All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:24 Seite 16 218 sHORT nOTe HeRPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 sHORT nOTe Fig. 1: A juvenile Crotalus durissus LinnAeus , 1758, displaying dorso-ventral flattening of the body as observed at estação ecológica de itirapina, state of são Paulo, southeastern Brazil. KeY WORDs: Reptilia: squamata: serpentes the Lc (Least concern) category since 2006 Viperidae; Crotalus durissus ; defensive behavior, (B öHMe et al. 2016). aposematic behavior, antipredator behavior, dorso-ven - tral flattening, lateral spreading of the body, Brazil GRAY (1849) originally described M. suBMiTTeD: June 29, 2017 xanthina as Daboia xanthina from the ruins of Xanthos (Kınık) in Muğla, southwestern AuTHORs: Ronildo A. BeníciO (corresponding author, < [email protected] >) 1) & Marcio Turkey. Many studies were carried out on MARTins 2) the taxonomy and distribution of the species 1) Programa de Pós-graduação em ecologia e (BODenHeiMeR 1944; M eRTens 1952; B A- Recursos naturais, centro de ciências Biológicas e da RAn 1976; B AşOğLu & B ARAn 1980; n iL- saúde, universidade Federal de são carlos, são sOn & A nDRén 1985, 1986; s cHäTTi et al . carlos, sP, Brazil. 2) Departamento de ecologia, instituto de Bio- 1991; B eTTeX 1993; M uLDeR 1995; n iLsOn ciências, universidade de são Paulo, são Paulo, sP, et al. 1999; s inDAcO et al . 2000 ), which is Brazil; < [email protected] >. mostly distributed in the west Anatolian part of Turkey. The present note reports a new record of M. xanthina , which constitutes the species’ northwesternmost known Turkish northwesternmost locality record of locality. Montivipera xanthina (GRAY , 1849) A subadult female roadkill specimen (Fig. 1; sex identified by the absence of pal - in Turkey pable hemipenes pockets) was found at enez (Province of edirne) on the enez- The Ottoman Viper, Montivipera xan - İpsala highway at night time on June 22, thina (GRAY , 1849) is distributed in Turkey 2016 (40°44’757”, 26°08’589”, 5 m a.s.l.). and eastern Greece. its Turkish distribution The new locality is shown in Fig. 2 along includes a large area in the Mediterranean, with the known species’ distribution. After Aegean, Marmara and central Anatolia taking tissue samples for genetic analyses, regions ( BODenHeiMeR 1944; B ARAn 1976; the specimen was preserved in a mixture of BAşOğLu & B ARAn 1980; n iLsOn et al . 99 parts of 70 % ethanol and one part of 10 % 1988; B ARAn et al . 2013). The species is formaldehyde solution and deposited in the generally treated as monotypic (but see Zoology Laboratory of the Department of niLsOn & A nDRén 1986; cATTAneO 2014; Biology at the Faculty of science, Kara - sTüMPeL et al. 2016). The iucn Red List deniz Technical university (Trabzon, TR) of Threatened species classifies this viper at under KZL-234/2016, 1♀, enez, edirne, All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:24 Seite 17 sHORT nOTe HeRPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 sHORT nOTe 219 Fig. 1: The subadult female Montivipera xanthina (GRAY , 1849 ), KZL-234/2016, from enez (Province of edirne, TR). leg. u. BüLBüL , M. KuRnAZ and A. İ. niLsOn & A nDRén (1986) morpholog - eROğLu . Morphological counts and meas - ically distinguished two groups of M. xan - urements (Table 1) were done according to thina , a southern (southwestern Turkey and niLsOn & A nDRén (1986). neighboring Greek islands) and a northern The specimen measured 468 mm in (remaining localities in Turkey and Greece) total length, 424 in snout-vent length and 44 group of populations. More recently , c AT- mm in tail length. For the dorsal color-pat - TAneO (2014) described two subspecies of tern see Fig. 1. Ventral coloration grayish M. xanthina from Greek islands, M. x. nil - and blackish, in the subcaudal area turning soni from chios and M. x. dianae from from gray into yellow. Leros, based on their external morphology, The Thracian distribution of the whereas sTüMPeL et al. (2016) studied phy - species outlines its northwesternmost range logenetic relationships of northern and area extending from the coasts of the Bos - southern specimens of and identified four phorus strait, Marmara sea and Dardanelles lineages, among which the Aegean and strait in the east, westwards as far as Xila - Greece lineages corresponded with the gani (Rodopi) in Greece ( cATTAneO 2015) northern specimens of niLsOn & A nDRén and Yıldız Dağlari in Turkey (summarized in (1986), the Taurus and Lycia lineages with JOGeR & n iLssOn 2005) including re cords their southern specimens, animals from from ispartakule (W eRneR 1914) , Tekirdağ chios and Leros islands were not included (sTüMPeL et al. 2016) and the Gelibolu Pen - in the phylogenetic analysis. insula ( TOK & Ç iÇeK 2014) in Turkey (Fig The specimen from enez is similar to 1.The new locality at enez bridges the west - northern specimens in the study of niLsOn & ernmost record of the species in Greece (~60 AnDRén (1986), a few characteristics (sl, sul km linear distance) and the Turkish localities and sc) being slightly different (Table 1). on the Gelibolu Peninsula (~60 km linear ReFeRences: AFsAR , M. & T OK , c. V. (2011): The herpetofauna of the sultan Mountains (Afyon- distance), at Tekirdağ (~110 km linear dis - Konya-isparta), Turkey.- Turkish Journal of Zoology; tance) and ispartakule at İstanbul (~240 km Ankara, 35: 491-501. AnDRén , c & n iLsOn , G. (1976): linear distance). Observations on the herpetofauna of Turkey in 1968- All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:24 Seite 18 220 sHORT nOTe HeRPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 sHORT nOTe Fig. 2: Map showing the record localities of Montivipera xanthina (GRAY , 1849 ) in Turkey and Greece. Dots represent the known localities according to the literature ( GRAY 1849; B OuLenGeR 1896; V enZMeR 1922; WeRneR 1914; B iRD 1936; s cHWARTZ 1936; B ODenHeiMeR 1944; M eRTens 1952; K LeMMeR 1963; e iseLT & BARAn 1970; A nDRén & n iLsOn 1976; B ARAn 1976; B AşOğLu & B ARAn 1980; n iLsOn & A nDRén 1986; TieDeMAnn & G RiLLiTscH 1986; s iGG 1987; R ADsPieLeR & s cHWeiGeR 1990; B eTTeX 1993; M uLDeR 1995; ARiKAn et al . 2004; K uMLuTAş et al . 2004; J OGeR & n iLssOn 2005 ;HüR et al . 2008; A FsAR & T OK 2011; ü nAL 2012; ö ZcAn & ü ZüM 2014; T OK & Ç i̇ÇeK 2014; c i̇HAn & T OK 2014; c ATTAneO 2015; c eYLAn 2015; s TüMPeL et al . 2016), and the square in the upper left indicates the new locality. 1973.- British Journal of Herpetology, London; 5: 575- Mecmuası, İstanbul; 9: 1-110. BöHMe , W. & L YMBeRA- 584. ARiKAn , H. & K uMLuTAş , Y. & T üRKOZAn , O. & Kis , P. & T OK , V. & u GuRTAs , İ. H. & s eVinÇ , M. & BARAn , İ. & i LGAZ , Ç. (2004): The morphology and cROcHeT , P. A. & K AsKA , Y. & K uMLuTAş , Y. & A Vci , size of blood cells of some viperid snakes from Tur - A. & ü ZüM , n. & Y eniYuRT , c. & A KARsu , F. (2016) key.- Amphibia-Reptilia, Leiden; 25: 465-470. BARAn , Montivipera xanthina . The iucn Red List of Threat - İ. (1976): Türkiye yılanlarının taksonomik revizyonu ened species 2016: e.T61537A86548598. WWW doc - ve coğrafi dağılışları. Ankara (TüBTAK Yayınları no: ument available at < http://www.iucnredlist.org/ 309 T.B.A.G. ser. no: 9), pp 182. BARAn , İ. & i LGAZ , details/full/61537/0 > [Last accessed: May 10, 2017]. Ç. & A Vci , A. & K uMLuTAş , Y. & O LGun , K . (2013): BOuLenGeR , G. A. (1896): catalogue of the snakes in Türkiye amfibi ve sürüngenleri. (Amphibians and rep - the British Museum (natural History). London tiles of Turkey). Ankara (TüBİTAK Popüler bilim kita - (Trustees of the British Museum), pp. 727. cATTAneO , pları), pp. 204. BAşOğLu , M. & B ARAn , İ. (1980): A. (2014): Variabilità e sottospecie di Montivipera xan - Türkiye sürüngenleri. Kisim ii. Yilanlar (The Reptiles thina (GRAY , 1849) nelle isole egee orientali (Reptilia of Turkey. Part. ii. The snakes).- ege üniversitesi Fen ser pentes Viperidae).- naturalista siciliano, Palermo; Fakültesi Kitaplar serisi, Bornova-İzmir; 81: 1-218. (4) 38 (1): 51-83. cATTAneO A. (2015): Morfo-ecolo - BeTTeX , F. (1993): Beobachtungen an Vipera bulgar - gia della popolazione più occidentale di Montivipera daghica , Vipera albizona und Vipera xanthina im Frei - xanthina (GRAY , 1849) (regione dei Rodopi, Grecia land und im Terrarium.- Herpetofauna, Weinstadt; 15 ne).- naturalista siciliano, Palermo; (4) 39 (2): 383- (86): 21-26. BiRD , c. G . (1936): The distribution of 398. ceYLAn , s. (2015): Montivipera xanthina (GRAY , reptiles and amphibians in Asiatic Turkey with notes on 1849) (Ophidia:Viperidae) bireylerinin morfolojik ve a collection from the vilayets of Adana, Gaziantep and bazi ekolojik özelliklerinin laboratuvarda gözlenmesi. Malatya.- Annals and Magazine of natural History, Master thesis; Adnan Menderes university, Aydın, pp. London; 18: 257-281. BODenHeiMeR , F. s. (1944). in - 50. ciHAn , D. & T OK , c. V. (2014): Herpetofauna of troduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and the vicinity of Akşehir and eber (Konya, Afyon), Reptilia of Turkey. İstanbul üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Turkey.- Turkish Journal of Zoology, Ankara; 38: 234- All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.03.2018 17:24 Seite 19 sHORT nOTe HeRPeTOZOA 30 (3/4) Wien, 28. Februar 2018 sHORT nOTe 221 Table 1: Pholidosis counts of the enez speci - observations in Turkey (1987-1995).- Deinsea, men of Montivipera xanthina (G RAY , 1849), and com - Rotterdam; 2: 51-66. niLsOn , G. & A nDRén , c . (1985): parative data by niLsOn & A nDRén (1986) for their systematics of the Vipera xanthina complex (Reptilia: northern and southern population groups. Viperidae). iii. Taxonomic status of the Bulgar Dagh n − number of specimens, An − Anal plate, viper in south Turkey.- Journal of Herpetology, Lon - Ap − Apicals, c − canthals (left/right), co − circum - don; 19 (2): 276-283. niLsOn , G. & A nDRén , c . oculars without supraocular (left/right), Db − Dorsal (1986): The mountaın vipers of the Middle east – The blotches, Ds − Longitudinal rows of dorsal scales (ante - Vipera xanthına complex (Reptılia, Viperıdae).- Bon - rior, mid-body and posterior), sor − subocular rows ner Zoologısche Monographien, Bonn; 20: 1-90.
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