9916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 3 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Congress he became known as an ex­ HOUSE OF.REPRESENTATIVES APPROPRIATION pert on labor legislation. In more re­ cent years, "TAD" was active as the chair­ MoNDAY, JuNE 3, 1963 Mr. NATCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask man of the Committee on On-American unanimous consent that the Committee Activities, a post he filled so well that The House met at 12 o'clock noon. on Appropriations may have until mid­ the House always voted him the funds The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, night tonight to file a report on the bill he needed for operating expenses. As D.D., offered the following prayer: making appropriations for the Depart­ these funds .were almost always larger Matthew 25: 21: Well done, thou good ment of Agriculture for the year ending than for other committees, his receiving and faithful servant; enter thou into June 30, 1964. them was a tribute by his colleagues that the joy of Thy Lord. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to gave concrete evidence of their regard Eternal God, our Father, Thou art the request of the gentleman from Ken­ and trust. daily drawing us to Thyself that we may tucky? As another indication of the affection­ share in the fellowship of Thy truth and There was no objection. ate esteem which "TAD" inspired in those love and attain unto greater beauty of Mr. HORAN reserved all points of who came to know him, I wish to read a character and nobility of conduct. order on the bill. telegram which has been received by the Grant that we may commit ourselves Speaker: to the power and leadership of Thy holy THE LATE HONORABLE FRANCIS E. Hon. JoHN W. McCoRMACK, spirit whereby alone we can find our WALTER Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, way out of the confusion and turmoil Washington, D.C.: of our day and generation. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my Please convey to the appropriate survivors We thank Thee for the life and signifi­ sad duty to announce that our beloved and to all others in Congress my expression friend and colleague, FRANCIS E. WALTER, of deep sorrow on learning today that the cant ministry and service of our departed. Honorable. FRANCIS E. WALTER passed away. colleague whose spirit has entered the has passed on. The calmness and forti­ I shall always remember "TAD's" many ble3sedness of Thy nearer presence. tude he displayed in his courageous fight warmhearted kindnesses · to me personally Today we are joining the vast multi­ to regain his health are a measure of and to the people of Hawaii during my serv­ tudes everywhere who are earnestly be­ those qualities which made "TAD" WAL­ ice as a delegate. His support of the Hawaii seeching Thee to manifest Thy grace to TER one of the truly great legislators of statehood bill both in committee and on the greatly beloved spiritual leader and our time. the floor of the House was particularly ef­ devout pontiff who called us his brothers Thirty years ago "TAD" began his fective. We in Hawaii also regard his co­ career in this House of Representatives. sponsorship of the Immigration and Na­ in Christ and who longed and labored tionality Act of 1952 as a great contribution so fervently for peace on earth and good He had prepared himself well for the because it enabled so many of our residents will among men. post of lawmaker. Born in Easton, Pa., to have the opportunity to accept American Hear our prayers through the merits on May 26, 1894, he attended the local citizenship. Congressman WALTER will al­ and mediation of our Lord and Saviour. schools there, later going to a prepara­ ways be remembered warmly by the people Amen. tory school at Princeton, N.J. "TAD" re­ of Hawaii. The Nation has lost a great ceived his B.A. degree from George American and a truly dedicated Member of washington University in 1916, and his Congress. I have lost a fine friend. THE JOURNAL law degree from Georgetown University Gov. JoHN A. BuRNS. The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ just 3 years later. His private practice Mr. Speaker, we can all repeat with day, May 31, 1963, was read and ap­ of law in Easton began at that time, and Governor Burns that "The Nation has proved. just before his coming to Congress in lost a great American and a truly dedi­ 1933 he had served for 5 years as the cated Member of Congress" in the pass­ Northhampton County solicitor. ing of our beloved colleague, "TAD" WAL­ CONSENT CALENDAR "TAD" soon became known as an ex­ TER. It has been a great privilege and TRANSFERRED pert parliamentarian and over the years honor for me to serve with him in the Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask was frequently selected to preside when House. I shall always cherish the most unanimous consent that business in the House sat as Committee of the Whole pleasant memories of our association, order under clause 4, rule XIIT, the Con­ for the consideration of complex and and I shall miss his wise counsel. In his sent Calendar rule, be transferred to to­ controversial legislation. He never passing, I have lost one of my closest morrow. avoided an assignment. He carried out friends. To his dear ones I extend my The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the chores of chairman of the patronage heartfelt condolences. the request of the gentleman from committee well and efficiently. "TAD" Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the Oklahoma? also served as chairman of the Demo­ gentleman yield? There was no objection. cratic caucus with fairness and dignity. Mr. MORGAN. Mr: Speaker, I yield He always did his best to win when he to the distinguished majority leader. sought enactment of legislation. "TAD" Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I join my SPECIAL ORDERS TRANSFERRED always regarded as one of his greatest colleagues in this expression of sadness accomplishments the enactment, in over the death of one of the giants of Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask spite of a Presidential veto, of the Mc­ this House and of this generation. Al­ unanimous consent that the special or­ Carran-Walter Immigration Act. though "TAD" WALTER suffered from a ders for today be transferred to tomor­ The passage of this controversial law lingering illness of a character that row and that they be called prior to the did not lose him the affection and regard meant that recovery was almost impos­ special orders scheduled for tomorrow. of those who opposed it. "TAD's" un­ sible, I was not prepared for the shock­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to doubted conviction that he was in the ing news flashed over the radio on Fri­ the request of the gentleman from Okla­ right and his scrupulous fairness in de­ day afternoon. homa? bate added to his prestige and the esteem "TAD" WALTER was a man of extraor­ There was no objection. in which his colleagues held him. dinary proportions measured by any His service as chairman of the Ju­ standards. He was dynamic. He was diciary Subcommittee on Immigration resourceful. He was confident. He was GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND was marked by his humanitarian sym­ articulate. He was resolute. He was a Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, without pathy for the plight of refugees. More tower of strength in this House. He was establishing a precedent, I ask unani­ than any other, he was responsible for a patriot who carried on an unyielding mous consent that all Members may be the efforts to help displaced persons. fight against the Communist menace. permitted to insert their remarks in the Last year, "TAD" was cited by the U.S. He was a great lawyer. He was a suc­ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD today and in­ Committee for Refugees for his deep con­ cessful businessman. He was a legisla­ clude therewith extraneous matter. cern for the problems of refugees and for tive architect who had few equals in our The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the broad humanitarian approach of the time. The statute books are weighted the request of the gentleman from Okla­ 1962 refugee act. with his monumental contributions. He homa? "TAD" was versatile in his legislative was a skillful parliamentarian. He was There was no objection. interests and in his early years in the a pillar of strength to every Speaker who 1963 CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD- HOUSE 9917 has presided over this body in. his time. About a week ago-on May .26, to be needs of the hour and the times. FRAN­ He was an outstanding servant of the exact-he celebrated his 69th birthday. crs WALTER was: one 'o:f' those strong men House and of his party in the House. Confined to a hospital with an illness who not only dared to give expression He was a great asset to the House not the genius of man has yet to find a cure, to his feelings and views but to work only as a legislative craftsman, but as an it could not be. much of a birthday cele­ tirelessly and effectively to translate · example. His character, his life, and his bration for him. Nonetheless, it was for those views into policies which have given service helped to maintain the great me a day for rejoicing. We rejoiced that added strength to the Nation. He was ideals and traditions of the House and to "TAD" was still with us in a prayerful formidable in debate, a tenacious fighter elevate in the public-mind this institu- hope that in the miracle of life God for principle, and one of the most able tion as the most faithful servant of the would grant him and us the miracle of parliamentarians this body has known American people.
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