor. (2) Lifting up new track panel from trolly by gate type crane. *Continuous welded rail=CWR. dump. 2. Calculating the length of the CWR at the supposed temparature. (3) Ballast thickness is 250mm under the 3. Carrying old track panels on trolly to working base. *Old ballast in good condition is stored at site. (3) Carrying out to base. (3) Thickness of roadbed is 300mm. (3) Moving the gate tyape crane to the laying point. 3. Streching the CWR to the calculated length by Chiruhoru device. surface of sleeper. *Old ballst not in good condition, carried to base. (4) Installing the new track panel by lifting down from gate tyape crane. 4. By doing above stretch, the residual stress inside of CWR is released. 5. The CWR in the length after the stretch is fixed to sleepers in the expectation of stable condition even at high temparature of the site.. (1) Track crane. (1) Road/Rail back hoe. (1) Road/Rail back hoe. (1) Road/rail back hoe. (1) Road/rail back hoe. (1) Trolly. (1) Hopper car. Flash butt welding machine. Chiruhoru device Flash butt welding machine. Rail griding car. Organized Multiple tie tamper (MTT) Malutipul tie tanper (MTT). Mechanization (2) Trolly. (2) Mechanical separator. (2) Trolly. (2) Compactor. (2) Compactor. (2) Gate type crane. (2) Road/rail dump. Standard Method Machines (1) Roadbed & Ballast Renewal Machine Train Trainset : (Power Supply Car) + (Old Roadbed & Old Ballast Removing and Screening Car) + (New Earth & Sand and New Ballast and Reuse Ballast Spraying Car) + (Compactor Car) Flash butt welding machine. Chiruhoru device Flash butt welding machine. Rail griding car. Large-Scale Multiple tie tamper (MTT) Malutipul tie tanper (MTT). Mechanization + (Unused Roadbed Earth & Sand and Unused Ballast Carring-out Car) + (New Earth & Sand for Roadbed and New Ballast Carring-in Car) Method (2) Rail and Sleeper Renewal Machine Train Trainset : (Power Supply Car) + (Old Rail & Old Sleeper Carring-out Car) + (New Rail & New Sleeper Carring-inCar) De vice for Lifting up Track Pnel 20nits 30kg/m Rail R ail for Gate Type Crane moving Organized 175m 175m Mechanization Standard Method Major Machines to be Used Track Crane Road/Rail Back Hoe Motor Trolley for carrying materials. Compator Laying Track Panel by Gate Type Crane Hopper Car for Carrying and Spraying Ballast Multiple Tie Tamper (MTT) 8 heads rail griding car Chiruhoru device Large-Scale Mechanization Method Roadbed and Ballast Renewal Machine Train Roadbed and Ballast Renewal Works Rail & Sleeper Renewal Machine Train Figure 6.1. 1 Source: JICA Study Team Road/Rail Dump Truck Flash Butt Welding machine Figure 6.1.1 Work Flow Chart 6-2 Preparatory Survey for Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase ll Final Report 6.1.2 Comparison of Working Efficiency of [Organized Mechanization Standard Method] and [Large-Scale Mechanization Method] (1) Kinds of Track Works The works including in this project are (1) civil works and (2) track works. The civil works are the improvement mainly of (1) roadbed, (2) bridges and (3) box culverts. And the track works are (1) ballast renewal, (2) replacing of rail and turnout, and (3) replacing of sleeper. In the schedule of these works, the first step is the civil works and the track works follow, which means that the construction speed of track works is limited to the construction speed of civil works. (2) Comparison of Construction Speed The comparison of construction speed is shown in Table 6.1.1 Table 6.1.1 Construction Speed of Track Works by the two Methods and of Civil Works Construction Construction Method Comment Speed Organized [Reference data source] Mechanization 330m/day Myanmar country Yangon Mandalay Railroad Maintenance Standard Method Business Phase I Detailed Design Investigation. Construction speed of each machine. Multiple Tie Tamper (MTT) 370 – 450m/h Large-Scale Roadbed and ballast renewal machine 30-70m/h Mechanization 800m/day Track renewal machine 1,000m/h Method The construction speed per day is calculated by using the minimum speed machine among above 3 machines. [Reference data source] Civil Works 250m/day Myanmar country Yangon Mandalay Railroad Maintenance Business Phase I Detailed Design Investigation. Source: JICA Study Team (3) Working Schedule of Civil Works and Track Works When the construction works in double tracks are carried out, the trains operation of the construction section is enforced to use a single track for both Up Direction trains and Down Direction trains, while another track is under construction in the same section. MR requires the limitation of the distance of the single track use for both up and down trains as 30km. On the other side, the civil works such as improvement of roadbed, bridges, box culverts should be preceded such track works as ballast renewal, replacing of rail and turnout, and replacing of sleeper. In considering these conditions, the working schedule is considered as follows. The 350 km between Taungoo and Mandalay is divided into 4 construction sections, which means one construction section is about 90km.
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