Septem ber 2005 ssue 1 The searchable patent information database developed by M inesoft and RW S I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : M ILLIO NS O F F ULL-TEXTS A D D ED US Claims Viewer 2 Greatly enhancing word- ing easier, full-text has been Analysing Full-Text 2 based searching, over 12 grouped already into families million searchable full-text and advanced keyword-in- Highlighting Options 2 patent documents have context features have been been added to PatBase. added to assist in further New PDF Options 3 Full-text is available for examining patent documents. searching shortly after publi- (See page 2, Hit analysis tools Folder Enhancements 4 cation each week. Currently, for viewing full-text). full text is available for GB, In Brief 5 US, WO, EP, DE and FR -date ranging patent-issuing authorities. -stop words Please refer to the ‘PatBase -page-by-page PDFs coverage’ hyperlink found -large patent families when logged in, in the right hand column, for exact cov- erage details including the 5 Current Awareness last updates. Check “Settings” on the main Pat- SPECIAL INTEREST: Base menu to adjust your default search options. You • Over 12 million searchable can use the Search Form, or full-text documents added use the Commands (e.g. FT=, CL=) to search the • Introduction to new export full-text sections of the pat- A PatBase record features ent document as well as Title and Abstract. To make view- • Minesoft News • Exhibitions & Conferences N EW EXP O RT F EA T URES New export features have or from the ‘Search history’ and to include your search been developed, designed page by selecting the ‘more’ history. An option to enter a from users’ feedback. It is option and then ‘export document header to be ex- no longer necessary to put search results’. New export ported is another new fea- your results into a folder formats have also been intro- ture. This allows sub ac- before you export them. duced. These are PDF and counts or references and Search results can now be CSV (Excel). Further en- notes to be added to your exported directly from the hancements to the export exported document. A ‘sort ‘Display results’ page by features include the option to by’ option has been added so clicking on the icon keep highlighting when you you can select which order found at the top of the page, export your search results you would like to view your records in. Page 2 ssue 1 US C LAIM S VIEW ER A VA ILA BLE I N F ULL-T EXT VI EW “US Claims Viewer The US Claims Viewer is a enables users to track unique tool to assist in exam- ining claims in US docu- ‘main’ claims and ments. It clearly identifies related claims with ease”. independent claims and al- lows easy navigation throughout related claims. Claims analysis is accessed by clicking on the smart icon, . This is found by going to the Full-Text View. US Claims Viewer H I T A N A LYSI S T O O L F O R VI EW I N G F U LL- T EXT When viewing the full-text information a hit map is COMING SOON—Assign groups of words to specific colours available, as shown in the screen shot. This enables users to quickly navigate to the location of keywords in close proximity to each )*uickly identify a other. A keyword-in-context breakdown is also available keyword, or keywords in which shows clearly where in close proximity to each the document the keywords have appeared: title, abstract, other, in long claims or claims, or description. These tools are of particular help in descriptions” long documents. W ords can be changed or added in the ‘W ords to highlight’ bar at Full-Text View the top of the screen. N EW H I G H LI G H T I N G O P T I O N S FOCUS IN ON W HAT’S NEW! Highlighting within a ta=cuckoo w3 clock - will port your information directly PatBase family table - If only highlight cuckoo and from the ‘Display results’ page you have carried out a date clock where they appear or from the ‘Search history’ search (including date rang- within three words of each page by going to the ’more’ ing) and/or a country code other within the title and option. search the results relating to abstract; ta=cuckoo and that particular search criteria clock - will highlight all oc- Printing with highlighting - will be identified by a green currences of cuckoo and Printing with highlights will be band in the family table when clock within the title and achieved automatically if your your results are displayed. abstract. PC settings are set accordingly. Go to Tools, Internet options, Highlighting within a Highlighting within a Advanced and then check PatBase record - PatBase PatBase export - The op- ‘Print background colours and will highlight exact search tion to select highlighting is images’. terms. For example, now available when you ex- Page 3 NEW PDF O P TIO NS Batch ordering PDFs from “Upload patent PatBase - PDFs can be NEW - English machine e.g.JP2002012345 becomes numbers to run in ordered from PatBase in translations of full Japa- MTJP2002012345. numerous different ways. nese patents - PatBase PDF PatBase from other service is based on Minesoft’s You can either click on the 3pload patent numbers in PatentOrder engine: systems—and don’t PDF icon, shown next to PatBase - You can upload www.patentorder.com. records you display after your patent numbers to run in worry about the It offers PDF delivery for search has been completed; PatBase from other systems. over 40 different patent issu- formatting” go directly to the order bas- This can be done easily by ing authorities, delivering ket and enter your patent going to ‘Upload numbers’ WO, PCT and US documents numbers; or once you have found under the Search op- on the day of publica- run your search you can go tion on the main menu. tion. These documents are to ‘Order documents’ found There is no need to worry searchable within PatBase the under the ‘more’ option dis- about formatting as filters following day. A PDF coun- played next to a search state- have been put in place to try coverage document is ment. From the ‘more’ op- automate correct formatting. available from the 'Help' files tion all documents from the If users require identification within PatBase. English ma- corresponding search can be of which numbers were not chine translations of Japanese ordered. Documents can be found in the search, tick the documents are available from ordered from selected coun- box, 'create hit report', before 1993. For translated Japanese tries, e.g. US EP GB DE. selecting to search the num- and European patent docu- Documents can also be or- bers. After your numbers ments for filing, RWS Group dered one PDF per family. A have been searched, a drop- offer a full translation service: country of preference can down called 'patent number www.rws.com. also be stated here, e.g. US upload report' will appear GB EP AU. In the instance All formatting within the above the search statements. )0inesoft PatentOrder that there are numerous fam- PatBase PDF order basket is Click on this dropdown for a ily documents available from done automatically with the breakdown of which num- delivers English machine the same country then the exception of the machine bers were and were not avail- most recently published translations. To order a ma- able in your search. translations of full documents will be automati- chine translation from Pat- cally ordered. Base, enter MT manually Japanese patent before the JP. documents” P A T B A SE F O LD ER EN H A N C EM EN T S Now it’s easier to add re- the top right hand side of responding box. Records can cords to different results each record. Clicking on this be added to any created, pri- folders – The PatBase folder icon will open a pop-up list- vate folder. The new additions options have been enhanced ing all the existing folders. to the folder management sys- so that it is no longer neces- Users can then select which tem save time and add conven- sary for users to open and folder they wish to put the ience. close folders if they wish to record in by ticking the cor- put records into different folders. Whilst users have a folder open they can go through their search results and check the empty boxes, this will drop records into the open folder. However, if they wish to add records to any other folder, they can now simply click on the icon, which can be found on Folder Options Page 4 Issue 1 I N B RI EF — N EW P A T B A SE EN H A N C EM EN T S Date Ranging Adding EP B documents ity is dependent on this. A Date ranging has now been EP Bs, available as search- wider range of PDF docu- introduced when searching in able full-text, are currently ments are available to order. the command line for UP being added to PatBase. In (See page 3 for further infor- (updates for new families) the first instance this will be mation). and UE (updates for new from 2000 to date, but the Displaying large families families and equivalents), back date will be extended in PatBase allowing users to narrow the over time.
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