3989 1846," " The Liverpool and Bury Railway Act, of Lancaster;" an Act passed in the seventh year 1845," " The Liverpool and Bury Railway Act, of the said reign, intituled " An Act to alter the 1846," " The Liverpool and Bury, and Man- line of the Preston and Wyre Railway, and to chester and Leeds Railways Act, 1846," " The amend the Act relating thereto;" an Act passed Huddersfield and Sheffield Junction Railway in the seventh year of the said reign, intituled Act, 1845," "The Huddersfield and Sheffield " An Act for making and maintaining a dock Junction, and Manchester and Leeds Railways or docks at Wyre, in the county palatine of Act, 1846," " The West Riding Union Railways Lancaster;" an Act passed in the second year of A<;t, 1846," "The Wakefield, Pontefract, and the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Goole Railway Act, 1845,". "The Wakefield Act to amend the several Acts relating to the Pontefract, and Goole Railway Branches Act, Preston and Wyre Railway and Harbour Com- 1846," "The Wakefield, Pontefract, and Goole pany;" an Act passed in the session of Parlia- Railway, and Port of Goole Act, 1846," "The ment held in the second and third years of the Manchester and Southport Railway Act, 1847," reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act "The Oldham Alliance Railway Act, 1847," to amend the several Acts relating to the Preston " The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Act, and Wyre Railway and Harbour Company, and 1848," an Act passed in the session of Parlia- the Preston and Wyre Dock Company, and to ment held in the ninth and tenth years of the consolidate the said Companies;" an Act passed reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act in the session of Parliament held in the seventh for vesting in the Grand Junction Railway and eighth years of the reign of Her present Company, and the Manchester and Leeds Rail- Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend the several way Company, the North Union Railway, and Acts relating to the Preston and Wyre Railway, all the works, property, and effects appertaining Harbour, and Dock Company;" and an Act thereto," an Act passed in the said session of passed in the session of Parliament held in the Parliament held in the ninth and tenth years of eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An present Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend the Act for enabling the Huh1 and Selby Railway Com- several Acts relating to the Preston and Wyre pany to lease, and also to sell their railway to Railway, Harbour, and Dock Company, and to the York and North Midland and Manchester enable the said company to make three several and Leeds Railway Companies, or one of them, Branch Railways." and to authorize the raising of additional money And it is intended by such Act to enable the by both or either of the last-mentioned companies said Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company for those or other purposes;" and an Act passed to sell and transfer to the said London and in the said session of Parliament held in the North Western Raihvay Company such share and ninth and tenth years of the reign of Her present interest in the Preston and Wyre Railway, Majesty, intituled " An Act for making certain Harbour, and Dock, and the Avorks and property lines of railway in the west riding of the county belonging thereto or connected therewith, and of York, to be called the Sheffield, Rotherliam, upon such terms and for such consideration as Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield, and Goole may be or may have been agreed upon between Railway;" also of an Act passed in the session of the said companies, and to enable the said London Parliament held in the ninth and tenth years of and North Western Railway Company to the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An purchase, take, and hold such share and interest. Act to consolidate the London and Birmingham, And also to vest the said Preston and Wyre Grand Junction, and Manchester and Birming- Railway, Harbour, Dock, works and property in ham Railway Companies," and the several the said two companies jointly; and to make such Acts relating to .the said London and Birming- regulations as may be found expedient for the ham, Grand Junction, and Manchester and Birming- working and management of the same; and ham Railways, or the London and North Western for levying tolls, rates, and charges for the use Railway, or some of them (that is to say), local thereof; and to alter the existing tolls, rales, and and personal Acts, eighth and ninth Victoria, charges leviable thereon; and for granting exemp- chapter 156; local and personal Acts, ninth and tions from the payment of tolls, rates, and tenth Victoria, chapters 67, 80, 82, 152, 182, charges.—Dated this second day of November 184, 193, 231, 232, 233, 244, 248, 261, 269, 1848. 309, 328, 331, 359, 368, 369, and 396; local and Darlrishire, Lcu.is, and Taylor, Solicitors, •personal Acts, tenth and eleventh Victoria, Manchester. chapters 73, 107,114, 118, 121,132, 139,159, Clay, Swiff, and \Vagstnff, Solicitors, 178, 188, 228, 270, 278, and 294; and local and Liverpool. personal Act, eleventh and twelfth Victoria, chapter 130; and also of the several Acts follow- Warrington Water Works. ing relating to the Preston and Wyre Railway, Amendment of Act, and power to raise additional Harbour, and Dock, that is to say, an Act capital. passed in the session of Parliament held in the ]VT OTICE is hereby given, that application is fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William l.i intended to be made to Parliament in the the Fourth, intituled "An Act for making a ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill to railway from Preston to Wyre, find for improv- alter, amend, and enlarge some of the powers and ing the Harbour 'of Wyre, in the County Palatine provisions of an Act, passed in the ninth and B 2.
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