Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-16-1940 Bee Gee News October 16, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 16, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 558. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/558 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. *■ DON'T FORGET TO DON'T GO HOME FOR REGISTER TODAY Bee Gee News HOMECOMING Student Publication of Bowling Green State Unlverelty VOL. XXV.—Z561 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, OCTOBER 16, 1940 NO. 5 1000 Alumni To Return For Annual Celebration Meet The Queen ... Homecoming Dance Features With Her Attendants... Two Bands In Gyms Friday Dr. W. A. Zaugg Heads Committees For Annual Affair; Queen Will Be Crowned Friday Evening; Falcons Play Michigan Normal A .scintillating: whirl of colorful decorations, active recreation programs and hundreds of alumni will make the 2fith annual Homecoming; celebration one of the most brilliant patherinits in the history of the University, stated Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, chair- man of the greneral committee in charge of the two-day affair, which is scheduled to open Friday. Plowing banners of brown and4> orange, huge welcoming signs and Chapel Program To Offer other displays of the student decor- alive art will greet the 1000 alumni Speech By Albert Crombie of the University who are expected to attend the 'back to the Alma Ma- Albert Crombie from the stale do It-r' festival. partnu-tit of health will speak at chapel this morning on "Social Liv- Helen Sturgeon, newly sleeted ing in an Bmotional World." Before Homecoming Queen, will be crowned entering the health department, Mr. at the Rally Hop, Inter-Sorority- Crombie was a lecturer anil is known The Queen and her court, Rowling Green's fairest l„ popular election, Kraternity Council sponsored dance to be a forceful and dynamic speaker. Iti be hold in the men's and women's w. .race the sleek ph n at the football same Saturday. The Qu.on He will speak to the Y. W. C. A will be BTOWnad Friday evening. gymnasiums, Friday evening. Queen tomorrow at 4 o'clock and to the Y. ... Lj'' '» ''Kbt above: Georgia Wei.l.r, Skol; Mary Lou Mauerhan. Helen will then preside over the en- M. C. A. at 7 o'clock. Five Sister] The Queen, Seven Sister; Mary Herbert, Five Sisteri and lire celebration together with her at- Margaret Bender, Skol. tendants Margaret Bender, Mary I.ou Mauerhan. Mary Herbert and Geor- Sturgeon Elected gia Wiesler. Ruth Heymaii, chairman of the Queen, Pat O'Hara Men 21-35 Will Register For Draft ili'ciiratiiins ror.imittcc has announced that every thing is working smoothly Frosh President anil plans are being rushed to com- In Dean Conklin s Office Today pletion which will make this event Miss Helen Sturgeon captured the one of the most colorful in years. title of Homecoming Queen by a vote By Proclamation of the President According to Ruth Hcyman, Roger of .100 at last week's election. She of the United Stutes all males in- Warden L. Lawes Gifford, Carolyn Shaw, Paul Landis, will reign at the Homecoming game cluding University students and fac- W. E. Singer of the decoration com- here Saturday. ulty between the ages of 21 and .16 To Speak Sunday mittee; Jane Meyers, chairman of the The much contested frosh election inclusive must sign registration cards Shatiel Hall decorations and Ruth resulted in the following as the win- today, Oct. 10, of the Selective Ser- On'Men In Prison' Homecoming Queen Helen Sturgeon will freet alumni and fellow ners of the offices. Robert (Pat) vice Bill recently enacted by Con- students at the crowning of the Queeen during the Homecoming dance In Calland, chairman of the Williams Hall decorations, are all striving for O'Hara, president; Max Ihrig, Stu- gress. the Men's gem Friday evening and at the Yps- football game Saturday University students and faculty Wood Co. Forum Sponsors afternoon. Miss Sturgeon, 20 years old and weighing 138 pounds, is from originality and much attractiveness dent Council; William Staub, vice First Of Five Programs Mansfield. She is majoring in Physical education and minoring in com- in the decorations. president; Marjorie Black, secretary; whoso permanent residence is not mercial work. Her comment upon her election: "It's a wonderful feel- Director E. E. Smith, in charge of Allen Gorgesaon, treasurer. Bowling Green will sign registration At High School the 60 piece Bowling Green State Jean Mersereau, Las Amigas mem- cards in Dean A. B. Conklin's office University band, has announced that ber, won the position of secretary of In the Administration Building from Warden Lewis E. I.awes, head of the musical men of the orange and the sophomore class. 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. today. Residents of Sing Sing Prison and an outstanding brown will have an interesting fea- James Place, Commoner, will fill Bowling Green will register in their authority on criminology, will open Enrollment Increases By 139; ture for the football fans at the half the vacancy of vice presidency of respective precincts. the lecture series of the Wood County of the Saturday clash. the junior class. Students and faculty will sign two Forum Sunday in the Bowling Green Although all of the fraternity and cards today: one will go to their home High Gchool auditorium, where he 849 Men, 751 Women In Totals sorority plans have not been an- draft offices and the other is a reg- will speak on the subject, "Men in nounced as yet, an active week-end Showkeir To Head istration certificate which will be held Prison". by the registrant. Figure* recently released by the of private dances, dinner parties and I.awes has been warden of Sing Smith Announces open house gatherings will add an Picture Contest A faBcimile of the official regis- Registrar's office show that the Uni- Sing since 1920, when he was ap- adequate finale to the 1940 Bowling tration card appears on a bulletin versity's total enrollment is 1601, an Sponsored By Key board where students may secure nec- rointod to that position by Governor Technicians For Green State University Homecoming Alfred E. Smith. Prior to that time essary information before registering. increase of 139 student" over last celebration. the average length of service of a year's mark. The men outnumbered 'Error' Production Jim Showkeir, Five Brother, will Registration cards go to draft head the snapshot contest sponsored boards where they are classified and Sing Sing warden was only eleven months. In the last twenty years the women by 49. Library Calls For by the '41 Key, Don Rager, editor, put through the machinery of the ac- Root Named Stage Manager; announced. The Key will feature tual draft. Warden I.awes has become very close Women students enrolled in the col to the prison inmates and has insti- Technical Head Is monthly prizes and pay 25 cents for lags iif education exceed the men near- Issues Needed To tuted many reforms in their behalf. very print used in the yearbook. ly two to one. while the entire enroll- Newman Mahla He is probably closer to the jailed Contest rules are as follows: Any ment in the college of education sur- FillB.G. News File Debaters To Argue criminal than any other prison au- student except Key staff members is thority, because he has lived with him, passes that of the other colleges by The technical staff for "Murgin eligible to enter shots; a grand prize Among other books now at the li- Permanent Union read his mail, taken personal inter- almost as high a ratio. For Error", Clare Booth's thriller will be awarded on the fifteenth of brary is an almost complete flic of est in his welfare, and often even The men outnumber the women stu- which is scheduled for November 1 the Bee Gee News. This has been each month for the next four months; Of Western Nations dents in the freshmen class 328 to SIIII him to his death. and 2, was announced last week by made possible through a gift from prints must be in the Key office by 291, in the senior class 106 to 84 and the tenth of each month for the "Resolved that the Nations of the A great reformer, Lawes has for Director Elden T. Smith. The group Dr. Williams and a few copies from years fought for greater comfort and among the graduate students 34 to monthly prize; the Key office will be Western Hemisphere should form a other sources. respect for prisoners. It is his be- 17. In the sophomore and junior clas- is not complete as yet, and anyone However, some issues arc yet need- open for this purpose from 1 to 4 Permanent Union" is the national lief that vengeance is not a cure for es. the situation is reversed by 227 interested in technical work is urged ed. Can anyone help in bringing this p. m. every Wednesday. The Novem- Pi Kappa Delta debate question as crime, but rehabilitation is possible and 214 and 150 to 136 respectively. to see Mr. Smith. Those included in file up to date by supplying the ones ber prize is a two pound box of can- announced by Prof.
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