FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL, 19f$ i*. Ragistored for potting ai a periodical — Category A Six of the world's most advanced THE NAVY. Tha magazine of tha Navy Laagua of Australia military airfields. Registered lor posting as a periodical — Category A Vol 37 FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL, 1975 No 1 CONTENTS A Submarine Deterrent for the RAN 3 Nautical Notes from all Compass Point* , 8 Report Presented by the President. Commander F. G. Evans, to the Federal Council on 28th February, 1975 13 The Growing Soviet Fleet 16 Financial Times Clipper Race 21 Naval Reserve Cadet News 29 Parliament and the Defence Forces 34 Submarine Escape Vehicle Planned for Swedish Navy 39 Periscope on Australia 41 A Command Ship — An RAN Requirement 44 Machinery Monitoring Systems for Belgian Navy 47 The MEL Equipment Co Ltd Launched Their Susie 48 nus suftorr nonets AND PHOTOGRAPHS Th# nm nprnud in articles appearing m thu publication arc those ol tha author! concerned They do not nacestarily represent tha views ol tha editor. tha Navy Laagua. or official opinions or policy. twit* Photographs appearing ia this magazine are obtained from official tearctl aad copies wait be secured from For an opposing battie commander. Harrier presents the Naty l.eagoa of Aatnalla or Percital PaHliHng Co Pty Ltd. With every military airfield in the world known and problems. His tactical knowledge, built on fixed, static targeted, a nation's strategic freedom is severely sites, is of little use. His enemy now is elusive and All cormpondanc* should be directed to the Editor, Box C178, Clarence StrMt Pott limited. Its strike force is vulnerable. Its defence system unseen. Office, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia. weakened. H.imer strikes from out of nowhere, when and as it Tatophon* Enquiries — 84 7198 (•vminft only). Harrier changes all that. Wetnts And the opposing commander has to disperse Its unique V/STOL capability frees it from overt, Pi asih I Shy die Maty I a^eaoMiilS ill, baa I7M.OO, l| lull. W—.aeOL his fori e to search for it The attacker becomes the conventional bases Harrier doesn't need runways or attacked sophisticated airfield strips. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAL PUBLISHING CO PTY LTD The Harrier is an important breakthrough. It can be quickly and easily despatched into any It alters the traditional concept of airpower and its Hoaur one of a number of pie-selected dispersed sites with 862 Eliubeth St Graanan Publications 17CurrieSt 72 Eagle St 1*4 31 George'! Tee 152Collin>St function And it's already in fully operational service Waterloo Pty ltd Adelaide. 5000 BriOena. 4000 Parlh.6000 Hobart. 7000 minimum advance notice. NSW. 2017 with both the Royal Air Force and US Marine Corps 374 Little Collina St Phona 51 6225 Phone: 31 2S31 Phone: 224072 Phona 34 4098 It can operate effectively from either unprepared Take a closer look at the Harrier for yourself. Phona 6992600 Phona 67 1 334 strips or V/STOL sites, whether they're woods, field, Because vou can't afford to he left behind. farm or park. Harrier. It changes everything. The sites need no air defence, minimum support and are virtually undetectable from the air. THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA PATRON: His Excellency tha Governor-General PrsilSsilL Lieut Cmdr A. H. Burrows, VRO RAND Excellency, the Governor ol South I Commander F. G. Evans. M8E. VHO. Secretary: Lieut Cmdr 0. V. Dimmitt. VRO. Australia. RANVR. RANR. Box 227. Post Ottica. Hawthorn. Victoria, »Geoffrey Ashton. Esq b Captain L F Vickridge. OBE. VRO. 3122 Miu Robyn Wallace. Box 1S29M. GPO. Adelaide. 5001 b Lieut Cmdr A W Quoanelend 0h4ilan Grwtbrook. RO. RANVR Excellency the Governor ol Queen* HMk Vice-Admiral Sir Guy Wyatt. KBE. CB ry: Lieut Cmdr O. V. Dimmitt. VRO. RANR. Und PraaMauL Commander J. G B Campbell. OfC. __ PreaMent Surgeon Commander A. M. Robertson. RAN EM HAWKER SIDDELEY AVIATION Nates 01 (talon RANVR Naa llinlijii Lieut 0. J Heath. 3 Winmarteigh Excellency, the Governor ol New u — Street. Taroooa. 7006 South Wales. Nm twHayi Colonel P. V. O. Fleming. £0. 39 RcrnicxdReadK>>;stoni«ai Than« S..re» EnSt™> W 01546 7741 Cables Haw*Ur KngyonconThames *«> 23726 President: Lieut Cmdr E Bryden-Brown VRO. RANR P"*"0* Street. Camp Hill, Queensland. 4152. Hr» Excellency, the Governor of Western Hawker Siddeley Group snxHes mechanical.electrical and aerospace eawpment with world w«le sales andserv.ee Lieut Cmdr A A. Andrew*. flnHi^m • Honorary Secretory. fial^ Tml^i naxtoli Australia. MBT RAN (Retd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. ^^ HOW*. VRO. RANVR Represented in Australia t>v: PraaMent Captain I. S. W Vichridge. OBE. VRO. Hon tnnfj. Commander 0. M. Blake, RO. HAWKER DE HAVILLAND AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED RANR. RANVR. 12 Darmody Street. Weetan«ora. ACT. Man fltiiatoij. Mr 0. Seward Box 735. PO Head Office: Birnie Avenue, Lidcombe, N S.W. 2141. k His Excellency, the Governor of Victoria 2614. Framantle. 6160. Fabruary/MarcK/April, 1975 THE NAVY PaC*OiM SUBMARINE DETERRENT FOR THE RAN? 1 By: A. W. Qrwtoroofc, Fvdifil Vltt^inldiit ofthaNavy Laagua The Oberon class submarine HMASONSLO W. 555558 1 separate the function* of A prominent journalist hat recently advanced the theory • Confirming the identity of an - Five hundred years ago j^-'"" lift and thrust batww. that, on financial grounds, the Navy should abandon its role attacker. a man called Leonardo 4M-- in the defence of trade and rely instead upon a deterrent • Any potential enemy being at da Vinci turned his wings and wigiMi, least as dependent upon trade as is m^i to fly higher and faster force of submarines. Australia. bountiful genius to the 'f0&iM. • Our own submarines having the ij than the bird. And having The argument contends that the paratively cheaply — diesel electric task of achieving man-' tactical ability required. f- R created the marvel Royal Australian Navy should con- submarines are not expensive per made flight.To Leonardo, > • Our deterrent being immune ILK.* for ourselves, «H8 «ome struct a force of submarines so copy, although they have their the flight of a bird was JKggmk large that it would be able to tactical limitations. from neutralisation by Super Power an inspiration, a marvel, I Ksv of us stand in awe of paralyse the seaborne trade and/or action. a riddle he was never B ff:" ,v a, as Leonardo did. coastal resources of any potential Such a policy would put all our An examination of Australia's We count the Mop}* enemy. In these circumstances, a eggs in the deterrent basket. position with regard to these key to solve. The science of potential enemy would not dare to factors shows that, whilst a sub- aerodynamics defied even Leon- of our airline among these. For us, marine deterrent force could be flight is a phenomenon full of wonder. attack or bring pressure to bear The strategic theory behind this ardo's ingenuity. It was left to men upon our seaborne trade. particular application of the deter- effective in ideal circumstances, it would be extremely risky to put all We want to share it with m rent concept rests upon a number of of other generations to unlock the our eggs in the deterrent basket. secrets of the bird's wings, to you the first tune or the j!T_*Sg If the journalist's theory were key factors:— next time you fly. 1MBlOgBL correct, the Navy's strength in Regarding Australia obtaining discover the aerofoil section, to defence of trade should be allowed • Prior knowledge of an enemy's prior knowledge of a potential to wither away and financial re- intention of attacking. enemy's intention of attacking us. sources devoted instead to the it is reasonable to conclude that construction of a large force of sub- • Convincing an enemy of the there are good prospects of doing marines. This CQjild be done com- effectiveness of our deterrent. this. Only five regional powers now THE NAVY * February/Mirch/ApfM. 1975 February/March/April, 1975 THE NAVY Page Thrae Pag* Two have the means to paralyse or seri- It would be vital to identify the Australian submarine force would ously hinder Australia's trade — long attacker. The problem of identifying not be an effective deterrent to five range submarines, mines and. in the nationality of attacking sub- out of six potential regional one case, seaborne air. Australia marines would be serious. If this type enemies. must plan upon a sixth power having of pressure were applied to our Our own submarines would have to the means to apply substantial pres- trade, it could be months before the have the tactical ability to apply the sure against our trade by 1985. It identity of the submarines was deterrent — there must be enough should be fairly clear to Australia it established. Until that time, we of them, and they must be available t Surfmats any of these six powers were to could not run the risk of launching to outclass the defence. develop the motive and will power to our submarine deterrent force Undoubtedly, our OBERONS have use the weapons they have against a country which we were not the range and weapons to seriously A potential enemy must be con- certain was the attacker. During the hinder the maritime trade of any vinced of the effectiveness of our time prior to the establishment of regional power — our submarines deterrent Apart from ensuring that identity, intolerable damage could are a match individually for any a potential enemy is fully aware of be done to our prosperity. regionally owned boats or escorts. our submarine strength, it could be For our deterrent to be effective, However, if any regional power were difficult to convince him that the any potential enemy would have to to acquire nuclear powered sub- blow we could strike would be be at least as dependent upon trade marines (SSN) from a sponsoring unacceptable to his country.
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