E504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 2, 2004 by the State of Texas. He was appointed to now—and from Congress, which built our In- erans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars; he has the Texas State Board of Morticians by Gov- telligence Community five decades ago to fight a seat on the California Veterans Board and is ernors Price Daniels, John Connally, Preston an enemy that no longer exists. a member of the National Legislative Com- Smith and Dolph Briscoe. But those of us in Congress must also do mittee of the American Legion. He served two Charlie knew Aransas Pass was a great our part. terms with distinction as Chairperson of the Al- place to live and that the area would flourish That is why we are introducing a major leg- lied Council of the Veterans Home in if it had a solid educational hub. So in May islative proposal—the Intelligence Trans- Yountville. As Chair of the Allied Council Mr. 1959, he ran and was elected to the school formation Act of 2004 (H.R. 4104)—a set of Lattman appeared before California State Sen- board. This position enabled him to use his critical and urgent reforms for the Intelligence ate and Assembly Committees, speaking on ability to inspire, attract and engage students Community. the behalf of veterans more than 100 times. and parents to work together to support aca- The highlight of this proposal is the creation Mr. Lattman’s many trips to the legislature demic excellence, and enhance pride in their of a Director of National Intelligence (a ‘‘DNI’’), helped the Home receive needed funds for community. Mr. Marshall continues today to who has budgetary and statutory authority projects such as construction of new water visit the school campuses and talk to the stu- over the entire Intelligence Community. This is and electric systems, improving the recreation dents. He attends the Panther Sports events not a new idea. And it is not a Democratic building, cemetery renovations, and the pur- and supports many school activities that pro- idea. It was one of reforms recommended by chase of a new x-ray machine as well as a vide young people a chance to represent their the bipartisan, bicameral 9/11 Joint Congres- whole host of other improvements. In spite of severe physical limitations and school and community. sional Inquiry. major disabilities, he has distinguished himself In addition to his exemplary service to his But our legislation does more. We are also as a selfless crusader on behalf of other vet- profession and the local educational commu- proposing ‘‘jointness’’ in collection, analysis erans. He has demonstrated with distinction nity, Charlie has also served in civic, chari- and dissemination of intelligence. We believe that one of the major deficiencies in our Intel- the creed, ‘‘Veterans Helping Veterans.’’ table and social organizations which propel Larry Lattman is being recognized this year the community and its citizens to prosperity. ligence Community is the fact that there are fifteen intelligence agencies—operating with for his outstanding contributions as a veteran’s These organizations include the Veterans of advocate by the Veterans Home during Foreign Wars, where he received the Good different rules, cultures, and databases—that do not work as one, integrated Intelligence Yountville’s Founders Day Celebration. He is Citizenship Award, and the Aransas Pass being inducted into the Yountville Veteran Chamber of Commerce, where he has served Community. We also believe that our Intelligence Com- Home’s hall of fame, their highest honor. for many years as an officer. He is credited as Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate at this time munity must leverage the power of information the founder and early organizer of the that we recognize Larry Lattman for his con- technology to help our intelligence profes- Shrimporee Festival, which continues to ben- tributions and service to the people of our efit San Patricio County. He was a distin- sionals share data in real-time. The United country. States has the best IT capabilities in the guished director of the Overbid Property Trust, f whose proceeds built the Aransas Pass Public world, but we have scarcely touched that po- Library. He was awarded the Aransas Pass tential to help the IC do its job. A TRIBUTE TO SOUTH MOUNTAIN Citizen of the Year Award 1972, and the cov- Finally, the Act would create a new WMD HIGH SCHOOL eted Murl Smith Award in 1981. Mr. Marshall Proliferation Threat Integration Center was one of the founders of the Aransas Pass (PROTIC) to provide integrated tasking of col- HON. ED PASTOR Associated Charities, which later grew into the lection and analysis on the WMD proliferation OF ARIZONA Christian Service Center, serving thousands of threat. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At a time when much of Washington is needy families and children. Thursday, April 1, 2004 fingerpointing, we hope this legislation today The citizens of Aransas Pass honored Mr. will add some light to the heat surrounding the Mr. PASTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you Marshall by naming an elementary school in subject of intelligence failures. today to proudly pay tribute to South Mountain recognition of his many community and edu- We had hoped to produce a bipartisan bill— High School, in Phoenix, Arizona, which cele- cational contributions. It is my pleasure to pay and we believe that it will ultimately be a bi- brates its 50th anniversary this year. homage to Charlie Marshall on the House partisan bill because it is good policy and be- This distinguished school in the Phoenix Floor for his tireless efforts and 45 years of cause of its bipartisan parentage. We shared Unified High School District first opened its stellar leadership in education. I must also our legislative ideas with the majority on our doors in February of 1954. For the last five commend Charlie’s late wife Gayle, his daugh- Committee, but we did not want the legislative decades it has proudly served the educational ter, Marty, and son, Bill, who not only sup- year to pass while awaiting their response. needs of the students in south Phoenix and ported his service to Aransas Pass, but have The terrorists and the enemies of the United has become one of the most dynamic schools shared his compassion and commitment. States will not wait until after November to plot in the district, offering five magnet programs: I ask my Congressional Colleagues to join their attacks—nor will they check our party aviation and aerospace education, law-related me in commending Mr. Charles Marshall for registration before they launch those attacks studies, performing arts (drama, music, and his exceptional career and contributions to the against us. We cannot afford to wait. This task dance), visual arts (drawing, painting, ceram- great State of Texas and our Nation. is urgent. We must act now. ics, sculpture, computer art and photography), f and communication art (print, radio, television f and film). INTRODUCTION OF THE INTEL- HONORING LARRY LATTMAN, From its student body to its administrative LIGENCE TRANSFORMATION ACT NAPA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA team, SMHS’s history of success is lengthy. OF 2004 Accommodating up to 3,000 students at times, HON. MIKE THOMPSON the school has been able to maintain one of HON. JANE HARMAN OF CALIFORNIA the highest graduation and attendance rates in OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the district. In addition, throughout the years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students at SMHS have consistently improved Thursday, April 1, 2004 their test scores in every category. Thursday, April 1, 2004 Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, The administrative staff at SMHS is also a Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, today my col- I rise today to recognize my good friend Larry reason to boast. Of the seven National Board leagues and I on the House Permanent Select Lattman. Mr. Lattman’s outstanding contribu- Certified Teachers in the district, four teach at Committee on Intelligence are initiating a call tions and dedication to our country are truly South Mountain. The school has produced the to action. appreciated. District Teacher of the Year for the past two The problems plaguing American intel- A highly regarded member of the commu- years, and Assistant Principal Robert Estrada ligence are too grave, and the potential dam- nity, Larry Lattman was born in Los Angeles, was named 2002 Arizona Class 5–A Athletic age to U.S. national security, force protection California. After graduating from high school Director of the Year. Furthermore, the Admin- in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, too impor- he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps where he istrative team at South Mountain has the long- tant to justify delay. served with tremendous honor and valiance in est tenure of any team in the district. Patricia These problems require urgent attention the Korean War. Tobin, in her sixth year, has the second long- from the President—who has the power to fix Larry Lattman is a member of the Marine est tenure as a current principle at a Phoenix some identified problems with our intelligence Corps League, AMVETS, Jewish War Vet- Union school. VerDate mar 24 2004 03:25 Apr 03, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AP8.015 E02PT1.
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