Newsletter SouthernSouthern CaliforniaCalifornia AssociationAssociation ofof ForestersForesters && FireFire WardensWardens OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 2013-2014 OFFICERS President Frank Vidales—LAC First Vice President Tom Plymale—LPF Second Vice Pres.– Steve Reeder—SLU Secretary Gordon Martin—CNF Treasurer David Leininger—LAC retired DIRECTORS Robert Michael-RRU Troy Whitman—SCE Dan Snow—BDF Brian Skerston—ANF Bart Kicklighter—SQF Kurt Zingheim—MVU An Association dedicated to the Ken Cruz—ORC Dave Witt—KRN Training and Safety of Southern Vaughan Miller—VNC California Wildland Firefighters for Tim Ernst—LFD Ron Janssen—BDU over 83 years. Chris Childers - SBC Vacant—CSR Ed Shabro—Vendor Representative Paul H. Rippens—Newsletter Editor Doug Lannon—Arrangements Don Forsyth—Safety We, the members of the Southern California Association of Foresters and Fire Wardens, do band together for the purpose of strengthening inter-agency cooperation, fire safety coordination, and fellowship. Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of the Southern Colby Fire— page 6 California Association of Foresters and Fire Wardens February 7, 2014, Buellton, California 1 Fire Whirls fire protection agencies involved with watershed protection were eligible members in the area From President Frank Vidales including San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties and south to the Mexican border. The organization has continued much as it was originally The Officers and Board organized and is active at the time of this writing. of Directors held the In retrospect little has changed in terms of how we second planning meet- lead, communicate, and collaborate as an organi- ing in Buellton, California zation and how we interact during all risk incidents on February 7, 2014. to meet our respective missions. The fact of the Although we were greet- matter is effective leadership and relationships are ed by Mother Nature paramount to successful outcomes. I firmly with moderate rainfall, believe that these guiding principles are why the the picturesque scenery Southern California Association of Foresters and that we are all accus- Fire Wardens is still in existence today and vital to tomed to in the Central Coast during this time of its continued relevance amongst the wildland fire year resembled a parched landscape typical of the community. The other key to our organization’s dog days of summer. A reminder that unless we future is the continued push for transparency and receive a ”March Miracle”, where the stubborn diversity in people, ideas, and concepts. By high pressure suddenly shifts, and a river of embracing inclusiveness, the organization will be storms hammers the state, Southern California will better prepared to evolve and adapt to a changing endure its third consecutive year with below landscape. Keep up the great work and I’m look- normal precipitation. This does not bode well for ing forward to seeing everyone on May 1-2, 2014. our natural resources, economy, and wildfire risk. At the onset of the meeting, I read an excerpt from C. Raymond Clar’s book, CALIFORNIA GOVERN- MENT and FORESTRY II (1969), which set the stage for a highly productive meeting. In April 1929 the Southern California Association of Foresters and Fire Wardens was organized. County Forester of Los Angeles, Spence D. Turner and County Forester Frank E. Dunne of Santa Barbara were the responsible organizers. The first meeting was held in the Santa Barbara Courthouse, and host Dunne was elected president. Several U.S. Forest Service officials were made members of the Board of Directors, as were W.H. Coupe, Ed Nelander, and Roger V. Wood of the Division of Forestry. The purpose of the organization was to “bring about a better and more efficient means of fire prevention, fire protection and watershed conservation.” The Life members Dave Bianchi and Don Oaks members were to be “men actually charged with share a few minutes at the 2013 Conference responsibility for the work.” The personnel of all 2 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF FORESTERS AND FIRE WARDENS The Board of Directors has begun working on the 84TH Annual Wildland Fire Training and Safety Conference that will be held on May 1 & 2, 2014 at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center in Orange County, California. If you have any comments, please contact us through our e-mail address at [email protected] You can now go directly to our web site by scanning the QRC (quick response code) with your smart Foresters & Fire Wardens contact information: phone. Mailing—SCAFFW, c/o Gordon P. Martin 1147 E. 6th Street, Corona, CA 92879 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.scaffw.org Cover Photo The Colby Fire rages in the hills above Glendora and “Like” us on Facebook at Azusa as a Super Scooper heads toward the incident after filling up from the lake behind Santa Fe Dam. Foresters & Fire Wardens Photo by Andrew Morris New Facebook Page SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF FORESTERS AND FIRE WARDENS Did you or are you thinking of 84TH ANNUAL WILDLAND FIRE changing your E-mail address? TRAINING AND SAFETY CONFERENCE. Please remember to contact the SCAFFW at [email protected] and let May 1 & 2, 2014 us know so we can send you your newsletters and other important Check our web site for further information. information www.scaffw.org 3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION Motion by Treasurer Leininger seconded by Director of FORESTERS & FIRE WARDENS- Cruz, to approve the minutes. The motion was approved. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 7, 2014 Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Leininger presented his report covering December 6, 2013 to February 7, 2014. The meeting of the Southern California Association of Foresters and Fire Wardens was called to order by Balance as of 12-6-13 $ 2 4 , 2 3 2 . 7 4 President Frank Vidales at 0903 hours at Buellton, Total Receipts: $0.00 Santa Barbara County, California on February 7, 2014. Disbursements: Chief Dyer from the Santa Barbara County FD David Leininger (2014 Conf. Insurance) $550.00 addressed the group thanking them for coming to the Total Disbursements: $550.00 county and for carrying on our rich history and Balance on hand: $23,682.74 traditions. Last year at this time: $26,798.10 Officers and Directors Present: Motion by Director Whitman, second by Director Frank Vidales – Los Angeles County Fire Dept. Childers to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Tom Plymale – Los Padres National Forest The motion was approved. Steve Reeder – CAL FIRE – San Luis Obispo Co. Gordon Martin – Cleveland National Forest. Committee Reports: David Leininger – Treasurer Arrangements: Chairman Lannon reported that Chris Childers – Santa Barbara County Fire Dept Treasurer Leininger and he spoke with Michael Jacobus Kurt Zingheim – CAL FIRE – San Diego County and everything is looking good. Treasurer Leininger Vaughan Miller – Ventura County Fire Dept. reported that the facility has requested that we main- Doug Lannon – Arrangements Chair tain a liability insurance policy of $2 million and that he Tim Ernst – Los Angeles Fire Dept. has purchased that policy. Chairman Forsyth asked if Robert Michael – CAL FIRE – Riverside County he should pursue acquiring refreshments from the same Ken Cruz – Orange County Fire Authority source that he was able to obtain them for free last year. Don Forsyth – Safety Chair President Vidales gave him permission to do so Troy Whitman – Southern California Edison Dan Snow – San Bernardino National Forest Program: First Vice President Plymale led a discus- Ron Jansen – CAL FIRE – San Bernardino Co. sion on the proposed programs for the 2014 conference. David Witt – Kern County Fire Dept. The emphasis this year is on quality over quantity. Bart Kicklighter – Sequoia National Forest After a discussion of various options and to fit more quality speakers into the program, it was decided to Officers and Directors Absent: start the conference at 0900 hrs. on Thursday and end Ed Shabro – Vendor Representative at 1300 hrs. on Friday. Paul H. Rippens – Newsletter Editor Color Guard: The CALFIRE Honor Guard. Brian Skerston – Angeles National Forest Keynote Speaker: The keynote speaker will be Jim Guests: Featherstone, Interim Chief for LA City. Don Oaks – Life Member Emcee: The emcee will be Steve Martin again this year. Anthony Caezza – Life Member There was a discussion of topics for the program which Mike Dyer – Chief, Santa Barbara County Fire Dept. included availability and priorities. The following are Trevor Johnson – Member, Ventura County Fire Dept. the speakers and topics for the Conference: Dave Bianchi – Life Member Wildland Firefighter Foundation – Vickie Minutes: President Vidales presented the minutes of Minor/ Brendan McDonough the December 6, 2013 meeting. Correction was made Rim Fire DOD UAV – Mark Hafner by Director Childers that he was not the person to Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index/Seasonal second the motion to have each of the Directors give Outlook – Tom Rolinski $75 to Director Ernst for the purchase of raffle prizes. 4 Why Things Go Right, Why Things Go Wrong - for plaques and bring the information to the next meet- Gordon Graham, Graham Research Consultants ing. “Make Yourself Hard to Kill” Jason Brezler, Leadership Under Fire, Inc., FDNY, Major- Life Membership Recommendations: There were USMC no Life Member nominations. Life Member Oaks urged Successional Planning – John Hawkins the Association to not forget the retirees out there that Powerhouse Fire—John Tripp would be willing to volunteer their services and experi- ence. Exhibits and Demonstrations: Second Vice New Business: There was no new business. President Reeder reported that he has been in contact with Representative Shabro to prepare the letter with Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Board of the current rates and that it is ready to go out. He Directors of the Southern California Association of would like to prepare a site map along the lines of an Foresters and Fire Wardens will be held April 4, 2014 in incident base/camp map.
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