H5192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 10, 2008 and the energy industry for these kinds But when those people respond, they drive three times a week 30 miles each of problems. say, ‘‘If you would just do the things way to get dialysis so that I can be I just want to conclude quickly with we have asked you to do year after treated for diabetes.’’ He said, ‘‘Con- a story. I do represent a district that is year after year, we could solve this gressman, I am down to the point now one of the top 20 energy producers in problem.’’ of having to choose whether I can af- the United States, so we are more than So I am sorry I went on. You have ford dialysis, afford gasoline, or afford doing our part. I convened about a year been very generous with your time, and food.’’ ago, actually before this extraordinary I appreciate that very much. But it is Madam Speaker, it is time to say rise in prices, a group of independent a frustrating problem when the solu- yes. We have heard you say no; no to energy people that have spent a life- tions are sitting here waiting to be new drilling, no to building additional time trying to provide energy to this acted upon by this House and none of power plants in this country; no to new country. them are being dealt with at all. refineries. America is wanting you to I asked them, ‘‘Give me your sugges- Mr. WALBERG. I thank you for shar- say yes, because America is tired of tions. What can we do to increase the ing that history. It is a good point to writing checks to Hugo Chavez for $160 supply and stabilize and hopefully know what has been attempted and million every day. lower the price of a gallon of gasoline what hasn’t been accomplished. But it I thank my friend from Michigan to- or heating fuel or electricity?’’ They would also give the opportunity for our night for hosting this hour. I hope that thought, and they had a lot of great so- constituents to voice their concerns somehow the American people realize lutions. now with factual information to say that there is a willingness on behalf of They said, ‘‘Let’s go drill in ANWR, there are things you can do. Now get it many Members of Congress to say yes in Alaska. That would be a wonderful done. and to move forward and to do some- thing.’’ By the way, my good friend Mr. In the time remaining, I would like thing proactive, instead of doing some- YOUNG has a superb piece of legislation to turn a portion of that over to my thing that is called nothing. on that, H.R. 6107, that would actually good friend and colleague from Texas, Mr. WALBERG. I thank my good allow us to drill there and invest some bringing the southern States in now, friend and colleague from Texas for of the severance revenue in alternative Congressman RANDY NEUGEBAUER. ending it on a point that is poignant, energy supplies so we could both meet Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Well, I thank the that reminds us what this really costs. an immediate need and start looking gentleman from Michigan. I also want I wish we could go on and on tonight to for alternatives. to thank the gentleman from Okla- bring out more points like this. This is But they suggested that. I said, homa, because he makes a very good critical. It is a security issue, as well ‘‘Well, you know, I am for that. I voted point. And when he says we are import- as a point of life, and you made it very for that. The Republican majority ing thousands of dollars, actually it is clear. I don’t want to write a check for passed it four times in the House and billions of dollars. Every day America $170 million to Hugo Chavez. Let’s get couldn’t get it through the Senate be- gets up and writes a check for $1 bil- it done. cause of Democratic obstruction, so we lion-plus to buy enough energy to run probably can’t get it done.’’ this country for 1 day. f Then they said, ‘‘Let’s do more explo- What does that mean? That means RESOLUTION RAISING A QUESTION ration and production offshore. We that it takes $365 billion currently for OF THE PRIVILEGES OF THE have seen Katrina. That has worked America to buy enough energy just to HOUSE well in terms of no spillage. We know run our country on an annual basis, $1 Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I we had 25 percent of our supply in the billion every day. And do you know rise to a question of the privileges of Gulf of Mexico. We could do more.’’ I what? Unfortunately, some of that the House and offer the impeachment said, ‘‘Well, I am for that, but we can’t money is going to some folks that resolution noticed last evening. do that either.’’ aren’t all that friendly to the Amer- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Then they asked about additional re- ican people. One of those people is RICHARDSON). The Clerk will report the fining capacity, and they asked about Hugo Chavez. resolution. expedited permitting on non-park Fed- I want to read you what Hugo Chavez The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- eral lands. They just went through a thinks about America. He said, ‘‘What lows: litany of things. Alternative energy. we do regarding the imperialist power Each one I would say yes, I am for of the United States, we have no choice H. RES. 1258 that, but we can’t get that through, but to unite. We use oil in our war Resolved, That President George W. Bush particularly a Democratic Congress. against neo-liberalism.’’ He also said, be impeached for high crimes and mis- Finally at the end of this in frustra- ‘‘We have invaded the United States, demeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United tion, one of my good friends said, but with our oil.’’ States Senate: ‘‘Well, why don’t you go back and ask So every day as the American people Articles of impeachment exhibited by the those other Members of Congress who go to the pumps all across America, House of Representatives of the United are opposing these measures just how what I want them to visualize is that States of America in the name of itself and rich they want foreign countries to be? every day we write Hugo Chavez, who of the people of the United States of Amer- Just how much they want to pay the calls us imperialists, a $170 million ica, in maintenance and support of its im- people overseas that we are importing check. That is $62 billion a year. What peachment against President George W. this petroleum from, or this gas, when would happen if we could invest $1 bil- Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors. In his conduct while President of the we could actually do the production lion a day in America developing United States, George W. Bush, in violation here? Because they are exporting thou- America’s energy resources, creating of his constitutional oath to faithfully exe- sands of jobs, billions of dollars, and jobs for Americans? Think about it. In- cute the office of President of the United they are jeopardizing our security.’’ stead of writing Hugo Chavez a check States and, to the best of his ability, pre- Then the guy added in fairness, he for $172 million, that we write America serve, protect, and defend the Constitution said, ‘‘By the way, we are all here giv- a check for $172 million? of the United States, and in violation of his ing you suggestions about how to lower I think of the people I know in the constitutional duty to take care that the the price of the product that we 19th Congressional District of Texas, laws be faithfully executed, has committed the following abuses of power. produce.’’ which is a big district, 29,000 square We have had a shameful exercise, in miles, 27 counties, teachers having to ARTICLE I.—CREATING A SECRET PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN TO MANUFACTURE A FALSE CASE my opinion, in the last several days, drive 60, 70 miles a day to go and teach FOR WAR AGAINST IRAQ particularly on the Senate side, where our young people, that now are looking people that work to solve America’s In his conduct while President of the at doubling the cost of making that United States, George W. Bush, in violation energy problems are brought in and in- commute across the district. of his constitutional oath to faithfully exe- terrogated as if they are the source of I think about the man last night that cute the office of President of the United the problems, and the only frankly jus- I was talking to in my district. He said, States and, to the best of his ability, pre- tification for that is the high prices. ‘‘Congressman,’’ he said, ‘‘I have to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:52 Jun 11, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JN7.154 H10JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with HOUSE June 10, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5193 of the United States, and in violation of his rogates’’ who would deliver administration contrary to his trust as President and Com- constitutional duty under Article II, Section ‘‘themes and messages’’ to millions of Amer- mander in Chief, and subversive of constitu- 3 of the Constitution ‘‘to take care that the icans ‘‘in the form of their own opinions.’’ In tional government, to the prejudice of the laws be faithfully executed’’, has both per- fact, they did deliver the themes and the cause of law and justice and to the manifest sonally and acting through his agents and messages but did not reveal that the Pen- injury of the people of the United States.
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