Volume 39, Number 3 October 2018 Audrey J. Geffen & Cindy J.G. van Damme, Editors Inside This Issue. Section Flag Tour - on the road again! • President’s Message Graham Hanson and Jon • Section Officers. Barge show off the LFC flag • People in the field while sampling • News. lake sturgeon larvae, part of • News from the Regions. ongoing work on remedia- • Pacific Region. tion and restoration in the • Western Region. • North Central Region. Great Lakes. • Northeast Region. – Joel Hoffman • Southern Region. Ecosystem • European Region. Services Branch, EPA • Section Business. Duluth, Minnesota • Larval Fish Conference. • Early Career Committee. • Upcomming Events. • Newletter Production Team President’s Message • Editor’s Ramblings. Dear friends and colleagues, My first action as President is to thank Frank Hernandez (outgoing-President) and Dominique Robert (outgoing- ELHS Back Then Secretary) for their work over the last two years be- 15 years ago: Jeff Govoni cause the Section is in excellent shape and they were is appointed as ELHS Histo- pro-active in ensuring the success of our programs and rian/Archivist have provided Hannes and I with their expertise on 20 years ago: President Jim how to maintain the effective management of the Sec- Cowan calls for drafting of ELHS tion’s activities. I also want to thank Jeff Buckel for his Standing Rules with a committee continued involvement as our Treasurer, keeping track meeting at Dauphin Island Marine of our funding provides resources for student travel Lab. and awards. I would also like to welcome Claire Paris- 25 years ago: ELHS President Don Hoss argues against dissolution Limouzy (President-elect) and Alison Deary (Secretary-elect) and thank them of ELHS and formation of Annual for putting the names forward to continue the activities of the Section into the Larval Fish Conference organiza- future. Finally, it’s important to extend my appreciation to the Newsletter’s tion focused solely on the Annual editors (Cindy van Damme and Audrey Geffen), our time-and-place committee Larval Fish Conference chair (the ever-persistent Chris Chambers), our webmaster (Klaus Huebert) 35 years ago: Ahlstrom Memo- and our outgoing historian (Jeff Govoni), and the early career committee rial Symposum "Ontogeny and (Alison Deary and Marta Moyano): all of whom work in the background but Systematics of Fishes" held in La their contributions represent essential elements that keep the Section going. I Jolla, California, with 75 papers would also like to thank Stu Ludsin who volunteered to provide a mentoring by 70 invited speakers. session on "Demystifying the Proposal Process" aimed at early career scientist at LFC 2018. Deadline for material to be This year is a time for renewal for many of the Section’s positions. Dominique included in the next issue of Robert has volunteered to take over the webmaster position to give Klaus Stages: some relief after several dedicated years of service. Klaus provided important improvements to the content and quality of presentation of the section’s February 15, 2019 website during his tenure. ...continued next page President’s Message cont. Recently, has asked to step down. I am certain In taking over the role of President the ELHS has adopted additional so- that the entire Section wishes to ex- during the 2018 LFC in Victoria, I felt cial media platforms (Twitter, Face- press its gratitude for Jeff’s dedication very comfortable with the state of the book). These will require coordina- to maintaining the historical record of Section. Participation in the confer- tion among the various platforms be our activities. Much of the informa- ence was good and I got a very strong improved to ensure continuity and tion is maintained on the LFC website sense of community spirit during all conformity of content, as well as but some paper archives of the ELHS parts of the meeting, whether dur- timely updates in this time of instant are maintained at Jeff’s residence, out- ing the various social events, breaks access of information. The impor- side of Beaufort, NC, and it may be or during the Q & A portions of the tance of these media was obvious dur- time to transform those records to an sessions. Several first-time partici- ing the LFC as a number of partici- electronic format. Again, I am seeking pants commented on how approach- pants fed these information streams a volunteer to take on the role for the able everyone was; a clear sign that throughout the meeting. Section. the conference achieved its primary Alison Deary and Marta Moyano have An important aspect of the Section’s goal - enhance the exchange of ideas asked to step down from their role. activities involves fund-raising for stu- among those interested in research Both have been very active in pro- dent awards and travel grants. In re- on the early life stages of fish. If I viding stimulating opportunities to cent years, funds generated through compare the nature of the contribu- learn about important aspects of ca- the silent auction donations and raffle tions to those I encountered during reer development for young scien- (Sally Richardson Award) and sale of my first LFCs, many years ago, I found tists entering our field of research. the flag (John Blaxter Award) have that current research into early life They also worked on development of covered the costs of the awards. How- stages generally aims for greater in- a post-conference survey that helps ever, we have had no income to the tegration into understanding the dy- the ExComm and conference planners Grace Klein-MacPhee fund and we namics of systems rather than princi- to understand what works and what have covered the costs of travel grants pally focused on recruitment dynam- doesn’t. Their energy and enthusiasm to students from our general fund. Al- ics. Our conference left me with a will be missed. I am therefore seek- though our resources are stable we sense that research into the early life ing volunteers to take on this role for can expect a considerable number of stages had reached a degree of ma- the Section - Alison and Marta have requests for funding from North Amer- turity that provides important insight offered to provide guidance. Anyone ican students for next year’s LFC in into the importance of egg, larval and interested can contact me directly. Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, juvenile in the life cycle of fish and their position in aquatic ecosystems. The second post we need to fill is that Spain. The Executive Committee will of Section Historian. Jeff Govoni, af- have to consider options to meet the — Pierre Pepin ter 14 years of service to the Section, expected demands. Back to Contents Section Officers President Secretary Treasurer Pierre Pepin Hannes Baumann Jeffrey Buckel Fisheries and Oceans Canada Department of Marine Sciences Center for Marine Sciences & Technology St. John’s, NL Canada University of Connecticut North Carolina State University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] President-Elect Secretary-Elect Claire Paris Alison Deary Rosenstiel School of Marine and Eco-FOCI Atmospheric Science, University of Miami Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle [email protected] [email protected] Back to Contents People Public Outreach for your Research istry, geology, physics), and we par- is to provide the source material and Dear colleagues, ticularly like to use the program to to fact-check the 250-word script that explain how things work in the ma- our writer produces. Do you or your colleagues need an rine world. Science and the Sea also We produce a new volume containing easy way to achieve significant pub- features recent research discoveries. lic outreach for your research? I 13 episodes every 3 months. We are have been producing an audio pro- I welcome any ideas you have for top- gearing up for volume 51 right now. gram called Science and the SeaTM ics that you feel would be interest- So, let me know if you have any ideas. since 2006. That program is an au- ing to a general audience. If you We could have your episode of Sci- dio segment which is broadcast by have published something exciting ence and the Sea on the air between 272 affiliates in the U.S. and Canada, and would like us to try to cover that January and March if you send me an and it is also a podcast and a website work, send me a reprint and I will idea soon. But, we accept script ideas (www.ScienceAndTheSea.org). Each have our scriptwriter work on it. We at any time, so keep this in mind in program is 2 minutes long and con- can produce a story about your work the future, too. veys something interesting about the at no cost, or we can offer sponsorship Lee Fuiman, [email protected] marine world in an engaging way. Sci- of a fee and we’ll mention your fund- University of Texas Marine Science ence and the Sea covers all aspects of ing agency at the end of the episode. Institute Either way, the only work on your part marine science (e.g., biology, chem- Back to Contents News PhD Opportunity at Southern Illi- 2) the role of tributaries in supporting desirable but not required. Please nois University large river fish populations. send cover letter, CV, unofficial tran- With an anticipated start date of Jan- scripts, GRE scores, and contact in- uary 2019, the research will focus on Qualifications include M.S. in Fish- formation for three references to Dr. advancing our understanding of: eries, Aquatic Ecology, or related field, Greg Whitledge [email protected] 1) relationships between spatial pat- strong written and oral communica- – Kristen Bouska terns of early life history and recruit- tion skills and strong analytical skills.
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