The Sigma Zetan Volume LXIV 1998 Proceedings of the N ationalConvention Coastal Carolina University Conway, South Carolina March 12 - 14, 1998 E. Craig Wall Sr. Building -- The Sigma Zetan I'lle Otlieial Publication of Sigma Zeta Vollime I.XIV Robert l \1ortitt. National hlitor Malone College. Cal1tol1. Ohio I ,.__ ._~ .. _.. __ . ______. __ .. ______ .. __ ... ~~~_.~ __ ~.~~~ __J Chapter Officers 1997 - 1998 I Beta Chapter: McKendree College Alpha Upsilon: Union University President: Anna Pieper President: Angie Brown ' Vice President: Kelly Ahlers Vice President: Hillary Williams Table of Contents Secretary: Troy Brock SeciTreas: Jason Logan Treasurer: Jaclyn Bruno Activities: Lolly Houston Advisor: Dr. Scott Meissner Advisor: J, Brian Norton Alpha Beta: Campbellsville Univ. Alpha Chi: Eastern College Chapter Officers ................................................. 3 President: Sara Tallev Vice President: Joseph Ferguson President: Nance) Coker Abstracts of Student Papers ............................... 4 Secretary: Kelley Dameron Vice President: Treasurer: Shannon Padgett Secretary: Am) Strong National Council Meeting ............................... 14 Advisor: Richard Kessler Treasurer: Jonathan Bo\ver Advisor: Marvin Meyer Committee Assignments .................................. 15 Alpha Gamma: Malone College President: Anthonv Karam Alpha Psi: Hillsdale College Proceedings of the General Meeting ............... 18 Vice President: K;isten Brown President: Kadee Drechsel Secretary: .Ial11ie Sutherell Vicc President: Heather Tritchka Trt.:asurer: Sam Ridenour Founders Cup Award ....................................... 20 Secrc:tary: Maile Young Advisor Boh Moffitt Treasurer: Kim Jameson Financial Reports ............................................. 21 Alpha Theta: Asbury College Advisor: Dr. J 1111 Peters Chapter Reports ............................................... 23 President: Meridith Babcock Vice President: Kevin Zent Beta Lambda: Messiah College Secretm): Jennifer Yount President: Christopher Reed Honor Awards ............................................ 26, 43 Treasurer: .I effrey Yount Vice President: Suzannc Ng Advisor: Bobby Baldridge SeciTreas: Anna Dao Published Paper: 1997 Convention ................. 27 Historian: Christine Baggett Alpha Nu: Oglethorpe Univ. Advisor: Dr, David Foster Rules for Presentation of Student Papers ........ 33 President: Kenneth Kuffrey Vice President: Brandi Wieherg Can- Beta Mu: Coastal Carolina Univ. Rules for Publishing Student Papers ............... 34 nlzarro President: I leather Phillips Secretary: Peter Cannizarro Vice President: i'ara Bntt Founders Cup Competition Rules ................... 35 Treasurer: Peter Cannlzarro Secretary: Rebecca Green AdVisor: John Cramer Treasurer: Jennifer Fluet Photographs of Events ..................................... 36 Advisor: Dr. Susan Libes Alpha Pi: Trevecca Nazarene Univ. School/Chapter Reference .............................. .46 President: Jason Mounts Somerset Community College Assoc. '!ice President: Natasha Worthington President: Greshen Jones Chapter/School Reference ............................... 47 Secretar): Kara.l ones Tl'easurer' Cherit.: Casey Vice President: Advisor: Walter Black' Secretary: Cynthia Sparks Treasurer: Rebekah Walters Alpha Rho: Stonehill College Advisor: Jean Bowdan President: Matthew Barth Vice President: Jennifer Hoch I. SeciTrcas: I Ad\isor: Roger Denome -- ~---I Abstracts of Student papersJt------- Can You Prcdict Your G,P,A, b~' \Vhere You Sit in a Class Rapid Genomic Analysis of Variation Between C arne Burdick Populations of Uniola paniculata (Sea Oats) Beta Mu Coastal Carolina University Jeff Allebach Beta Mu Is a student's GPA affected by whether s he sits in the front. middle, or back of Coastal Carolina University the classroom') Docs gender playa role in sittlllg chOices made b> rhe studelll'l) /\re ,enllll'S lllore likely to buckle dO\\ll, be serious, and sit in the fi-on!" Arc students th:u L'l1lcola panic'uluta (Sea Oats) plays a critical ccologlcal role in sand dune pay the' higher out of state tuition follo\\lng the \\'ives talc and sittmg in the front of building and stabilization, The dune habitat has been significantly degraded by hu­ the classroom') To find the anSllers to these and other questions, randomly selected man activities in many areas of South Carolina, necessitating alii/icial dune building slUdents from the Coastal Carolina University campus were surveyed, Questions per­ To and revegetation, ensure the success of revegetating projects, these artificial taining to CPA, classroom sitting habits, gender, major and other lariables II'eIT populations should include a lelel of genetic dilersity that is comparable to that pre­ ,,,,ked of these students, O\'er f'our hundred students II ere sUrleyed and their re­ sent in natural populations Iherefon:, the anwunt of genetic I ariation present Ilithin 'lpllllSeS \Icre analyzc:d to sec if there lIas any correi<lliol1 bct\leen the classroom sit­ natul"al population" must be determined, 'I he' I:ll1dom all1plilied pulymorphic D~,'\ ting habib and academic performance Results of the studl done a Coastal Cal'Olin<1 (RAPD) technique il1\o\ves amplil)ing D~A by the polymerase chain reaction Ilhile l.nllers!ly campus \1 "I be presented, using sing'" primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequcnce, I alll currently using this tl'ch­ nique to determine the llumber of genetically different indil iduab II ithin natural populations of Sea Oats, Preparation and Optimization of the Electrolytic Synthesis of K2S20S Antibiotic Dose Responsc Relationships Je"ica Childs in 1'.11'11l/OI//III111,\ ,Icmgillosll Beta Lambda Messiah College :";crgio ,\\v arado Sigma In order to prepare for a nCII laboratory course, an electrol) tics) ntilcsis and ()ur Lady 0 f the' Lake L:ni I ersit;. iodometric analysis of K2S20S was developed for studcnt c:\perimentation, /\ttcmpts to produce a saturated solution of the KIISO-+ Ilere hindered by the precipitation of P!:drillacological studies have sholl n that Ilhen an organi,,,, is administered K~SO-+, Optimal conditions generatnj a product with a purit) e:\ceeding l)l)O,o, Ilhich II Ilieh I'll,duce silllilal df~cts, dru:,'s \Iitli sin;:ia; meckll1i,,:m uf actiun Ilill lIas dctermined b: iodometric titration and COnflrllh;d bl' IR anallSls, Though the Icsuit in paralkl dose-respunse curvcs \1 hell p:ottc'd Oil a lugdrithll1lc scaic, I\ilereas, \ lellls lIen: beloll literature lalues, they arc acceptable for a student e'.perllllcllt that act b\ different mcchClnism:i oj :Ktll'lL du nllt ,ho\\ thl' rclalilHlshlp. ! ra­ diti,)nal!:, the It:st o,ubiects for pharmacological studies hal c bel'lI i'llllll1a[, I he PUI­ PO,,, pf this study lIas to determine: il the USc' or miu'l)org:ll1lsms Ilouid I'ield the The Effects of Cryoprcsen tation and ",Illle results TIIO methods of (stlmatll1g the effects of antibiotics on bactel'ia I\ele Fatty Acids on Hepatic Lipid Secretion [,sed. One lIas an indirect method, \\bicb consiskd of ubSCI'1 ing 11\111 many bacteria Sharmilcc rvl. Chugh grell in broths containing v:mous doses of an antlbintlc. ;\ spectrophotolllt:ter I\as Pi Ilscd to e'stimak the number of cl'lIs preSl'ilt 'I he other method of estimating bacteria \lillikin l[niversit) !lLlmbers I\as a direct method, This cunsisted of an actual count of colonies on petri 1,late's that grell Ii'om surviving cells, '[he spectrophotoll\cter mdhod supported the Prelious in lilo studies in this laborator;. halc shown that feeding long-term h) puthesis, bl sholling parallel log-dose n:sponse curves for o:\ytetracycline and kt­ atherogcnic diets to monkeys induces hyperchoiesterolelllia, This is characteri/ed bl [dclclinc, two antibiotics that I\ork b) protein sYllthcsi, inhibition, I\hereas calbcni­ an increase in 101\ density lipoprotein (IDL) concentration and an enlargemcnt of .:illin, \\hlch acts by inhibiting bacterial cell ,vall synthesis, produced a curle not LDL particle SiLl' because of an enrichment of cholcstel'Ol ester concentration in the paralic! \0 those ot' the tetracycllncs, Thl' dau ii'om the plate: count method i:lcilcated C<ll'e of'the partick, In African green l1lonkc)s, an increase in LDL panicle size as a that ,)ddilion,il lllust be used to llDtain detailed information on the ,tr,ught­ rC'lult of cholesterol ester enrichlllent highl: correlates II ith an increase in the sClelitl line portion "f tk ,J"',e-rcsponsc L'Ul'le before the slopes of tht: cUrl'es can be com­ ami c,\tent uf coronar) arter) athcl'Osclerosis, \\'e belicl e that coronal') arter: ,1l1ll'l'l1- parcel 111" study I, III prog":ss, and additiollal data ti'orn the platc count method 1\ ill ,clem"is is regulated l1l processes in the IiI er that ale ill\o\v cd II itll cholc,tcrol ami be obtained in the future, LIltl acid llldabolism and lipopnJtein secretion, III directly study the nutl'ition," L-_________________________________________________________________ ~ regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism, we have developed a primate hepatocyte DiGcor"e Syndrome is a dcvclopmental defect imol\ ing allomalie?s of thc IlU­ model. This allows manipulation of cholesterol and fatty aCid concentratlOns to de­ cit:otidc base ;~airs' i()cated Oil th" q II halld of human chl"Omosollle 22. While much termine specific effects of these compounds on hepatic lipid and lipoprotein secre­ of thiS region has heell sequcnced. certall1 gaps remain. Our project II as dcsigncd TO tion. Normally, it is not possible to use all of the cells isolated from an African green close ,cetlon
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