September 19, 1940 5c a copy THE WITNESS BISHOP JOHNSON Heads Witness Staff at Convention THE VALUE OF LOYALTY Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS FERGUSON, E. B., was ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Darst of East Carolina, Stye General tUfjecrlagicai in St. Paul’s Church, Greenville, North K E M P E R T m X Carolina, on September 3. He is in charge of St. Paul’s Church, Clinton, St. Gabriel’s Church, Faison, and Grace Church, White- KENOSHA, WISCONSIN Three-year undergraduate ville, all in North Carolina. course of prescribed and elective Episcopal Boarding and Day School KIESSEL, H., was deposed by the Bishop of Preparatory to all colleges. Unusual study. Atlanta on August 8, 1940, having renounced the ministry. opportunities in Art and Music. Fourth-year course for gradu­ Complete sports program. Junior ates, offering larger opportunity NEWMAN, C. W., formerly rector of St. School. Accredited. Address: for specialization. John’s Church, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, has accepted a call to be rector of Grace Provision for more advanced Church, Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, effective SISTERS OF ST. MARY work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. October 1. Box W. T. and D.Th. NICHOLS, J. W., retired Bishop of Shanghai, Kemper Hall Kenosha, Wisconsin China, died in Palo Alto, California, at the ADDRESS age of 62 following a long illness. PROVOST, G. W., was restored as a Presbyter THE DEAN of the Church on August 14, in Christ ST AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE Church, Houston, Texas ; his sentence of Raleigh, North Carolina Chelsea Square New York City deposition having been remitted and termi­ An accredited Church College for Negro nated by the Bishop of Texas. Youth. Coeducational. Degrees of B. A. and B. S. For Catalogue Address the Dean RIPPER, S. C., formerly chaplain of Bishop Needs of college: A larger endowment, Hopkins Hall, Burlington, Vermont, is rec­ scholarship aid for worthy students, tor of St. Paul’s Church, Vergennes, Ver­ gifts for current expenses. mont. Address The President Episcopal Theological School URBAN, R. G., formerly in charge of St. Legal Title for Bequests: James’ Church, Lake City, Florida, has Trustees of St. Augustine’s College, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS accepted election as rector of St. Peter’s Raleigh, North Carolina. Affiliated with Harvard University offers Church, Fernandina, Florida, effective Sep­ unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as tember 15. philosophy, psychology, history, VAN WINKLE, E. K., formerly assistant at sociology, etc. Grace Church, Providence, Rhode Island, is For Catalogue Address the Dean to be rector of St. Luke’s Church, Wor­ HOLDERNESS cester, Massachusetts, effective October 1. In, the White Mountains, College Preparatory WARREN, JOHN N., formerly rector of the and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For The Protestant Episcopal Epiphany, Bellevue, Pa., has accepted the boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 rectorship of Christ Church, Oyster Bay, acres of woods. New fireproof building. In­ Theological Seminary in Virginia Long Island, effective October 16. dividual attention. Home atmosphere. WEAVER, H. J., formerly priest-in-charge of Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector For Catalogue and other information St. Matthew’s Church, Bond Hill, Cincin­ address the Dean nati, Ohio, and business manager of the Box W , Plymouth, N. H. REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. Forward Movement Commission, has ac­ cepted election as rector of, St. John’s Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. Church, Sharon, Pennsylvania, effective No­ vember 1. Berkeley Stuart IfaU Divinity School All Saint-s’ Episcopal College New Haven, Connecticut Vicksburg, Mississippi Affiliated with Yale University A small church school for girls offering four Address DEAN W. P. LADD years of high school (specializing in college preparatory) and two years of college. Em­ 86 Sachem Street phasis on thorough work. Borders on the National Park in historic Vicksburg and overlooks the Mississippi. TRINITY COLLEGE Arts. Mild Climate. Outdoor Sports. A d d re ss: Hartford, Conn. The Rev. W. G. Christian, Rector Offers a general cultural education, with special emphasis on the Classics, Modern Languages, English, Economics. History, Phil­ osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, DeVEAUX SCHOOL Biology, and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. 1852-1940 For information apply, The Dean. Niagara Falls, New York A Church preparatory school for boys from the sixth grade. Small classes. Experienced in­ structors. Students may enter at any time and CARLETON COLLEGE in any grade above the fifth. Enrolment lim­ Donald J. Cowling, President ited to 120. Carleton is a co-educational liberal arts The Rt. Rev. Cameron J. Davis, D.D. college of limited enrollment and is rec­ Bishop of Western New York ognized as the Church College of Min­ President, Board of Trustees nesota. For catalogue, address Address: Assistant to the President Geo. L. Barton, Jr., Ph.D., Headmaster CARLETON COLLEGE DeVEAUX SCHOOL Niagara Falls, N. Y. Northfield Minnesota MARGARET HALL Under Sisters of St. Anne FORK UNION ( Episcopal) Small country boarding and day school for ST. AGNES SCHOOL girls, from primary through high school. A Resident and Day School for Girls MILITARY ACADEMY Accredited college preparatory. Modern build­ An Honor Christian School with the highest ing recently thoroughly renovated includes GENERAL COURSE: MUSIC AND ART academic rating. Upper School prepares for gymnasium and swimming pool. Campus of six SPORTS OF ALL KINDS university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ acres with ample playground space, hockey New Fireproof Building ern equipment. Junior School from six years. field, and tennis courts. Riding. Board and Miss Blanche Pittman, Principal Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. tuition, $700. Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. For catalog, address: Loudonville Road, Albany, N. Y. Mother Rachel, O.S.A., Box A. Versailles, Ky. St. Faith’s School Virginia Episcopal School Saratoga Springs, Health Centre of Lynchburg, Virginia America Prepares boys for colleges and university. Episcopal School for 60 girls, ages 8-18. Confirmation Instructions Splendid environment and excellent corps of Tuition $550. Regents’ examination for col­ By BISHOP JOHNSON teachers. High standard in scholarship and lege entrance. Business, Art, Music, French, 50c for single copies athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in Winter Sports. $4 for a dozen copies the mountains of Virginia. The Rev. F. Allen Sisco, Ph.D., Rector T H E WITNESS For catalogue apply to Protection, Care, Health, Education 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Assodate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson Managing Editor W illiam P. Ladd W illiam B. Spofford THE WITNESS George I. H iller Literary Editor Clifford L. Stanley A National Paper of the Episcopal Church A lbert T. Mollegen Gardiner M. Day Vol. XXIV. No. 29. SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and semi­ monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Ihe suDscrip- tion price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells fpr five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street New York City. T he Value of Loyalty By BISHOP JOHNSON HERE is no finer quality in human nature which Christ purchased with His own most pre­ T than that of loyalty to those institutions which cious blood. It is a household, a kingdom and our are the bases of our civilization. They are the Father’s house. It was characteristic of our Lord home, the state and the Church. In the decadence that He was devoted to His Father’s house even of family life there is a growing lack of loyalty though men might temporarily make it a den of to the home which lies at the foundation of social thieves. When we substitute theories for the Body orders. The home has become too much like a of Christ we put opinionativeness in our ideas for camp where one puts up for the night and a cafe­ devotion to an institution. The Church is a broth­ teria where one snatches a meal. We miss the in­ erhood and not a forum. It is based upon the fluence of family traditions as an inspiration for principle of loving one another instead of all the young. thinking alike. There is also a similar decline in loyalty to the state and the substitution of groups and isms for NE is not narrow because he is loyal to his patriotic service. Men are more concerned for O family, to his country or to his Church. their party affiliation than they are for the wel­ Rather the so-called liberal is narrow if he de­ fare of their country.' In the coming election mands that we substitue his theories for our de­ many voters will put the interests of party before votion to the Household of Faith. When you min­ that of the nation regardless of the fact that po­ imize the value of institutions you also remove litical platforms have become instruments for get­ the obligations which the home, the state and the ting on the train and party names have become la­ Church impose upon us. One does not feel the bels for empty bottles. When a party gains con­ same devotion to a federation of Churches that trol of the state it employs force to carry out the one does to the Church itself, any more than one interests of a group.
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