Vol. X No. 4 APRIL, 1955 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN 8 FAIRFAX MANSIONS. OWa and Cmtultinf Heurt: FINCHLEY RCAO (Corner Falrfuc Read), Mondar to Thurtrfar 10a.m.—I p.m, 3—tp.m. LONDON. NW.3 Frjd«xlOt.ffl.—Ip.m. Teltphoitt: M/ I la Val* 9096/7 (General Offica) MAIda Vai* 4449 (Employment Afanqr) BUNDESTAG DEBATE ON COMPENSATION BROTHERHOOD WEEK IN GERMANY fne shortcomings of Germany's compensation It has now become an established rule in the which needed careful handling in order to avoid practices were severelv criticised in a recent Bundesrepublik to devote one week, out of the any setbacks. bundestag debate. On behalf of the Socialist Party, year's fifty-two weeks, to propagate the idea of The two Berlin radio networks, Sender Freies ^- --Vrudt urged that the Indemnification Law Toleration and the spirit of Brotherly Love. From Berlin and the .\merican sponsored RIAS, composed pe amended with the provision that " this law shall March 6 to March 13, all over the West of Germany their programmes accordingly. RL\S broadcast an °* generously interpreted and applied, enabling and in the West Sectors of Berlin, meetings, re­ half-hour feature, " The Berlin Jewish Community," compensation to appear as the fulfilment, in the ceptions, and public gatherings were held and written by Otto Zarek, which, often recalling the •highest degree, of a moral duty and a legal obliga- attended by Ministers, Burgomasters, leading distinguished past of the community before 1933, lon. ' He quoted in support an appeal addressed members of the Bundestag and the representatives gave a detailed picture of its present activities, .P l^r. .\denauer by the Council of the German of the churches and the Jewish community. The mainly of a humanitarian nature. Dramatised jryotestant Church which had expressed concern at " Society for Christian-Jewish Co-operation "—the stories featured great German Jews, among them "^e fact that " in the tenth year after the end of German equivalent of our Council of Christians and Moses Mendelssohn, .\lbert Einstein and others. ^azi tyranny, compensation is practically still at Jews—which has a branch in almost every city and Otto Zarek also gave a series of talks on Israel, the beginning." town, was instrumental in organising many of these introducing contemporary Israeli composers and Particular attention was drawn to some objection­ functions. The German press and, above all, each their music, which was played by Radio Kol Israel, able verdicts passed by German courts, which had of the many independent radio networks in Western conducted by George Singer. Most important Qenied pensions to victims of Nazi persecution, Germany made their own extensive contributions among the many German contributions was the public reading, and its repetitio.1 on the radio, of ne Supreme Prussian Court (Kammergericht), for to the " Week of Brotherly Love." example, had told a woman who had lived under­ " Das Brandopjer," a short novel by .\lbrecht (Joes This great and important undertaking, aiming at (published by S. Fischer Verlag) which has rightly ground that she need not have done so as she fostering and deepening the good relations between ^'ght have sought divorce from her Jewish husband, been acclaimed as the most poetic contemporary non-Jewish individuals and groups on the one hand ^he widow of an ofiicer who had been killed in German literary work, depicting the plight of the <=onnexion with the July 1944 revolt was refused and their Jewish brethren on the other, was in­ Jews and its echo in the hearts of the " (Germans of * pension on the ground that the officer had taken augurated by Bundesprasident Prof. Dr. Theodor goodwill." no active part in the resistance but was " merely Heuss with a deeply moving radio speech. He The most encouraging sign with regard to the "Concerned in the rescue of the plotters' wives and urged his nation-wide audience not to forget the " Week of Brotherly Love " is the widespread Children." Such verdicts, Dr. .\rndt said, showed crimes against the Jews, but to continue to help public interest in it, especially on the part of the Jhat some judges had " lost the ability to distinguish the victims of Nazism materially as well as psycho­ academic youth of both the Berlin Free I'niversity '^tween Right and Wrong." logically. In Berlin, the Senator for Culture, Prof. and Technische Hochschule. "is criticism was reinforced by Dr. Franz Bohm, Tiburtius, opened the festive gathering at the From a Berlin Correspondent th Christian Democratic champion of justice for Opera-House, Charlottenburg, in a similar vein; the persecuted. He confirmed that the court cases then, the great German poet, Rudolf Hagelstange, CONFERENCE ON CHURCH AND exposed by Dr. .\mdt were by no means isolated rendered what was generally considered the most JUDAISM 'apses, but he thought that they would not be moving and thoughtful speech heard for a long time. The seventh annual study group on " Church possible if the judges did not have reason to count Each of the Berlin Bezirke held its own celebrations and Judaism," arranged by Professor Karl Heinrich On widespread appreciation. " We have to say quite in its own Town Hall, and among those who Rengstorf, held a four-day meeting in Hildesheim Openly," Dr. Bohm declared, " Compensation is addressed gatherings were Heinz Galinski, Chairman to discuss " Our Fellow Man from the Christian lot popular amongst us." This state of public of the Jewish Community of Berlin, who stated— and Jewish point of view." The speakers included Opinion had to do with a re-Nazification which, and later repeated his statement in a radio talk— Dr. Niemoeller, Bishop Liljes, Professor (Jollwitzer. '^r. Bohm said, was not as bad as some feared but that the Berlin Jews were ready to co-operate with Dr. Cierfrud Luckner, and, on the Jewish side, ^•orse than many liked to think, all non-Jews of good will, and prepared to re­ Rabbi Dr. Wilhelm (Stockholm), Dr. Alfred Wiener th P<pint was taken up by Dr. Carlo Schmid, establish normal relations with the non-Jewish (London), and Professor Max Horkheimer (Frank­ ^he distinguished Socialist, who felt that the population, although this was, he stressed, a process furt). Ominous thing was not that old Nazis were re­ appearing but that those callous perversions of uman nature were asserting themselves which had BEFRIEDIGUNG VON a?fl-* produced the Hitler regime, and that men '"icted with these perversions were holding ENTSCHAEDIGUNGSANSPRUECHEN ^sitions where they had power over human lives, fie urged that the law be so amended as to enable Erste Aufrufsverordnung ction to be taken against judges who he said had Bis zum Inkrafttreten des Bundesentschaedi­ Gesetzes rechtskraeftig festgestellt und nach hown by their conduct in office that they had never gungsgesetzes war die Befriedigung von Entschaedi- bisherigem Recht zur Befriedigung aufgerufen elt a breath of the spirit of democracy. gungsanspruechen durch die Gesetze und Verord- sind, Speakers of both the Christian Democrats and nungen der einzelnen Laender geregelt. Diese 2. Ansprueche auf Durchfuehrung eines Heil- he Socialists expressed regret at the absence from wichen in erheblichem Umfang von einander ab. verfahrens fuer Schaeden an Koerper und he important debate of any (Government repre­ Das Bundesentschaedigungsgesetz hat eine ein- Gesundheit, sentatives. heitliche Regelung herbeigefuehrt und im § 78 eine 3. Ansprueche auf wiederkehrende Leistungen, fuer alle Laender verbindliche Rangfolge fuer die 4. Ansprueche von Berechtigen, die das 60. Entschaedigung der einzelnen Leistungen fest­ Lebensjahr vollendet haben oder beduerftig oder PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE ON gestellt. Soweit es sich nicht um wiederkehrende durch Krankheit oder Gebrechen in ihrer Erwerbs­ INDEMNIFICATIO.N Leistungen fuer zukuenftige Zeitabschnitte handelt, faehigkeit um mindestens 50% gemindert sind, Ihe recently created Parliamentary C^ommittee sind alle Ansprueche spaetestens bis zum Ablauf a) auf Entschaedigung fuer Entziehung der ph indemnification matters includes Professor des Rechnungsjahres 1962 zu befriedigen. Der § 78 Freiheit bis zum Hoechstbetrage von 'ranz Boehm (Christian Democratic Union), the unterscheidet zwischen Anspruechen, die ohne DM 3.000.-. so fern die Berechtigten nicht ead of the German Delegates at the Hague, and besonderen Aufruf zu befriedigen sind und solchen, bereits Entschaedigungsleistungen nach ZiS. '•• Otto-Heinrich Greve (Social Democratic Party), fuer die erst ein besonderer Autruf zu erfolgen hat. 1 Oder 3 erhalten, ^ a proven friend of adequate indemnification for In beiden .\rten ist fuer diejenigen Antragsteller, b) auf Entschaedigung fuer Schaeden an ndividual victims of Nazism. Among the other die das 60. Lebensjahr vollendet haben oder Eigentum und Vermoegen bis zum Hoechst­ Members of the 17-man Committee are tw^o Jewish beduerftig sind oder durch Krankheit oder Ge­ betrage von DM 5.000.-, sofern die Berech­ "lembers of the Bundestag, Mr. Jakob Altmaier brechen in ihrer Erwerbsfaehigkeit um mindestens tigten nicht bereits Entschaedigungsleistungen *nd Mrs. Jeanctte Wolff. 50% gemindert sind (bevorrechtigte Antragsteller), nach Nr. 1, 3 oder 4 (a) erhalten, eine bevorrechtigte Befriedigung vorgesehen. 5. Ansprueche auf Entschaedigung fuer BAVARIAN INDEMNIFICATION Zum besseren Verstaendnis der nachfolgenden Schaeden in der Ausbildung, mit .\usnahme der PAYMENTS Ausfuehrungen sei der Wortlaut des § 78, soweit Entschaedigung fuer selbst nachgeholte oder ^According
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