![The Life-Boat](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE LIFE-BOAT, OR JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL SHIPWRECK INSTITUTION. No. 3.] IST MAY, 1852. PRICE AT the Annual General Meeting of the NATIONAL SHIPWRECK INSTITUTION held at the London Tavern on Thursday the 22nd day of April, 1852, REAR-ADMIRAL His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, PRESIDENT, in the Chair, The following Eeport of the Committee was read:— ANNUAL REPORT. Institution for the past year; to give a sum- THE year 1851 will be a memorable year mary of the wrecks that have occurred on in the annals of the Shipwreck Institution; our coasts, and of the steps that have been not only on account of the storms that taken towards saving life; to mention the strewed the coasts of the United Kingdom medals and rewards that have been granted; with a more than usual number of wrecks, the measures that have been adopted as to but especially on account of the deep interest life-boats, £c.; and, lastly, to state briefly that has recently been re-awakened through- what the Committee hope to do, in the out the country in the preservation of life course of the present year: the whole ar- from shipwreck, by the publication of the ranged under the several heads of General Report of the Life-Boat Committee, appointed Proceedings—Life-Boats—Rockets and Mor- to award the premium for the best model of tars—Shipwrecks—Rewards:—Local Com- a life-boat, offered by His Grace the Duke mittees—Publications—and Finances. of NORTHUMBERLAND, President of this Institution. General Proceedings.—Early in May last In presenting their Annual Eeport to the the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND accepted the public, the Committee congratulate the sub- office of President of the Institution, and the scribers on the accession of force and of funds Committee of Management was enlarged by that the Institution has received during the the addition of some naval officers conversant past year, and express their earnest desire with every part of the coast, some artillery that lie interest that has been excited may officers familiar with rockets, mortars, car- not only be maintained unabated, but ex- riages, &c., and some professional ship- tended throughout the length and breadth wrights. A set of Liie-Boat Regulations was of the land. They are the more encouraged prepared and extensively circulated all round in this hope from the very liberal response the coasts. An Inspector of Life-Boats was that was made to their appeal for funds in appointed, who has examined and reported on the spring of last year, especially by the the state of the life-boats, rockets, &c., on the merchant princes of London, when, within coast of Northumberland from the Tyne to a short period, upwards of 2,0001. was sub- the Tweed; and on the north coast of Corn- scribed in aid of the cause they advocate. wall and Devon, from Land's End to Bide- In the following Report it is proposed to ford; and, in the course of the autumn, some render an account of the proceedings of the Members of Committee inspected the life- No. 3. THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAT, 1852. boats on the west coast of Wales, including 30-feet boat on a similar request for Worth- the Isle of Anglesea, and those in Scotland. ing, with the addition of a contribution of 50L from the funds of the Institution towards Life-Boats.—Pending the decision of the the cost of this boat. Northumberland Committee on the 280 The delay which, owing to unavoidable models submitted for competition, it was circumstances, has occurred in building life- resolved not to take any steps towards build- boats, lias been a source of much anxiety to ing any new life-boats. A request, however, the Committee; but in a question of so much was made to the Lords Commissioners of importance, it was considered better to move the Admiralty that a life-boat might be built slowly rather than risk the making a false in H.M. dockyard at Woolwich, upon the step, which it might be necessary to retrace. design and under the superintendence of Mr. On a review of all the circumstances of the PEAKE, a Member of the Committee. This case, now that the cause for delay no longer request was readily acceded to by their Lord- exists, the Committee feel satisfied that they ships, and the Committee desire to express acted with due discretion. their great obligations for this as well as other instances of aid and co-operation on the Carriage.—A necessary adjunct to a life- part of the Admiralty. A 30-feet boat has boat, at most places, is a transporting car- accordingly been built, and a trial of her riage. As none of the models that had qualities took place at Brighton on the 3rd been submitted for competition appeared to of February last, in a strong south-west fulfil the requisite conditions, and as a good breeze; the result of which was considered life-boat carriage available both for trans- sufficiently favourable to authorize the Com- porting a boat along a beach, and launching mittee in going forward in building other it into the sea, is a problem that has never boats. yet been satisfactorily worked out, the Com- In pursuance of this decision, a 24-feet mittee applied to the Master-General and boat has been built for Sennen, at the Land's Board of Ordnance to permit a boat-carriage End, Cornwall, in acknowledgment of the to be constructed in the Royal Arsenal at gallant conduct of the Coast-guard and Woolwich; the request was liberally and fishermen of that place, on the occasion of the promptly complied with, and a carriage is wreck of the ship New Commercial on the now just completed under the superinten- Brisson Rocks, on the llth January, 1851. dence of Colonel COLQUHOUN, R.A., Director A 30-feet boat is building for Bude, in of the Carriage Department of that estab- Cornwall, and will shortly be complete; lishment, which it is anticipated will answer and a similar 30-feet boat is ordered for the purpose required. Penzance. The boat built at Woolwich is ready to go to Cullercoats ; another 30-feet Soot-houses.—Three new life-boat houses boat has been built by TEASDEL of Yar- have been built on the coast of Northum- mouth, for Hauxley; a similar boat is in berland, at Cullercoats, Newbiggin, and hand for Newbiggin, and BEECHING of Great Hauxley, under the inspection of the several Yarmouth, the successful competitor for the Local Committees at those places, and at Northumberland Premium, has instructions the cost of his Grace the President. Besides to build a boat for Boulmer. These four which, a sum of 301. has been granted from last-named places are on the coast of North- the funds of the Institution on the applica- umberland, and the latter three boats will tion of the North Devon Association, towards be at the sole cost of the President of the the erection of a new boat-house on the Institution. Besides the above-named boats Northam Burrows at Appledore, Devon ; built, and building, designs have been fur- and 291. on a similar request from the Local nished for a 25-feet boat, on the applica- Committee at Aldborough, Suffolk, and it tion of the Local Committee at Scarborough ; is gratifying to add that a boat-house is for a 27-feet boat at the request of the building at the cost of James TEEMBATH, Harbour Trustees at Whitehaven; and for a Esq. Lord of the Manor, for the life-boat ANNUAL EEPORT FOE 1852. 35 to be stationed at Sennen Cove, Land's officer of Coast-Guard at Blyth, on the same End. coast, who, having no life-boat, also went Shipwrecks.—The most painful part of the off in a fishing-coble and saved the. crew of duty of the Committee is to report the the William and Mary. But especially fearful amount of shipwrecks that have taken the Committee desire to direct attention to place around the coasts of the United King- the medals awarded to the coxswains of dom during the past twelve months. The the Liverpool, Shields, Skegness, and Sea- year 1850 was considered one of the most ton Carevv life-boats, all of whom had been disastrous on record, 681 wrecks having out many.times to save life, while three of been reported; but the past year, they re- the veteran Liverpool coxswains had gone gret to say, exceeds it in amount, and the off respectively 70, 96, and 106 times! large number of 701 vessels appear on the In addition to 33 silver medals granted Admiralty Register of Wrecks. Of these during the past year for such services, 353 were total wrecks, or sunk, or aban- considerable pecuniary rewards have also doned ; and 348 stranded and damaged so been voted for saving life from wreck, and as to require to discharge cargo. The num- among other circumstances the Committee ber of lives lost, as far as can be ascer- refer with much thankfulness to the case of tained, was 750. The most disastrous portion the Holyhead life-boat, one of the Anglesea of the year was the month of September; Branch Association, which was the means of and in the heavy storm of the 25th and 26th of saving 43 persons from theTbun of Wexford that month, 117 vessels were stranded, while steamer, wrecked at Clipera Point on the during the whole m onth the number amounted 4th January last. They have also to ac- to 153, or more than 5 a day—a loss, as knowledge the good services rendered by far as they are aware, unparalleled in recent the Anglia steamer, belonging to the Ches- times; and affording an additional proof of ter and Holyhead Railway Company, which the necessity for the utmost efforts of this promptly got her steam up, and towed the Institution.
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