Y Inv I ST. JOSEPH, MO, ’s gifted ministry rocks area By REV. C. B. ROBERTS Words are simply inadequate to amply of miles away, from Colorado, Montana, portray the scenes which have been en- Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Ar- ‘xtcd at the huge auditorium in the heart kansas, Oklahoma, and other states. Sis- of the city of St. Joseph. It would remind ter Louise Nankivell has a sign-gift minis- one of a duplication of the great revivals try. The gifts of the Spirit were manifested one reads about in the 8th chapter of Acts, nightly. when Samaria was filled with great joy in The gift of discernment was prominent hearing and seeing the miracles which Phil- throughout the meetings as she described lip did. their diseases, their condition and charac- Never before in the history of the city ter, often many things that would be a has there been such great manifestations hindrance to their healing. These people ol the working of the Spirit through a were total strangers to her and things sign gifted ministry. The whole city is talk- about them were only made known to her ing about this great meeting. One need not 1, ivirs. Lloyd numl~~irey,IYJ3 Wank by these revelations of the Lord. They inquire about this revival for it is the topic were called out of the audience, prayed Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri, do hereby of conversation on the street, in the buses, declare the lollowing tcstimony to be ac- for and healed, on the spot, coming back in the restaurants, hotels, shops, schools, to give public testimony of remarkable curate adtruthful. churches, and homes. I have suffered with heart trouble, and healings. Some of these conversations would bring Prophecy was manifested several times being a nurse 1 tried to obtain the best tears to your eyes to hear these folks talk medical help possible. My heart was en- in the meeting as she yielded to the work- in their own way of the strange and un- larged to the point where it resembled a ings of the Holy Ghost. One night there usual doings which have brought a revela- was no preaching only prophecy which was long-necked gourd, reaching from the ribs tion of the works of God, and have opened on the left to beyond the midline on the filled with the Word of God and there was “ the scriptures to thousands in this city. right and pressing the diaphram. Instead People from all faiths and all walks of a tremendous response at the altar call Iof the regular rhythm of the normal heart, life came by the thousands and were made for souls seeking Salvation. Sinners came had “gallop rhythm,” or irregular beat- to believe when seeing with their eyes, nightly in response to the Salvation iiT- ing, so that I was in pain most of the the Gifts of the Spirit in operation. vitation until hundreds came forward time. The pain extended down the left arm, throughout the meeting: through the chest and up the left side of Great crowds attended every service as my neck. My breathing was very laborious ministers and people came from hundreds (Continued on Page 3) and I also had “Cardiac Asthma,” with the lung tissues filling with fluid which had to be coughed up. This condition made Mrs. Frances Canterbury, 113 W. Hyde Park Ave., on the cot in the center, was car- ried to the Auditorium. years ill from arthritis, she been bedfast for two months. breathing almost impossible. ~~,,~d~~~~~~six had to dehydrate the fluid wel-e given 1 The pain was too great for her to walk, she could not feed herself, and she could not was placed under an oxygen tent as soon bend her left knee. She rose from the cot, walked and bent her knee. The Rev. C. B. Roberts is at the right, and Evang. Nankivell bends over Mrs. Canterbury. as an attack was over. Along with the heart condition came the complication of Bright’s Disease which produces decom- pensation or dropsy, and I had only a 35% kidney function. The kidneys are a filter of the body and when they fail to Junction, poisons are retained in the body. As a re- sult of this last, a severe case of arthritis was brought on and I was bedfast from Aug. 3, 1950 until March 1951, being un- able to walk as the arthritis struck from the pelvis downward. I had been given up by the physicians and lold I was beyond medical help and could only live a short time. But then the miracle happened! Sister Louise Nan- kivell came to our city to hold a revival rneeting [,was taken in an antbdance to (Continued on Page 6) .,.-_. Page. Le/i: Evangelistic Temple of Houston, Texas, n 9500,000 structure of which Raymond T. Richey is founder. Evangelist Rudy Cerullo has just re- cently conducted a campaign there. ~ retary, and EarlJ. A. Richey, field secretary. Mrs. Andrew Richey was raised from a Led of affliction when the doctors had given her up, stating “Here’s a chance to try your faith.” God did heal her and after these many years her testimony still stan‘ds. The work of the Association is nation- wide and reaches into many countries out- side our own-a work of prayer, of litera- ture distribution, of radio broadcasts and. of special ministry to Armed Service per- sonnel, particularly in Hospitals and train- ing centers. Raymond T. Richey Joins T V H Evangelistic Temple, situated down town near the beautiful Music Hall and Coli- seum, is a church with a continuous re- AS Interna ti o na I Edit0.r vival, a daily radio broadcast, a Sunday School enrollment of more than 700, and a Beginning with the next issue of THE During World Wars I and 11, he devoted prayer room that is always open. VOICE OF HEALING, we will bring you much of his time working among,the men Every worker at the Temple is a con- il series of articles on the ministry of Ray- in the service of our nation, first as a secrated. Christian, capable of leading a Civilian Chaplain, later as “Camp Pastor” mond T. Richey, founder J.and co-pastor soul to Christ, and it would be an unusual (with his brother Andrew Richey) of in the first war. During World War 11, the day indeed, if from six to ten people did the Evangelistic Temple, in Houston, Texas. great “red, white and blue tent” went from not come to the Temple during office hours Plans have been made to include Brother Florida to Seattle, Washington and back, with problems of some sort, and be shown Richey on our staff as international editor, always near Training Centers. Now that by these workers that the solution to the thus giving THE VOICE OF HEALING our country is in a so-called “Cold War,” problem lay in surrender to Christ and ac- the benefit of his wide range of contacts he is as vitally interested in the spiritual ‘ceptance oiHis salvation. with the religious world. well-being of our Service men and women Raymond Richey has been ior many as ever. years one of America’s best known evang- His time is divided between the Evang- Since Louise Nankivell is one of elists and advocates of Divine Healing. elist+ Temple, a church which reaches far our new associate editors, we hoped Healed, while still a very young man, of beyond the confines of Houston, with min- to have included her picture with the almost total blindness, which specialists isters and missionaries in many places in group. We regret that a photograph declared would become total in a matter the United States and on foreign fields, was not available in time. of weeks, he began preaching the Gospel who began their ministry and went out at once. Later healed of tuberculosis, after from the Evangelistic Temple, and the promising God he would use the health and Richey Evangelistic Association, with head- ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI strength giiren him to tell the story of the quarters at the Temple. /Continued from Preceding Page) Christ who is “the same yesterday and The Association is the outgrowth of the I believe this woman has the gift of today and forever ;” he has been doing just United Prayer and WorkersI, League, organ- Faith, in the face of impossible cases. as he promised. Over a million souls have ized during World War with RaymondJ. She possesses a faith that will not be answered the altar calls, and thousands Richey as president, and Mrs. Andrew denied. In one case, a man who had have been prayed for for the healing of Richey as secretary. At this time Raymond received a spinal injury in a car their bodies in the great campaigns across Richey is president, Andrew 5. Richey, vice wreck, paralyzing him from the waist the country. president, Leonard R. Richey, general sec- down, so that it was difficult for him to get around even with crutches, at- SUBSCRIBE TO tended the meeting. Sister Nankivell prayed for him and told him to put THE VOICE IOF. HEALING away his crutches. He crumpled to the 71I of floor, but she insistently commanded his paper, which carries the news, the Great Day Healing Campaigns, special him to rise and walk, and he straight- sermons by leading men on the field, will be of special help to all those vho are in ened up as by a miracle, to the amaze- need of healing or who desire to have their faith strengthened and encouraged.
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