Mead Lecture McCook Auditorium Tonight at 7:45 Vol. LXVI1 No. 29 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD January 28, 1969 Senate Election Arouses Student Interest Curriculum, Judicial System Considered Powerful Issues Senate elections are scheduled to ROTC from .the curriculum," and George Graves,RichardIfionHall, take place today and tomorrow in end to military recruitment, basic Glenn M. Kenney, John MacCallum, what many feel is an atmosphere requirements, and the gradingsys- Jay Mandt, Timothy Moran, phi- of renewed Interest in campus poli- tem, and the complete rejection of llp Mulvey, Greg Neiman, David tics. In conversations with a num- the judicial report. Rosenthal, William L Schaeffer, ber of people involved in Senate Same 104 students are running Terry Craig- Tapley. Tim Wallach, activities, the issues most often for the Senate this year, nearly Charles Yeager, Richard KHba-' raised dealt with curriculum revi- half of whom are freshmen. Elec- ner, .Carlos Martinez. 1971 - sion, the present state oS the judi- tions are also to be held, on Feb- Robert Benjamin, David B. Brac- cial system, continued support of ruary 5, for Senate President. kett, Kenneth Brownstein, Howard the race and poverty issue, the Speculation as to candidates for Dickler, Vic Hass, Mitch Hankin, position of ROTC on campus, and that office presently centers on Steven Keeney, Jeff Morrow, David the reorganization of the Senate William H. Reynolds, '71, James Ormiston, Spencer S. Reese, Wil- itself. Graves, '71, John Osier, '70, and liam (R.J.) Reynolds, David Sara- Senate candidate William H. David Steuber, '70. Some question - sohn, James Wu, Robert Towner, Reynolds, '71, stressed the great remains, however, whether a 1970 - Jerry Bartlett, Witter F. need for Senate revitalization. sophomore is eligible for the pres- Brooke, Dale Buchbinder, Michael Once accomplished, he stated, a idency. Chamish, Jerome Crowley, Phil number of administrative ideas The following is a list of candi- Davis, Steven Earls, Charles Fen- could be implemented, such as • dates for the Senate: 1972- David wick, Carlo Forzani, David G. Four organizers of the Radical Education Project (REP) pictured in giving senators specific constit- Appel, Robert J. Arceci, Thomas Goldberg, Jeff Green, Randy Getz, uencies with whom they would Birmingham, Lawrence Bruckner, John Pye, David Steuber, John Wean Lounge. REP is a reincarnation of the Committee to Improve a have to communicate every two Osier. Trinity Education (CITE), the College's first political party founded Peter Crawford, Robert Ellis, •weeks, and requiring weekly re- Hank Fried, Michael Gilbov, two years ago. Most of CITE's platform demands have already been met. )orts to the Senate from com- mittee chairmen. Reynolds also attacked the laziness of some pre- sent members stating that, "Senate $*D*S. Releases Radical rules, as outlined in the Consti- Planning Sub- Committees tution, must be strictly enforced." Outgoing Senator Andrew Lipps, Discuss College Policies Senate Election Platform '71, agreed with Reynolds stating, A political platform that calls individual proposals in addition "It (the Senate) has a vital func- "Trinity In the past has suf- plan to deliver their final reports for the elimination of the Air to those listed here. tion to perform. A lot will de- fered from a lack of planning", to the planning. committee by Force R.O.T.C, from the curricu- ' According to the introduction pend on the new President and according to a statement by Mr. March 1. Winslow commented that lum of the College, the creation to the platform, the proposals are student body reaction." He added Robblns Winslow, secretary of the this would allow the committee to of a new judicial system, the im- concerned "solely with the that the revision of the present Long-Range Planning Committee. complete its, final report for de- plementation of a full honor sys- internal affairs of this institution. curriculum was perhaps the most According to Winslow, three sub- livery to the. Trinity College tem, the establishment of a black This is neither the scope nor the important issue and offered Trin- committees are holding hearings Council by "the middle of March". culture department and degree, and aim of our commitment to re- ity a chance to " move out into the "to examine the philosophy and • According to Winslow, the first the guarantee of personal freedom structuring, but rather the needed open" as well as to " finally abo- lish basic requirements." purposes of a liberal education". committee, discussing "Whom to all members of the college first step: the attempt to move The sub-committees are discus- shall, we educate?", believes that, community was published Friday this institution to a recognition The SDS backed Radical Educa- sing three basic questions;" Whom the College " should continue ' to by the S.D.S. of its commitment to the world tion Project (R.E.P.) in its plat- shall we educate?", "To what pur- recruit disadvantaged students and in which we live. Only after this form, urged the College to "move pose are we educating?", and "What expect to have more disadvantaged Known as the Radical Education commitment has been firmly es- Project, the platform is intended from the present position of self should be the College's relation students in the future" than are tablished can. the institution, as a deluding tokenism and rhetorical to Its environment, local, national, now enrolled. Winslow also stated as a presentation of "the most whole, deal with the larger and that a proposal of the sub-com- minimal of steps that must be liberalism..." To this end, it rec- and international?". Winslow more pressing problems at hand." ommended the elimination of stated that the sub-committees mittee had reflected the feeling taken by Trinity College if it, as that "the purpose of Trinity should an institution, wishes to move from be to develop and maintain individ- its present position of self- yoting Date Approaches uality and to place emphasis in deluding tokenism and rhetorical ail disciplines towards major con- liberalism to a path which con- temporary social issues su that fronts the realities of America and the student might develop a sensi- the World as they are and which Curricular Revision Nearly in Final Form tivity towards social issues and wishes to move toward a social might be able to deal with change structure enabling man to approach The long-awaited recommenda- offered some "interesting sugges- Part of the Committee's propo- creatively and participate more his potentialities as a moral tions of the Curriculum Revision tions," did not comment on the sal on physical education policy fully in the decision making pro- being." Committee will be presented to proposal's specifics. will almost certainly remain un- cess of a democracy", Generally described as a suc- the 'faculty in their final form by A member of the informal group changed. This portion concerns cessor to C.I.T.E., Steven Keeney the middle of next month. observed that his request for a violation of regulations set by the In a preliminary to the sub-com- '71, president of the S.D.S., pointed Sub-committees are rapidly hearing before the Committee open department, which would, the re- mittee discussing the relation of . out that the Radical Education Pro- nearing completion of revisions to the entire college community port explains be dealt with through the College to its environment, co- ject will have a different orienta- on the original recommendations "still stands." normal faculty-administration. chairman John M. Verre '701isted tion. A great many of its interests, released last November. The TRI- Director of Athletics KarlKurth channels. a number of ways in which the Col- POD has learned that both the appeared1 also with his depart- In a telephone interview, Dean lege could become involved with the stated Keeney, will be directed local community. He included toward the community of Hartford physical education and the distri- ment's suggestions for solution ot of the Eaculty Robert Fuller out- the physical education dilemma, lined the mechanism of the faculty "economic pressure on busin'ess and high school students in the bution requirement proposals are and city officials to look to the area. He noted that the platform under reconsideration. Kurth criticized the Committee vote. He explained that each of for failing to provide its physical the Committee's recommendations future of the SouthEndoftheClty", is similar to that released by Since the release of its report, "strengthening of the educational C.I.T.E. last year, although it the committee has been conducting education program with clearly de- would be regarded individually, and fined aims. His own proposal, he that other faculty would have the lobby in the State Legislature", does include several new sugges- meetings with representatives of and "improved housine In 'the im- other viewpoints. Last week, an explained, is a one-year jjrogram . opportunity to propose amend- tions. that emphasizes competency in ments. It was the Dean's opinion mediate area through real estate "One of the basic functions of informal faculty group presented purchases and placement of stu- recommendations to the committee three areas — swimming, physical that the Committee's final report the R-.E.P. platform," remarked fitness, and a carry-over sport, would incorporate at least some of dents and faculty and relocation of the S.D.S. President, "Will be to which included . abolition of the disadvantaged neighborhood resi- physical education requirement Students who display proficiency . the suggestions made by its critics. stimulate political discussion at in all three as freshmen he con- Speculating on the nature of the dents". • • the College." and establishment <*i & committee that would continually evaluate tinued, would spend one year in an Committee's look at distribution The sub-committee discussing Keeney estimated that about activity program.
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