Volume 41, Issue 21 April I, 2002 HighlineCommunity Cotlege U Money will go the center wear Nikes,: said " Addy Dassler, a staff member at BYSAMANTHA STEPHENS toward the new thIC Child Care Center. Currently, there have been Staff Rem Child Care Center mixed reactions on the parents' Junior high students will now part. Some feel this is a repu- be attending Highline under a table i&a, and othersare some- new program called Sprinting what upset with fhe decision. Start, which was approved last "My kid can't even tie his week by the Washington State own shoes, 1don't know how Highline officials havemade Legislature. they expect him to make shoes the decision to have children at Sprinting Start is state hrnded for other people," said Connie the Child Care Center work for and will admit students whoare Versus; thepent of a *.&year- . theirnew building. .. 12. yearsof age, have ajunior OMat ttk ccritir. "After much thought and de- high school grade point average . Otherparents are happy bate, the deqision to have the of 3.5 or higher. pass theMng about the decision, thinking that children make Nike shoes to comprehension section of the this could actually teach respon- ' help fund the center scembd like COMPASS test, and maintiin a sibility andindependcnce in the best idea,'' said Mary Jane 2.0 in college course work. theirchildren. Patent, aHighIine spokesperson Legislators felt junior high "Ithink it's good idea. It's for the new center. students with exceptionalgrades easy for ow kids tofeel like ev- Officials said the decision should be rewaded for their ex- erything comes to them at no will the children apart in cellence. aUk cost in our society today. This building their new center.. , 'These kids dlyhave what way the kids fccl like they have "we hope that having the it takes to be successful in col- really accomplished something children be s&h a.big part of lege course work.' It is insulting and can see .that you have to t to many parents to force their . fbnding tbe center .will make . work hard if y0u.my want ....... children totake pre-algebra ~~"~d-m&eaondaing, like a ~trlv-mcr," respanaibility with how they when they are ready for busi- SaidKnthyJ~p.lrcr_dre~- treat it,"said Patent , ._. ness calculus," said State Rep. ent of a.2-year-dd who has bsen AlexandraCombs, R- 8ttdingtbe"foroneyear v-yw nowe .. Mo6tofthekidsatdreanter Mmv"" ments amee that Sprintii'g Start i~ tbe Enswer for hawytotalkaboottheir~ arc excited about the idea of their kids. Sharon Kea& will for going to cdlcge. helpingtomelteNishoes. have her 12-year-okl:daughter "schodiSdhrr_mmr.IcIll ?It looks fun. They already registeredfor Fall at . get my mac on, you know?" brcmghtinalltheseoodladtiag Highline next year. said 13-yCar4" mrchinesandthcysaidwqget "Jessica has beta reading the of Jefferson Junior High. to play with thcm all day," said * mwspapcrsinceshewas4. She "Ilike have really big goah S-yeat-dd Johnny Johnson. has always been smarter and andfheardthatlilcethcyhrea * ~q@adCnCentahpb more mature tha~the average dlygood ckaqua&n srid ning to 8tatt-t.b project starting child. She is going to HighIiF ldyeh-old Sissy Shannon of tostudyGC0nomi~"SaidaidKeats. HighlintJ~orHighschool. see * ..__..-.. ' Junior high students w.em The new dean of underage College adds midday recess for Spring .Quarter succeeding crpSses will be pushed back, so that 7 p.m. evening classes now will begin Recess will be returned to tbefdowingmoaning. ' . 1 Highlinebeginning ~ qmter, "IheyalmdyQthi8in.IC80- college officials announced last sa^,^. one adminiatrator said. week. Thc'results have been redly "With the students getting mW youngerevery quarter, it With mccm in place, 8ome SeeRecess,pagea seemed right to give the stu- parking spats in the west park- 1 c c . c Professor debunks UFO myth Shoes BYIGNAPX VEEBLEFORT . Stuff Reporter SpringQuarter. The first two weeks will be devoted to train- UFOs are not real, Highline ing the childrenon how to work AstrologyProfessor Nerm the machines, as well as decid- Zeeber said herein the most re- ing which child will work on cent Science Seminar. what. "Ihave consulted the stars, Nike has delegated tworepre- sentatives from their corporate and there are no UFOs," %bet Crime Blotter said. headquarters to work with the Zeeber'spresentation was children in thesebeginning for March 14- interrupted what appeared beto WctkS. During this time, the current April 1 numerous cell phonecalls, dur- ing whichZeeber was reported faculty atthe Child Que Center Hey Kool-Aid!!! to have said, "Not now, Andre, will also get coached on how to I've almost convinced them!" work as managers once the shoe making begins. Zeeber said reports of aliens Security reported that several "Iam excited thatI will get to are, in fact, not true, althoughhe people have been running naked work in a managerial position. around campus. Several very admitted Vice PresidentDick Cheney couldbe an alien. This is a great opportunity for Iqemen withred paint all over theee kids to getsome early their bodies havebeen running "But of course there are no aliens,'' Zeeber said. work experienceand have some- around Highline. The men have thing to put on their rdsumes reportedly been seen streaking Zeeber's popular Astrology 101 class is designed to help later on," said Addy Dassler. by Building 8 as well as Build- Currently, Highline officials ing 1. students who can't take respon- sibility for their own lives. are not 'sure when the project will be finished, or when they "It's all in the stars," zeeber Photo by Bum Shutterman said. "Ononce you leam to consult will have enough money tostart Abnormal squirrels Campus reguIat Duk Appiegate said he doesn't believe in the charts, everything falls into the new center. on campus place. It's all part of the planof UFOs. "Oncethis pmject takes off, I , expect that wewill have enough , the cosmos.** either mutant squirrelsor opti- for the plrpoge of engineering a Several students have been Zeeber said that the recentdelusions. cal new speciei." money for the new center in no bitten by squirrels aroundcam- sightings of unidentified flying "Also the aliens don't want Next week's Science Semi- timt," said Patent. pus. The squirrels havereprt- objectsmost likely were to collect and eat all of our nar will featurePoly- edly becork larger than usual Frisbees coated with aluminum eight-track tapes," Zeebcr said. somnographer R.V. Winkle because of recent genetic ex- foil, and the aliens reportedly "Nordo they hope to make speaking on "Your Nightmares .-. periments done by the Biology descending from the discs were Christina Aguilera their queen are Real." Recess Department onthe animals. 1 Ifyou see a squimll it is ret- continuedfrom page ommended youjust walk away Wally MOMOC,a.k.a. Prof slowly fromthe animal without New qurce tors. Daddy, has signed a three al- making eyecontact. "It takes a special skill to be a foundon campus bum&alwithMotom~~. college recess monitor," said an Highline's Libraryis full of Monroe is looking for a new administrator,"Let's face it, books, student Dudley Dulles challenge and is well-known some of the kids arc pretty big. discovered recently. around cqpw for his raps. "Iwent into this building on They can play rough." An AcademyAward was Monroe is said to .have been at accident, and I found all these Minimum requirements in- fmndbyastuden'finatrashbii Highline for 35 years, but no books! There's so much infor- cludeplayground experience located neat Building 8. The one~ylurawsfars~ Wtion there. Who knew?" and amaster's degree. "Here Icorn tall 88 towers. Oscarwas given todirector Spring Quarter Dulles said Recess will beconducted up Steven Sodetbergh for his film, Youcan't&fkatmysuperpow- The freshman, who has not stairs in Building 8 on rainy Traffic, at last year's Academy cancelled ers,"Monroesaid declared a major, said he will ... days, college officials say. Awards. Spring Quarter has beencan- definitely think abput using the Soderberghgave it toa celled. College officials could Student govern- Library in the The Thunderwed Highline student who eventually not be reached for further com- future. "Imean, Ireally don't have ment update trashed the awardafter &zing ment. Check the date time to read, but it's good to Student Government will that the Oscar was not made of knowthat they're there," he have a meeting on Thursday. chocolate. Are you not said. Agenda for themeeting in- iyluv Cr~e............... ~~ol Soderbergh reportedly was enrolled? cludes reviewing the minutesof he BOSS..........^^^ editor very upset by the incident and AcademyAward winner the last meeting, planning the =haz Connelly........Master 01 did not comment. New coordinated Russell Crowewill be teaching agenda for the next meeting, the Universe a class here at Highline Spring studies offered anddiscussingwhethertohi~a Jlil kbone...........sports edit01 Stolen Editor Quarter. The Australian actor Anew coordinated study meeting facilitator to improve Betty Rebel.... ....copy edito will be teaching Calculus 225, class will be offered this spring thegroup's meetings. The Ceej. ........... .My Little Pony In the early hours of the following his successful por- combining philosophy and ge- meeting will be preceeded by a Bugsy Shutterman....photo morning on March 30, Spring trayal of a mathmetician in the ography. The coordinated study premeeting planning session, editor Editor-in-Chief Bryan Sharick film A Beautifitl Mind. The entitled "Where amI and what and followed by a post-meetingMac Driver. ..graphics edito w as stolen from thestolenfrom was class will be taught Monday the hell am Idoing here?" is a cool-down. Samantha Stephens, Wall Thunderwordnewsroom in thru Friday from 1011050 a.m. combination of philosophy 100 OfficersJewel Fitzgerald Monroe, Big D, KOub Wal Building 10, room 106. in Building 13, room 103, and Geography 101 and is of- and Angela Jenkins also will rus I and II, A There have been nolea& as Crowe will also teach an anger fered daily at9 am.
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