¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ •: : ' . .: . \;^&fe;>\^^ S<fe; > ; - : kEW IMPROVEMENTtMPROVEMENT-BILLv; BILL. STAK . LEEPS jj^^^^^^fc THE KGRTHERN We gave'. last week3k an account of alaill the vestrj^ SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1S42. meetings that: had then taken place, when the meeting stood adjourned to Monday evening, at which time there waa a very ful l attendance . ; r "We, for once, feel an Interest, though by no In consequence of the Court House being occupied . ' ¦ by T. H. Marshall, Esq., who was holding a Court means a pleasuru.ble one, in referring our readers to - ^ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ : y ^p Q^/ -Jr \- ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦;¦ ¦: ' .} ir : " - ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ?¦ of Requests in the large court, it was half-past ihe sayings of the middle-class House of Representa- j O : ;\- seven o'clock before Mr. Roborts took the chair. tives. "We have given elsewhere a full report of Th© Chairman, in opening the bnsiness, acquainted ¦ the meeting debate on Mr. Bcscohbs's motion, and the most with the business which was under dis- the ¦ casiou whea the Wednesday evening's adjournment tbat has occurred in that Hou5e flEN-E valuable debate I ., . - AND LEEDS S.^ ^^ ^ took piace, and read over Mr. Barr'a proposition. during our time;— valuable, as evincing, if further . Mr.GEo. Njcwton, in a few brief remarks, opposed had been necessary, the real character of or the bill altogether, which he declared : was--;apne- evidence Tj^ F Y> cc?sary, the advocates for liberty, and the true Y0L. Y. NO. 234. SATURDAY, MA^ Ty . ratepayers beinK already burdeaed the middle-class I ^%^^uS sufficiently with, expenses, without an addition of and only resource of the people. Com- ^^ five or six thteisand pounds for obtaining a New prospects ike dead lights of Wrugqery and Toryism. I shall as -we nre able to perceive, honestly for the public, CHABTI3T 3NTOTIGES "the present, is out 01 the question ; we Impj ovement Bill. He did not care what the House ment, for not fail to discharge my duty to the cause, although wiihout fear or fifour to any ona, and •without .^.ort^cowttts ©|)atttjSt ^*i1tn s0. of Conirnoiis thought, he should have to say till we shall have being allowed to be turned for one instant from its support the amend- reserve what we maj I have no skin on my heels or ancles. It was trod Ti.e folk-wing are brief notices of the Chartist ments introduced , in preference to the original bill, space, and till a week's reflection shall have course by ill-natured snarls or bickerings. nco Mr, more off in the procession: and I feel a secret pleasure, THE NOHTUEIIS STAR. corresponds which reached us on Thursday raorn- BiiWii.NGiiAji.—Parties , wishing to obtain a ticket . Thos. Dixon replied at some length to tha le to receive and estimate it with- COrwREsrOSDENTS 01" — in^. Tho "extended remarks made by Mr. Barr, prepared the peop as I have had my blcod shed , also to have London — T. AI. Whefc ' tr, 7, ililla Buildings, reportto whichbo tve have given of to the- dinner to bo given to Foargus O'Connor, Evq , and the principles con- , the debate iu what ou^ht tlie People's House, tained in his resolution , and contended that the out excitement. Meantime rre entreat them not cast my ?kin , but not my principles, in the good Kuhjhlsbrid ge. Manchester —W. Griffin , 34, Lomas- piust -maka earl y appHcation , as the number of tickets 011 ihe motiou of Mr. Thomas Duncombo, " that the 15? limited. Tho dinner will take placo ac tho Black n Iterations introduced hadI been addptsd after mature to permit the contumely of their oppressors to cause. J\o power but the power of Chartism could itreet, Bank Top. Birmingham—George White, pe:itioners ' ba deliboratio n by the meetings which had been 2U , BroniSirove-streut Xewcasile—Mr. J. Sinclair , heard at the bar of the House, by H^>r:5e, Ashted Hovr, on tho 17th instant. Tickets held, exhans: their patience ; it would but give the have must err d the numbers that we mustered en ' themsel ves, their counsel,p.r their apenta, in support may bs had of the Secretaries of the localities as which both considerable time/and great . atten- Gatesheau. Suhuer.and —Mr. J. Williams, Messrs. of the , or at ^ wretches too much pleasure to see endurance, flaring Monday. _Every louse, every hole, and every cor- Williams and Biuas, booksellers. Sheffield— Mr. alictfaticys of the petition," will, wo are the Black florse. • tion -had been devoted to thoobfect. : burst the bond of prudence. We sure, 00 a sufficient excuse to our Eurneroua corres- Mr. Frazeb followed in a speech of great length, reached its limit, ner is now ful l of the demonstration on Monday . It G. J. Hrirne.y, news a^ent, S3, Campo-lane. Bath pondents for tlio Mr. Mead will lecture at tho open ground , oppa- and of surpassing elcquenco. He thought —Mr. M. Br.itlstt S, Triuity-pb.co, Wiilna;. slight manner in which, this week, h' ' it was an have never expected, nor encouraged the people to has paraded Chartism in open day, and brought us G- . their communications , .are necessarily obliged to. ba site th.9-Orp i'.n Asylum,. Summer Lain, on Sunday insult totheiaeetzng and to the ratepayers generally, Chartist -Address es.— The General Secretary—Mr. (to- morrow) mprning, at eleven o'clock ; and in expect , any belter result from this morion. We under the eye of the heretofore b":ind. They a.-k noticed. At moht of the places resolutions' of coufi- to tell them that the amendments which had been 4i John Campbell. 15. Aduerley-strcet, Shaw's Blow, Gtince in the the afternoon a; Daddcston Row, at throe o'clock. introduced names of those who voted for Air. what irwas ? -and echo answers Liberty." Manufacturer— ConVention were passed.- were not such as cou.'d be beneficially give here the Manchester. Chartist Blacking Mr. Soars will lecture on Tuesday night, at the carried out. He took the opportunity of.replying s morion as we find them in the Sun. We have no chance whatever from the House of; Mr. Rojrer Pintttr, Ed ward 's-square, Edward 's- Bristol.—The Ciiarti.-t Youths held their auniver- Dr.vcoJiss' : ?r.ry on Wednesday Ship, in 5teciiiou=e Lane. to some remarks in an article in the Le.eds Mercury Commons; our Caarter must be carried out of the place. Pottery, Hull. Sccrcluzy to the Frost , Wil- week. of Saturday, rXlTERSAL SUFFRAGE, ic liams Holbecic—Is is the intention of tho friends of last, and ¦contended in favour of tha House before it is eren Ump-.rately discussed in the , , cuid Jones Reilorulion Committee—J. Wil- Oldiiam .—The Chartists.here met on Monday, and amendments which had' -bso- ' adoptsd arguing for 3Iotion Ei:e, and Question p^t, Tbnt the Peti- kinson, 5, Crease Teirace, Bell's B::rn Road, Bir- thanked iho Chartism 10 tako tea-together, in the spacious disso- n . " Convention. ciation 'i fi:-? principle of a graduated scale of^ taxation, so tioners who i:gtied tie National Petition be fceard at House. 1 mingham.—J. T. Smith, ChaTtlit Blacking Mcker , Itoou , on WJiit-T-.ie?Jay. Tiie tickets are Wedsesbu ry.— Mr. Linney of Manchester, lec- 9-t. each ; and we doubt not but that the working ¦clas.oes mrghl' be moro leniently the Bir of. the House, bv themselves, their Counsel, cr The Tori es did their work with a slyness peculiar : Tiivut jck-f-trei t, Plymouth. the entertainment tured here ou Monday.J will bo such as tax.-d than their employers.- Twopence in the pound, gaiiocs in their Petition Derby. ntis havyinf; 1 r to give universal satisfaction.' Agents, in support of the aU^ :'" o their 'ordrer. Sir James Graham knew that the —Tha filt . of x:.is neighbeurhood he contended, was r-uffieicni for a working man to Themes Dancoia'De :)— The House divided :— ; comr-iunicitioiis for the Star , or otherwise afujc'.inj; Hincklky.—An Association has been formed here ; O'ld siam.— On Sunday next, Mr. -Daniel Dunivan, iMx. word " fire ," though soft ly <;iven, would insure the a juaotii)^' was held on Mod'da 'y evening, at which have to pay . out of his earnings; and this was'the r tbe Chcriist uu-veuiBnt, are requested to send te me of Manchester, will lectura iu Greaves-street , at six scab he trusted MINORITY— ArES 49. discharge of the heavy artillery of W higgery, and j to Mr. Thomas Brigi s, care of Mr. John Moss, .scva-al -addresseia were delivered. o'clock in the evening. the meeting would abide by. With ^ the aiaeadiaoiifc.adqp. fced iu reference to the tolls of Blalre, Sir Tileniine | O'Connall, X. J. sure enouiih. -Macaulay took tlio hint, and under j shotm iker, PiunUree-sqiwre, D :r!ey-iane, I>8rby. Redcitch.— Tho Chartists licre have met every LucTCREs.~On Monday and Tuesday next, two the , Rt -itald O'Go^nfll, J. evt'iiii)^ and rea.d toe freo market he did not agree, becauss he thoughb 3:=witt ^ the Tory General the Whigs did fire away ! But ; Money Orders to this Office.—Our Cashier is rep.oi't> of Convention. Thanks lectures will be deli vered in the Town Hall, by Mr. it was makinga class distinction , and legislating for Bjikin. J. J. Peekell, Chp^ain frequently innie to er.auro an amount of inconve- to ' heir roprcseutaiive (George White) and the Con- lioboit Lowery, oi" Edinburgh. onecla?s of tna Dr. PJaiurIdge , Captain no inatttr; Danconibe and Leader stood to their ! , inconceivable by those who hare vciitio ;-.
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