»-. -^ -w ■> V , r .? -■•'■■ TUESDAY, MAY 28, IWI Average Daily Net Frees Run The Weather FJLCff SIXTEEN For 8 ^ Week Ended Forecast ot D. 8. Weather B o e M gw irttig Hi^ralb May d, 1881 Partly oloody. cool tonight M i 13,326 Thursday, ohaiMe of few scettered las Anna InGaos, IM Pisssll rlod humor and aurpdao i , —^Tho Buttordy gave ua efean out showers Thursday. Lew tonight wan elsctodk chancellor and Miss Parker Member of the Audit About Town M n. B d m u o d ^ KMy. 880 W. •ealo paasaies, oven tt tho dlree* Bureun e( OIrenletleu. in 40s; High Thnreday In dOe.-----— RIgli S t, was slactsd vies presidant Announce Engagements tloa waa at thnee uncertain . Manchester— A City of Village Charm \ Th« ICudMCter BuabMU «nd of the Connactlcut Past Racenta Shows Skill The Wltohee* Danes proved Miss . EXPERT ru ifw ln n il Womtn'a C3ub vdll Club o t Daughters o f Isabella at Parker ooidd handle MacDowell In WHEEL ALIGNMENT— WHEEL BALANCING m«0t Thurwlay »t 8 p.m. «t Whiton a recent meeting in Parmington. dillerent mood—and the Flr|e VOL. L X X X NO. 199 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1961 (CIseelfled Advexlielug on Page 26) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mamorial Ubrary Auditorium. Th« Denoe left little to be deoired, RADIATOR REPAIRmG AND REARING At Keyboard ^COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE win include diacuMrion of The Manchester Ooldan Age technique and phrastng excellent­ procnun nnd project* for the com- Club will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. ly displayed throughout. SEE 4 ln|> year, membership, orientation^ ^ ANNE 8. PBATT The Warsaw Concerto is a chal­ at the East Side Recreation build­ IQas Pamela 8. Parkar^^etform- on federaUon procedures and a r^n ing. Plan* will be completed for lenge even to a veteran pianist. 4 Critically Hurt State News •d a solo piano recital last •vonlng and in is Piultw heeds ho- apology port o< the state convbnUon held the group’s banquet on June 1. la the chapel of the South Methodist last weekend in Westport, Church. for her own rendition. The intro­ duction was superb. Perhaps the Mrs. Walter' WaddeU of S t The 'promm: Woodland SCI BROAD STREET—MI 9-2012 jdanchester Lody* of Masons Petersburg, Fla., - is spending:' the Sketchea. Miud><nreU; OoUlwogg’s tqwnlng theme wsa smothered by Roundup win meet tonlglit st 7:30 at the summer with her son-in-law and exaggerated phrasing and the Kennedy Asks Publie Help Cake W alk^ehuaey: Le PapiUm, Masonic Temple. After a business plalntlveness of the nUnor mode Death Count 18 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Lavallee; mtcbea' Dance, Mac- meetlny, the entered apprentoe Fischer, 21 Flower S t DdweU; Ritual Fire Dance, De- waa missing here. However, the decree wUl be conferred, with Er- Falla; Warsaw Concerto, Addlnaell. following themes were presented House Splits land R. Johnson, senior warden, The Young Democratic Club of In thla day when physical with more vigor and assertion. The presiding. There will be a social Manchester will hold a cake sale prowess and scientific data eeem to frequent changes of key . : . the On Absolute hour and refreshments. at House and Hale department Irregular arpeggios-were accom­ In C124 Crash come flret In the Uvea of the young store Saturday at 10 *jn. Miss Lor­ generation, it la graUfvtaig to find plished with ease. The dynamics Speed Limits Temple Chapter, Order of East­ raine Leclerc and Mrs. David Barry a student of the arts who performs were acknowledged . the melody ern Star, will meet tomorrow at 8 superimposed . In thoroughly McChord Air Force Ba8e,fpertn«f, Deputy Grant Dodge, In Tractors-Captives Deal are co-chairmen.. in first class style, and seems to he p.m. at the Masonic Temple Mr. •atlsfactory manner. The Impor­ F.E.BRAY brought one suvlvor out to the H artford, May 24 (/P)— hiqipy In so doing. The preparatitm Wash., May 24 {IP)— A big tant thing here la to balance tech­ car. ■ House Democrats and Repub­ —*■ and Mj*. G. Franklin Ellis, worthy of a program of the caUbre of laat Watch and Jewelry Repairing military transport returning patron and worthy matron of evening takes time and energy and nique with adequate emotional un­ "Both hls hands and his lace licans have split sharply on Nancy Weir Fetc^ servicemen from maneuvers were badly burned,” he said w m , Rslem (N.H.) Chapter, will preside a re-asseesment of valuea. Mlaa derstanding and Miss Parker did legislation both agree should Just that . In fine fashion. / h RamonoMa PricM met di.saster five miles from "There were several bodies, badly for the initiatory work with of­ Parker was well rewarded for her be enacted—absolute maxi­ Organized ficers of Temple Chapter. The At Bridal Show er ’The engagement of Miss Don-<:^ The enagement of Mias iCarF- efforts. An unususUy large audience Mr. Fred Werner has i always takeoff today in a flaming charred.” 14Added\ Prompt Sofviea — 2 Watehmokan Nearly everything burned. Even mum speed limits for state chapter will also conduct iU an­ na Lee Park of Manchester to snn Theresa Moszer of Manches­ responded warmly to each number. shown exesUsnt Judgment In advis­ pileup that killed 18 men and ter do John Edward Bozlo o f East In the matter of technique, Misa ing program material. Miss Park­ metal melted. Hours after the highways. Their difference is nual memorial senice. Mrs. How­ Miss Nancy C. Weir of Natchaug James E. Twvnsend of Hartford MANCHBSTiai’S OLDEST ESTABLISHED JEWELER left four injured critically. ard Christensen and committee will Dr.. Glastonbuo'. " * » honored at is announced by her parents, Gil­ Hartford is announced by her par­ Parker performs with precision and er’s recital should have been a crash the wreckage still smould­ 787 MAUN ST.—STATE THEATER BUILDINO TTie C124 Globemaster fell in a ered. over what the limits should Committee serve refreshments In the banquet a pre-nuptial personal and miscel­ bert W. Park. 327 Woodbridge St., ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mqs- delicacy .. her embeUlshments gratifying experience in this re­ To List in coming through with belMlke clari­ spect. v.’ooded area minutes after It lift­ The Injured were evacuated by be. hall. laneous shower Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Eleanor Park, 4 Oakland zer. 31 Oak S t A bill passed by the Democrat- at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and ty. Also her use the pedal was She Is an honor student—and ed from a McChord runway in pre­ a helicopter crew who brought St. dawn darkness, heeded for Ft. ic-controlled Senate, setting limits Chapman Court. Order of Philip Soretto, S’^8 Parker St, Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. Mrsi John J. Bozio of Eaat Hart­ tastefuUy expMted. v has been accepted at Boston Uni­ For Funds Sill, Okla., with 15 Army men and (Continued on Page Sixteen) ranging from 55 to 70 miles an 2 Amaranth. wHl hold a rummage Manchester. Emma Townsend of Hartford. ford. Her 4>hrasing was conscientious versity College of Music . under Hoop Fix The bridal shower, attended by . .perhaps slightly overdone st scholarship grant. Its Air Force crew of seven. hour on various categories of sale at the Masonic Temple Fri­ Miss Park will be a June gradu­ Misa Mozzer is a 1958 graduate Five men got out somehow from roads, touched off a heated debate Washington, May 24 (;IP)— day at B a m. For pickup of arti­ 40 friends, was given by the bride- ate of Manchester High School. of Manchester High School, and times, living the feeling of detach­ elect’s aunts. Mrs. Alec Noble, ment where the thread of continuity the shattered, burning plane and in the House yesterday. New York, May 24 (/P)— President Kennedy today ask­ cles, call Mrs. Frank Crocker. 48 Mr. Townsend is employed by the Is employed by the Aetna Fire In­ were rushed to Madigan General Ftepublicans, who control the Russell St. Mrs. Perrv Wilkes and Mrs. Soret­ Palmer Roofing Co., Manchester. surance Co., Hartford. Mr. Bozio should have been somewhat more U.S. Sidetracks The college ba.sketball scandal ed public contributions to the to. ail of Mancheeter. The guest of evident — even with an exagger­ Hospital at nearby Ft. Lewis. One House, rejected the bill and, by A summer wedding is planned. Is a graduate of the Hartford Re­ died a few hours later. investigation in New York tractors - for - prisoners ex­ The ' Polish Ladies Alliance, honor opened gifts while seated gional Technical School, and Is ated rubato. RUMMAGE Do You Know? amendment, substituted a GOP beside a wishing well, decorated Where an occasional "typographi­ One Army man and three Air Gen. Changj on party platform measure. spread today, to a total of 2,3 change with Fidel Castro, and Group 246. will meet tomorrow at employed by Parker Hartford Force crewmen remained at Madi­ players from 15 colleges. New 7:30 p.m. at the Polish American with a pink and green roof and Corp.. Hartford. cal?” error might occur, she cov­ i g a e The Republican bill provides for disclosed he helped organize miniature rose buds and ivy trel­ Martin Studying ered It with prcrfessional aplom b- SALE gan in critical condition. an absolute maximum speed limit York District Attorney Frank the private citizens commit­ Club on Clinton St. A July 15 wedding Is planned That we can make "One of the first men at the lis. The table centerpiece was a at St.
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