I .,, , 1' r . A NEW POWER DISCOVERY New Sincla ir Power-X Gasoline with X-Chemical Increases Power, Cuts Operating Costs as You Drive • Eliminates power-robbing engine deposits. • 90% more effective than any other gasoline additive in preventing spark plug foul ing. • 70% more effective in stopping power Joss PEN N STATE - OHIO STATE from pre-ignition knock. Wn..B UR E. S. 1'PP, Editor W illia m A. Wood ruff...................... Advertising Manager J ohn F. Hurnm el ................................ Circulation Mo. nnger New Super-Premium Sinclair Power-X National A dvertis ing Representative Gasoline changes bard, crusty engine pencer Advertising Co., 27 1 Madison Ave., N .Y. 16, N.Y. The University Pr esidents ............................................ 4 deposits into harmless powdery material. Penn St ate Officials ........................................................ 5 After just three tankfuls, you can feel Ohio State Athletic Staff .............................................. 6 Buckeye Coaching Sta ff .................................................. 7 the improvement in performance - Scenes of Penn State University ................................ 8 provided you do not mix it with other The P enn State Story .................................................... 9 Big Ten Directors, Penn State Staff ............................ 10 gasoline. See your Sinclair Dealer Glenn Davis, Champion .................................................. 11 F r ench Arena and St. John F ield House ...................... 12 and power up with New Power-X. Meet T he Nittany Lions ................................................ 14 P enn State Action of 1955 ............................................ 16 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Penn Sta te P layers ........................................ 18, 30, 38, 44 Ohio State Players ........................................ 20, 32, 36, 42 Mar ching Band Mu sic ...................................................... 29 P en alties and Signals ...................................................... 34 New Super-Premium Misconceptions of The Rules ........................................ 35 Ohi o State Roster ............................................................ 40 Penn State Roster ..................................................: ......... 43 SINCLAIR POWER·X Stadium Information ...................................................... 45 Listen over WTVN every Saturday for a pla y- by-play description of all the Ohio State games. WTVN Radio - 610 on your dial 3 THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS PENN ST ATE OFFICIALS II • ERNEST B. McCOY Director of Athletics NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, Ohio State University CHARLES A. (RIP) ENGLE Head Football Coach II DR . ERIC A. WALKER President, Penn State University N. R. SPARKS Chairman, Faculty Committee, Athletics 4 5 The The Buckeye Coaching Staff Head Coach W.W. HAYES, Denison, '35 Ohio State (At left) Defensive Line Coach Athletic LYAL CLARK, Western Maryland, '29 Guard and Center Coach FLOYD S. STAHL GEORGE R. STATEN WILBUR E. SNYPP HARRY L. STROBEL, Miami, '32 Staff Asst. Athletic Director Ticket Director Publicity Director End Coach ESCO SARKKINEN, Ohio State, '40 Backfield Coach EUGENE FEKETE, Ohio State, '47 Tackle Coach WILLIAM R. HESS, Ohio University, '47 Backfield Coach CLIVE RUSH, Miami, '53 Head Freshman Coach DR. W. E. DUFFEE DR . RICHARD PATTON DR. ROBERT MURPHY '15 Team Physician Team Physician Team Physician E. R. GODFREY, Ohio State, LEO G. STALEY FRED BEEKMAN ERNEST R. BIGGS Intramural Director Asst. Intramural Head Trainer Director RICHARD C. LARKINS Director of Athletics ROBERT C. RIES MARVIN HOMAN RALPH GUARASCI Front row, left to right - Dave Weaver, assistant freshman; Harry Strobel, centers and guards; William Hess, tackles; Clive Rush, backs; Gene Fekete, backs. Back row, left to right - Ernie Godfrey, head freshman coach; Asst. Ticket Director Asst. Publicity Stadium Supt. W . W. (Woody) Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; Lyal Clark, defensive line. Director 7 6 DDDDDODDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDODDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD PENN ST A TE UNIVERSITY T HE Pennsylvania rate University is the land expanding role in research and extension. and in 1955 grant institution of Pennsylvania, This community is located in the approximate anniversary of its celebrated the one hundredth center of the scare - 30 miles from Lewistown, president of the uni­ founding. ewly chosen 42 miles from Altoona, 64 miles from Williams­ in his first year, is 46-year-old versity, now port, 90 miles from H arrisburg, 140 miles from Eric A. Walker. Pittsburgh, 146 miles from Scranton, 200 miles The university, located ac University Park, Pa., from Erie, and 200 miles from Philadelphia. had fewer than 100 students when it first opened Air and rail service are available. resident its doors. It now claims more than 12,000 Nine undergraduate colleges and the Graduate in full­ students, and is ranked 10th in the nation chool cater to Pennsylvania's growing educa­ ent enrollment. time res id tional needs. Undergraduate colleges are Agricul­ Its beautiful campus has 140 major buildings, ture, Business Administration, Chemistry and 9000 acres of campus and other lands, a p hysical Physics Education, Engineering, Home Economics, plant value at more than $70,000,000, a faculty Liberal Arts, Mineral Industries Physical Educa­ and staff of more than 2,000, and an ever- tion and Athletics. Aerial view of Penn State campus, with athletic fields in foreground. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDD 8 9 BIG TEN ATHLETIC DIRECTORS GLENN DAVIS - - - A CHAMPION LENN DA VI , of Barbercoo, who will be a ju nior G :it Ohio State University this year, carties with him into the Olympic Games a world 400-meter hurdle record of 49.5 seconds. Davis, who won the Ohio high school track title single­ * handed in 1954, escabli hed the new time in the final Olympic trials at Los Angeles. The mark broke the old record of 50.4 by almost a full second. It was held by Yuriy Lituyev of Russia, established in 1953. Davis, like­ wise, rnppled the American record of 50.6, a time which had smod for 22 years-since Glenn Hardin set it in 1934. That Davis should set a world mark in his first year of competition and also after only nine races at this d istance (three of them preliminaries) is regarded by track expens as nothing shore of asmunding. In the record-breaking race, Davis caught Eddie South­ ern, Texas freshman, a t the 10th and last hurd le, and, in the bole for the tape, Glenn picked up a yard, then cwo. Souchern's time of 49.7 also smashed the world rec-0rd a nd when Josh Culbreath of the Marine Corps finished third, he cied tl1e Russian-held figure of 50.4. This face sent track statisticians scurrying for the record Seated left to right:-Douglas R. Mills, Illinois; K. l. Wilson, Big Ten commissioner; Guy J . Mackey, Purdue; Richard C. Larkins, Ohio State. Standing, left to right, Frank E. Allen, Indiana; Iva n B. Williamson, Wisconsin; book. They couldn't recall, nor could they find, when Stuart K. Holcomb, Northwestern; Clarence L. Munn, Michigan State; Ike Armstrong, Minne sota; H. 0. Crisler, Michigan; world record time was good for no better than third place. Paul W. Brechler, Iowa. Figurine the 400 meter hurdles could be Davis' best event, Coach Larry Snyder pointed his protege in that direction after Glenn won his specialty in the O hio Relays PENN ST A TE COACHING STAFF las t April in 54.4. From that point on, D avis mok ad­ vantage of experience and more compecicion. He won the Penn Relays in 52.3; the Central Intercollegiates ar M il­ waukee in 50.8; the national AAU in 50 .9; and the Olympic qualifier in 49.6. He lost only one 400 meter rnce, that co Aubrey Lewis of otre Dame in the N CAA finals at Los Angeles. Davis was second. Time: 51.4. Along the 10-week trail from mid-April m late June, Davis broke five records, in addition co the world mark. Davis, who was named on the 1956 All-American team, now joins a select group of Ohio Stare held world records. Here is the list: JESSE OWENS- broad jump, (26 feet, 8)4 inches ); 220 yard low hurdles (22.6 seconds); 100 meters, 10.2 seconds) 200 meters (20.3 seconds). Owens' broad jump mark still stands. MEL WALKER-high jump (6 feet, 10% inches ). GLENN DAVIS DAVE ALBRITION - high jump ( 6 feet, 9:Y-1 inches). PETE RA MUS-discus throw (159 feet, lyg inches ). World Record Holder JACK KELLER -220 yard low hurdles (22.7 seco nds). 400 meter hurdles DICK ROCKAWAY - 220 yard low hurdles ( 22.8 seconds ) . Time: 49.5 seconds GEORGE IMPSO -100 yard dash. (9.4 seconds). MAL WHITFIELD- 880 yard run (1 :48.6 ) MAL WHITFIELD and GENE COLE- (Members of Amer­ ican mile relay team, 1952 ) 3 :08.8 (This record still stands). MAL WHITFIELD -( Member of American two-mile relay team, 1952) 7 :29.2. Left to right, Earl Bruce, Frank Patrick, Sever Toretti, Head Coach "Rip " Engle, J. T. White, Jim O'Hora, Joe Paterno. jj II II II II ILJ ~ 10 11 NEW HOMES FOR TRACK AND BASKETBALL Time out ... Have a Coke " Coke" is o registered trade-mark. Left to right, the Thomas E. Fre nch Field House and L.W. St. John Arena which will be ready for action this winter. The fi el d house will be host to the 1957 Western Confere nce indoor track championships March 1-2 and will be available for indoor baseball, tennis and football practice. The Arena will hove its first attraction Dec. l when the Ohio State basketball team meets Butler Unive rsity. The 1957 Western Confe rence wrestling meet will be he ld in the Are na March 8-9. INDOOR TRACK SCHEDULE BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Dec. I Butler, here Jan. 27 Michigan AAU meet at Ann Arbor Dec. 3 Pittsburgh, here Feb. 2 Michigan State Relays at East Lansing Dec·. 8 St. Louis, here Feb. 9 Illinois , here Dec. 22 Tulane, here Feb. 16 Michigan State, here Dec. 26-27-28-29 Holiday Tournament at New York Feb. 23 At Wisconsin (3 games) Jan. Princeton, here March 1-2 Western Conference meet at Ohio State Jan. 5 At Iowa Jan. 7 Purdue, here Jan. 14 Minnesota, here Jan. 19 Michigan State, here Jan.
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