April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E771 Residents throughout the Eastern Upper Pe- Medicare reimbursement rates by 30 percent tion’s true pioneers, a man who has graced ninsula describe Mr. Campbell as a quiet, but for colonoscopies performed in an outpatient the United States with his bravery and service, determined planner who knows the specifics setting, and by 10 percent for procedures per- both as a Tuskegee Airman and an out- of every project down to the last detail. Never formed in the physician’s office, to ensure that standing citizen of Milwaukee where he re- one to seek credit for a particular project, he Medicare beneficiaries have access to these sided for over 50 years. The man I am talking is known for his quiet demeanor, moving lifesaving procedures. Moreover, increasing about, Mr. Hazelle ‘‘Von’’ Hickman died March projects along to completion, but always hum- colonoscopy screening rates will generate sig- 14, 2007. Mr. Hickman’s death came just two bly sharing the acclaim with those around him. nificant long-term savings for the Medicare weeks before the Tuskegee Airmen were be- After over thirty years of service, Mr. Camp- program, in the form of foregone costs for latedly honored in Washington, D.C. with the bell is retiring. This weekend, residents of costly colorectal cancer treatment. Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest Chippewa County, Sault Ste. Marie and the Medicare also does not currently pay for a honor that can be conferred by Congress on Eastern Upper Peninsula will come together to physician office visit prior to a screening March 29, 2007. honor Mr. Campbell for his many years of colonoscopy. Colonoscopy procedures involve Mr. Hickman enlisted in the Army Air Force labor on behalf of economic growth in the sedation, so physicians generally do not per- in 1940. He became one of the Tuskegee Air- Upper Peninsula. As this humble, hardworking form them without an office visit prior to the men specializing in weapons maintenance and man enters well-deserved retirement, I ask procedure to obtain the patient’s medical his- enemy aircraft plotting. The Tuskegee Airmen that you, Madam Speaker, and the entire U.S. tory and to educate the patient about the were a dedicated, determined group of young House of Representatives join me in congratu- steps he or she needs to take in order to pre- men who fought many obstacles and extreme lating Mr. John Campbell and in wishing him pare for the colonoscopy. A number of states prejudice to become America’s first Black mili- and his wife, Geri, all the best for many years actually require this pre-operative consultation. tary airmen. Mr. Hickman was stationed in to come. Medicare pays for this pre-operative visit when New Guinea and the Philippines. He received f a colonoscopy is being performed in order to a Philippines Liberation Ribbon, American diagnose a patient—but it does not pay for Theater Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Cam- THE INTRODUCTION OF THE such a visit prior to screening colonoscopies, paign Medal with 2 Bronze Stars, Good Con- COLON CANCER SCREENING FOR even though the procedure is the same and duct Medal and a Citation from President Tru- LIFE ACT presents the same risks to the patient. This bill man before his Honorable Discharge. fixes this discrepancy by providing Medicare Mr. Hickman received the JC Penney Gold- HON. RICHARD E. NEAL reimbursement for the office visit that takes en Rule Award in recognition of outstanding OF MASSACHUSETTS place prior to the screening colonoscopy. volunteer service, was a leader in his neigh- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Finally, reducing financial requirements on borhood block watch, and was active in local Wednesday, April 18, 2007 beneficiaries will encourage more people to politics. He was blessed with an outstanding take advantage of this preventive benefit. It singing voice and was a member of the Senior Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Madam Speak- was with this intent that Congress agreed to Choir at Shiloah Evangelical Lutheran Church er, I rise today in support of the Colon Cancer waive the Part B deductible as part of the Def- and was the first African American member of Screen for Life Act, which I am introducing icit Reduction Act of 2005. Unfortunately, the Pabst Choir. along with Congressman PHIL ENGLISH (R–PA) since that time, CMS has misinterpreted this Mr. Hickman was born in Inverness, Mis- and Congressman ED TOWNS (D–NY). Accord- provision of law, claiming that the deductible is sissippi, on February 14, 1920. After com- ing to the American Cancer Society, this year only waived if the beneficiary has a ‘‘clean’’ pleting military service, Mr. Hickman moved to alone, 52,180 Americans will die from colon screening, but maintaining that the deductible Milwaukee in 1946. He worked for Pabst cancer. In my own state of Massachusetts, still applies if the screening results in taking a Brewery and retired after a 30 year tenure. Mr. 1,180 people will lose their life to this deadly biopsy or if a cancerous or pre-cancerous Hickman met and married his wife of 60 years, disease. What makes statistics such as these polyp. Under this nonsensical policy, a bene- Minnie (nee Prince) in Milwaukee. He is sur- all the more tragic is that unlike other forms of ficiary is left not knowing whether or not the vived by his daughter, Gina Hickman, and cancer, colorectal cancer is highly detectable deductible is waived until after the screening. sons Craig Hickman and Jop Blom and many and even treatable if it is caught early through Those whose ability to pay is limited are there- relatives and friends. I am honored to have a colonoscopy screening examination. fore simply choosing not to take the risk. This this opportunity to pay tribute to Mr. Hickman Recognizing the importance of early inter- bill would require that the deductible be for his singular courage and unwavering com- vention, Congress acted to provide Medicare waived for all screenings, regardless of the mitment to our country and to Milwaukee. coverage for colorectal cancer screening outcome. f (CRC) through colonoscopy in the Balanced Madam Speaker, as the old saying goes, Budget Act of 1997 and further expanded in ‘‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of DENY VISA TO HUN SEN’S 2000 when the colonoscopy benefit was cure.’’ This bill embodies this wisdom. In pass- HENCHMAN added for high risk beneficiaries. Under this ing the Colon Cancer Screen for Life Act, we benefit, a low risk beneficiary is entitled to re- will not only be able to save lives but we will HON. DANA ROHRABACHER ceive a colonoscopy once every ten years and also be able to save money. According to the OF CALIFORNIA a high risk beneficiary is entitled to a American Cancer Society, 153,760 new cases IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colonoscopy every two years. Despite this, re- were diagnosed this year. Each of these Wednesday, April 18, 2007 cent studies have shown that patients are not cases will cost Medicare between $35,000 and utilizing coverage of CRC preventive $80,000 per patient to treat. For the bargain Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speaker, I screenings. According to the Government Ac- price of a little over $200 dollars, we can stop rise today to express my grave concerns countability Office (GAO), since the implemen- this cancer before it starts. Seems to me that about a visit tomorrow by Cambodia’s national tation of the benefit in 1998, the percentage of is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart Chief of Police, Hok Lundy, to the FBI’s head- Medicare beneficiaries receiving either a thing to do. quarters here in Washington. It is not an over- screening or a diagnostic colonoscopy has in- I hope my Colleagues agree and will join statement to say that Hok Lundy’s involvement creased by only one percent. me and Representatives ENGLISH and TOWNS in human rights abuses, human and narcotics A key reason for the low rate of in support of this important piece of legislation. trafficking, and political violence should place colonoscopy screening in the Medicare popu- him at the top of our list of people to keep out f lation is rapidly declining rates of reimburse- of the U.S., not at the top of our list of people ment for the procedure. Medicare reimburse- IN TRIBUTE TO MR. HAZELLE with whom to try to cooperate. ment for colonoscopies performed in the out- ‘‘VON’’ HICKMAN Indeed, it was the FBI itself that labelled the patient setting has dropped by 33 percent March 1997 grenade attack on an opposition from the initial 1998 levels. In many states HON. GWEN MOORE rally in Phnom Penh, which killed more than a today, Medicaid payment rates actually ex- OF WISCONSIN dozen and wounded many others, including an ceed Medicare reimbursement for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American, as a terrorist attack. In the days colonoscopy. Unless we reverse this trend to- after the July 1997 coup d’etat, Hok Lundy led ward declining reimbursement, physicians will Wednesday, April 18, 2007 forces loyal to Prime Minister Hun Sen— no longer be able to offer colonoscopies to Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Madam Speak- forces who were implicated in the extrajudicial Medicare beneficiaries. This bill increases er, I rise today to recognize one of our na- killings. Credible evidence suggests that Hok VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:46 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18AP8.008 E18APPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC74 with REMARKS.
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