jghts On - Tonight's The \Night\For Giving To [United Campaign THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second Claps Matter TV FIFTH YEAR—No. 5 FUBI Office, Weaifleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1954 36 Pages—5 Cent* olunteers Tonight Seek Mystery Owl Imposing—No Matter How You Look At It Residents Fight lited Campaign Goal Enters Y's Men's Hallowe'en Parade J Sidewalk Project orch Lights Will Guessing Contest Open to Grammar, Library Due lo OJWMI Ordinance Passes ignal Welcome High School Students Saturday or Monday Tabloid Mailed To (See other details on page 3) The new Memorial Library Over Protests The seventh annual Hallowe'en in the Municipal Building, E. Every Home Owner parade, scheduled for Friday night, Broad street and Park drive, Oct. 29, bus a Y's Owl guessing will open Saturday or Mon- Council Decides Yes "Lights on for Giving" will be contest for children through sixth day, Mii* Shirley Wright, li- In Executive Session gnalled throughout Westfield to- grade and also for junior hijrh and brarian, said yesterday, de- ight at 7:30 when home porch senior high school students. This pending upon the delivery of Despite protests hy citizens, ghts will be turned on by the year the 'Mystery Owl1 is the sym- a few more items to the new 1 i\vn Council M o nriay nijfht uardians of the lights to indicate bol of something in Westftelci. (In- building . Lssed on fiu«l reading un ordi- welcome to the United Campaign cidentally the "Y's Owl" is the Borrowers are asked lo cfill anco provitlint» for construction olunteers, and to show the fam- name of the weekly communica- We. 2-4543 to check on the P abuut «ne and a half miles of y is ready to do its part in tion distributed to members of the exact opening date before re- de walks in sections of Central e 1954 drive for $110,000 for Y's Men's Club of Westfield, which turning books. venue, Hiplvy avenue, Hoynlon upport of the Boy Scouts, the Girl annually sponsors the parade.) The unique process of mov- venue and Sycamore street. couts, the Westfield Community Tile two competitive groups are ing the book* by allowing The measure was approved by a enter, the District Nursing Asso- open to children of parochial, pri- members to borrow twice the ation, the YMCA and the YWCA. -0 count, with Councilmen H. vate and public schools—children number usually allowed is • tuurrton Tliomus and James P. The "guardian of the light" will of pre-school age may compete in mentioned in this week's issue Mitchell iifeent The proposal U of "Time" magazine. e the youngster who has been group 2. Contest pictures and rules med to enable children to keep hosen in each family to turn on are given in this issue of the ut of the road en route to and ie porch lights. The "lights on for 'Leader" and will appear again rom school. ving" will be accompanied by next week with added clues. First, olice Ask For J. It. Weiss of 1818 Boynton he blowing of automobile horns second and third prizes worth 10, .venue presented a petition op- ipils to Dance or one minute by the volunteers five, and two dollars respectively, ntf sections of the ordinance f the campaign. will be offered in each of the two |<*t'ithk t\u t weight Increase in Pay hut wns signed by 00 homeowner* ompetitions according to an an- Commuters on outgoing trains The new Municipal Building and Library, shown above at •een from acroit Mindotvaskin Lake, affected streets. The petition nouncement by publicity chairman, UN Program id busses were reminded this will be dedicated Oct. 23. rmed sideu'ulk* in Boynton street Paul J. Kranz. In addition, Mr. [orning that "Tonight is the PBA Proposes $400 unnecessary" und asked reconsid- Kranz stated that tickets to the ight" for giving by the playing ration of "the needs of tho nren Columbus Teacher Rialto Theater will be presented Annual Salary Boost f Boy Scout Troop 79 band, an nd safety hu/ards involved." Prepares Pageant to the fourth through 20th place Plans Complete For Dedication Stassen's Aide ouncements over a public address winners in each group. The Patrolmen's Honevole-tit As- Ht'piesentative.s of the Floral ystem, signs and handouts. iociation. Local 1)0, Monday night *ark Civic Association objected to [li.ss Josephine Di Miccli, direc- Duncan Mitchel, parade chair- 'pquested Town Council to lie* ordinance's culling for side* The importance of the cam- man, reports that solicitation by Of Town's New Civic Center To Speak Here o! the UN birthday pageant, aign has been further emphasized reuse the an mm I salary of all vuik.s in only u small Rector of ll today that all of Westfield's club members of local business iiembers of the YVciillii'iii IVlini Vntral avenue, the primary tat* y a tabloid mailing to every home and professional men is underway. are participating in the town. Final plans for the dedication Deadline Tomorrow Mrs. llouglilou Giicnt Department hy $400 effective Jan. et of a 27M-honie-owner petition , which will be presented Prizes received and to be awarded and public inspection of the. new list: spring. Speaking in behalf of the cam- for various costume winners will t. U at I!: 15 p.m. in the Junior Municipal Building and Memorial Of GOP Women ign committee, Robert C. Fuller, bo displayed in a store window on For Board OlTicials In a letter to the Council, l'a- The group' called for deletion S-jhool auditorium. The pa- Library have been announced by if parts of the iu'd'uuuua1 und con- encral chairman, stated, "The Elm street. This display space has Hiram Cole IIoup,hton ;i-olman Klijuh Coleman, PISA int will follow the l'i'isinfj; of Councilman Donnld H. Bagger, The deadline for submitting Mrs. incident, called for u "realistic itruction of IUIH'C sidewalks on US ami UN flnRF in the Plaza 5spon.se on the part of volunteers been donated by F. R. Doerrer of known internationally for he i the drive has been wonderful, chairman of the dedication com- suggestions to tlie Joint Civic jpward revision of police wnlar .'flit!al nvenue to make walking a (orraicny set for 2:30 p.m. Westfield. In a week or so, parade work as assistant director of Fov his expression indicates that the posters will appear in local store mittee. Committee for Board of Edu- ies to raise them from the presen theio safe for thildren and tulult^. Hiss Di Miccli, a sixth grade ifi:n. Operations Administration itizens of the town are fully windows. The postern are currently Official dedication of the build- cation nominations is tomor- substandard level which is enus The (trdinanee will not ease the •her at Columbus School, has will speak at a lunciit'tm fiive safety problems of tho urea, they ware of the problem and will sup- being made by sixth grade stu- ing will be held at 2 p.m. Satur- row. The committee is seeking by the Women*8 Itepublinm Clu ing economic hardships." l'utrol written the sei ipt for the pro- ort the campaign by generous dents. day, Oct. 23, with a brief cere- the names of qualified candi- rmm Coloman Raid the averse said. g ,in. A teaeher here for 27 years, of Westfield Tuesday at thu Ch: Dudley Davm of 1(14 Ten-ill roud ontributions. mony in the front courtyard of dates, both men and women. Am Chateau at 1 p.m. WesttieWi resident's income is neu first taught at Lincoln School. Parade application blanks (fo the new civic center. The proceed- Every suggestion will receive ly double that of the average pt said "sidewalks art? not neuiled in ior to commit to Westfield she "Early returns by both resident* costumed participants) will be dis, ings will begin with ii flag-ruin! icriom , consideration, & She has butm du<rorat«cl by Kin liccnijin. Stating that police sa the backwoods/' pointing out that hi in Bonnie Burn. In addi- ml business give- promise that our tributed to schools and will also be conducted by the drill team of ipokeiman for the group Paulof'Greece with the Gold Cro: nries are lagging behind livii "50 to (i() per cent of Boynton to her work at Columbus ull goal will be attained if every available at the YMCA, 138 Fei-vis Martin Wallberg Post No. I!, Amer- stated, and should be made of the Order of Beiieficienee costs, Colenmn it-ported that tl avenue- is a wooded section." tool, she teaches a course, "Eng- ne will carry his share," he said. place. ican Legion, of Wesifield, Stand- either to the chairman of the recognition °f her service in behu l'BA has the objective of seltin Charles. A. Jt'pson Jr., an Kliu- for New Americans," at West- ing on the steps of the buildin screening committee, Howard of the orphans and refugees $f)000 as the minimum stilary i ai)('lfi lawyer representinjr a home- Ai'iilt School. A graduate rotunda, the Rev. Elbort E. Bjjden of 855 Boulevard or to Greece. the state. owner, aryiH'ij that sidewalks in [Newark State Teacher;; College 50 Teen-agers Will Participate In Gates Jr. will offer a dedicatory any member of the Joint Civic She is a member of P. fC. O.
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