42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011) 2771.pdf LUNAR PITS: SUBLUNAREAN VOIDS AND THE NATURE OF MARE EMPLACEMENT. J. W. Ashley1, A. K. Boyd1, H. Hiesinger2, M. S. Robinson1, T. Tran1, C. H. van der Bogert2, R. V. Wagner1, and the LROC Science Team. 1Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-3603 ([email protected]); 2Institut für Planetologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany. Introduction: The possibility for shallow, subsur- region within Oceanus Procellarum at approximately face lunar voids has existed in the minds of researchers 14.09°N, 303.31°E. The pit was estimated to be ~ 65 m at least as far back as the 1960’s, often under the head- in diameter, and 80-88 ±10 m deep, with a ceiling 40- ing of lunar caves [1]. Such voids were anticipated as 60 m thick [12]. The SELENE team deduced the for- the straightforward result of lava tube drainage with mation mechanism for the Marius Hills pit to be partial ceiling failure and subsequent collapse [2]. Any future collapse of a lava tube based on its location within a long-term human presence on the Moon will require sinuous rille, and by elimination of other less plausible reliable protection from surface hazards (radiation, mechanisms. Direct imaging of cavernous interiors micrometeorites, temperature fluctuations, solar flares, beneath their ceilings is arguably necessary to confirm etc.), which can be accomplished effectively using this interpretation, and requires the combination of extant lava tube caverns [3-5]. Subsurface void spaces optimal solar incidence and high angle slew (off-nadir) may also preserve unique geologic environments sig- imaging. nificant to scientific exploration, and pits and/or sky- !"#$%&'()*%"*+%, C%02."%5%/'()3$%&'+*%2 !"#$ -./0"( 1%&#//0+220/&%( )"3+'%"( 405%"0( 6-1)47$ %&$ E?( -0/@+/A( 2+'%( +@%/'+!(&0'+#/( 0/@( &%"'+!(&0'+#/F$ !"#$ '#&%()#'$*+$,''-#&&$*.+$+/$*"#$0-%1#$234$1#,&5-#1#)*$ L:J&$0-+A%'#$F>M@1#*#-$0#-$0%U#<$,)(5<,-$-#&+<5*%+)$1+)+@ -#65%-#1#)*&7$ 89$:&&#&&$ 1#*#-$ &;,<#$ /#,*5-#&$ *+$ /,;%<%*,*#$ ;"-+1#$%1,(%)($*+$<+;,*#$&,/#$<,)'%)($&%*#&$/+-$/5*5-#$-+C+*%;$ lights would naturally serve as points of access to those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environments. 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However, it is possi- CDDD( :'';<==,,,?5222?&#5 /,;#7$"**07]]<-+;>&#&#>,&5>#'5 ble that such caverns could extend for tens or even hundreds of kilometers. Features described as pit craters, but having a vari- ety of suggested origins have also been observed on Mars [6, 7], Mercury [8], and the Jovian moon system [e.g., 9, 10], with possibilities for larger-scale pit fea- tures on Venus [11]. In some sources, however, a dis- tinction is made in discussion between pit craters and skylights, the latter term having an implicit mode of origin as that of lava tube ceiling collapse [12-14]. N a Depth Shadow Diameter (m) Slew Incidence A Location Image (m) length m Max Min angle (°) angle (°) B M106662246R 102 60 97 86 0.00 30.52 Mare M126710873R 106 53 95 85 0.00 26.56 Tranquilitatis M137332905R 92 70 98 81 7.05 37.37 M144395745L NM NM 100 NM -50.46 47.92 Marius Hills M114328462R >32* NM 62 48 6.80 61.38 M122584310L 36 19 57 46 0.00 28.08 M133207316L >8* NM 76 61 29.13 82.84 M137929856R NM NM NM NM 42.86 33.79 Mare Ingenii M115225180L >24 NM 146 107 0.00 74.52 M121124338L 68 87 125 97 0.00 52.00 Tuesday, January 4, 2011 M123485893R 47 38 104 68 -5.45 39.05 M128202846L 76 105 125 68 0.00 54.25 M136465172L >47* NM 110 73 15.51 55.47 M138819477R 52 42 101 73 0.00 38.91 * depth estimate less certain due to high slew angles ~ 100 m NM not measureable Table 1. Catalog of images. Figure 1a: Marius Hills pit imaged from a slew angle of Background: The first candidate for such a lunar 43° and a solar incidence angle of 34°. Red arrow shows sun environment was identified with JAXA’s SELenologi- azimuth. N-S pixel scale is 0.55 m; E-W pixel scale is 0.71 cal and Engineering Explorer (SELENE; a.k.a. Ka- m. Note mare bedrock layering in the pit walls. Figure 1b guya) Terrain Camera and Multi-band Imager at 10 m shows the imaging geometry in cross section. Dotted lined resolution during an imaging campaign optimized for zones have not been imaged and are speculative. skylight detection [12]. Nine images (with solar inci- dence angles ranging from ~ 15° to 73°) were collected Features identified as ‘pit-floor craters’ have been by SELENE of a pit feature named Marius Hills Hole found on Mercury during the January 14, 2008, flyby by its discoverers, which is located in the Marius Hills of the MEcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEo- 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011) 2771.pdf chemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft plain, without obvious indications of additional subsur- [8]. While these features have a different morphology, face voids. scale, and other interpreted modes of origin [e.g., 8] Mare Tranquilitatis Pit: In contrast to the Marius than lava tube skylights, their presence is interpreted to Hills and Mare Ingenii pits, the Mare Tranquilitatis pit be associated with near-surface magmatic activity, (8.34°N, 33.22°E) is nearly circular in planform, with which may increase the odds of finding lava tube sys- diameters ranging from 85 m to 97 m, and a depth of tems during higher-resolution surface reconnaissance 100 ± 6 m (Figure 2). It was imaged on four orbital after MESSENGER achieves orbital insertion in passes with a maximum slew angle of -51°. Figure 2a March 2011. In addition, pit features interpreted to be shows approximately 39 percent of the floor in direct lava tube skylights to subsurface caverns have been sunlight. Figure 2b is a highly oblique view of the pit, found in volcanic regions on Mars [13]. The confirma- showing excellent detail within the subsurface layering tion of such features within volcanic materials on the and a conspicuous funnel-shaped slope to the rim. An Moon lends credibility to these interpretations and irregular wall profile is suggestive of differential unit possibilities, and encourages their continued explora- strength within the layered materials, possibly resulting tion. from intermittent emplacement of mare deposits with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) regolith buildup between these events. Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images have pixel scales up to 0.5 meters at a nominal 50-km altitude over a 2.5 km-wide swath [15], and have been collected for three a b pits found in lunar mare, including the Marius Hills pit imaged by [12].
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